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Arguments against the compiling of generalized life cycles summarizing alternation of generations in ferns are presented, and some common misconceptions about breeding systems addressed. What little is known or can be deduced about time frames, mechanisms and significance of alternation events in the lives of two species: bracken fern ( Pteridium ) and Killarney fern ( Trichomanes speciosum ) is presented. Evidence is provided that gametophytes may play a more important role in survival of both these species than previously suspected, and the need for more long-term studies and experiments/measurements of ferns in natural conditions/populations is stressed.  相似文献   
The relevance of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis to the foundations of taxonomy (the construction of groups, both taxa and phyla) is reexamined. The nondimensional biological species concept, and not the multidimensional, taxonomic, species notion which is based on it, represents a culmination of an evolutionary understanding. It demonstrates how established evolutionary mechanisms acting on populations of sexually reproducing organisms provide the testable ontological basis of the species category. We question the ontology and epistemology of the phylogenetic or evolutionary species concept, and find it to be a fundamentally untenable one. We argue that at best, the phylogenetic species is a taxonomic species notion which is not a theoretical concept, and therefore should not serve as foundation for taxonomic theory in general, phylogenetics, and macroevolutionary reconstruction in particular. Although both evolutionary systematists and cladists are phylogeneticists, the reconstruction of the history of life is fundamentally different in these two approaches. We maintain that all method, including taxonomic ones, must fall out of well corroborated theory. In the case of taxonomic methodology the theoretical base must be evolutionary. The axiomatic assumptions that all phena, living and fossil, must be holophyletic taxa (species, and above), resulting from splitting events, and subsequently that evaluation of evolutionary change must be based on a taxic perspective codified by the Hennig ian taxonomic species notion, are not testable premises. We discuss the relationship between some biologically, and therefore taxonomically, significant patterns in nature, and the process dependence of these patterns. Process-free establishment of deductively tested “genealogies” is a contradiction in terms; it is impossible to “recover” phylogenetic patterns without the investment of causal and processual explanations of characters to establish well tested taxonomic properties of these (such as homologies, apomorphies, synapomorphies, or transformation series). Phylogenies of either characters or of taxa are historical-narrative explanations (H-N Es), based on both inductively formulated hypotheses and tested against objective, empirical evidence. We further discuss why construction of a “genealogy”, the alleged framework for “evolutionary reconstruction”, based on a taxic, cladistic outgroup comparison and a posteriori weighting of characters is circular. We define how the procedure called null-group comparison leads to the noncircular testing of the taxonomic properties of characters against which the group phylogenies must be tested. This is the only valid rooting procedure for either character or taxon evolution. While the Hennig -principle is obviously a sound deduction from the theory of descent, cladistic reconstruction of evolutionary history itself lacks a valid methodology for testing transformation hypotheses of both characters and species. We discuss why the paleontological method is part of comparative biology with a critical time dimension ana why we believe that an “ontogenetic method” is not valid. In our view, a merger of exclusive (causal and interactive, but best described as levels of organization) and inclusive (classificatory) hierarchies has not been accomplished by a taxic scheme of evolution advocated by some. Transformational change by its very nature is not classifiable in an inclusive hierarchy, and therefore no classification can fully reflect the causal and interactive chains of events constituting phylogeny, without ignoring and contradicting large areas of corroborated evolutionary theory. Attempts to equate progressive evolutionary change with taxic schemes by Haeckel were fundamentally flawed. His ideas found 19th century expression in a taxic perception of the evolutionary process (“phylogenesis”), a merger of typology, hierarchic and taxic notions of progress, all rooted in an ontogenetic view of phylogeny. The modern schemes of genealogical hierarchies, based on punctuation and a notion of “species” individuality, have yet to demonstrate that they hold promise beyond the Haeckel ian view of progressive evolution.  相似文献   
Absorption and low temperature fluorescence emission spectra were measured on chloroplast thylakoids and on purified reaction center chlorophyll a-protein complexes of photosystem I, CP-a1. A clear association between the presence of ß-carotene and the occurrence of far red absorbing and emitting chlorophyll a components of the reaction center antennae of photosystem I was demonstrated. For this study chloroplasts and CP-a1 were obtained from normal and carotenoid deficient plant material of various sources. The experimental material included 1) lyophilized pea chloroplasts extracted with petroleum ether, 2) the carotenoid deficient mutant C-6E of Scenedesmus obliquus and 3) wheat chloroplasts derived from normal and SAN-9789 treated plants. Removal of carotenoids, most likely principally ß-carotene, caused a loss of long wavelength absorbing chlorophylls in chloroplasts and purified CP-a1, and the loss or diminution of the long wavelength peak seen in the low temperature fluorescence emission spectrum. This association between ß-carotene and special chlorophyll a forms may explain both the photoprotective and antenna functions ascribed to ß-carotene. In the absence of carotenoids in wheat and in the Scenedesmus mutant, the chlorophyll a antenna of photosystem I was extremely photosensitive. A triplet-triplet resonance energy transfer from chlorophyll a to ß-carotene and a singlet-singlet energy transfer from excited ß-carotene to chlorophyll would explain the photoprotective and antenna functions, respectively. The role of this association in determining some of the fluorescence properties of photosystem I is also discussed.  相似文献   
1. The study of geographic variation and the racial affinities between populations is of central importance to systematics and evolutionary theory. When using phenotypic variation to measure the similarity between the populations of a species one should analyse the variation in several characters simultaneously. This is a statistical procedure and is known as multivariate analysis. Multivariate analysis of phenotypic variation, unlike some other methods, has the advantage of not being dependent on living specimens. 2. To obtain an adequate sample at each locality, and an adequate distribution of localities within a given geographic area, can be a major problem. The pooling of data from adjacent localities is discussed. 3. There are several sources of phenotypic variation within a species, e.g. sexual and ontogenetic variation. Failure to eliminate the non-geographic sources of variation can confuse the assessment of the similarity between populations. 4. Correlation between characters can reflect similar genetic control and/or similar patterns of geographic variation, the biological interpretation being influenced by whether the data come from one locality or many. 5. The influences of environmental induction and genetic control cannot easily be separated. Also, some characters may not be entirely homologous throughout the range of the species. 6. Most studies rely on far too few characters of a too restricted type to give an ‘overall’ assessment of the phenotypic similarity. This is one of the most neglected aspects of the study of geographic variation. 7. The various forms of clinal and categorical variation, the precise nature and position of sharp transition (hybrid) zones, the relationship between non-adjacent as well as adjacent populations and the phenotypic divergence between island populations, etc., all come under the heading of geographic variation. The ideal technique should be able to elucidate all types of geographic variation but some techniques can only be used effectively with a few of them. Moreover, techniques may be limited in their application because they require the data to conform to certain models, e.g. normal distribution. 8. The degree of phenotypic similarity between populations can be measured by a wide range of similarity coefficients. Comparison between even a small series of populations produces a large set (or matrix) of similarity coefficients that is difficult to interpret. However, the relationships between populations can be summarized in several ways and these may be loosely grouped into four categories; (i) network diagrams, (ii) contours and isometric plots, (iii) hierarchical clusters, and (iv) ordination methods. These methods are explained and their advantages and limitations discussed. 9. The hierarchical (dendritic) model of cluster analysis is unsuitable for analysing all but a few types of geographic variation. 10. There are several types of ordination technique. They all aim to summarize the variation of many characters in a reduced number of axes. One can either emphasize the biological interpretation of each separate axis, or treat the analysis as a classifying technique and assess the grouping of the populations in the space defined by the axes. Considerable care is needed in interpreting the results of both of these approaches. If correctly applied, ordination techniques generally can be used to analyse all the forms of geographical variation and are therefore recommended. Contrary to current practice they can be used with a large number of characters. The advantages and limitations of the various ordination techniques are discussed. 11. Contours and their three-dimensional isometric plots can be used to portray geographic variations in the information obtained from a multivariate analysis. However, contours and isometric plots are limited in their applicability and the amount of information they can convey. 12. The sophistication of some multivariate methods should not be allowed to cloak the scientific inadequacies of a study. The use of more than one technique and variety in the choice of pertinent parameters may be of value in indicating the reliability of the results.  相似文献   
Summary Germinable seed stores of 5- and 8-year-old rehabilitated bauxite mine pits in south-west Western Australia were assessed before and after burning. These seed stores were compared to those of adjacent unmined Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata ) forest, to identify at what age fire can be reintroduced, in order to measure restoration success and reduce fire hazard. Soils were sampled in early summer (before fire) and late autumn (after fire). Before fire, the mean topsoil seed bank of 5-year-old sites was 2121 seeds per m2 while 8-year-old sites had a mean of 1520 seeds per m2. Only the 5-year-old sites were significantly different from the forest mean of 1478 seeds per m2 for the same season. After summer burns (and possibly due to seasonal effects) topsoil seed banks of rehabilitated areas (sampled in autumn) decreased by an average of 53 per cent. Topsoil seed banks of 5–8-year-old sites were resistant to lower intensity burns, with 362 seeds per m2 of native species surviving mild burns and 108 seeds per m2 of native species surviving after an intense summer fire. The topsoil seed reserve of 5–8-year-old rehabilitated areas had a high proportion of annual weed species while the forest sites had high levels of subshrubs and native annuals. Low-intensity burns did not alter the composition of life-forms in the soil seed bank, while intense burns favoured annual weed and shrub species. The results indicate that it is not appropriate to introduce fire to rehabilitated areas before 8 years, due to limited fuel reduction benefits and possible adverse effects on obligate seeding species. The large proportion of weed species in the soil seed bank of young rehabilitated areas is a concern, and remains a major consideration for future disturbance of these areas.  相似文献   
The growth of Zygosaccharomyces soja was strongly inhibited by the addition of 10?2 m-monoiodoacetic acid and 10?3 m-potassium cyanide. The formation of a considerable amount of riboflavin was recognized after 5 days cultivation of this organism in presence of the aforementioned two inhibitors, and its growth was considerably improved after the formation and accumulation of riboflavin. Furthermore, the effect of the aforementioned two inhibitors upon the growth of this organism in young stage was compensated with the addition of riboflavin.  相似文献   
The flavonoid genistein and the benzo[c]quinolizinium MPB-07 have been shown to activate the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), the protein that is defective in cystic fibrosis. Lead-based combinatorial and parallel synthesis yielded 223 flavonoid, quinolizinium, and related heterocyclic compounds. The compounds were screened for their ability to activate CFTR at 50 microm concentration by measurement of the kinetics of iodide influx in Fisher rat thyroid cells expressing wild-type or G551D CFTR together with the green fluorescent protein-based halide indicator YFP-H148Q. Duplicate screenings revealed that 204 compounds did not significantly affect CFTR function. Compounds of the 7,8-benzoflavone class, which are structurally intermediate between flavones and benzo[c]quinoliziniums, were effective CFTR activators with the most potent being 2-(4-pyridinium)benzo[h]4H-chromen-4-one bisulfate (UCcf-029). Compounds of the novel structural class of fused pyrazolo heterocycles were also strong CFTR activators with the most potent being 3-(3-butynyl)-5-methoxy-1-phenylpyrazole-4-carbaldehyde (UCcf-180). A CFTR inhibitor was also identified. The active compounds did not induce iodide influx in null cells deficient in CFTR. Short-circuit current measurements showed that the CFTR activators identified by screening induced strong anion currents in the transfected cell monolayers grown on porous supports. Compared with genistein, the most active compounds had up to 10 times greater potency in activating wild-type and/or G551D-CFTR. The activators had low cellular toxicity and did not elevate cellular cAMP concentration or inhibit phosphatase activity, suggesting that CFTR activation may involve a direct interaction. These results establish an efficient screening procedure to identify CFTR activators and inhibitors and have identified 7,8-benzoflavones and pyrazolo derivatives as novel classes of CFTR activators.  相似文献   
Trends in fish passage studies are increasingly moving towards a holistic approach in considering the movements of a wide range of fish species and other aquatic fauna. In this context, it is important to consider not only salmonids and other game species, but also coarse species such as cyprinids. Moreover, knowledge of their behaviour when confronted with fishways is limited, particularly their upstream movements with regard to different hydraulic configurations. To address this deficit, research was conducted in an indoor full-scale pool-type fishway to assess the cyprinid Iberian barbel Barbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1864) response to the simultaneous presence of submerged orifices and surface notches with adjustable dimensions in association with two different flow regimes over the notches, i.e. plunging and streaming. Overall, orifices (76%) were the clear choice to negotiate the fishway. When the flow was in the plunging mode, a significantly higher proportion of fish selected the orifices to move upstream, but the proportions were equal during the streaming mode. The time taken to enter the fishway differed significantly according to the chosen discharge device and was lower for submerged orifices (52 s to 35 min.). The present study identified key factors in Iberian barbel upstream movements, which provide direct applications to future fishway designs for this species.  相似文献   
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