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We have previously shown that swim conditioning corrects the depressed mechanical function and myosin adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) activities associated with renovascular hypertension (HTN) in the rat. The present study was designed to assess the effects of swim conditioning on another form of systolic overload, subdiaphragmatic suprarenal aortic stenosis. Cardiac mechanics in an isolated working heart apparatus and myosin enzymology were studied in four groups of rats: controls (C), animals with chronic systolic overload secondary to aortic constriction (St), swim-conditioning animals (Sw), and animals exposed to a combined load (St-Sw). Heart weight was increased by 23% in St, 27% in Sw, and 36% in St-Sw. In contrast to HTN, cardiac pump and muscle function were not depressed in St. Sw was associated with improved cardiac output, stroke work, and velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. St-Sw showed improved mechanical cardiac performance relative to both C and St. The percent of ventricular myosin of the V1 type and Ca2+-activated myosin ATPase activity relative to C was unchanged in Sw but was depressed in St and St-Sw. These data demonstrate that the salutory mechanical effects of Sw can be superimposed on the systolic overload of St. However, the dissociation between mechanics and myosin enzymology suggests that factors in excitation-contraction coupling other than myosin isoenzyme shifts are responsible for this finding.  相似文献   
Cardiac myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform distribution has been shown to undergo changes during development, in response to hormonal stimuli, and during pathologic states like hypertension. We initiated a study of myosin light chain 1 (MLC1) expression in cardiac tissue to determine whether MLC1 undergoes changes similar to those seen for MHC. We isolated a full length cDNA for the predominant MLC1 sequence in rat hearts. This gene is expressed in ventricular tissue at much higher levels than in atrial tissue. Based on its expression pattern and sequence homology, this cDNA encodes the rat ventricular MLC1 and has been named RVMLC1. RVMLC1 is expressed at very low levels in cardiac tissue during early development and is expressed abundantly after birth and in adult hearts. The expression of RVMLC1 was found not to change in the hearts of rats with renovascular hypertension.  相似文献   
Xiao L  Zhao Q  Du Y  Yuan C  Solaro RJ  Buttrick PM 《Biochemistry》2007,46(23):7054-7061
Cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBPC) phosphorylation is essential for normal cardiac function. Although PKC was reported to phosphorylate cMyBPC in vitro, the relevant PKC isoforms and functions of PKC-mediated cMyBPC phosphorylation are unknown. We recently reported that a transgenic mouse model with cardiac-specific overexpression of PKCepsilon (PKCepsilon TG) displayed enhanced sarcomeric protein phosphorylation and dilated cardiomyopathy. In the present study, we have investigated cMyBPC phosphorylation in PKCepsilon TG mice. Western blotting and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated a significant increase in cMyBPC serine (Ser) phosphorylation in 12-month-old TG mice compared to wild type (WT). In vitro PKCepsilon treatment of myofibrils increased the level of cMyBPC Ser phosphorylation in WT mice to that in TG mice, whereas treatment of TG myofibrils with PKCepsilon showed only a minimal increase in cMyBPC Ser phosphorylation. Three peptide motifs of cMyBPC were identified as the potential PKCepsilon consensus sites including a 100% matched motif at Ser302 and two nearly matched motifs at Ser811 and Ser1203. We treated synthetic peptides corresponding to the sequences of these three motifs with PKCepsilon and determined phosphorylation by mass spectrometry and ELISA assay. PKCepsilon induced phosphorylation at the Ser302 site but not at the Ser811 or Ser1203 sites. A S302A point mutation in the Ser302 peptide abolished the PKCepsilon-dependent phosphorylation. Taken together, our data show that the Ser302 on mouse cMyBPC is a likely PKCepsilon phosphorylation site both in vivo and in vitro and may contribute to the dilated cardiomyopathy associated with increased PKCepsilon activity.  相似文献   
Myofilament dysfunction is a common point of convergence for many forms of heart failure. Recently, we showed that cardiac overexpression of PKC epsilon initially depresses myofilament activity and then leads to a progression of changes characteristic of human heart failure. Here, we examined the effects of PKC epsilon on contractile reserve, Starling mechanism, and myofilament activation in this model of end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy. Pressure-volume loop analysis and echocardiography showed that the PKC epsilon mice have markedly compromised systolic function and increased end-diastolic volumes. Dobutamine challenge resulted in a small increase in contractility in PKC epsilon mice but failed to enhance cardiac output. The PKC epsilon mice showed a normal length-dependent tension development in skinned cardiac muscle preparations, although Frank-Starling mechanism appeared to be compromised in the intact animal. Simultaneous measurement of tension and ATPase demonstrated that the maximum tension and ATPase were markedly lower in the PKC epsilon mice at any length or Ca2+ concentration. However, the tension cost was also lower indicating less energy expenditure. We conclude 1) that prolonged overexpression of PKC epsilon ultimately leads to a dilated cardiomyopathy marked by exhausted contractile reserve, 2) that PKC epsilon does not compromise the Frank-Starling mechanism at the myofilament level, and 3) that the Starling curve excursion is limited by the inotropic state of the heart. These results reflect the significance of the primary myofilament contractilopathy induced by phosphorylation and imply a role for PKC epsilon-mediated phosphorylation in myofilament physiology and the pathophysiology of decompensated cardiac failure.  相似文献   
Catalytically promiscuous enzymes are intermediates in the evolution of new function from an existing pool of protein scaffolds. However, promiscuity will only confer an evolutionary advantage if other useful properties are not compromised or if there is no "negative trade-off" induced by the mutations that yield promiscuity. Therefore, identification and characterization of negative trade-offs incurred during the emergence of promiscuity are required to further develop the evolutionary models and to optimize in vitro evolution. One potential negative trade-off of catalytic promiscuity is increased susceptibility to inhibition, or inhibitory promiscuity. Here we exploit cytochrome P450s (CYPs) as a model protein scaffold that spans a vast range of catalytic promiscuity and apply a quantitative index to determine the relationship between promiscuity of catalysis and promiscuity of inhibition for a series of homologues. The aim of these studies is to begin to identify properties that, in general, correlate with catalytic promiscuity, hypothetically such as inhibitory promiscuity. Interestingly, the data indicate that the potential negative trade-off of inhibitory promiscuity is nearly insignificant because even highly substrate specific CYPs have high inhibitory promiscuity, with little incremental increase in susceptibility to inhibitory interactions as the substrate promiscuity increases across the series of enzymes. In the context of evolution, inhibitory promiscuity is not an obligate negative trade-off for catalytic promiscuity.  相似文献   
There is little direct evidence on the role of myosin regulatory light chain phosphorylation in ejecting hearts. In studies reported here we determined the effects of regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation on in situ cardiac systolic mechanics and in vitro myofibrillar mechanics. We compared data obtained from control nontransgenic mice (NTG) with a transgenic mouse model expressing a cardiac specific nonphosphorylatable RLC (TG-RLC(P-). We also determined whether the depression in RLC phosphorylation affected phosphorylation of other sarcomeric proteins. TG-RLC(P-) demonstrated decreases in base-line load-independent measures of contractility and power and an increase in ejection duration together with a depression in phosphorylation of myosin-binding protein-C (MyBP-C) and troponin I (TnI). Although TG-RLC(P-) displayed a significantly reduced response to β1-adrenergic stimulation, MyBP-C and TnI were phosphorylated to a similar level in TG-RLC(P-) and NTG, suggesting cAMP-dependent protein kinase signaling to these proteins was not disrupted. A major finding was that NTG controls were significantly phosphorylated at RLC serine 15 following β1-adrenergic stimulation, a mechanism prevented in TG-RLC(P-), thus providing a biochemical difference in β1-adrenergic responsiveness at the level of the sarcomere. Our measurements of Ca2+ tension and Ca2+-ATPase rate relations in detergent-extracted fiber bundles from LV trabeculae demonstrated a relative decrease in maximum Ca2+-activated tension and tension cost in TG-RLC(P-) fibers, with no change in Ca2+ sensitivity. Our data indicate that RLC phosphorylation is critical for normal ejection and response to β1-adrenergic stimulation. Our data also indicate that the lack of RLC phosphorylation promotes compensatory changes in MyBP-C and TnI phosphorylation, which when normalized do not restore function.Phosphorylation of sarcomeric proteins tunes the intensity and dynamics of cardiac contraction and relaxation independent of membrane Ca2+ fluxes to meet physiologic demands (1, 2). We focus here on ventricular myosin regulatory light chain, which is phosphorylated in vivo (35) but whose functional role in control of cardiac dynamics has remained unclear. The identification of RLC2 mutations linked to familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (6) underscores the importance of understanding its action as a regulator of contraction. Functionally, in vitro cardiac RLC phosphorylation by MLCK produces a sensitizing shift in the force-Ca2+ relation in skinned fibers (711). Moreover, studies show that RLC phosphorylation manifests as a gradient across the wall of the heart, which may be important for both normalizing wall stress and for generation of torsion about the long axis of the ejecting heart (1214). Yet there remains a lack of understanding of the in situ functional effects of RLC phosphorylation and whether phosphorylation of RLC influences other sarcomeric sites as substrates for kinases and phosphatases.Understanding the precise mechanisms by which phosphorylation of RLC affects function of ejecting ventricles is particularly important, because mechanisms downstream of Ca2+ fluxes at the level of the sarcomere appear to dominate ejection and to sustain ventricular elastance (15). Myosin motors are important in this, and RLC is well positioned at the S1-S2 junction to modulate myosin heavy chain directly by fine-tuning lever arm motion and indirectly by interacting with the essential light chain, the thick filament backbone, and MyBP-C (16, 17). Accordingly, the hypothesis underlying this study was that ablation of N-terminal RLC phosphorylation would elicit a depression in ventricular ejection and compensatory changes in phosphorylation of sarcomeric proteins neighboring RLC.To understand the role of RLC phosphorylation in the ejection phase of the cardiac cycle, we determined in situ pressure-volume functions in ejecting, auxotonically loaded ventricles expressing either wild type RLC (NTG) or a nonphosphorylatable RLC (TG-RLC(P-)) (10). Our experiments provide novel data demonstrating the importance of RLC phosphorylation in systolic pump function and provide new insights into how a lack of phosphorylation of RLC induces a redistribution of charge among myofilament proteins. Furthermore, our data demonstrate an enigmatic blunting of TG-RLC(P-) functional response to β1-adrenergic simulation despite a normal TnI and MyBP-C phosphorylation profile. RLC serine 15 phosphorylation increased significantly in NTG controls but was not permitted in TG-RLC(P-) (RLC S14/15/19/A), suggesting that a change in RLC phosphorylation following β1-adrenergic simulation may be critical for eliciting a normal response.  相似文献   
To evaluate the combined effects of cardiac overload imposed by hypertension and chronic swim training on coronary vascularity, female rats were made hypertensive by unilateral renal artery stenoses and were exercised in an 8- to 10-wk swimming program. Maximal coronary flow was assessed in isolated retrograde buffer-perfused hearts under conditions of minimal coronary resistance (15 microM adenosine or anoxia). Sedentary normotensive animals, sedentary hypertensive animals, and normotensive animals exposed to a swimming program were also studied. Swimming was associated with an 18% increase in heart weight and with increases in both absolute (ml/min) and relative (ml X g-1 X min-1) maximal coronary flow. Hypertension was associated with a 32% increase in heart weight but with a decrease in absolute and relative coronary flow compared with controls. The combined stimuli resulted in a 63% myocardial hypertrophy and a 19% increase in absolute flow. Relative coronary flow (g tissue-1) was similar in hearts from hypertensive sedentary animals and hypertensive swimmers. These data indicate that the coronary vascular deficit that accompanies the cardiac hypertrophy of hypertension is not worsened by the superimposition of an exercise load that exaggerates the hypertrophy.  相似文献   
The present study outlines a rapid and sensitive on-the-baseline conditional emotional response (CER) procedure. Using rats as the experimental subject, the method detects delay conditioning, incubation, extinction and spontaneous recovery. In addition, the method detects conditional responding using electric shock ranging from 0.23 to 0.50 mA as the unconditional stimulus. Because of its speed and sensitivity, the method shelters the subject from unnecessary long-term deprivation and pain.  相似文献   
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