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Intravenous injection into rabbits of 1-O-octadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine (synthetic Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF)) or PAF derived from rabbit basophils caused acute thrombocytopenia and neutropenia which was consequent to the formation of intravascular polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) aggregates and to their sequestration in the microvasculature, primarily of the lung. Infusion of prostacyclin (PGI2; 10 ng/Kg/min to 50 ng/Kg/min) inhibited in a dose-dependent manner PAF-induced thrombocytopenia and neutropenia as well as the sequestration of PMN in the pulmonary capillary network.  相似文献   
Previous reports have shown that thrombin and activators of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibit neurite outgrowth (NOG) in neuroblastoma cells cultured in serum-free medium. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that PKC activation mediates the effect of thrombin on NOG in murine neuroblastoma NB-2a cells. After 2 h in serum-free medium, 70% of the cells displayed neurites; addition of 300 ng/ml thrombin reduced NOG to 24% within 1 h. This inhibition was reduced after NB-2a cells were pretreated for 24 h with 200 nM phorbol dibutyrate down-regulate PKC. Thrombin and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibited NOG in an additive way and the protein kinase inhibitors H-7, H-8, and HA1004 reversed the effect of thrombin on NOG with a rank order of activity consistent with PKC inhibition. Furthermore, PKC was translocated from the cytosol to a membrane-bound form 5 to 10 min after addition of thrombin. These findings indicate that thrombin inhibits NOG through a PKC-dependent pathway. Thrombin stimulates the synthesis of the phospholipid platelet-activating factor (PAF) in some cells. However, NOG was markedly stimulated when PAF or its analogue carbamyl-PAF were added to NB-2a cells in medium with serum. Furthermore, the PAF receptor antagonist SRI 63072 inhibited NOG in NB-2a cells in serum-free medium. These cells accumulated PAF with kinetics similar to that of NOG inducPAF was synthesized by the de novo pathway, as shown by the incorporation of [3H]choline. These findings suggest that PAF is a mediator of NOG in NB-2a cells. Thrombin neither stimulates nor inhibits PAF synthesis in these cells.  相似文献   
Platelet-activating factor (PAF), a phospholipid mediator with broad and potent biologic activities, is synthesized by several inflammatory cells including endothelial cells (EC). PAF is also an effective stimulating agent for EC leading to increased cell permeability and adhesivity. We examined the synthesis of PAF in human umbilical cord vein EC after stimulation of EC with PAF or with its nonmetabolizable analog 1-O-alkyl-2-N-methyl-carbamyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C-PAF). PAF (1 to 100 nM) induced a dose- and time-dependent increase of PAF synthesis as detected by [3H]acetate incorporation into PAF fraction. Stimulation of PAF synthesis occurred via activation of the "remodeling pathway" as the 1-O-alkyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (lyso-PAF):acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase was dose-dependently increased after PAF treatment. The de novo pathway of PAF synthesis was not activated under these conditions. C-PAF was able to mimic the effect of authentic PAF on [3H] acetate incorporation. The inactive metabolite lyso-PAF (100 nM) had no influence on PAF synthesis in EC. CV-3988, BN 52021, and WEB 2086, potent and specific antagonists of PAF suppressed PAF effects on the remodeling pathway completely. The PAF- and C-PAF-induced [3H]PAF remained 93% cell-associated and was not degraded up to 10 min after stimulation. Characterization of the [3H]acetate-labeled material co-migrating with authentic PAF revealed that a significant proportion (approximately 57%) was actually 1-acyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. PAF-induced PAF synthesis might be an important mechanism for amplifying original PAF signals and potentiating adhesive interactions of circulating cells with the endothelium.  相似文献   
In this paper, the effect of prostacyclin (PGI2) on the aggregation induced by Platelet-activating factor (PAF), a phospholipid mediator of anaphylaxis, was studied. Synthetic PGI2 and PGI2-like activity generated from rabbit aorta were demonstrated to be effective inhibitors of PAF-induced rabbit platelet aggregation and release of 3H-serotonin (3H-5HT).  相似文献   
In vivo IL-12-dependent tumor inhibition rests on the ability of IL-12 to activate a CD8-mediated cytotoxicity, inhibit angiogenesis, and cause vascular injury. Although in vivo studies have shown that such inhibition stems from complex interactions of immune cells and the production of IFN-gamma and other downstream angiostatic chemokines, the mechanisms involved are still poorly defined. Here we show that IL-12 activates an anti-angiogenic program in Con A-activated mouse spleen cells (activated spc) or human PBMC (activated PBMC). The soluble factors they release in its presence arrest the cycle of endothelial cells (EC), inhibit in vitro angiogenesis, negatively modulate the production of matrix metalloproteinase-9, and the ability of EC to adhere to vitronectin and up-regulate ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression. These effects do not require direct cell-cell contact, yet result from continuous interaction between activated lymphoid cells and EC. We used neutralizing Abs to show that the IFN-inducible protein-10 and monokine-induced by IFN-gamma chemokines are pivotal in inducing these effects. Experiments with nu/nu mice, nonobese diabetic-SCID mice, or activated spc enriched in specific cell subpopulations demonstrated that CD4(+), CD8(+), and NK cells are all needed to mediate the full anti-angiogenetic effect of IL-12.  相似文献   
As a natural consequence of the expression of the activated transforming rat Her-2/neu oncogene all mammary glands of female transgenic BALB/c (BALB-neuT) mice develop atypical epithelial hyperplasia which progresses to invasive carcinoma. A lobular carcinoma is palpable in all mammary glands of 33-week-old BALB-neuT mice. This progression is markedly delayed by systemic administration of IL-12. In a series of studies the best administration schedule, the lowest dose and the most effective administration time have been defined. The cellular and molecular mechanisms resulting in the delay of carcinogenesis have been established. By means of a series of downstream mediators IL-12 inhibits the angiogenic burst that goes along with the passage from preneoplastic to neoplastic and invasive lesions; it also recruits lymphoid cells in the mammary pad and activates their cytotoxicity towards neoplastic cells and newly formed vessels; and furthermore, it induces lymphoid cells to trigger antiangiogenic activities in neoplastic epithelial cells. Effective, low-dose and non-toxic IL-12 treatments may thus be envisaged as a possible option in the management of preneoplastic mammary lesions and in mammary cancer prevention.  相似文献   
Treatment with HIV-1 protease inhibitors (PI) is associated with a reduced incidence or regression of Kaposi sarcoma (KS). Here we show that systemic administration of the PIs indinavir or saquinavir to nude mice blocks the development and induces regression of angioproliferative KS-like lesions promoted by primary human KS cells, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), or bFGF and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) combined. These PIs also block bFGF or VEGF-induced angiogenesis in the chorioallantoic membrane assay with a potency similar to paclitaxel (Taxol). These effects are mediated by the inhibition of endothelial- and KS-cell invasion and of matrix metalloproteinase-2 proteolytic activation by PIs at concentrations present in plasma of treated individuals. As PIs also inhibit the in vivo growth and invasion of an angiogenic tumor-cell line, these data indicate that PIs are potent anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor molecules that might be used in treating non-HIV KS and in other HIV-associated tumors.  相似文献   
During angiogenic remodeling, Ang-1, the ligand of Tie2 tyrosine kinase, is involved in vessel sprouting and stabilization through unclear effects on nascent capillaries and mural cells. In our study, we hypothesized that the Ang-1/Tie2 system could cross-talk with integrins, and be influenced by the dynamic interactions between extracellular matrix and endothelial cells (ECs). Here, we show that alpha5beta1 specifically sensitizes and modulates Tie2 receptor activation and signaling, allowing EC survival at low concentrations of Ang-1 and inducing persistent EC motility. Tie2 and alpha5beta1 interact constitutively; alpha5beta1 binding to fibronectin increases this association, whereas Ang-1 stimulation recruits p85 and FAK to this complex. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Ang-1 is able to mediate selectively alpha5beta1 outside-in FAK phosphorylation. Thus, Ang-1 triggers signaling pathways through Tie2 and alpha5beta1 receptors that could cross-talk when Tie2/alpha5beta1 interaction occurs in ECs plated on fibronectin. By using blocking antibodies, we consistently found that alpha5beta1, but not alphavbeta3 activation, is essential to Ang-1-dependent angiogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products corresponding to 803 bp of the cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA COI-II) were deduced to consist of multiple haplotypes in three Sitobion species. We investigated the molecular basis of these observations. PCR products were cloned, and six clones from one individual per species were sequenced. In each individual, one sequence was found commonly, but also two or three divergent sequences were seen. The divergent sequences were shown to be nonmitochondrial by sequencing from purified mtDNA and Southern blotting experiments. All seven nonmitochondrial clones sequenced to completion were unique. Nonmitochondrial sequences have a high proportion of unique sites, and very few characters are shared between nonmitochondrial clones to the exclusion of mtDNA. From these data, we infer that fragments of mtDNA have been transposed separately (probably into aphid chromosomes), at a frequency only known to be equalled in humans. The transposition phenomenon appears to occur infrequently or not at all in closely related genera and other aphids investigated. Patterns of nucleotide substitution in mtDNA inferred over a parsimony tree are very different from those in transposed sequences. Compared with mtDNA, nonmitochondrial sequences have less codon position bias, more even exchanges between A, G, C and T, and a higher proportion of nonsynonymous replacements. Although these data are consistent with the transposed sequences being under less constraint than mtDNA, changes in the nonmitochondrial sequences are not random: there remains significant position bias, and probable excesses of synonymous replacements and of conservative inferred amino acid replacements. We conclude that a proportion of the inferred change in the nonmitochondrial sequences occurred before transposition. We believe that Sitobion aphids (and other species exhibiting mtDNA transposition) may be important for studying the molecular evolution of mtDNA and pseudogenes. However, our data highlight the need to establish the true evolutionary relationships between sequences in comparative investigations.   相似文献   
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