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We here report the second record of a developmentally aberrant strain of a cellular slime mold from natural populations and demonstrate that this Dictyostelium mucoroides variant is capable of undergoing normal morphogenesis in the presence of the phycomycete fungus, Mucor hiemalis. The synergism is induced by an extracellular product(s) which is diffusable through thin agar membranes and is released by the fungus. The presence of the fungus not only induces stalk formation in this stalkless variant, but also increases the rate of sorocarp formation in 3 of 5 additional species of cellular slime molds assayed.  相似文献   
Pregnancy is characterized by a complexity of metabolic processes that may impact fetal development and ultimately, infant health outcomes. However, our understanding of whole body maternal and fetal metabolism during this critical life stage remains incomplete. The objective of this study is to utilize metabolomics to profile longitudinal patterns of fasting maternal metabolites among a cohort of non-diabetic, healthy pregnant women in order to advance our understanding of changes in protein and lipid concentrations across gestation, the biochemical pathways by which they are metabolized and to describe variation in maternal metabolites between ethnic groups. Among 160 pregnant women, amino acids, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates, keto-bodies and non-esterified fatty acids were detected by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, while polar lipids were detected through flow-injected mass spectrometry. The maternal plasma concentration of several essential and non-essential amino acids, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, free carnitine, acetylcarnitine, phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins significantly decreased across pregnancy. Concentrations of several TCA intermediates increase as pregnancy progresses, as well as the keto-body β-hydroxybutyrate. Ratios of specific acylcarnitines used as indicators of metabolic pathways suggest a decreased beta-oxidation rate and increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 enzyme activity with advancing gestation. Decreasing amino acid concentrations likely reflects placental uptake and tissue biosynthesis. The absence of any increase in plasma non-esterified fatty acids is unexpected in the catabolic phase of later pregnancy and may reflect enhanced placental fatty acid uptake and utilization for fetal tissue growth. While it appears that energy production through the TCA cycle increases as pregnancy progresses, decreasing patterns of free carnitine and acetylcarnitine as well as increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 rate and β-hydroxybutyrate levels suggest a concomitant upregulation of ketogenesis to ensure sufficient energy supply in the fasting state. Several differences in metabolomic profiles between Hispanic and non-Hispanic women demonstrate phenotypic variations in prenatal metabolism which should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   
The unique biochemical properties of acetate kinase present a classic conundrum in the study of the mechanism of enzyme-catalyzed phosphoryl transfer. Large, single crystals of acetate kinase from Methanosarcina thermophila were grown from a solution of ammonium sulfate in the presence of ATP. The crystals diffract to beyond 1.7 A resolution. Analysis of X-ray data from the crystals is consistent with a space group of C2 and unit cell dimensions a = 181 A, b = 67 A, c = 83 A, beta = 103 degrees. Diffraction data have been collected from the crystals at 110 and 277 K. Data collected at 277 K extend to lower resolution, but are more reproducible. The orientation of a noncrystallographic two-fold axis of symmetry has been determined. Based on an analysis of the predicted amino acid sequences of acetate kinase from several organisms, we hypothesize that acetate kinase is a member of the sugar kinase/actin/hsp70 structural family.  相似文献   
The LSTRA murine thymoma cell line contains an elevated level of tyrosine protein kinase activity. When a microsomal preparation from these cells is incubated in vitro with ATP, the principal tyrosine protein kinase substrate is a 56,000-dalton protein, p56. We have found that an activity phosphorylating p56 on tyrosine can also be detected at low levels in microsomes from most, but not all, T lymphoma cell lines and from normal thymic tissue. Only 1 of 30 other lymphoma cell lines was found to contain an elevated level of such a tyrosine protein kinase. An activity that phosphorylated p56 in vitro was not detectable in the cells of other hematopoietic lineages. Anti-peptide antibodies reactive with the site of in vitro tyrosine phosphorylation of p56 allowed us to determine that the apparent abundance of the p56 polypeptide parallels closely the level of the tyrosine protein kinase activity in the cell lines examined. This suggests that p56 is the protein kinase responsible for the elevated tyrosine protein kinase activity in LSTRA cells and that the phosphorylation of p56 observed in vitro results from autophosphorylation. Two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping revealed that p56 is distinct from the proteins encoded by the cellular genes which are the progenitors of retroviral tyrosine protein kinases, src, yes, fgr, abl, fes, and ros. Additionally, none of these proto-oncogenes was found to be transcribed at elevated levels in LSTRA or Thy19 cells. Like the catalytic subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, the cellular and viral forms of p60src, and the protein phosphatase calcineurin B, p56 contains covalently bound fatty acid.  相似文献   
Myristic acid, a minor component of cellular fatty acids, has been shown previously to be covalently bound to most molecules of p60src, the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus. We have now determined at what time during the life cycle of p60src, and where within the cell, this lipid becomes attached to the protein. p60src was found to acquire myristic acid at only one time, during or immediately after its synthesis. p60src is known to be synthesized on free polysomes and appears at the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane after a lag of 10 min. The addition of myristic acid to p60src therefore precedes the binding of the protein to the plasma membrane. The lipid attached to p60src is a permanent, metabolically stable part of the protein; we found no evidence for turnover of the myristyl moiety. However, we did find myristate attached to various soluble forms of p60src and to a large number of cytosolic cellular proteins as well. This demonstrates that the attachment of myristic acid to a protein is not in itself sufficient to convert a soluble protein into a membrane-bound protein.  相似文献   
To examine the freeze-fracture appearance of membrane alterations accompanying the preparation of sperm membranes for fusions-the first preparatory stage occurring before physiological release of the acrosomal content, the second afterward-we induced the acrosome reaction in capacitated guinea pig spermatozoa by adding calcium to the mixture. The most common features observed before fusion of the acrosomal and plasma membranes were the deletion of fibrillar intramembranous particles from the E-fracture faces of both membranes, and the clearance of globular particles from the P face of the plasma membrane-events taking place near the terminus of the equatorial segment. Large particles, >12nm, remained not far from the cleared E-face patches. The P face of the outer acrosomal membrane is virtually clear from the outset. In addition, when fusion was completed, occasional double lines of large particles transiently embossed the P face of the plasma membrane (postacrosomal) side of the fusion zone. Behind the line of fusion, another series of particle-cleared foci emerged. We interpreted these postfusion membrane clearances as a second adaptation for sperm-egg interaction. Induction of the acrosome reaction in media containing phosphatidylcholine liposomes resulted in their apparent attachment, incorporation, or exchange in both the originally and secondarily cleared regions. Our observations support the concepts that membranes become receptive to union at particle- deficient interfaces, and that the physiologically created barren areas in freeze-fracture replicas may herald incipient membrane fusion.  相似文献   
The relationship between anionic-lipid concentration and the functional properties of plasma-membrane domains was explored using the guinea-pig sperm membrane as a model, with polymyxin B (PXB) as a probe. Areas of plasmalemma specialized for fusion during the acrosome reaction had a higher affinity for the probe than adjacent nonfusigenic regions. In addition, capacitation--a process preceding acrosome:plasma-membrane fusion--markedly enlarged the area susceptible to PXB binding over the acrosomal cap. Protease treatment mimicked capacitation by increasing the acrosome-reaction incidence as well as PXB binding, at enzyme concentrations not affecting the surface coat nor altering filipin/sterol localization. Both proteolytic digestion and capacitation failed to augment PXB- or filipin-affinity in nonfusigenic zones, such as the post-acrosomal segment, including its particle-free maculae. Incubation of sperm in capacitating medium supplemented with 32P-labeled phosphate, followed by lipid extraction, thin-layer chromatography, and autoradiography, revealed a radioactive band comigrating with cardiolipin and phosphatidic acid. Vermiform protrusions elicited by PXB in the outer lamellae of cardiolipin- phosphatidylcholine liposomes resembled those seen in fusional regions of sperm membrane. We conclude that (a) differing concentrations of anionic lipids are found in adjacent domains of the sperm plasma membrane; (b) these domains mirror the functional regions of the membrane, with higher anionic-lipid concentrations localized over fusional zones; (c) the surface coat does not participate in the maintenance of such domains; (d) anionic-lipid synthesis may contribute to their formation; and (e) anionic-lipid concentrations increase as the membrane becomes fusionally competent, indicating that cellular modulation of lipid domains accompanies regulation of membrane function.  相似文献   
The thiamin content of eggs laid by hens possessing no, one or two functional genes for riboflavin-binding protein is unaffected by the genotype. This does not support the hypothesis of Muniyappa & Adiga [Biochem. J. (1979) 177, 887–894] that the deposition of thiamin-binding protein is coupled to the deposition of riboflavin-binding protein.  相似文献   
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