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ANDERSON and POSPAHALA (1970) investigated the estimation of wildlife population size using the belt or line transect sampling method and devised a correction for bias, thus leading to a class of estimators with desirable characteristics. This work was given a basic and rigorous mathematica framework by BURNHAM and ANDERSON (1976). In the present article we use this mathematical framework to develop an estimator of population size and density using weighted least squares. The approach is a two-stage Method.  相似文献   
Biosynthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid in mammalian cells is catalyzed by aminolevulinic acid synthase in a condensation reaction utilizing glycine and succinyl X coenzyme A. An alternate pathway in mammalian cells may involve the biosynthesis of aminolevulinic acid via a transamination reaction in which L-alanine is the amino donor and 4,5-dioxovaleric acid is the acceptor. This transamination reaction, or one very similar, is employed by plants for the biosynthesis of aminolevulinic acid which is ultimately converted to chlorophyll. The effect of glyoxalase I on the diversion of dioxovaleric acid to other products was tested using both purified glyoxalase I and crude tissue homogenates. Glyoxalase I is a metalloenzyme and glutathione is a co-substrate. Purified glyoxalase I reduced the amount of aminolevulinic acid formed in the presence of dioxovaleric acid, L-alanine, glutathione, and purified L-alanine: 4,5-dioxovaleric acid aminotransferase (dioxovalerate transaminase). The conversion of dioxovaleric acid to aminolevulinic acid was inhibited by the addition of glutathione when a dialyzed bovine liver homogenate served as the source of both glyoxalase I and dioxovalerate transaminase. Removal of metals from bovine liver homogenates produced an 85% decrease in glyoxalase I activity. These 'metal-free' homogenates still affected the conversion of dioxovaleric acid to aminolevulinic acid after preincubation with MgSO4. The effect of glyoxalase I on the metabolism of dioxovaleric acid was also studied using a fluorometric enzyme assay for the quantification of dioxovaleric acid via a coupled enzyme reaction converting it to uroporphyrin. Homogenates of both liver and barley diminished the amount of dioxovaleric acid detected by the coupled assay, but this effect could be prevented by dialysis of the homogenates. Addition of glutathione to dialyzed homogenates markedly reduced the amount of uroporphyrin generated from dioxovaleric acid. Metal-free homogenates supplemented with glutathione reduced the conversion of dioxovaleric acid to uroporphyrin in the coupled assay, but preincubation with MgSO4 greatly augmented this effect. These studies point out the difficulty in evaluating dioxovaleric acid as a heme precursor using whole cell homogenates.  相似文献   
Characterization of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in acinar cells from rat pancreas and lacrimal and parotid glands was achieved by binding of the reversible muscarinic antagonist [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) and the specific alkylating reagent [3H]propylbenzilylcholine mustard (PrBCM) to intact acini or dispersed acinar cells. Binding studies with [3H]QNB showed that acinar cells from pancreas contain 26,400, from parotid 21,400, and from lacrimal gland 25,700 binding sites/cell. To assess molecular size of the receptor in each gland, acini were prepared by digestion with purified collagenase and singly dispersed acinar cells were prepared by a combination of digestion with crude collagenase, hyaluronidase, and alpha-chymotrypsin and divalent cation chelation using EDTA. Muscarinic receptors on acini or dispersed cells were covalently labeled with 5 nM [3H]PrBCM, solubilized directly in hot sodium dodecyl sulfate buffer, and resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When solubilized acini were electrophoresed, a major labeled peak was observed on gels along with a smaller peak of lower apparent molecular weight. For pancreatic acini, the apparent molecular weights of these peaks were 117,600 and 85,700; for parotid acini, 104,800 and 74,500; and for lacrimal acini, 87,200 and 63,100. Addition of muscarinic antagonists to the labeling medium abolished both peaks. When dispersed acinar cells were labeled, the larger peak was eliminated, and all radioactivity was concentrated in a single peak: 87,600 for pancreas, 78,000 for parotid gland, and 62,800 for lacrimal gland. Digestion of prelabeled acini with the mixture of enzymes used to produce dispersed acinar cells similarly shifted all radioactivity into this second peak. Limited digestion of acini or dispersed cells with 1 mg/ml of papain resulted in the disappearance of these higher molecular weight peaks and the appearance of a broad peak at Mr = 40,000. Cells of nonepithelial origin, IM-9 lymphocytes and NG108 neuroblastoma X glioma hybrids, also were labeled with [3H]PrBCM and electrophoresed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Purified zymogen granules were prepared from rat pancreas by using an iso-osmotic Percoll gradient. In the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP, phosphorylation of several granule proteins was induced by Ca2+, most notably a Mr-13 000 protein, whereas addition of cyclic AMP was without effect. When phosphatidylserine was also added, Ca2+ increased the phosphorylation of additional proteins, with the largest effect on a protein of Mr 62 000. Purified granules were also able to phosphorylate exogenous substrates. Ca2+-induced phosphorylation of lysine-rich histone was enhanced over 3-fold in the presence of phosphatidylserine, and cyclic AMP-activated protein kinase activity was revealed with mixed histone as substrate. The concentrations of free Ca2+ and cyclic AMP required for half-maximal phosphorylation of both endogenous and exogenous proteins were 1-3 microM and 57 nM respectively. Treatment of granules with 0.25 M-KCl resulted in the release of phosphatidylserine-dependent kinase activity into a high-speed granule supernatant. In contrast, granule-protein substrates of Ca2+-activated kinase activity were resistant to KCl extraction, and in fact were present in purified granule membranes. Kinase activity activated by cyclic AMP was not extracted by KCl treatment. It is concluded that phosphorylation of integral membrane proteins in the zymogen granule can be induced by one or more Ca2+-activated protein kinases. Such a reaction is a potential mechanism by which exocytosis may be regulated in the exocrine pancreas by Ca2+-mediated secretagogues.  相似文献   
D aft , M.J., B urnham , J.C. & Y amamoto , Y. 1985. Lysis of Phormidium luridum by Myxococcus fulvus in continuous flow cultures. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 59 , 73–80.
In two chemostat systems Myxococcus fulvus (strain BGO2) adhered to the glass walls of the growth vessel and on glass beads contained in a vertical glass column. The bacterium produced long colonial strands that extended towards the centre of the vessel. Both systems allowed measurement of lytic enzyme production and cyanobacterial predatory efficiency. Lysozyme activity produced by the myxococci was dependent on the concentration of the tryptone and the flow rate of the medium. Continuous lysis of Phormidium luridum occurred in both methods of culture in the presence of M. fulvus (strain BGO2). The results suggest that the adhesive characteristics of this bacterium prevent the achievement of steady state kinetics in either saprophytic or parasitic modes of growth. M. fulvus , with its various morphological growth forms and effectiveness in lysing cyanobacteria, is considered to be a potential control agent of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   
Algal blooms: consequences, and potential cures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We reported previously that diacylglycerol (diC8) and GTP gamma S synergize with an anionic amphiphile such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to produce high rates of superoxide generation in a cell-free system consisting of neutrophil plasma membrane plus cytosol [Burnham, D. N., Uhlinger, D. J., & Lambeth, J. D. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 17550-17559]. Here we investigate the effects of these activating factors on the plasma membrane association in an in vitro translated radiolabeled recombinant p47-phox protein. Apparent translocation, assayed by cosedimentation with plasma membranes, required the presence of excess cytosol and an anionic amphiphile, was enhanced by both GTP gamma S and diC8, and was inhibited by high salt, correlating qualitatively with activation; up to 70% cosedimentation was observed with the combination of activators (compared with less than 20% in their absence). Similar results were obtained using heat-inactivated cytosol, wherein another oxidase component, p67-phox, has been inactivated. Unexpectedly, from 50 to 80% of the apparent translocation occurred in the absence of membranes, indicating that protein aggregation accounted for a significant part of the observed translocation. Nevertheless, the percent translocation was increased in all cases by the presence of membranes, indicating some degree of protein-membrane interaction. While a control in vitro translated protein failed to translocate, cosedimentation of p47-phox occurred equally well when red blood cell or neutrophil plasma membranes lacking cytochrome b558 were used. Also, the peptide RGVHFIF, which is contained within the C-terminus of the large subunit of cytochrome b558, failed to inhibit translocation/aggregation of p47-phox, despite its ability to inhibit cell-free activation of the oxidase. The data are consistent with the following: (a) SDS, diC8, and GTP gamma S all act on cytosolic components to alter protein-protein and/or protein-membrane associations, and these changes are necessary (but not sufficient) for activation; (b) these altered associations are likely to function by increasing the local concentration of p47-phox and other components at the plasma membrane; (c) a high background of nonspecific associations in the cell-free activation system is likely to obscure any specific, functionally relevant associations (e.g., with cytochrome b558); and (d) the mechanism of translocation in the cell-free system differs from that seen in intact neutrophils.  相似文献   
The presence of lamin proteins in mouse spermatogenic cells has been examined by using an anti-lamin AC and an anti-lamin B antisera which recognize somatic lamins A and C, and somatic lamin B, respectively. Anti-lamin B binds to the nuclear periphery of all cell types examined, including Sertoli cells, primitive type A spermatogonia, preleptotene, leptotene, zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids. In sperm nuclei, the antigenic determinants are localized to a narrow domain of the nucleus. However, after removing the perinuclear theca, anti-lamin B localizes to the entire nuclear periphery in a punctate pattern, suggesting that it is binding to determinants previously covered by the theca constituents. On immunoblots anti-lamin B reacts with a ~ 68 kD polypeptide in all germ cells and, to a lesser extent, with four additional polypeptides present only in meiotic and post-meiotic nuclear matrices. Anti-lamin AC also reacts with the perinuclear region of the somatic cells in the testes, in particular, those of the interstitium and also the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous epithelium. In contrast to anti-lamin B, anti-lamin AC does not bind to the germ cells at any stage of spermatogenesis. In addition, nuclear matrix proteins from isolated spermatogenic cells do not bind anti-lamin AC on immunoblots, suggesting the lack of reactivity is not due to the masking of any antigenic sites. These data demonstrate that germ cells contain lamin B throughout spermatogenesis, even during meiosis and spermiogenesis when the nuclear periphery lacks a distinct fibrous lamina. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Cholecystokinin (CCK) and acetylcholine, at concentrations greater than those required for maximal pancreatic enzyme secretion, elicit a submaximal secretory response. The mechanism for this secretagogue-induced unresponsiveness is unknown. Using isolated pancreatic acini of the mouse, we now find that high concentrations of secretagogues also induce a profound alteration in acinar morphology, characterized by the formation of spherical protrusions on the basal surface of the cells. Since both the determination of cell shape and exocytosis may involve calcium and contractile proteins, we used a calcium-free medium and cytochalasin B (CB) to evaluate the importance of a contractile mechanism in the secretory and morphological effects of high concentrations of CCK-octapeptide (CCK8). Incubation in a calcium-free medium partially blocked CCK-induced unresponsiveness, but brought about dissociation of the acini. CB at a concentration of 3 g/ml caused the disappearance of apical microfilaments and, most strikingly, completely prevented the morphological alteration induced by CCK8. Furthermore, CB converted the biphasic dose-response curve for CCK8-induced amylase release to a monophasic shape, such that the amylase release stimulated by a high concentration of CCK8 (10 nM) was augmented. It is concluded, therefore, that a contractile process involving microfilaments may mediate secretagogue-induced unresponsiveness in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   
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