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Structure and function of the b/HLH/Z domain of USF.   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
Conformational disorder in crystal structures of ribonuclease-A and crambin is studied by including two independent structures in least-squares optimizations against X-ray data. The optimizations are carried out by X-ray restrained molecular dynamics (simulated annealing refinement) and by conventional least-squares optimization. Starting from two identical structures, the optimizations against X-ray data lead to significant deviations between the two, with rms backbone displacements of 0.45 A for refinement of ribonuclease at 1.53 A resolution, and 0.31 A for crambin at 0.945 A. More than 15 independent X-ray restrained molecular dynamics runs have been carried out for ribonuclease, and the displacements between the resulting structures are highly reproducible for most atoms. These include residues with two or more conformations with significant dihedral angle differences and alternative hydrogen bonding, as well as groups of residues that undergo displacements that are suggestive of rigid-body librations. The crystallographic R-values obtained are approximately 13%, as compared to 15.3% for a comparable refinement with a single structure. Least-squares optimization without an intervening restrained molecular dynamics stage is sufficient to reproduce most of the observed displacements. Similar results are obtained for crambin, where the higher resolution of the X-ray data allows for refinement of unconstrained individual anisotropic temperature factors. These are shown to be correlated with the displacements in the two-structure refinements.  相似文献   
Population genetic theory and empirical evidence indicate that deleterious alleles can be purged in small populations. However, this viewpoint remains controversial. It is unclear whether natural selection is powerful enough to purge deleterious mutations when wild populations continue to decline. Pheasants are terrestrial birds facing a long-term risk of extinction as a result of anthropogenic perturbations and exploitation. Nevertheless, there are scant genomics resources available for conservation management and planning. Here, we analyzed comparative population genomic data for the three extant isolated populations of Brown eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) in China. We showed that C. mantchuricum has low genome-wide diversity and a contracting effective population size because of persistent declines over the past 100,000 years. We compared genome-wide variation in C. mantchuricum with that of its closely related sister species, the Blue eared pheasant (C. auritum) for which the conservation concern is low. There were detrimental genetic consequences across all C. mantchuricum genomes including extended runs of homozygous sequences, slow rates of linkage disequilibrium decay, excessive loss-of-function mutations, and loss of adaptive genetic diversity at the major histocompatibility complex region. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to perform a comprehensive conservation genomic analysis on this threatened pheasant species. Moreover, we demonstrated that natural selection may not suffice to purge deleterious mutations in wild populations undergoing long-term decline. The findings of this study could facilitate conservation planning for threatened species and help recover their population size.  相似文献   
Renewed debate over what benefits females might gain from producing extra‐pair offspring emphasizes the possibility that apparent differences in quality between within‐pair and extra‐pair offspring are confounded by greater maternal investment in extra‐pair offspring. Moreover, the attractiveness of a female''s social mate can also influence contributions of both partners to a reproductive attempt. Here, we explore the complexities involved in parental investment decisions in response to extra‐pair offspring and mate attractiveness with a focus on the female point of view. Adult zebra finches paired and reproduced in a colony setting. A male''s early‐life diet quality and his extra‐pair reproductive success were used as metrics of his mating attractiveness. Females paired with males that achieved extra‐pair success laid heavier eggs than other females and spent less time attending their nests than their mates or other females. Extra‐pair nestlings were fed more protein‐rich hen''s egg than within‐pair nestlings. Females producing extra‐pair offspring had more surviving sons than females producing only within‐pair offspring. Collectively, results show that females differentially allocate resources in response to offspring extra‐pair status and their social mate''s attractiveness. Females may also obtain fitness benefits through the production of extra‐pair offspring.  相似文献   
We report an example of the enzymic cleavage of an apoprotein B (apoB), the main apoprotein in the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) of laying hens' blood, in a normal biological process, the formation of egg yolk. Plasma VLDL was labeled in vivo with 3H-amino acids, isolated by centrifuging, and injected into another laying hen. Yolk VLDL was isolated and its apoproteins were separated. ApoB was not detected in this lipoprotein. Most of the label originally in apoB was distributed among four smaller yolk apoproteins, apovitellenins III to VI, which are a large proportion of the apoproteins of VLDL in yolk. This distribution of 3H suggested that 80% of apoB was cleaved at three places. One yolk apoprotein, apovitellenin II, was not labeled, indicating that it did not originate from an apoprotein in plasma VLDL. The site for cleavage of apoB in the ovarian tissue has not been determined, but cleavage may occur during receptor-mediated endocytosis. The pattern of cleavage of apoB during transfer to yolk was not imitated by some known proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   
不受欢迎的生物多样性:香港的外来植物物种   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44  
香港早在19世纪中叶开始就有外来植物入侵的记录,迄今为止,已发现多达238种已归化的外来或怀疑为外来的植物,其中又以薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)、五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)、假臭草(Eupatorium catarium)、大黍(Panicum maximum)等最常见,外来植物最常见于受人为干扰的生境,例如荒废农田及路旁等,而较少在天然林地生境及贫瘠的灌草丛中发现,外来植物的对本地生态系统的影响主要局限于低地生境,它们常形成单优种群,减少了生境及贫瘠的灌草丛中发现,外来植物对本地生态系统的影响主要局限于低地生境,它们常形成单优种群,减少少了生境及动植物的多样性,外来动物对香港原生植物影响最大的是于20世纪70年代入侵的松树线虫(Bur-saphelenchus xylophilus)。外来的脊椎动物也有可能对香港的植物被演替产生影响,目前香港的外来植物当中,有些在大陆较少分布或没有记录,作为华南最大的港口,香港对外来物种的引入扮演着重要的角色,因此制定控制外来种在香港及华南地区的引入及传播的政策及措施非常重要。  相似文献   
Suspensions of Eubacterium sp. strain 144, prepared from cells grown with 16-dehydroprogesterone, catalyzed the reduction of this steroid to 17-isoprogesterone at a very low rate. Modifications of the assay to optimize the pH (5.5) and increase the steroid solubility (10% [vol/vol] methanol) did not significantly enhance the reaction. However, growth of strain 144 in the presence of hemin was found to stimulate 16-dehydroprogesterone reductase during the initial 30 min of incubation, giving a biphasic time course. These biphasic kinetics could be eliminated by providing the cells with an exogenous electron donor. Strain 144 used either H2 or pyruvate for this purpose, and 17-isoprogesterone formation was nearly complete after 20 to 30 min of incubation. However, under these conditions, strain 144 further converted 17-isoprogesterone to products which lacked UV absorbance (254 nm). When progesterone was used as a substrate, it was found that strain 144 could reduce the C4-C5 double bond of this steroid by a progesterone reductase to give mostly 5 beta-pregnadione and some 5 alpha-pregnadione. Furthermore, the 3-keto group of 5 beta-pregnadione steroid was also reduced to a hydroxy function. The maximum activities of both 16-dehydroprogesterone and progesterone reductases in cell suspensions required the growth of strain 144 with hemin and 16-dehydroprogesterone and the presence of H2 or pyruvate.  相似文献   
Selective transport of mRNAs in ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNP) ensures asymmetric distribution of information within and among eukaryotic cells. Actin-dependent transport of ASH1 mRNA in yeast represents one of the best-characterized examples of mRNP translocation. Formation of the ASH1 mRNP requires recognition of zip code elements by the RNA binding protein She2p. We determined the X-ray structure of She2p at 1.95 A resolution. She2p is a member of a previously unknown class of nucleic acid binding proteins, composed of a single globular domain with a five alpha helix bundle that forms a symmetric homodimer. After demonstrating potent, dimer-dependent RNA binding in vitro, we mapped the RNA binding surface of She2p to a basic helical hairpin in vitro and in vivo and present a mechanism for mRNA-dependent initiation of ASH1 mRNP complex assembly.  相似文献   
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