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Summary The carpenter beesXylocopa varipuncta maintain thoracic temperatures of 33.0°C to 46.5°C during continuous free flight from 12°C to 40°C. Since the thoracic temperature excess is not constant (decreasing from 24°C at low air temperatures to 6°C at high) the bees are thermoregulating. We document physiological transfer of relatively large amounts of heat to the abdomen and to the head during pre-flight warm-up and during artificial thoracic heating. Most of the temperature increase of the head is due to passive conduction, while that of the abdomen is due to active physiological heat transfer despite a series of convolutions of the aorta in the petiole that anatomically conform to a counter-current heat exchanger. Although the thermoregulatory mechanisms during flight are far from clarified, our data suggest that thermoregulation involves a strong reliance on active convective cooling through increased flight speed.  相似文献   
Throughfall nitrogen of a 15-year-old Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) stand in the Fichtelgebirge, Germany, was labeled with either 15N-ammonium or 15N-nitrate and uptake of these two tracers was followed during two successive growing seasons (1991 and 1992). 15N-labeling (62 mg 15N m-2 under conditions of 1.5 g N m-2 atmospheric nitrogen deposition) did not increase N concentrations in plant tissues. The 15N recovery within the entire stand (including soils) was 94%±6% of the applied 15N-ammonium tracer and 100%±6% of the applied 15N-nitrate tracer during the 1st year of investigation. This decreased to 80%±24% and 83%±20%, respectively, during the 2nd year. After 11 days, the 15N tracer was detectable in 1-year-old spruce needles and leaves of understory species. After 1 month, tracer was detectable in needle litter fall. At the end of the first growing season, more than 50% of the 15N taken up by spruce was assimilated in needles, and more than 20% in twigs. The relative distribution of recovered tracer of both 15N-ammonium and 15N-nitrate was similar within the different foliage age classes (recent to 11-year-old) and other compartments of the trees. 15N enrichment generally decreased with increasing tissue age. Roots accounted for up to 20% of the recovered 15N in spruce; no enrichment could be detected in stem wood. Although 15N-ammonium and 15N-nitrate were applied in the same molar quantities (15NH 4 + : 15NO 3 - =1:1), the tracers were diluted differently in the inorganic soil N pools (15NH 4 + /NH 4 + : 15NO 3 - /NO 3 - =1:9). Therefore the measured 15N amounts retained by the vegetation do not represent the actual fluxes of ammonium and nitrate in the soil solution. Use of the molar ammonium-to-nitrate ratio of 9:1 in the soil water extract to estimate 15N uptake from inorganic N pools resulted in a 2–4 times higher ammonium than nitrate uptake by P. abies.  相似文献   
Heteranthery is thought to reflect a division of labor, with some anthers serving a pollinator-feeding function and others serving a pollinating function. Mutualism theory predicts that each participant should try to maximize the benefit it receives from its partner: plants should allocate more pollen to pollination, and pollinators should collect more pollen. Accordingly, plant and pollinator may engage in a ‘tug of war’ with respect to pollen from each anther type, resulting in incomplete division of labor. Here, we explored this idea by conducting a fully factorial manipulation of the availability of pollen in long and short anthers of staminate flowers of Solanum houstonii. We found the following: (1) Bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) preferred to sonicate (collect pollen from) short anthers over long anthers, consistent with a role as feeding and pollinating anthers, respectively; (2) Blocking short anther pores alone increased sonication of long anthers and resulted in collection of pollen from long anthers; (3) Blocking long anther pores alone did not influence sonication of short anthers; (4) The increase in sonication of long anthers, when short anther pores are blocked, was greater when pollen was available in long anthers; (5) Despite shifting sonication effort to long anthers, bees do not move their bodies closer to long anther pores where pollen could be collected more effectively; and (6) analysis of the growth of corbicular loads over time spent buzzing indicates that significant amounts of pollen are collected from long anthers as well as short anthers. We conclude that bees can flexibly increase pollen collection from pollinating anthers, but are constrained from fully exploiting this pollen. This results in checks and balances between plant and bee that may help maintain heteranthery.  相似文献   
Litter decomposition is a key process of nutrient and carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. The decomposition process will likely be altered under ongoing climate change, both through direct effects on decomposer activity and through indirect effects caused by changes in litter quality. We studied how hydrological change indirectly affects decomposition via plant functional community restructuring caused by changes in plant species’ relative abundances (community‐weighted mean (CWM) traits and functional diversity). We further assessed how those indirect litter quality effects compare to direct effects. We set up a mesocosm experiment, in which sown grassland communities and natural turf pieces were subjected to different hydrological conditions (dryness and waterlogging) for two growing seasons. Species‐level mean traits were obtained from trait databases and combined with species’ relative abundances to assess functional community restructuring. We studied decomposition of mixed litter from these communities in a common “litterbed.” These indirect effects were compared to effects of different hydrological conditions on soil respiration and on decomposition of standard litter (direct effects). Dryness reduced biomass production in sown communities and natural turf pieces, while waterlogging only reduced biomass in sown communities. Hydrological stress caused profound shifts in species’ abundances and consequently in plant functional community composition. Hydrologically stressed communities had higher CMW leaf dry matter content, lower CMW leaf nitrogen content, and lower functional diversity. Lower CWM leaf N content and functional diversity were strongly related to slower decomposition. These indirect effects paralleled direct effects, but were larger and longer‐lasting. Species mean traits from trait databases had therefore considerable predictive power for decomposition. Our results show that stressful soil moisture conditions, that are likely to occur more frequently in the future, quickly shift species’ abundances. The resulting functional community restructuring will decelerate decomposition under hydrological stress.  相似文献   
The bile acid precursor 7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one was found to be enzymatically dehydroxylated at a slow rate by liver tissues from the rat, human, and guinea pig. The rat liver enzyme is localized in the microsomal fraction, has a pH optimum of about 8.5, an apparent Km of 0.03-0.04 mM, and a Vmax of 10-15 nmoles.mg protein-1.hr-1. The product from 7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one was identified as cholesta-4,6-dien-3-one by its chromatographic properties and by mass spectrometry. The reaction proceeded both in air and N2, and pyridine nucleotides were not required as cofactors. In addition to the enzymatic reaction, there was a significant nonenzymatic dehydroxylation of 7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, in particular at high pH and with high concentrations of protein. No 7 alpha-dehydroxylation occurred with various 7 alpha-hydroxylated 3 beta-hydroxy-delta 5-steroids. We have previously shown that at least part of the accumulation of cholestanol in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is due to accelerated 7 alpha-dehydroxylation of bile acid intermediate(s), which are further converted into cholestanol. The capacity to dehydroxylate 7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one was found to be about the same in homogenates of liver biopsies from two patients with CTX as in preparations from control subjects. It is suggested that increased levels of substrate (7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one) in the liver, rather than increased amounts of 7 alpha-dehydroxylase is the explanation for the accelerated 7 alpha-dehydroxylation in CTX that leads to increased biosynthesis of cholestanol.  相似文献   
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