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Two new species of heliobacteria isolated from cyanobacterial mats of two alkaline sulfidic hot springs are formally described. Strains BR4 and BG29 are assigned to anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria of the familyHeliobacteriaceae, since they possess the unique properties of this taxon: strict anaerobiosis, formation of bacteriochlorophyllg, the lack of extensive intracytoplasmic membranes and chlorosomes, an unusual cell wall structure, and phylogenetic relatedness to the low G+C gram-positive eubacteria. Based on the 16S rDNA sequence similarity, strains BR4 and BG29 are assigned to the genusHeliobacterium and described as two new species of this genus:Heliobacterium sulfidophilum sp. nov. andHeliobacterium undosum sp. nov. The G+C content of the DNA is 51.3 mol % inHbt. sulfidophilum and 57.2-57.7 mol % inHbt. undosum. The cells ofHbt. sulfidophilum are rods, and the cells ofHbt. undosum are slightly twisted spirilla or short rods. Both new bacteria are motile by peritrichous flagella.Hbt. sulfidophilum produces endospores. The new bacteria are strict anaerobes growing photoheterotrophically on a limited range of organic compounds. In the dark, they can switch from photosynthesis to the slow fermentation of pyruvate. Biotin is required as a growth factor. Both species are highly tolerant to sulfide (up to 2 mM at pH 7.5) and oxidize it photoheterotrophically to elemental sulfur; photoautotrophic growth was not observed. The temperature optimal for growth ofHbt. sulfidophilum andHbt undosum is 30–35‡C, and the optimal pH is 7–8.  相似文献   
Microbiology - Soda lakes are relic ecosystems inhabited by unique microorganisms, which are doubly extremophilic: both haloalkaliphilic and natronophilic. Two morphologically and physiologically...  相似文献   
The genes encoding the key metabolic reactions are often used as functional markers for phylogenetic analysis and microbial ecology studies. The composition and structure of the genes encoding ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBisCO) of various photoautotrophic bacteria, representatives of the order Chromatiales, including collection strains and the strains isolated from saline and soda lakes, were studied in detail. The green-like form I RuBisCO was detected in the majority of the studied strains. In some strains, the genes encoding both form I and form II RuBisCO were present, which has not been previously known for the representatives of this group of bacteria. Moreover, RuBisCO genes were used as functional markers to investigate the autotrophic microbial community inhabiting the upper horizons of bottom sediments of two saline soda lakes and two hypersaline neutral lakes of the Kulunda Steppe. In general, the diversity of autotrophic bacteria in the studied sediment horizons was low. In soda lakes, haloalkaliphilic cyanobacteria and sulfuroxidizing bacteria (SOB) of the genus Halorhodospira were predominant. In saline lakes, halophilic chemoautotrophic SOB Halothiobacillus and Thioalkalivibrio were found, as well as photoautotrophic bacteria of the genus Ectothiorhodosinus and cyanobacteria. Many phylotypes remained unidentified, which indicates the presence of groups of microorganisms with an unknown type of metabolism.  相似文献   
The microtubule- and centrosome-associated Ste20-like kinase (SLK; long Ste20-like kinase [LOSK]) regulates cytoskeleton organization and cell polarization and spreading. Its inhibition causes microtubule disorganization and release of centrosomal dynactin. The major function of dynactin is minus end–directed transport along microtubules in a complex with dynein motor. In addition, dynactin is required for maintenance of the microtubule radial array in interphase cells, and depletion of its centrosomal pool entails microtubule disorganization. Here we demonstrate that SLK (LOSK) phosphorylates the p150Glued subunit of dynactin and thus targets it to the centrosome, where it maintains microtubule radial organization. We show that phosphorylation is required only for centrosomal localization of p150Glued and does not affect its microtubule-organizing properties: artificial targeting of nonphosphorylatable p150Glued to the centrosome restores microtubule radial array in cells with inhibited SLK (LOSK). The phosphorylation site is located in a microtubule-binding region that is variable for two isoforms (1A and 1B) of p150Glued expressed in cultured fibroblast-like cells (isoform 1B lacks 20 amino acids in the basic microtubule-binding domain). The fact that SLK (LOSK) phosphorylates only a minor isoform 1A of p150Glued suggests that transport and microtubule-organizing functions of dynactin are distinctly divided between the two isoforms. We also show that dynactin phosphorylation is involved in Golgi reorientation in polarized cells.  相似文献   
The effect of antitubulin agents (Taxol, Vincristine, and Nocodazole) on MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells was studied. The purpose of the study was to determine the type of death of these cells and the role of p53 protein in this process. The data obtained show that the antitubulin agents can activate not only both subtypes of the mitotic catastrophe (death during mitosis and postmitotic death of polyploid cells) but also death of mononuclear cells. It is assumed that disturbance of the organization of the microtubule system activates the G1 checkpoint in the cell cycle. Apoptosis is activated in a p53-independent manner in K-mitotic cells and after complete microtubule disassembly in interphase cells.  相似文献   
A new nonmotile purple sulfur bacterium (strain M9) was isolated from the steppe soda lake Lake Dzun Uldziin Nur (pH 9.4; mineralization, 3.3%) situated in southeastern Mongolia. Individual cells appear as vibrios 0.3–0.5 × 0.7–1 m in size. The dividing cells often do not separate from each other, forming an almost closed ring. The internal photosynthetic membranes are represented by concentric lamellae lining the cell wall. Photosynthetic pigments are bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series. The main carotenoid (>96%) is spirilloxanthin. Two typical light-harvesting complexes (LH1 and LH2) are present in the membranes in a 1 : 1 ratio. The bacterium is an anaerobe and facultative photoorganoheterotroph. Photolithoautotrophic growth on sulfide is scarce. Thiosulfate is utilized as an electron donor only in the presence of organic matter. Globules of elemental sulfur are formed as an intermediary product of sulfide and thiosulfate oxidation and are deposited outside the cells. The end product of oxidation is sulfate. In the presence of sulfide and carbonates, acetate, lactate, malate, pyruvate, propionate, succinate, and fumarate are used as additional sources of carbon in anoxygenic photosynthesis. Vitamins are not required. The bacterium is an alkaliphile, the pH optimum is at 8.3–9.1, the pH range is 7.6–10.1. The optimum NaCl concentration in the medium is 1 to 7%; the range is 0.5 to 0.9%. The optimum carbonate content in the medium is 2%; the range is 1 to 10%. The best growth occurs at 30–35°C. The DNA G+C content is 57.5 mol %. According to the results of analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences, the new isolate M9 belongs to the phylogenetic cluster containing representatives of the family Ectothiorhodospiraceae within the class Gammaproteobacteria. In this class, the new isolate forms a new branch, which occupies an intermediate position between the representatives of the genera Ectothiorhodospira and Thiorhodospira. Based on the phenotypic and genetic characteristics, the new purple sulfur bacterium was assigned to a new species of a new genus of the family Ectothiorhodospiraceae, Ectothiorhodosinus mongolicum gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   
The anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community of the brackish meromictic Lake Shira (Khakassia) was investigated in August 2001, July 2002, and February–March 2003. In all the periods of investigation, the prevailing microorganisms were purple sulfur bacteria similar to Lamprocystis purpurea in morphology and pigment composition. Their highest number (3 × 105 cells/ml) was recorded in July 2002 at the depth of 15 m. According to 16S rRNA gene analysis, the strain of purple sulfur bacteria isolated in 2001 and designated ShAm01 exhibited 98.6% similarity to the type strain of Thiocapsa roseopersicina and 97.1–94.4% similarity to the type strains of Tca. pendens, Tca. litoralis, and Tca. rosea. The minor microorganisms of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community within the period of investigation were nonsulfur purple bacteria phylogenetically close to Rhodovulum strictum (98.3% similarity, strain ShRb01), Ahrensia kielensis (of 93.9% similarity, strain ShRb02), Rhodomicrobium vannieli (of 99.7% similarity, strain ShRmc01), and green sulfur bacteria, phylogenetically close to Chlorobium limicola (of 98.7% similarity, strain ShCl03).  相似文献   
A novel alkaliphilic heliobacterium was isolated from microbial mats of a low-salt alkaline Siberian soda lake. Cells of the new organism were tightly coiled when grown in coculture with a rod-shaped bacterium, but grew as short filaments when finally obtained in pure culture. The new phototroph, designated strain BT-H1, produced bacteriochlorophyll g and a neurosporene-like pigment, and lacked internal photosynthetic membranes. Similar to other heliobacteria, strain BT-H1 grew photoheterotrophically on a limited range of organic compounds including acetate and pyruvate. Sulfide was oxidized to elemental sulfur and polysulfides under photoheterotrophic conditions; however, photoautotrophic growth was not observed. Cultures of strain BT-H1 were alkaliphilic, growing optimally at pH 9, and unlike other heliobacteria, they grew optimally at a temperature of 25 °C rather than at 40 °C or above. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the new organism showed that it groups within the heliobacterial clade. However, its branching order was phylogenetically basal to all previously investigated species of heliobacteria. The G+C content of the DNA of strain BT-H1 (44.9 mol%) was also quite distinct from that of other heliobacteria. This unique assemblage of properties implicates strain BT-H1 as a new genus and species of the heliobacteria, Heliorestis daurensis, named for its unusual morphology (“restis” is Latin for “rope”) and for the Daur Steppe in Russia in which these soda lakes are located. Received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 25 June 1999  相似文献   
During the work on the project on the identification of proteinkinases that phosphorylate protein microtubules of plants, we revealed with the help of bioinformatics the genes of assumed homologues of proteinkinase MAST2 that is associated with microtubules in animal cells. Respectively, the gene of the closest homologue of MAST2, the assumed protein that we have named GMLK (Grape MAST2-Like Kinase, A7NTE9_VITVI) was identified in the genome of grape Vitis vinifera. This study presents the results of the successful cloning of protein GMLK (A7NTE9_VITVI) cDNA from the leaves of the Pinot Noir grape.  相似文献   
Seasonal studies of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community of the water column of the saline eutrophic meromictic Lake Shunet (Khakassia) were performed in 2002 (June) and 2003 (February–March and August). From the redox zone down, the lake water was of dark green color. Green sulfur bacteria predominated in every season. The maximum number of green sulfur bacteria was 107 cells/ml in summer and 106 cells/ml in winter. A multi-syringe stratification sampler was applied for the study of the fine vertical distribution of phototrophs in August 2003; the sampling was performed every 5 cm. A 5-cm-thick pink-colored water layer inhabited by purple sulfur bacteria was shown to be located above the layer of green bacteria. The species composition and ratio of purple bacterial species depended on the sampling depth and on the season. In summer, the number of purple sulfur bacteria in the layer of pink water was 1.6 × 108 cells/ml. Their number in winter was 3 × 105 cells/ml. In the upper oxygen-containing layer of the chemocline the cells of purple nonsulfur bacteria were detected in summer. The maximum number of nonsulfur purple bacteria, 5 × 102 cells/ml, was recorded in August 2003. According to the results of the phylogenetic analysis of pure cultures of the isolated phototrophic bacteria, which were based on 16S rDNA sequencing, green sulfur bacteria were close to Prosthecochloris vibrioformis, purple sulfur bacteria, to Thiocapsa and Halochromatium species, and purple nonsulfur bacteria, to Rhodovulum euryhalinum and Pinkicyclus mahoneyensis.  相似文献   
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