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The mature embryo sac of Beta vulgaris consists of one egg cell, one persistent and one degenerated synergid, one cental cell with two fused polar nuclei, and five to six antipodals. The degeneration of one of the synergids appears before pollination in the maturing process. The two fused polar nuclei are located in the chalazal part of the central cell. The antipodals may have secretory activities. It is suggested that the embryo sac of the sugar beet completes the maturing process independently of pollination.  相似文献   
Organisms are projected to shift their distribution ranges under climate change. The typical way to assess range shifts is by species distribution models (SDMs), which predict species’ responses to climate based solely on projected climatic suitability. However, life history traits can impact species’ responses to shifting habitat suitability. Additionally, it remains unclear if differences in vital rates across populations within a species can offset or exacerbate the effects of predicted changes in climatic suitability on population viability. In order to obtain a fuller understanding of the response of one species to projected climatic changes, we coupled demographic processes with predicted changes in suitable habitat for the monocarpic thistle Carlina vulgaris across northern Europe. We first developed a life history model with species‐specific average fecundity and survival rates and linked it to a SDM that predicted changes in habitat suitability through time with changes in climatic variables. We then varied the demographic parameters based upon observed vital rates of local populations from a translocation experiment. Despite the fact that the SDM alone predicted C. vulgaris to be a climate ‘winner’ overall, coupling the model with changes in demography and small‐scale habitat suitability resulted in a matrix of stable, declining, and increasing patches. For populations predicted to experience declines or increases in abundance due to changes in habitat suitability, altered fecundity and survival rates can reverse projected population trends.  相似文献   
There is a need for safe medications that can effectively support recovery by treating symptoms of protracted abstinence that may precipitate relapse in alcoholics, e.g. craving and disturbances in sleep and mood. This proof-of-concept study reports on the effectiveness of gabapentin 1200 mg for attenuating these symptoms in a non-treatment-seeking sample of cue-reactive, alcohol-dependent individuals. Subjects were 33 paid volunteers with current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV alcohol dependence and a strength of craving rating 1 SD or greater for alcohol than water cues. Subjects were randomly assigned to gabapentin or placebo for 1 week and then participated in a within-subjects trial where each was exposed to standardized sets of pleasant, neutral and unpleasant visual stimuli followed by alcohol or water cues. Gabapentin was associated with significantly greater reductions than placebo on several measures of subjective craving for alcohol as well as for affectively evoked craving. Gabapentin was also associated with significant improvement on several measures of sleep quality. Side effects were minimal, and gabapentin effects were not found to resemble any major classes of abused drugs. Results suggest that gabapentin may be effective for treating the protracted abstinence phase in alcohol dependence and that a randomized clinical trial would be an appropriate next step. The study also suggests the value of cue-reactivity studies as proof-of-concept screens for potential antirelapse drugs.  相似文献   
The study aimed to explore the suicidal process, suicidal communication and psychosocial situation of young suicide attempters in a rural community in Hanoi, Vietnam. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, in a community setting, with 19 suicide attempters aged 15-24 who had been consecutively hospitalized in an intensive care unit. In 12 of 19 cases, the first pressing, distinct and constant suicidal thoughts appeared less than one day before the suicide attempt in question. However, distress and mild, fleeting suicidal thoughts had been present up to six months before the suicide attempt in 16 cases. Five respondents had a suicide plan one to three days before attempting suicide. Altogether, 13 engaged in some form of suicidal communication before their attempt. This communication was, however, difficult for outsiders to interpret. Twelve of the respondents were victims of regular physical abuse and 16 had suffered psychological violence for at least one year before attempting suicide. Eighteen of the respondents used pesticides or raticides in their suicide attempts. None sought advice or consultation in the community despite long-standing psychosocial problems. The strategy of reducing the availability of suicide means (e.g., pesticides or raticides) in Asian countries should be complemented with a long-term suicide-preventive strategy that targets school dropouts and domestic violence, and promotes coping abilities and communication about psychological and social problems as well as recognition of signs of distress and suicidal communication.  相似文献   
The shrub Rosa rugosa (Japanese Rose), native to East Asia, is considered one of the most troublesome invasive plant species in natural or semi-natural habitats of northern Europe and has proven very difficult to control. We aimed at disentangling the species’ invasion history in Europe, including determining the number of introductions and their geographic origin, and at investigating whether populations in the introduced and native ranges differ in genetic diversity, structure and degree of differentiation. We found that introduced (n = 16) and native (n = 16) populations had similar levels of genetic diversity at seven nuclear SSR (microsatellite) loci. European populations lack isolation by distance and are less genetically differentiated than are populations in East Asia. Multiple and at least three independent colonization events, one of which was particularly successful, gave rise to current R. rugosa populations in Europe. The geographic distribution patterns of these three genetic clusters could not be explained by natural dispersal alone, indicating that human mediated secondary dispersal is driving the expansion in Europe. One cluster representing three of the European populations was most likely derived from NW Japan, whereas the origin of the remaining thirteen populations could not clearly be resolved. The introduction and expansion in Europe occurred with no significant loss of genetic diversity. We conclude that high propagule pressure at the primary establishment phase is the most parsimonious explanation for this pattern. A potential for long distance seed dispersal, coastal habitat connectivity and an outcrossing breeding system are factors likely to have enabled populations of R. rugosa to avoid detrimental effects of genetic bottlenecks and will further increase the species’ range size and abundance in Europe. We recommend that human-mediated dispersal should be prevented in order to halt the continued expansion.  相似文献   
Recent studies from mountainous areas of small spatial extent (<2500 km2) suggest that fine‐grained thermal variability over tens or hundreds of metres exceeds much of the climate warming expected for the coming decades. Such variability in temperature provides buffering to mitigate climate‐change impacts. Is this local spatial buffering restricted to topographically complex terrains? To answer this, we here study fine‐grained thermal variability across a 2500‐km wide latitudinal gradient in Northern Europe encompassing a large array of topographic complexities. We first combined plant community data, Ellenberg temperature indicator values, locally measured temperatures (LmT) and globally interpolated temperatures (GiT) in a modelling framework to infer biologically relevant temperature conditions from plant assemblages within <1000‐m2 units (community‐inferred temperatures: CiT). We then assessed: (1) CiT range (thermal variability) within 1‐km2 units; (2) the relationship between CiT range and topographically and geographically derived predictors at 1‐km resolution; and (3) whether spatial turnover in CiT is greater than spatial turnover in GiT within 100‐km2 units. Ellenberg temperature indicator values in combination with plant assemblages explained 46–72% of variation in LmT and 92–96% of variation in GiT during the growing season (June, July, August). Growing‐season CiT range within 1‐km2 units peaked at 60–65°N and increased with terrain roughness, averaging 1.97 °C (SD = 0.84 °C) and 2.68 °C (SD = 1.26 °C) within the flattest and roughest units respectively. Complex interactions between topography‐related variables and latitude explained 35% of variation in growing‐season CiT range when accounting for sampling effort and residual spatial autocorrelation. Spatial turnover in growing‐season CiT within 100‐km2 units was, on average, 1.8 times greater (0.32 °C km?1) than spatial turnover in growing‐season GiT (0.18 °C km?1). We conclude that thermal variability within 1‐km2 units strongly increases local spatial buffering of future climate warming across Northern Europe, even in the flattest terrains.  相似文献   
Arctic plants and herbivores are subject to ongoing climatic changes that are more rapid and extreme than elsewhere on the planet, and thus it is pivotal to understand the arctic plant-herbivore interactions in a global change context. We examined how infestation by an eriophyoid gall mite affects the circumpolar shrub Salix arctica, and how the effects vary across vegetation types. Specifically, we compared multiple leaf characteristics (leaf area, biomass, nutrient levels, δ15N and δ13C, and stress and performance of the photosynthetic apparatus) of infested leaves to those of un-infested leaves. Furthermore, we examined how altered environmental conditions, here experimentally manipulated levels of temperature, water and nutrients, shading, and UV-B radiation, affect the prevalence, density, and intensity of gall mite infestation and its impacts on S. arctica. Infested leaves were smaller in area and biomass and had lower nitrogen and carbon pools. However, their carbon concentration was higher, possibly because the galls acted as carbon sinks. The smaller photosynthetic area and lower nutrient content caused increased stress on the photosynthetic apparatus in infested leaves. The remaining leaf tissue responded with a higher photosynthetic performance, although there were indications of a general reduction in photosynthesis. Female leaves were more affected than male leaves. The experimental manipulations of environmental conditions did not affect the gall prevalence, density, or intensity on S. arctica leaves. Rather, plants responded positively to the treatments, reducing the effects of the galls to in-significance. This suggests a higher tolerance and defense against gall mites under future climate conditions.  相似文献   
Ecosystems - Herbivores are key drivers of vegetation dynamics in most ecosystems. However, the effect of high arctic herbivores on vegetation dynamics throughout a growing season is not well...  相似文献   
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