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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a difficult to treat cancer characterized by poor tumor immunity with only one approved systemic drug, sorafenib. If novel combination treatments are to be developed with immunological agents, the effects of sorafenib on tumor immunity are important to understand. In this study, we investigate the impact of sorafenib on the CD4+CD25? effector T cells (Teff) and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) from patients with HCC. We isolated Teff and Treg from peripheral mononuclear cells of HCC patients to determine immune reactivity by thymidine incorporation, ELISA and flow cytometry. Teff cultured alone or with Treg were supplemented with different concentrations of sorafenib. The effects of sorafenib on Teff responses were dose-dependent. Pharmacologic doses of sorafenib decreased Teff activation by down regulating CD25 surface expression. In contrast, sub-pharmacologic concentrations of sorafenib resulted in Teff activation. These low doses of sorafenib in the Teff cultures led to a significant increase in Teff proliferation, IL2 secretion and up-regulation of CD25 expression on the cell surface. In addition, low doses of sorafenib in the suppression Teff/Treg cocultures restored Teff responses by eliminating Treg suppression. The loss of Treg suppressive function correlated with an increase in IL2 and IL6 secretion. Our findings show that sub-pharmacologic doses of sorafenib impact subsets of T cells differently, selectively increasing Teff activation while blocking Treg function. In conclusion, this study describes novel immune activating properties of low doses of sorafenib by promoting immune responsiveness in patients with HCC.  相似文献   
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) participate in revascularization and angiogenesis. EPC can be cultured in vitro from mononuclear cells of peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood or bone marrow; they also can be transdifferentiated from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We isolated EPCs from Wharton's jelly (WJ) using two methods. The first method was by obtaining MSC from WJ and characterizing them by flow cytometry and their adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, then applying endothelial growth differentiating media. The second method was by direct culture of cells derived from WJ into endothelial differentiating media. EPCs were characterized by morphology, Dil-LDL uptake/UEA-1 immunostaining and testing the expression of endothelial markers by flow cytometry and RT-PCR. We found that MSC derived from WJ differentiated into endothelial-like cells using simple culture conditions with endothelium induction agents in the medium.  相似文献   
Classical studies on spore release within the Saprolegniaceae (Oomycetes) led to the proposition that different mechanisms of sporangial emptying represent steps in an evolutionary transition series. We have reevaluated this idea in a phylogenetic framework using internal transcribed spacer sequences of four genera. These data were compared with the response to osmotic stress exhibited by each taxon. Saprolegnia emerges as the most basal genus, sister to Achlya, Thraustotheca, and Dictyuchus. Achlya and Thraustotheca are most closely related, while Dictyuchus appears to have evolved along a separate evolutionary lineage. The resulting phylogenetic framework is consistent with the idea that the mechanism of sporangial emptying exhibited by Saprolegnia represents the plesiomorphic condition from which the other mechanisms were derived independently. These alternative mechanisms of spore release may have resulted from a small number of mutations that inhibited axonemal development and altered the temporal and spatial expression of lytic enzymes that degrade the sporangial wall. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Esterase 6 (Est-6/EST6) is polymorphic in both Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans for two common allozyme forms, as well as for several other less common variants. Parallel latitudinal clines in the frequencies of the common EST6-F and EST6-S allozymes in these species have previously been interpreted in terms of a shared amino acid polymorphism that distinguishes the two variants and is subject to selection. Here we compare the sequences of four D. simulans Est-6 isolates and show that overall estimates of nucleotide heterozygosity in both coding and 5' flanking regions are more than threefold higher than those obtained previously for this gene in D. melanogaster. Nevertheless, the ratio of replacement to exon silent-site polymorphism in D. simulans is less than the ratio of replacement to silent divergence between D. simulans and D. melanogaster, which could be the result of increased efficiency of selection against replacement polymorphisms in D. simulans or to divergent selection between the two species. We also find that the amino acid polymorphisms separating EST6- F and EST6-S in D. simulans are not the same as those that separate these allozymes in D. melanogaster, implying that the shared clines do not reflect shared molecular targets for selection. All comparisons within and between the two species reveal a remarkable paucity of variation in a stretch of nearly 400 bp immediately 5' of the gene, indicative of strong selective constraint to retain essential aspects of Est-6 promoter function.   相似文献   
Natural T regulatory cells (Tregs) are challenging to expand ex vivo, and this has severely hindered in vivo evaluation of their therapeutic potential. All trans retinoic acid (ATRA) plays an important role in mediating immune homeostasis in vivo, and we investigated whether ATRA could be used to promote the ex vivo expansion of Tregs purified from adult human peripheral blood. We found that ATRA helped maintain FOXP3 expression during the expansion process, but this effect was transient and serum-dependent. Furthermore, natural Tregs treated with rapamycin, but not with ATRA, suppressed cytokine production in co-cultured effector T cells. This suppressive activity correlated with the ability of expanded Tregs to induce FOXP3 expression in non-Treg cell populations. Examination of CD45RA+ and CD45RA- Treg subsets revealed that ATRA failed to maintain suppressive activity in either population, but interestingly, Tregs expanded in the presence of both rapamycin and ATRA displayed more suppressive activity and had a more favorable epigenetic status of the FOXP3 gene than Tregs expanded in the presence of rapamycin only. We conclude that while the use of ATRA as a single agent to expand Tregs for human therapy is not warranted, its use in combination with rapamycin may have benefit.  相似文献   
Early systemic treatment of nonobese diabetic mice with high doses of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector expressing murine IL-10 prevents type 1 diabetes. To determine the therapeutic parameters and immunological mechanisms underlying this observation, female nonobese diabetic mice at 4, 8, and 12 wk of age were given a single i.m. injection of rAAV-murine IL-10 (10(4), 10(6), 10(8), and 10(9) infectious units (IU)), rAAV-vector expressing truncated murine IL-10 fragment (10(9) IU), or saline. Transduction with rAAV-IL-10 at 10(9) IU completely prevented diabetes in all animals injected at all time points, including, surprisingly, 12-wk-old animals. Treatment with 10(8) IU provided no protection in the 12-wk-old injected mice, partial prevention in 8-wk-old mice, and full protection in all animals injected at 4 wk of age. All other treatment groups developed diabetes at a similar rate. The rAAV-IL-10 therapy attenuated pancreatic insulitis, decreased MHC II expression on CD11b+ cells, increased the population of CD11b+ cells, and modulated insulin autoantibody production. Interestingly, rAAV-IL-10 therapy dramatically increased the percentage of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells. Adoptive transfer studies suggest that rAAV-IL-10 treatment alters the capacity of splenocytes to impart type 1 diabetes in recipient animals. This study indicates the potential for immunomodulatory gene therapy to prevent autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, and implicates IL-10 as a molecule capable of increasing the percentages of regulatory cells in vivo.  相似文献   
IntroductionEarly degenerative changes in the nucleus pulposus (NP) are observed after the disappearance of notochordal cells (NCs). Thus, it has been suggested that NCs play an important role in maintaining the NP and may have a regenerative potential on other cells of the NP. As the number of resident NP cells (NPCs) decreases in a degenerating disc, mesenchymal stromal (stem) cells (MSCs) may be used for cell supplementation. In this study, using cells of one species, the regenerative potential of canine NCs was assessed in long-term three-dimensional coculture with canine NPCs or MSCs.MethodsCanine NCs and canine NPCs or MSCs were cocultured in alginate beads for 28 days under hypoxic and high-osmolarity conditions. Cell viability, cell morphology and DNA content, extracellular matrix production and expression of genes related to NC markers (Brachyury, KRT18) and NP matrix production (ACAN, COL2A1, COL1A1) were assessed after 1, 15 and 28 days of culture.ResultsNCs did not completely maintain their phenotype (morphology, matrix production, gene expression) during 28 days of culture. In cocultures of NPCs and NCs, both extracellular matrix content and anabolic gene expression remained unchanged compared with monoculture groups, whereas cocultures of MSCs and NCs showed increased glycosaminoglycan/DNA. However, the deposition of these proteoglycans was observed near the NCs and not the MSCs. Brachyury expression in the MSC and NC coculture group increased in time. The latter two findings indicate a trophic effect of MSCs on NCs rather than vice versa.ConclusionsNo regenerative potential of canine NCs on canine NPCs or MSCs was observed in this study. However, significant changes in NC phenotype in long-term culture may have resulted in a suboptimal regenerative potential of these NCs. In this respect, NC-conditioned medium may be better than coculture for future studies of the regenerative potential of NCs.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-015-0569-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Increased life expectancy in cystic fibrosis (CF) is accompanied by an increasing incidence of CF related diabetes (CFRD). Altered immune reactivity occurs in CF, which we hypothesize, is exacerbated by hyperglycemia. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator deficient (CFTR-/-) mice were rendered hyperglycemic by streptozotocin (STZ) to test this hypothesis. CFTR-/-, C57BL/6J, and FVB/NJ mice received either STZ or lactated ringers (LR) (n=5-10). Four weeks later, splenocytes were harvested, mitogen stimulated, and analyzed for cytokine production (IL-2, IL-4, and IL-10) along with stimulation indices (SI). SI of STZ-treated CFTR-/- were elevated compared to LR-treated mice, although both were greater than C57BL/6J and FVB/NJ (p<0.05). Fasting glucose levels of STZ-treated CFTR-/- mice correlated with SI (p<0.003). Stimulated IL-10 concentrations were elevated in STZ-treated CFTR-/- compared to LR-treated animals and controls (p<0.05). IL-2 levels were greater in CFTR-/- mice compared to controls (p<0.05), but unrelated to STZ. Reinforcing generalized cytokine up-regulation in CFTR-/-, IL-4 levels were greater in CFTR-/- mice compared to C57BL/6J, but FVB/NJ mice demonstrated greatest concentrations following STZ. These results suggest that, hyperglycemia may exacerbate the clinical course in CF by impacting immune reactivity. There is clear need to maximize metabolic management in CFRD.  相似文献   
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