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Data from beagle experiments and radium dial painters were used to derive two-mutation carcinogenesis models for bone cancer induced by the bone-seeking radionuclides radium, strontium and plutonium. For all data, the model fits indicate that at low doses both mutation rates depend linearly and equally strongly on dose rate. For the high-LET alpha-particle emitters, a cell killing term reduces the second mutation rate at high dose rates. In all cases, the combined effect of both mutation rates is a linear-quadratic dose-effect relationship for cancer at low doses. This behavior may lead to experimental data that could be mistaken as showing a threshold below which no cancers are induced. Derived parameters such as toxicity ratios and tumor growth times compare well with values reported in the literature. Furthermore, results for plutonium indicate that rapid burial of the nuclide in the growing bones of juvenile beagles leads to a significant reduction of its toxicity, as was suggested previously. The results for radium in beagles compare well with those for humans and suggest that the models derived for strontium and plutonium in beagles may be translated to humans. The significant model parameters for the accurate animal data could then also be used to fit human epidemiological data.  相似文献   
The herbivorous mayfly Heptagenia sulphurea is characteristic of rivers with stony bottoms. Records from the 20th century showed that this species had disappeared from the Common Meuse in the Netherlands, probably due to river regulation or changes in water quality. A field survey in 2003 showed that H. sulphurea was present in the Geul tributary, approximately 300 m upstream of its confluence with the Common Meuse. H. sulphurea has not recolonized the Common Meuse despite improvements in water quality over the last decades. Concentration of suspended sediments in the River Meuse, however, is still high, much higher than in the beginning of the 20th century. The presence of a silt layer may limit the return of H. sulphurea in this river by reducing availability and quality of its food. The prime objective of this study was to investigate the impact of silt on survival and growth of H. sulphurea in a laboratory experiment. Furthermore, the impact of water and periphyton quality from the Common Meuse on survival and growth of this mayfly was also investigated. Results showed that neither water quality nor cultured periphyton from the Common Meuse reduced survival and growth of H. sulphurea. The presence of a silt layer resulted in a significantly lower growth rate of the mayfly larvae. It is concluded that the silt layer reduces the accessibility of the food. Covering of food is possibly one of the main factors limiting the recolonization of H. sulphurea and probably other benthic grazers in the Common Meuse.  相似文献   
AFLP® markers generated by CNG methylation sensitive (PstI/MseI) and CNG methylation insensitive (EcoRI/MseI) enzyme combinations and AFLP markers collected from hypomethylated (PstI/MseI) and hypermethylated (m PstI/MseI) regions were compared for their polymorphism information content, sampling variance and patterns of genetic diversity in a representative sample of 33 inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.). We demonstrate that the mean polymorphism information content generated by sets of PstI/MseI and m PstI/MseI markers (0.38) is significantly higher than by sets ofEcoRI/MseI markers (0.33). Also the sampling variance highlighted the distinctive nature of the (m) PstI/MseI markers: to achieve a mean standard deviation of 5% in the estimation of genetic distance among the 33 inbreds, the PstI/MseI and m PstI/MseI marker sets (135 and 129 markers, respectively) are clearly smaller than the EcoRI/MseI marker set (173 markers). A further minimizing of the sampling variance of AFLP data in the estimation of genetic similarities was obtained by reducing marker information redundancy by selecting markers evenly distributed over each chromosome: a set of only 106 AFLP markers, sampled conditionally on their genetic map position, was required for a mean standard deviation of 5% in the estimation of genetic distance among the 33 inbreds.  相似文献   
Cell flattening and spreading on a substratum is of major importance in cellular and developmental biology. To study the mechanisms of cell spreading, quantitative and reproducible measures of the degree of cell spreading must be available. Normal human fibroblasts, spreading on a substratum, were fixed with glutaraldehyde, stained with acridine orange and photographed (X 40) under a fluorescence microscope. The photonegatives (containing 10-30 cells) were scanned with a drum scanner and a complete picture containing 128 gray levels was constructed. Each cell contour was calculated with the use of a local threshold. The image and the superimposed cell contours were displayed on a television screen (16 gray levels) and errors were corrected interactively. With this system the spreading of normal human skin fibroblasts as a function of time could be quantified reproducibly. Compared to surface area or shape, the cell perimeter proved to be a very sensitive parameter of the degree of spreading. By using cell perimeter measurements, differences in the degree of spreading on various substrata could be quantified.  相似文献   
The use of DNA markers to evaluate genetic diversity is an important component of the management of animal genetic resources. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has published a list of recommended microsatellite markers for such studies; however, other markers are potential alternatives. This paper describes results obtained with a set of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers as part of a genetic diversity study of European pig breeds that also utilized microsatellite markers. Data from 148 AFLP markers genotyped across samples from 58 European and one Chinese breed were analysed. The results were compared with previous analyses of data from 50 microsatellite markers genotyped on the same animals. The AFLP markers had an average within-breed heterozygosity of 0.124 but there was wide variation, with individual markers being monomorphic in 3-98% of the populations. The biallelic and dominant nature of AFLP markers creates a challenge for their use in genetic diversity studies as each individual marker contains limited information and AFLPs only provide indirect estimates of the allelic frequencies that are needed to estimate genetic distances. Nonetheless, AFLP marker-based characterization of genetic distances was consistent with expectations based on breed and regional distributions and produced a similar pattern to that obtained with microsatellites. Thus, data from AFLP markers can be combined with microsatellite data for measuring genetic diversity.  相似文献   
Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is characterized by genome instability and cancer predisposition. NBS patients contain a mutation in the NBS1 gene, which encodes the NBS1 component of the DNA double-strand break (DSB) response complex MRE11/RAD50/NBS1. To investigate the NBS phenotype in more detail, we combined the mouse mimic of the most common patient mutation (Nbs1ΔB/ΔB) with a Rad54 null mutation, which diminishes homologous recombination. Double mutant cells were particularly sensitive to treatments that cause single strand breaks (SSBs), presumably because these SSBs can be converted into detrimental DSBs upon passage of a replication fork. The persistent presence of nuclear RAD51 foci and increased levels of chromatid type breaks in metaphase spreads indicated that replication-associated DSBs are repaired inefficiently in the double mutant cells. We conclude that Nbs1 and Rad54 function cooperatively, but in separate pathways to counteract this type of DNA damage and discuss mechanistic implications of these findings.  相似文献   
In recent years, a two-mutation carcinogenesis (TMC) model has been used to analyze epidemiological data and estimate the radiation risks at low doses for the organs affected. Here the TMC model was used to reanalyze the liver cancer incidence in the Danish population in general and in patients administered Thorotrast, and to estimate the radiation risks for the liver. The data for 807 patients for whom sufficient data on the injected volumes of Thorotrast were available were used in this reanalysis. These data were combined with data on liver cancer incidence in the Danish population as the baseline or background incidence. Because males and females show different baseline liver cancer incidences, separate fits were made for males and females. The fits showed that the radiation effect could be ascribed entirely to the radiation dependence of the first mutation rate of the TMC model, which was higher for females than for males. The second mutation rate was not significantly dependent on dose. The radiation risks for the liver were calculated on the basis of the model parameters. These risks for lifetime exposures are about the same for males and females and are between a factor of 2 and 10 higher than current estimates. The discrepancy between the model results and previous risk estimates probably arises because the model calculations give more complete lifetime radiation risk estimates. For short-term exposures of the liver to ionizing radiation, the maximum radiation-induced excess liver cancer risk per unit dose applies to exposures at the age of about 10; exposures at ages above 35 have a radiation effect of less than approximately 15% of this maximum.  相似文献   
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