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Grain yields were measured over 2 seasons from a range of field crops following liming and deep ripping an acid and compacted soil in north-eastern Victoria. Lime (2.5 t ha–1) substantially reduced the level of exchangeable Al and exchangeable Mn whilst raising soil pH by about 1.0 unit. The crops grown were 7 cultivars of wheat and one cultivar each of triticale, oats, barley, rapeseed, safflower, field pea, chick pea and lupins. With the exception of lupin, liming the soil increased (p=0.05) the grain yield of all crops and cultivars. With the wheat cultivars there were 2 distinct groups with different tolerance to soil acidity. Wheat, oats, triticale and lupins had higher absolute yields than the other crops. Safflower and chick pea had very low yields without soil amendment. The magnitude of the lime response did not differ between the wheat cultivars (17%) or between any of the crop species (range 9–29%). Deep ripping the soil to break a hard compacted layer resulted in more yield for all the cereals and safflower. The results demonstrate the importance of using crops with tolerance to acid soil conditions as well as gains that can be obtained with ameliorating identifiable soil problems.  相似文献   
Conflicting results using erythrocyte aminotransferase (eAST) stimulation to assess vitamin B6 nutritional status in patients with less severe B6 deficiencies are common. It has been claimed that the presence of different B6 vitamers may modify the activation of eAST by pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) leading to stimulatory or even inhibitory effects. To investigate the possible role of this phenomenon in producing inconsistent AST stimulations, aliquots of whole blood were incubated with equivalent amounts of different B6 vitamers, and the AST stimulation was correlated with the concentrations of PLP, measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. At the end of the incubation period the erythrocytes and plasma were separately analyzed. The conversion of non-PLP B6 vitamers to PLP, by the erythrocytes, was similar (approximately 70%) for all B6 vitamers used in the incubation experiments. The newly formed PLP accumulated in the erythrocytes, but the percentage activation of AST did not change significantly from the basal levels, in spite of the presence of increased levels of PLP and other B6 vitamers used for incubation. When PLP was used in the incubation studies, all of it was retained by the plasma and was associated with a marked suppression of plasma AST stimulation. To determine the degree to which plasma and erythrocyte AST was dose-dependent, plasma and haemolysates were incubated with increasing concentrations of PLP. A very significant inverse relationship was obtained in plasma between AST stimulation and PLP even at modest PLP levels, while haemolysates required incubation with much higher PLP concentrations to demonstrate the same effect. Since plasma PLP is considered to be the most reliable indicator of B6 nutritional status in man, our findings suggest that plasma percentage AST stimulation more closely reflects the B6 nutritional status than erythrocyte AST stimulation test which may reflect B6 status only in severe, longstanding B6 deficiencies. Conflicting results using erythrocyte AST stimulations may be attributed to the insensitivity of red cell AST to changes in PLP content. It is unlikely that the presence of non-PLP B6 vitamers in haemolysate may affect the percentage stimulation of aminotransferase enzymes by PLP.  相似文献   
Rotavirus-associated diarrhea in a commercial rabbitry   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An epizootic of diarrheal disease occurred in a commercial specific-pathogen-free rabbitry, and was characterized by sudden onset, rapid spread, and high morbidity and mortality among sucklings. Affected rabbits rapidly became dehydrated and most died within two days of the onset of diarrhea. Eight of these rabbits were necropsied. Five had blunted and fused small intestinal villi with attenuated villous enterocytes. A rotavirus was isolated from four rabbits, and five survivors of affected litters had strong antibody responses to rotavirus.  相似文献   
Postmortem examination of a captive-bred American kestrel (Falco sparverius) showed numerous white necrotic foci 1-2 mm in diameter throughout the liver and spleen. The results of light and spleen. The results of light and electron microscopic studies and experimental transmission to a captive American kestrel and a barred owl (Strix varia) suggests a herpesvirus similar to those dsecribed for owls and other falcons in the U.S. This is the first report of a naturally occurring case of inclusion body disease of falcons in the American kestrel.  相似文献   
An amino acid, lethal to New Hampshire chickens (LD50, 150 mg/kg) was isolated from dried sclerotia of the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii (Sacc.). Purification of the rather unstable compound was effected on a cation exchange column by means of displacement chromatography and the amino acid was crystallised from 80% methanol. A structure was assigned to the compound on the basis of available chemical and physical data, namely 2(S),3(R)-2- amino-3-hydroxypent-4-ynoic acid. Confirmation of this structure was gained by direct and indirect synthetic procedures.  相似文献   
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalytic DNA polymerase I 180-kDa subunit and the tightly associated 86-kDa polypeptide have been purified using immunoaffinity chromatography, permitting further characterization of the DNA polymerase activity of the DNA primase-DNA polymerase protein complex. The subunits were purified to apparent homogeneity from separate overproducing yeast strains using monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing each subunit. When the individual subunits were recombined in vitro a p86p180 physical complex formed spontaneously, as judged by immunoprecipitation of 180-kDa polypeptide and DNA polymerase activity with the anti-86-kDa monoclonal antibody. The 86-kDa subunit stabilized the DNA polymerase activity of the 180-kDa catalytic subunit at 30 degrees C, the physiological temperature. The apparent DNA polymerase processivity of 50-60 nucleotides on poly(dA).oligo(dT)12 or poly(dT).oligo(A)8-12 template-primer was not affected by the presence of the 86-kDa subunit but was reduced by increased Mg2+ concentration. The Km of the catalytic 180-kDa subunit for dATP or DNA primer terminus was unaffected by the presence of the 86-kDa subunit. The isolated 180-kDa polypeptide was sufficient to catalyze all the DNA synthesis that had been observed previously in the DNA primase-DNA polymerase protein complex. The 180-kDa subunit possessed a 3'----5'-exonuclease activity that catalyzed degradation of polynucleotides, but degradation of oligonucleotide substrates of chain lengths up to 50 was not detected. This exonuclease activity was unaffected by the presence of the 86-kDa subunit. Despite the striking physical similarity of the DNA primase-DNA polymerase protein complex in all eukaryotes examined, the data presented here indicate differences in the enzymatic properties detected in preparations of the DNA polymerase subunits isolated from S. cerevisiae as compared with the properties of preparations from Drosophila cells. In particular, the 3'----5'-exonuclease activity associated with the yeast catalytic DNA polymerase subunit was not masked by the 86-kDa subunit.  相似文献   
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