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Experimental model consisted in blocking cells in G1 phase by cold treatment (12 h, 10 degrees C); following 3 h of postincubation at 20 degrees C, cells initiated S phase. In the present studies it has been shown that 2 h postincubation at 20 degrees C of cold-treated young seedlings of Helianthus annuus L. results in transformation of inactive meristematic nucleoli, characterized by small sizes, reduced amount of dry mass and granular component and by the presence of few and large fibrillar centres into large active nucleoli displaying high dry mass and granular component contents, numerous and small fibrillar centres. After 3 h of postincubation at 20 degrees C, nucleoli lose their granular component, decrease in size and dry mass content. At this moment cytoplasm enriches in ribosomes and its dry mass increases. Maximum of nucleolar activity is preceded by an accumulation of proteins in nucleoli. It is concluded that an enhanced transport of ribosomes is one of the conditions of S phase initiation.  相似文献   
In root meristems of 3 species (Secale cereale L., Vicia faba L. subsp. minor, Allium cepa L.) the durations of cell cycles and their phases were calculated using 3H-thymidine labelling. In the above species and in Helianthus annuus L. (parameters of the cell cycle determined earlier) the G1 and G2 phase durations were different: G1 + 1/2 M from 3 h to 6.1 h, G2 + 1/2 M from 1.1. h to 8.3 h, depending on the species. The rate of rRNA transport from nucleoli into cytoplasm during recovery after cold treatment was calculated from our data presented earlier. The results indicate that in 4 species studied there is no correlation (at P = 0.05) between the rate of rRNA transport and the duration of G1 and G2 phases.  相似文献   
A new species of quill mite of the family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata), Peristerophila nestoriae sp. nov. from New Zealand Kaka, Nestor meridionalis (Gmelin) (Psittaciformes: Strigopidae) is described. This new species is morphologically similar to Peristerophila falcophila [Skoracki M, Hromada M, Kaszewska K, Unsoeld M. 2018. Peristerophila falcophila sp. nov., a new species and first record of quill mites (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) parasitizing birds of the order Falconiformes. Acta Parasitologica. 63:744–749. https://doi.org/10.1515/ap-2018-0088], and differs from it as follow: the stylophore is 130–140 long (vs. 150–160 long); the propodonotal shield bear bases of setae ve, si, and c1 (vs. only ve and si on the propodonotal shield); fan-like setae p′ and p″ of legs III and IV with 11–13 tines (vs. 10 tines); the lengths of setae ag2 40–50 (vs. 55–70). Our finding is the first record of the presence of syringophilid mite on host of the family Strigopidae and first report of the member of Peristerophila on psittaciform birds. So far, the syringophilids mites have not been found in New Zealand.

LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FB0C5B37-DF42-428C-8C81-8FA56EA67504  相似文献   

Werner's syndrome (WS) is a human disease with manifestations resembling premature aging. The gene defective in WS, WRN, encodes a DNA helicase. Here, we describe the generation of mice bearing a mutation that eliminates expression of the C terminus of the helicase domain of the WRN protein. Mutant mice are born at the expected Mendelian frequency and do not show any overt histological signs of accelerated senescence. These mice are capable of living beyond 2 years of age. Cells from these animals do not show elevated susceptibility to the genotoxins camptothecin or 4-NQO. However, mutant fibroblasts senesce approximately one passage earlier than controls. Importantly, WRN(-/-);p53(-/-) mice show an increased mortality rate relative to WRN(+/-);p53(-/-) animals. We consider possible models for the synergy between p53 and WRN mutations for the determination of life span.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: The article presents results of the listing of the quantity of amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides for all proteins available in the UNIPROT-TREMBL database and the listing for selected species and enzymes. UNIPROT-TREMBL contains protein sequences associated with computationally generated annotations and large-scale functional characterization. Due to the distinct metabolic pathways of amino acid syntheses and their physicochemical properties, the quantities of subpeptides in proteins vary. We have proved that the distribution of amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides is statistical which confirms that the evolutionary biodiversity development model is subject to the theory of independent events. It seems interesting that certain short peptide combinations occur relatively rarely or even not at all. First, it confirms the Darwinian theory of evolution and second, it opens up opportunities for designing pharmaceuticals among rarely represented short peptide combinations. Furthermore, an innovative approach to the mass analysis of bioinformatic data is presented. CONTACT: eitner@amu.edu.pl SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   
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