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For over a century microbiologists and immunologist have categorized microorganisms as pathogenic or non-pathogenic species or genera. This definition, clearly relevant at the strain and species level for most bacteria, where differences in virulence between strains of a particular species are well known, has never been probed at the strain level in fungal species. Here, we tested the immune reactivity and the pathogenic potential of a collection of strains from Aspergillus spp, a fungus that is generally considered pathogenic in immuno-compromised hosts. Our results show a wide strain-dependent variation of the immune response elicited indicating that different isolates possess diverse virulence and infectivity. Thus, the definition of markers of inflammation or pathogenicity cannot be generalized. The profound understanding of the molecular mechanisms subtending the different immune responses will result solely from the comparative study of strains with extremely diverse properties.  相似文献   
The reservoir investigated collects domestic and agricultural effluents after primary and secondary treatment. Despite the high concentration of organic matter (mean BOD5 = 60 mg l–1), the reservoir does not deteriorate to produce obnoxious, anaerobic conditions. During a one year period, dissolved oxygen levels fluctuated widely but presented a long term dynamic stability, based on diffusion from the air during the winter mixing and on algal — bacterial — zooplankton equilibrium during the summer stagnation. The system, rich in organic and inorganic nutrients exhibited a much higher self-regulatory cability, than would be expected from its extreme enrichment. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the dynamic equilibrium achieved under extremely hypertrophic conditions.Human Environmental Sciences Division, School of Applied Science and Technology  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The overlying water of intact sediment cores was constantly stirred with an impeller at a rate sufficient to mix turbulently the water column and maintain the diffusive boundary layer at a determined thickness. The system allowed standardization of water circulation in laboratory sediment core experiments.
2. Both oxygen concentration and oxygen penetration depth in the sediments decreased, the former by 70% and the latter from 4.2 mm to 2.0 mm, when the overlying water was not stirred for 24 h, as measured with oxygen microelectrodes in a lake sediment core.
3. Oxygen profiles measured in sediment cores in the laboratory were similar to those measured in situ when the overlying water was stirred with an impeller at such a rate that a similar thickness of the diffusive boundary layer at the sediment-water interface developed in the laboratory as that in situ.
4. Sediment oxygen consumption was calculated from: (1) measured oxygen profiles in the diffusive boundary layer and the molecular diffusion coefficient for oxygen in water; (2) the measured oxygen decrease in the top of the sediments and the estimated diffusion coefficient in the sediment; and (3) by oxygen differences in the overlying water after incubation of sediment cores.  相似文献   
Three meal sizes of sandeels were fed to whiting in order to monitor the evacuation of food out of the stomach. The stomach contents were sampled at intervals after feeding, using a stomach pump. In such experiments, the proportion of fish with empty stomachs tends to increase with time and, since stomach contents are limited to zero or positive values, the variance of the stomach contents becomes censored at zero. This tends to produce a curved relationship between mean stomach content and time, which gives the impression that evacuation rate slows down at low levels of stomach fullness. By taking account of censoring, it was shown that the evacuation curve generated for whiting was consistent with and could be generated from a linear model in which the rate of gastric evacuation exhibited by the fish was constant and independent of meal size, level of stomach fullness and time after feeding. The parameters of the linear model were estimated by maximum likelihood and then applied in a second model to predict the observed mean stomach content. The average gastric evacuation rate of whiting of mean weight 268 g at 10°C was 0.31 g h−1.  相似文献   
Living Vessel Elements in the Late Metaxylem of Sheathed Maize Roots   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The two types of nodal roots of field-grown maize, sheathedand bare, were found to have such different water conductivitiesthat an investigation of the anatomy of their large metaxylemvessels was made. While the vessels of the bare roots were openfor scores of centimetres, those of the sheathed roots werefound to be not vessels but developing vessel elements, withcross walls at 1 mm intervals, and protoplasts. The cross wallsbetween the elements had several unique histochemical properties.Previous investigators have often failed to find the cross wallsbecause they are very easily dislodged during the usual methodsof tissue preparation. They are best identified by microdissectionof fresh xylem. The living elements persist in the late metaxylemup to 20 – 30 cm from the tip. As the roots become longerthan this both the cross walls and the soil sheaths disappearand there is a transition to a bare root with open vessels inthe proximal region. The soil sheath persists a little longerthan the cross walls. The two types are thus stages in a developmentalsequence through which all nodal roots pass. A fundamental differencebetween the two types is in their water status, since the estimatedconductive capacity of a bare root is about 100 times greaterthan that of a sheathed root. These observations point to theneed for a reassessment of the published work on transport ofions into the xylem of grass roots through a reinvestigationof the ‘maturity’ of their xylem vessels. Grass roots, dimorphic roots, ion secretion to xylem, soil sheaths, xylem vessels, xylem differentiation, water conduction, Zea mays L  相似文献   
Effects of heat treatments on chick embryo fibroblasts, Drosophila embryonic cells, and human lymphoblastoid cells have been compared. Cells from all three species synthesize large heat-shock proteins (hsps) with Mr = 70,000 and 84,000-85,000. Different small hsps with Mr between 22,000 and 27,000 are made at high rates in heat-treated chicken and Drosophila cells but could not be observed in human cells. The structural features of the large hsps from cells of the different organisms were compared by three methods of peptide mapping, namely the examination of tryptic digests by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography or by high pressure liquid chromatography and of incomplete V8 digests by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The Mr = 84,000-85,000 polypeptides from all three organisms are closely related, the chicken and human polypeptides having many peptides in common. The relationship between the Mr = 70,000 polypeptides of the different organisms appears to be less close; possible explanations for this latter result are discussed. Rates of synthesis of total as well as poly(A)+ RNA are much lower in heat-treated than in untreated cells of all three organisms. Heat treatments induce dramatic changes in the shape of chick embryo fibroblasts as seen by microscopic examination. Human lymphoblastoid cells do not show changes in shape.  相似文献   
DURING each step of peptide chain elongation the ribosome shifts up one triplet along the messenger RNA with concomitant movement of the peptidyl-transfer RNA from the donor to the acceptor site. This process, commonly known as translocation, is triggered by a supernatant protein, factor G, which in association with the ribosome cleaves GTP into GDP and inorganic phosphate1,2 and it has been argued that the energy liberated in this reaction is used “to carry the complex one triplet forward”3.  相似文献   
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