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A neutral cholesterol esterase has been purified to homogeneity from the cytosolic fraction of rat liver. The 105,000 x g supernatant fraction of rat liver was applied to a DEAE-cellulose column to isolate a partially purified fraction of hepatic cholesterol esterase. Immunoblot analysis of the partially purified liver fraction with the anti-porcine pancreatic cholesterol esterase IgG demonstrated a single band with a molecular weight of 67,000. The hepatic protein was then isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography technique using a column constructed with antibodies prepared against the pancreatic cholesterol esterase. Characterization of the hepatic cholesterol esterase revealed that the hepatic enzyme shared antigenic epitopes with the pancreatic cholesterol esterase and was similarly activated by addition of bile salt such as taurocholate. Moreover, amino-terminal sequencing analysis of the hepatic cholesterol esterase showed an identical sequence with the pancreatic enzyme. Taken together, these results showed that the cholesterol esterases in the liver and the pancreas are very similar and possibly identical proteins.  相似文献   
In the course of discovering the first mutagen (X-rays) just over 60 years ago, Herman J. Muller asked whether X-rays induced single-gene mutations and/or chromosomal (multiple-gene) mutations. To a large extent, his question has set the agenda for mutagenesis research ever since. We explore historically the answers to this question, with special emphasis on recent developments in the field of mammalian cell mutagenesis. Studies indicate that ionizing radiation and many chemical mutagens/carcinogens induce both gene and chromosomal mutations; however, only certain genetic systems permit the recovery and analysis of both classes of mutations. Few chemical mutagens induce only gene mutations in mammalian cells; instead, most mutagens appear to induce both classes of mutations, with chromosomal mutations (especially multilocus deletions) predominating at high doses. These results have implications regarding the mechanisms of mutagenesis, the role of chromosomal mutations in carcinogenesis and hereditary disease, and the type of data required for risk assessment of physical and chemical mutagens/carcinogens.  相似文献   
It is important to assess levels of surface active impurities in solutions used for characterization of monomolecular films and for deposition of Langmuir-Blodgett multilayers. Traditional surface pressure-area measurements lack sufficient sensitivity because of the extremely low surface pressures surfactants exhibit below the formation of a coherent film. In contrast, surface potential measurements at the gas-liquid interface increase in a surfactant-dependent manner in the gaseous-liquid expanded transition region. Using this property of such films together with area reduction, levels of impurities representing less than or equal to 0.1% of a typical coherent monolayer can be quantitated. The measurement does not require ultrapure reference materials and can be performed on a solution immediately before spreading and compression of an experimental monolayer film.  相似文献   
The roles of the large T and small t antigens of simian virus 40 in cellular DNA synthesis and cell division were analyzed in BALB/c 3T3 mouse cells transformed by wild-type, temperature-sensitive A (tsA), or tsA-deletion (tsA/dl) double mutants. Assessment of DNA replication and cell cycle distribution by radioautography of [3H]thymidine-labeled nuclei and by flow microfluorimetry indicate that tsA transformants do not synthesize DNA or divide at the restrictive temperature to the same extent as they do at the permissive temperature or as wild-type transformants do at the restrictive temperature. This confirms earlier studies suggesting that large T induces DNA synthesis and mitosis in transformed cells. Inhibition of replication in tsA transformants at the restrictive temperature, however, is not complete. Some residual cell division does occur but is in large part offset by cell detachment and death. This failure to revert completely to the parental 3T3 phenotype, as indicated by residual cell cycling at the restrictive temperature, was also observed in cells transformed by tsA/dl double mutants which, in addition to producing a ts large T, make no small t protein. Small t, therefore, does not appear to be responsible for the residual cell cycling and plays no demonstrable role in the induction of DNA synthesis or cell division in stably transformed BALB/c 3T3 cells. Comparison of cell cycling in tsA and tsA/dl transformants, normal 3T3 cells, and a transformation revertant suggests that the failure of tsA transformants to revert completely may be due to leakiness of the tsA mutation as well as to a permanent cellular alteration induced during viral transformation. Finally, analysis of cells transformed by tsA/dl double mutants indicates that small t is not required for full expression of growth properties characteristic of transformed cells.  相似文献   
Oxidation of fatty alcohols to acids in gourami caeca was investigated by measuring the reduction of NAD+ and the formation of labeled hexadecanoic acid from [1(-14)C]hexadecanol. Virtually all dehydrogenase activity is in the microsomal fraction. Maximal activity is obtained with NAD+ as cofactor whereas with NADP+ 60% of that activity is obtained. The enzyme is rather specific for long chain alcohols and 2 NADH are formed for each molecule of hexadecanol oxidized to acid. It is stabilized by mercaptoethanol, and completely inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate. The activity is optimal at pH 9.5. At higher pH, small amounts of aldehyde are found. The first reaction in the sequence, fatty alcohol leads to aldehyde leads to acid seems to occur under the more physiological condition at a much slower rate than the second reaction so that free aldehyde is not detected. Addition of palmitic acid indicated an uncompetitive product inhibition. The oxidation of alcohol to acid is reversible only to a very minor extent even in the presence of NADPH, CoA, ATP and Mg2+. Location, activity and properties of the enzyme are in agreement with the earlier observation from dietary experiments that in the gourami fatty alcohols of wax esters are oxidized to acids in the course of absorption.  相似文献   
Surface pressure-area isotherms for 1,3-didecanoyl-glycerol (dicaprin) were determined as a function of the concentration of taurodeoxycholate in the subphase. Analysis of these curves indicates that, from 0.05 to 0.80 mM bile salt, surface structure is dependent only on the surface concentration of the diglyceride. The limiting areas for dicaprin in the presence and absence of bile salt were about 38 A2/molecule. Subjecting the monolayers to hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase yielded kinetic data which, together with the physical studies, support a model for monolayer glyceride molecules undergoing discrete changes of state. In the absence of bile salt, the relatively expanded state exhibits an area of 75 A2/diglyceride molecule and is not a substrate for pancreatic lipase B. The more condensed state exhibits an area of 38 A2/diglyceride molecule and is hydrolyzed at a rate proportional to its concentration in the monolayer. Taurodeoxybholate at 0.05 to 0.60 mM shifts the apparent area of the expanded state to 360 A2/diglyceride molecule.  相似文献   
We report on the development and validation of a simple microarray method for the direct detection of intact 16S rRNA from unpurified soil extracts. Total RNAs from Geobacter chapellei and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were hybridized to an oligonucleotide array consisting of universal and species-specific 16S rRNA probes. PCR-amplified products from Geobacter and Desulfovibrio were easily and specifically detected under a range of hybridization times, temperatures, and buffers. However, reproducible, specific hybridization and detection of intact rRNA could be accomplished only by using a chaperone-detector probe strategy. With this knowledge, assay conditions were developed for rRNA detection using a 2-h hybridization time at room temperature. Hybridization specificity and signal intensity were enhanced using fragmented RNA. Formamide was required in the hybridization buffer in order to achieve species-specific detection of intact rRNA. With the chaperone detection strategy, we were able to specifically hybridize and detect G. chapellei 16S rRNA directly from a total-RNA soil extract, without further purification or removal of soluble soil constituents. The detection sensitivity for G. chapellei 16S rRNA in soil extracts was at least 0.5 microg of total RNA, representing approximately 7.5 x 10(6) Geobacter cell equivalents of RNA. These results suggest that it is now possible to apply microarray technology to the direct detection of microorganisms in environmental samples, without using PCR.  相似文献   
Perchloric acid extracts of radiation-induced fibrosarcoma (RIF-1) tumors grown in mice have been analyzed by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and by various chromatographic methods. This analysis has permitted the unambiguous assignment of the 31P resonances observed in vivo to specific phosphorus-containing metabolites. The region of the in vivo spectra generally assigned to sugar phosphates has been found in RIF-1 tumors to contain primarily phosphorylethanolamine and phosphorylcholine rather than glycolytic intermediates. Phosphocreatine was observed in extracts of these tumor cells grown in culture as well as in the in vivo spectra, indicating that at least some of the phosphocreatine observed in vivo arises from the tumor itself and not from normal tissues. In the 31P-NMR spectra of the perchloric acid extract, resonances originating from purine and pyrimidine nucleoside di- and triphosphate were resolved. HPLC analyses of the nucleotide pool indicate that adenine derivatives were the most abundant components, but other nucleotides were present in significant amounts. The 1H and 13C resonance assignments of the majority of metabolites present in RIF-1 extracts have also been made. Of particular importance is the ability to observe lactate, the levels of which may provide a noninvasive measure of glycolysis in these cells in both the in vivo and in vitro states. In addition, the aminosulfonic acid, taurine, was found in high levels in the tumor extracts.  相似文献   
A numerical method is described for finding steady state and transient responses in electrically linear, spatially inhomogeneous cables. Spatial inhomogeneities are incorporated by representing the cable by a number of finite length uniform cylindrical segments, each having the radius and electrical characteristics of a small region along the cable. Input waveforms are approximated by truncated Fourier series of sinusoidal components. Output waveforms are produced by multiplying the input Fourier series sinusoids by their respective transfer functions between input and output points on the cable and summing the resultant output point sinusoids. The transfer functions, representing attenuation and phase shift for each input sinusoid, are obtained by numerical analysis of an electrical ladder network derived from the cylindrical segment model of the cable. Results are shown for application of this method to both cylindrical and expanding radius cable geometries.  相似文献   
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