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We compared the full-length capsid maturational protease (pPR, pUL80a) of human cytomegalovirus with its proteolytic domain (assemblin) for the ability to cleave two biological substrates, and we found that pPR is more efficient with both. Affinity-purified, refolded enzymes and substrates were combined under defined reaction conditions, and cleavage was monitored and quantified following staining of the resulting electrophoretically separated fragments. The enzymes were stabilized against self-cleavage by a single point mutation in each cleavage site (ICRMT-pPR and IC-assemblin). The substrates were pPR itself, inactivated by replacing its catalytic nucleophile (S132A-pPR), and the sequence-related assembly protein precursor (pAP, pUL80.5). Our results showed that (i) ICRMT-pPR is 5- to 10-fold more efficient than assemblin for all cleavages measured (i.e., the M site of pAP and the M, R, and I sites of S132A-pPR). (ii) Cleavage of substrate S132A-pPR proceeded M>R>I for both enzymes. (iii) Na(2)SO(4) reduced M- and R-site cleavage efficiency by ICRMT-pPR, in contrast to its enhancing effect for both enzymes on I site and small peptide cleavage. (iv) Disrupting oligomerization of either the pPR enzyme or substrate by mutating Leu382 in the amino-conserved domain reduced cleavage efficiency two- to fourfold. (v) Finally, ICRMT-pPR mutants that include the amino-conserved domain, but terminate with Pro481 or Tyr469, retain the enzymatic characteristics that distinguish pPR from assemblin. These findings show that the scaffolding portion of pPR increases its enzymatic activity on biologically relevant protein substrates and provide an additional link between the structure of this essential viral enzyme and its biological mechanism.  相似文献   
Biliopancreatic bypass for obesity entails a 2/3 distal gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction, being the small bowel transected at its midpoint and the enteroenteroanastomosis placed 50 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve. Insulin and GIP fasting and meal-stimulated plasma concentrations were determined in 13 nonobese healthy volunteers, in 13 nonoperated obese patients, in 11 subjects within two months, in 12 subjects four to twelve months, and in 7 subjects fifteen to twenty months after operation. Insulin in the obese patients was significantly higher than in the control group. Postoperatively these patients showed a sharp reduction in basal and postprandial values. Plasma insulin levels, both basally and following the test meal, were very similar in the 15-20 month and the control group. Plasma GIP fasting level, meal-stimulated peak and integrated response in the obese group were higher than in control group. Due to the extreme variability among subjects in the obese group, the difference was significant only for the mean peak response. All values were greatly reduced after surgery. The mean fasting level in the 15-20 month group was very similar to that in the control group, and both peak and integrated responses were significantly lower than in the preoperative and control groups.  相似文献   
Abstract. Woodland colonization on wetlands is considered to have a detrimental effect on their ecological value, even though detailed analysis of this process is lacking. This paper provides an evaluation of the ecological changes resulting from succession of poor fen (base‐poor mire) to willow wet woodland on Goss Moor NNR in Cornwall, UK. Different ages of willow carr were associated with eight understorey communities. During willow colonization, in the ground flora, there was a progressive decrease in poor fen species and an associated increase in woodland species, which appeared to be related to an increase in canopy cover and therefore shade. The most diverse community was found to be the most recent willow and was dominated by poor fen species. The oldest willow was the second most diverse and was associated with a reduction in poor fen species and an increase in woodland species. Architectural features were used successfully to assess the general condition and structure of willow. Tree height and DBH were identified as useful parameters to accurately assess willow age in the field. The implications of active intervention to remove willow in order to conserve the full range of communities within the hydrosere are discussed.  相似文献   
Human adenovirus E4orf4 protein is toxic in human tumor cells. Its interaction with the Bα subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is critical for cell killing; however, the effect of E4orf4 binding is not known. Bα is one of several mammalian B-type regulatory subunits that form PP2A holoenzymes with A and C subunits. Here we show that E4orf4 protein interacts uniquely with B55 family subunits and that cell killing increases with the level of E4orf4 expression. Evidence suggesting that Bα-specific PP2A activity, measured in vitro against phosphoprotein substrates, is reduced by E4orf4 binding was obtained, and two potential B55-specific PP2A substrates, 4E-BP1 and p70S6K, were seen to be hypophosphorylated in vivo following expression of E4orf4. Furthermore, treatment of cells with low levels of the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid or coexpression of the PP2A inhibitor I1PP2A enhanced E4orf4-induced cell killing and G2/M arrest significantly. These results suggested that E4orf4 toxicity results from the inhibition of B55-specific PP2A holoenzymes, an idea that was strengthened by an observed growth arrest resulting from treatment of H1299 cells with Bα-specific RNA interference. We believe that E4orf4 induces growth arrest resulting in cell death by reducing the global level of B55-specific PP2A activity, thus preventing the dephosphorylation of B55-specific PP2A substrates, including those involved in cell cycle progression.Our research group and others have shown that the 114-residue product of early region E4 of human adenoviruses, termed E4orf4, induces p53-independent cell death in human tumor cells (24, 25, 34-36, 55) and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (23, 53). E4orf4 protein, which shares no obvious homology with other viral or cellular products, kills a wide range of human cancer cells but is believed to have reduced activity against normal human primary cells (6, 55, 56). Although in some cases E4orf4-expressing cells exhibit characteristics typical of apoptosis, including the presence of irregularly shaped and shrunken nuclei, cytoplasmic vacuolization, and membrane blebbing (24, 25, 50, 55), cell death may more typically be independent of caspase activation (24, 25, 30, 32, 50). With H1299 human non-small-cell lung carcinoma cells, death is characterized by rapid cell rounding, enlargement, release from the surface of culture plates, cell cycle arrest in G2/M and possibly G1, and eventually, after an extended period, loss of membrane integrity (30). Both cytoplasmic and nuclear pathways have been observed, the former involving interactions with c-Src family kinases, activation of calpain, and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton (7, 24, 50, 51, 58). Little is known about the nuclear pathway, which may represent the predominant death-inducing process. Our current evidence suggests that H1299 cells die following prolonged irreversible cell cycle arrest leading to mitotic catastrophe and death by a necrosis-like process (30).E4orf4 is known to associate with the Bα regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) (22, 34), and this interaction appears to be necessary for the majority of E4orf4 toxicity in both yeast (23, 53) and human tumor cells (34, 56). PP2A is an abundant serine-threonine phosphatase involved in regulation of metabolism, splicing, translation, morphogenesis, development, and cell cycle progression (15, 19, 27, 43, 59). PP2A holoenzymes exist as multiple heterotrimeric complexes composed of a catalytic C subunit, an A subunit that functions as a scaffold, and a B-type regulatory subunit. Two forms each of the A and C subunits exist in mammalian cells; however, more than 20 B-type subunits have been identified in three unique classes (B/B55, B′/B56, B″/PR72), plus striatin/SG2NA (sometimes called B‴) (10, 19, 26). Although one group has suggested that E4orf4 protein interacts with one or more members of the B′/B56 class (57), it is generally accepted that interaction with the Bα/B55 subunit (Cdc55 in yeast) is important for induction of cell death in both human tumor cells and yeast (53, 57). Interestingly, a recent report has also suggested that in yeast, growth suppression induced by E4orf4 is mediated only in part by the catalytic C subunit of PP2A (31).In the present report, we show that E4orf4 protein interacts uniquely with members of the B55 class of PP2A B-type subunits, and at sufficient concentrations, it appears to become toxic by reducing dephosphorylation of substrates of B55-containing PP2A holoenzymes. As cell death is preceded by cell cycle arrest, we believe that key substrates may include proteins required for cell cycle progression.  相似文献   
RNRs (ribonucleotide reductases) are key players in nucleic acid metabolism, converting ribonucleotides into deoxyribonucleotides. As such, they maintain the intracellular balance of deoxyribonucleotides to ensure the fidelity of DNA replication and repair. The best-studied RNR is the class Ia enzyme from Escherichia coli, which employs two subunits to catalyse its radical-based reaction: β2 houses the diferric-tyrosyl radical cofactor, and α2 contains the active site. Recent applications of biophysical methods to the study of this RNR have revealed the importance of oligomeric state to overall enzyme activity and suggest that unprecedented subunit configurations are in play. Although it has been five decades since the isolation of nucleotide reductase activity in extracts of E. coli, this prototypical RNR continues to surprise us after all these years.  相似文献   


Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. As there is no definitive diagnostic test, its diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. Recently transcranial duplex scanning (TCD) of the substantia nigra in the brainstem has been proposed as an instrument to diagnose PD. We and others have found that TCD scanning of substantia nigra duplex is a relatively accurate diagnostic instrument in patients with parkinsonian symptoms. However, all studies on TCD so far have involved well-defined, later-stage PD patients, which will obviously lead to an overestimate of the diagnostic accuracy of TCD.  相似文献   
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