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Francisella tularensis is the causative agent of tularemia, which is a highly lethal disease from nature and potentially from a biological weapon. This species contains four recognized subspecies including the North American endemic F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A), whose genetic diversity is correlated with its geographic distribution including a major population subdivision referred to as A.I and A.II. The biological significance of the A.I - A.II genetic differentiation is unknown, though there are suggestive ecological and epidemiological correlations. In order to understand the differentiation at the genomic level, we have determined the complete sequence of an A.II strain (WY96-3418) and compared it to the genome of Schu S4 from the A.I population. We find that this A.II genome is 1,898,476 bp in size with 1,820 genes, 1,303 of which code for proteins. While extensive genomic variation exists between "WY96" and Schu S4, there is only one whole gene difference. This one gene difference is a hypothetical protein of unknown function. In contrast, there are numerous SNPs (3,367), small indels (1,015), IS element differences (7) and large chromosomal rearrangements (31), including both inversions and translocations. The rearrangement borders are frequently associated with IS elements, which would facilitate intragenomic recombination events. The pathogenicity island duplicated regions (DR1 and DR2) are essentially identical in WY96 but vary relative to Schu S4 at 60 nucleotide positions. Other potential virulence-associated genes (231) varied at 559 nucleotide positions, including 357 non-synonymous changes. Molecular clock estimates for the divergence time between A.I and A.II genomes for different chromosomal regions ranged from 866 to 2131 years before present. This paper is the first complete genomic characterization of a member of the A.II clade of Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis.  相似文献   
The invasive freshwater snail Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1822) was first reported in South Africa in 1999 and it has become widespread across the country, with some evidence to suggest that it reduces benthic macroinvertebrate biodiversity. The current study aimed to identify the primary abiotic drivers behind abundance patterns of T. granifera, by comparing the current abundance of the snail in three different regions, and at three depths, of the highly modified Nseleni River in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Tarebia granifera was well established throughout the Nseleni River system, with an overall preference for shallow waters and seasonal temporal patterns of abundance. Although it is uncertain what the ecological impacts of the snail in this system are, its high abundances suggest that it should be controlled where possible and prevented from invading other systems in the region.  相似文献   
The genomes of Vibrio cholerae O1 Matlab variant MJ-1236, Mozambique O1 El Tor variant B33, and altered O1 El Tor CIRS101 were sequenced. All three strains were found to belong to the phylocore group 1 clade of V. cholerae, which includes the 7th-pandemic O1 El Tor and serogroup O139 isolates, despite displaying certain characteristics of the classical biotype. All three strains were found to harbor a hybrid variant of CTXΦ and an integrative conjugative element (ICE), leading to their establishment as successful clinical clones and the displacement of prototypical O1 El Tor. The absence of strain- and group-specific genomic islands, some of which appear to be prophages and phage-like elements, seems to be the most likely factor in the recent establishment of dominance of V. cholerae CIRS101 over the other two hybrid strains.Vibrio cholerae, a bacterium autochthonous to the aquatic environment, is the causative agent of cholera, a life-threatening disease that causes severe, watery diarrhea. Cholera bacteria are serogrouped based on their somatic O antigens, with more than 200 serogroups identified to date (6). Only toxigenic strains of serogroups O1 and O139 have been identified as agents of cholera epidemics and pandemics; serogroups other than O1 and O139 have the potential to cause mild gastroenteritis or, rarely, local outbreaks. Genes coding for cholera toxin (CTX), ctxAB, and other virulence factors have been shown to reside in bacteriophages and various mobile genetic elements. In addition, V. cholerae serogroup O1 is differentiated into two biotypes, classical and El Tor, by a combination of biochemical traits, by sensitivity to biotype-specific bacteriophages, and more recently by nucleotide sequencing of specific genes and by molecular typing (5, 17, 19).There have been seven pandemics of cholera recorded throughout human history. The seventh and current pandemic began in 1961 in the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and subsequently spread to Asia, Africa, and Latin America; the six previous pandemics are believed to have originated in the Indian subcontinent. Isolates of the sixth pandemic were almost exclusively of the O1 classical biotype, whereas the current (seventh) pandemic is dominated by the V. cholerae O1 El Tor biotype as the causative agent, a transition occurring between 1923 and 1961. Today, the disease continues to remain a scourge in developing countries, confounded by the fact that V. cholerae is native to estuaries and river systems throughout the world (8).Over the past 20 years, several new epidemic lineages of V. cholerae O1 El Tor have emerged (or reemerged). For example, in 1992, a new serogroup, namely, O139 of V. cholerae, was identified as the cause of epidemic cholera in India and Bangladesh (25). The initial concern was that a new pandemic was beginning; however, the geographic range of V. cholerae O139 is currently restricted to Asia. Additionally, V. cholerae O1 hybrids and altered El Tor variants have been isolated repeatedly in Bangladesh (Matlab) (23, 24) and Mozambique (1). Altered V. cholerae O1 El Tor isolates produce cholera toxin of the classical biotype but can be biotyped as El Tor by conventional phenotypic assays, whereas V. cholerae O1 hybrid variants cannot be biotyped based on phenotypic tests and can produce cholera toxin of either biotype. These new variants have subsequently replaced the prototype seventh-pandemic V. cholerae O1 El Tor strains in Asia and Africa, with respect to frequency of isolation from clinical cases of cholera (27).Here, we report the genome sequence of three V. cholerae O1 variants, MJ-1236, a Matlab type I hybrid variant from Bangladesh that cannot be biotyped by conventional methods, CIRS101, an altered O1 El Tor isolate from Bangladesh which harbors ctxB of classical origin, and B33, an altered O1 El Tor isolate from Mozambique which harbors classical CTXΦ, and we compare their genomes with prototype El Tor and classical genomes. From an epidemiological viewpoint, among the three variants characterized in this study, V. cholerae CIRS101 is currently the most “successful” in that strains belonging to this type have virtually replaced the prototype El Tor in Asia and many parts of Africa, notably East Africa. This study, therefore, gives us a unique opportunity to understand why V. cholerae CIRS101 is currently the most successful El Tor variant.  相似文献   
Methanoculleus marisnigri Romesser et al. 1981 is a methanogen belonging to the order Methanomicrobiales within the archaeal phylum Euryarchaeota. The type strain, JR1, was isolated from anoxic sediments of the Black Sea. M. marisnigri is of phylogenetic interest because at the time the sequencing project began only one genome had previously been sequenced from the order Methanomicrobiales. We report here the complete genome sequence of M. marisnigri type strain JR1 and its annotation. This is part of a Joint Genome Institute 2006 Community Sequencing Program to sequence genomes of diverse Archaea.  相似文献   
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii is a soil-inhabiting bacterium that has the capacity to be an effective nitrogen fixing microsymbiont of a diverse range of annual Trifolium (clover) species. Strain WSM1325 is an aerobic, motile, non-spore forming, Gram-negative rod isolated from root nodules collected in 1993 from the Greek Island of Serifos. WSM1325 is produced commercially in Australia as an inoculant for a broad range of annual clovers of Mediterranean origin due to its superior attributes of saprophytic competence, nitrogen fixation and acid-tolerance. Here we describe the basic features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence, and annotation. This is the first completed genome sequence for a microsymbiont of annual clovers. We reveal that its genome size is 7,418,122 bp encoding 7,232 protein-coding genes and 61 RNA-only encoding genes. This multipartite genome contains 6 distinct replicons; a chromosome of size 4,767,043 bp and 5 plasmids of size 828,924 bp, 660,973 bp, 516,088 bp, 350,312 bp and 294,782 bp.  相似文献   
Modern methods to develop microbe-based biomass conversion processes require a system-level understanding of the microbes involved. Clostridium species have long been recognized as ideal candidates for processes involving biomass conversion and production of various biofuels and other industrial products. To expand the knowledge base for clostridial species relevant to current biofuel production efforts, we have sequenced the genomes of 20 species spanning multiple genera. The majority of species sequenced fall within the class III cellulosome-encoding Clostridium and the class V saccharolytic Thermoanaerobacteraceae. Species were chosen based on representation in the experimental literature as model organisms, ability to degrade cellulosic biomass either by free enzymes or by cellulosomes, ability to rapidly ferment hexose and pentose sugars to ethanol, and ability to ferment synthesis gas to ethanol. The sequenced strains significantly increase the number of noncommensal/nonpathogenic clostridial species and provide a key foundation for future studies of biomass conversion, cellulosome composition, and clostridial systems biology.  相似文献   
The complete DNA sequence of the aerobic cellulolytic soil bacterium Cytophaga hutchinsonii, which belongs to the phylum Bacteroidetes, is presented. The genome consists of a single, circular, 4.43-Mb chromosome containing 3,790 open reading frames, 1,986 of which have been assigned a tentative function. Two of the most striking characteristics of C. hutchinsonii are its rapid gliding motility over surfaces and its contact-dependent digestion of crystalline cellulose. The mechanism of C. hutchinsonii motility is not known, but its genome contains homologs for each of the gld genes that are required for gliding of the distantly related bacteroidete Flavobacterium johnsoniae. Cytophaga-Flavobacterium gliding appears to be novel and does not involve well-studied motility organelles such as flagella or type IV pili. Many genes thought to encode proteins involved in cellulose utilization were identified. These include candidate endo-beta-1,4-glucanases and beta-glucosidases. Surprisingly, obvious homologs of known cellobiohydrolases were not detected. Since such enzymes are needed for efficient cellulose digestion by well-studied cellulolytic bacteria, C. hutchinsonii either has novel cellobiohydrolases or has an unusual method of cellulose utilization. Genes encoding proteins with cohesin domains, which are characteristic of cellulosomes, were absent, but many proteins predicted to be involved in polysaccharide utilization had putative D5 domains, which are thought to be involved in anchoring proteins to the cell surface.  相似文献   
Ferroglobus placidus belongs to the order Archaeoglobales within the archaeal phylum Euryarchaeota. Strain AEDII12DO is the type strain of the species and was isolated from a shallow marine hydrothermal system at Vulcano, Italy. It is a hyperthermophilic, anaerobic chemolithoautotroph, but it can also use a variety of aromatic compounds as electron donors. Here we describe the features of this organism together with the complete genome sequence and annotation. The 2,196,266 bp genome with its 2,567 protein-coding and 55 RNA genes was sequenced as part of a DOE Joint Genome Institute Laboratory Sequencing Program (LSP) project.  相似文献   
Chromohalobacter salexigens is one of nine currently known species of the genus Chromohalobacter in the family Halomonadaceae. It is the most halotolerant of the so-called 'moderately halophilic bacteria' currently known and, due to its strong euryhaline phenotype, it is an established model organism for prokaryotic osmoadaptation. C. salexigens strain 1H11(T) and Halomonas elongata are the first and the second members of the family Halomonadaceae with a completely sequenced genome. The 3,696,649 bp long chromosome with a total of 3,319 protein-coding and 93 RNA genes was sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute Program DOEM 2004.  相似文献   
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