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Summary Eleven families with X-linked dominant hypophosphataemic rickets (HPDR) have been typed for a series of X chromosome markers. Linkage with probe 99.6 (DXS41) was demonstrated with a peak lod score of 4.82 at 10% recombination. Multilocus linkage analysis showed that HPDR maps distal to 99.6; this probe has previously been located at Xp22.31-p21.3 by in situ hybridisation. In the mouse hypophosphataemia (Hyp) maps to the distal part of the X chromosome; our location in man is consistent with a scheme which relates the mouse and human X chromosomes by two rearrangements. No marker has yet been found which shows no recombination with HPDR.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper was to investigate the potential for using functional feeding groups (FFGs) as indicators of water quality conditions in rivers, using the Buffalo River, South Africa, as a specific example. Multivariate classification and ordination techniques were used to investigate species and FFG distributions in relation to a number of physico-chemical variables at 16 sites from the headwaters to the estuary of the Buffalo River.Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) of species composition ranked most of the sites sequentially down the river, irrespective of water quality conditions. Ordination of FFGs from a set of riffle samples collected in mid-late summer showed only weak relationships between FFG distribution and water quality changes, except where variables changed sequentially down the river (e.g. pH and temperature). Individual species responses to water quality gradients were examined for nine riffle-dwelling species representing diverse FFGs. Following correspondence analysis of a matrix of environmental variables and species frequencies, some species showed strong associations with defined ranges of some variables. In particular, Adenophlebia auriculata (Leptophlebiidae, Ephemeroptera) from the headwater sampling site, was associated with low pH and low temperature. Simulium damnosum occurred under conditions of high turbidity, while Afronurus harrisoni was found under high concentrations of potassium, ammonium and nitrite ions.We conclude that although there was a distinct headwaters fauna in the Buffalo River, and sequential downstream changes in species composition, most FFGs (apart from shredders) were represented down the whole length of the river. FFG classifications are therefore unlikely to provide useful indications of water quality conditions in the Buffalo River.Using a categorical approach to classifying water quality variables, and by applying correspondence analysis to the resulting matrix, we recognised nine species that could be used to define water quality. These indicator species can be used to define tolerance ranges of the fauna for water quality conditions in different parts of the Buffalo river.  相似文献   

The use of positive ion fast atom bombardment mass-analysed ion kinetic energy (FAB/MIKE) spectroscopy to differentiate the 2′, 3′-and 5′-monophosphate isomers of adenosine, guanosine and cytidine is described.  相似文献   
Flooding is often considered a stimulus for production of fish in floodplain rivers. In the southern Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), Australia, however, few native fish species have been shown to use the floodplain for spawning, and recruitment has been positively and negatively associated with flooding. In 2010/11, extensive flooding in the lower River Murray provided an opportunity to investigate the recruitment response of Golden Perch (Macquaria ambigua ambigua) following 10 years of drought and floodplain isolation. Annual variation in Golden Perch abundance and recruitment were investigated in anabranch and main channel habitats at Chowilla in the floodplain geomorphic region of the lower River Murray over a 7‐year period incorporating the flood and 6 years of in‐channel flow. Spatial variation in recruitment in the lower River Murray was also investigated by comparing the age structure of Golden Perch in the swamplands/lakes, gorge and floodplain geomorphic regions. Golden Perch abundance in the Chowilla region increased significantly postflooding compared with drought years. Age structures indicated that increased abundance was due predominantly to fish spawned during the flood (2010/11) and the previous year (2009/10), which was characterised by in‐channel flows. Age structure was similar in the nearby Katarapko Anabranch system indicating a uniform postflood recruitment response in the floodplain geomorphic region. Juvenile Golden Perch from the 2010/11 and 2009/10 cohorts were less apparent in the gorge and swamplands/lakes regions. Golden Perch have flexible life histories and will spawn and recruit in association with in‐channel rises in flow and overbank flows, but significant increases in abundance in the lower River Murray may result from overbank flooding. Contemporary approaches to flow restoration in the MDB emphasise overbank flows and floodplain processes. We suggest, however, that environmental flow management that incorporates floodplain and in‐channel processes, at appropriate spatio‐temporal scales, will result in more robust populations of Golden Perch.  相似文献   
With the recent development of genomic resources and high‐throughput phenotyping platforms, the 21st century is primed for major breakthroughs in the discovery, understanding and utilization of plant genetic variation. Significant advances in agriculture remain at the forefront to increase crop production and quality to satisfy the global food demand in a changing climate all while reducing the environmental impacts of the world's food production. Sorghum, a resilient C4 grain and grass important for food and energy production, is being extensively dissected genetically and phenomically to help connect the relationship between genetic and phenotypic variation. Unlike genetically modified crops such as corn or soybean, sorghum improvement has relied heavily on public research; thus, many of the genetic resources serve a dual purpose for both academic and commercial pursuits. Genetic and genomic resources not only provide the foundation to identify and understand the genes underlying variation, but also serve as novel sources of genetic and phenotypic diversity in plant breeding programs. To better disseminate the collective information of this community, we discuss: (i) the genomic resources of sorghum that are at the disposal of the research community; (ii) the suite of sorghum traits as potential targets for increasing productivity in contrasting environments; and (iii) the prospective approaches and technologies that will help to dissect the genotype–phenotype relationship as well as those that will apply foundational knowledge for sorghum improvement.  相似文献   
SR proteins are essential pre-mRNA splicing factors that have been shown to bind a number of exonic splicing enhancers where they function to stimulate the splicing of adjacent introns. Members of the SR protein family contain one or two N-terminal RNA binding domains, as well as a C-terminal arginine–serine (RS) rich domain. The RS domains mediate protein–protein interactions with other RS domain containing proteins and are essential for many, but not all, SR protein functions. Hybrid proteins containing an RS domain fused to the bacteriophage MS2 coat protein are sufficient to activate enhancer-dependent splicing in HeLa cell nuclear extract when bound to the pre-mRNA. Here we report progress towards determining the protein sequence requirements for RS domain function. We show that the RS domains from non-SR proteins can also function as splicing activation domains when tethered to the pre-mRNA. Truncation experiments with the RS domain of the human SR protein 9G8 identified a 29 amino acid segment, containing 26 arginine or serine residues, that is sufficient to activate splicing when fused to MS2. We also show that synthetic domains composed solely of RS dipeptides are capable of activating splicing, although their potency is proportional to their size.  相似文献   
Historically, large areas of forest in Europe were managed as coppice woodland to produce wood‐based fuel for the smelting industry. We hypothesized that this practice produced a legacy effect on current forest ecosystem properties. Specifically, we hypothesized that the historical form of coppicing may have produced a legacy of elevated stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), nutrients and black carbon (BC) in soil as fire was routinely used in coppiced woodland to clear land. We further hypothesized that these changes in soil properties would result in increased biodiversity. To test these hypotheses, we sampled the surface soil (0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm) from a chronosequence of forest sites found in the Siegerland (Germany) that had been coppiced and burned 1, 2, 3.5, 6, 8, 11 and 17 years before present. Mature beech and spruce forests (i.e., >60 years) were also sampled as reference sites: to provide a hint of what might occur in the absence of human intervention. We measured stocks of SOC, BC, NO3‐N, P, K, Mg, as well as cation exchange and water‐holding capacity, and we mapped plant composition to calculate species richness and evenness. The results showed that coppicing in combination with burning soil and litter improved soil nutrient availability, enhanced biodiversity and increased SOC stocks. The SOC stocks and biodiversity were increased by a factor of three relative to those in the mature beech and spruce forests. This study shows that traditional coppicing practice may facilitate net C accrual rates of 20 t ha?1 yr?1 and maintain high biodiversity, indicating that aspects of traditional practice could be applied in current forest management to foster biodiversity and to mitigate climate change.  相似文献   
The role of common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) in postfire boreal forest successional trajectories is unknown. We investigated this issue by sampling a 50-m by 40-m area of naturally regenerating black spruce (Picea mariana), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) seedlings at various distances from alder (Alnus viridis subsp. crispa), a nitrogen-fixing shrub, 5 years after wildfire in an Alaskan interior boreal forest. Shoot biomasses and stem diameters of 4-year-old seedlings were recorded, and the fungal community associated with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root tips from each seedling was profiled using molecular techniques. We found distinct assemblages of fungi associated with alder compared with those associated with the other tree species, making the formation of CMNs between them unlikely. However, among the spruce, aspen, and birch seedlings, there were many shared fungi (including members of the Pezoloma ericae [Hymenoscyphus ericae] species aggregate, Thelephora terrestris, and Russula spp.), raising the possibility that these regenerating seedlings may form interspecies CMNs. Distance between samples did not influence how similar ECM root tip-associated fungal communities were, and of the fungal groups identified, only one of them was more likely to be shared between seedlings that were closer together, suggesting that the majority of fungi surveyed did not have a clumped distribution across the small scale of this study. The presence of some fungal ribotypes was associated with larger or smaller seedlings, suggesting that these fungi may play a role in the promotion or inhibition of seedling growth. The fungal ribotypes associated with larger seedlings were different between spruce, aspen, and birch, suggesting differential impacts of some host-fungus combinations. One may speculate that wildfire-induced shifts in a given soil fungal community could result in variation in the growth response of different plant species after fire and a shift in regenerating vegetation.  相似文献   
Yang L  Park J  Graveley BR 《Molecular cell》2007,27(6):861-862
A new study in this issue of Molecular Cell (Pleiss et al., 2007b) shows that changes in the environment rapidly alter the splicing efficiency of specific pre-mRNAs in yeast.  相似文献   
The arthropod Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) gene can generate tens of thousands of protein isoforms via combinatorial splicing of numerous alternative exons encoding immunoglobulin variable domains organized into three clusters referred to as the exon 4, 6, and 9 clusters. Dscam protein diversity is important for nervous system development and immune functions. We have performed extensive phylogenetic analyses of Dscam from 20 arthropods (each containing between 46 and 96 alternative exons) to reconstruct the detailed history of exon duplication and loss events that built this remarkable system over 450 million years of evolution. Whereas the structure of the exon 4 cluster is ancient, the exon 6 and 9 clusters have undergone massive, independent expansions in each insect lineage. An analysis of nearly 2000 duplicated exons enabled detailed reconstruction of the timing, location, and boundaries of these duplication events. These data clearly show that new Dscam exons have arisen continuously throughout arthropod evolution and that this process is still occurring in the exon 6 and 9 clusters. Recently duplicated regions display boundaries corresponding to a single exon and the adjacent intron. The boundaries, homology, location, clustering, and relative frequencies of these duplication events strongly suggest that staggered homologous recombination is the major mechanism by which new Dscam exons evolve. These data provide a remarkably detailed picture of how complex gene structure evolves and reveal the molecular mechanism behind this process.  相似文献   
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