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Two polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated sites in the Czech Republic, a soil at Zamberk and a sediment sludge at Milevsko, were screened for the presence of chlorobenzoate degraders. Sixteen different chlorobenzoate degraders were isolated from the soil compared with only three strains isolated from the sediment. From these strains, only four soil degraders and one strain isolated from the sediment, respectively, were shown to possess a complete chlorobenzoate (CB) pathway. Bacteria isolated from the soil have expressed more flexibility for CB degradation, namely in the case of ortho-chlorinated benzoates. They all possessed large plasmids, the restriction patterns of which were compared. Plasmids in Pseudomonas sp. A7, A8, A18 and A19, respectively, were cured and found to encode at least part of the metabolic pathway involved in the growth on ortho-chlorinated benzoates.  相似文献   
Cultured endothelial cells release a potent vasoconstrictor peptide, endothelin. Cumulative addition of synthetic endothelin to isolated rabbit aortic rings elicited a concentration-dependent increase in contractile tension which was endothelium-independent. In cultured rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells loaded with the fluorescent dye fura 2, endothelin induced a concentration-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i over the range of 0.01 to 100 nM. Moreover, in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, endothelin could still induce an increase in [Ca2+]i. In addition, endothelin stimulated 45Ca2+ efflux from preloaded vascular smooth muscle cells in the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+, as well as stimulating 45Ca2+ influx in a concentration-dependent manner. Measurement of inositol phosphates in [3H]-myoinositol-labelled vascular vascular trisphosphate. Unlabelled endothelin inhibited (125I)-endothelin binding to cultured rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Binding was not inhibited by other vasoactive hormones or calcium channel ligands, suggesting cell surface receptors specific for endothelin. We conclude that one of the initial membrane events in the action of endothelin is to induce phospholipase C-stimulated PIP2 hydrolysis and that this signalling mechanism is initiated by endothelin/receptor interaction at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The effect of phytosterol-rich diets (3% beta-sitosterol + 2% campesterol) on rat liver microsomal fatty acid desaturases, membrane dynamics and lipid composition was investigated. After a 21 day period, phytosterol was incorporated into microsomes and the membrane fluidity decreased. There were no changes in either the phospholipid composition or in the total sterol content. However, the phytosterol/cholesterol ratio increased. In the animals fed phytosterols, the delta 5-, delta 6- and delta 9-fatty acid desaturases were significantly more active than in control animals. The changes in the lipid fatty acid composition were consistent with those of the desaturase activities. Hence, it is suggested that: (1) dietary phytosterol modulates desaturase activities; (2) phytosterols make the membrane more rigid but do not induce changes in the relative phospholipid composition; (3) delta 9-, delta 5- and delta 6-desaturase activities increase when the membrane becomes more rigid without changes in the phospholipid composition.  相似文献   
Endocrine control of fatty acid desaturation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have examined the phylogenetic distribution of two t-specific markers among representatives of various taxa belonging to the genus Mus. The centromeric TCP-1a marker (a testicular protein variant specific for all t-haplotypes so far studied) has also been apparently detected in several non-t representatives of the Mus IVA, Mus IVB, and probably M. cervicolor species. By contrast, a t-specific restriction- fragment-length polymorphism allele (RFLP) of the telomeric alpha- globin pseudogene DNA marker alpha-psi-4 was found only in animals belonging to the M. musculus-complex species either bearing genuine t- haplotypes or, like the M. m. bactrianus specimen studied here, likely to do so. This t-specific alpha-psi-4 RFLP allele was found to be as divergent from the RFLP alleles of the latter, non-t, taxonomical groups as it is from Mus 4A, Mus 4B, or M. spretus ones. These results suggest the presence of t-haplotypes and of t-specific markers in populations other than those belonging to the M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus subspecies, implying a possible origin for t-haplotypes prior to the radiation of the most recent offshoot of the Mus genus (i.e., the spretus/domesticus divergence), some 1-3 Myr ago.   相似文献   
It has been proposed that abscisic acid (ABA) may stimulate sucrose transport into filling seeds of legumes, potentially regulating seed growth rate. The objective of this study was to determine whether the rate of dry matter accumulation in seeds of soybeans (Glycine max L.) is correlated with the endogenous levels of ABA and sucrose in those sinks. The levels of ABA and sucrose in seed tissues were compared in nine diverse Plant Introduction lines having seed growth rates ranging from 2.5 to 10.0 milligrams dry weight per seed per day. At 14 days after anthesis (DAA), seeds of all genotypes contained less than 2 micrograms of ABA per gram fresh weight. Levels of ABA increased rapidly, however, reaching maxima at 20 to 30 DAA, depending upon tissue type and genotype. ABA accumulated first in seed coats and then in embryos, and ABA maxima were higher in seed coats (8 to 20 micrograms per gram fresh weight) than in embryos (4 to 9 micrograms per gram fresh weight. From 30 to 50 DAA, ABA levels in both tissues decreased to less than 2 micrograms per gram fresh weight. Levels of sucrose were also low early in development, less than 10 milligrams per gram fresh weight at 14 DAA. However, by 30 DAA, sucrose levels in seed coats had increased to 20 milligrams per gram fresh weight and remained fairly constant for the remainder of the filling period. In contrast, sucrose accumulated in embryos throughout the filling period, reaching levels greater than 40 milligrams per gram fresh weight by 50 DAA. Correlation analyses indicated that the level of ABA in seed coats and embryos was not directly correlated to the level of sucrose measured in those tissues or to the rate of seed dry matter accumulation during the linear filling period. Rather, the ubiquitous pattern of ABA accumulation early in development appeared to coincide with water uptake and the rapid expansion of cotyledons occurring at that time. Whole tissue sucrose levels in embryos and seed coats, as well as sucrose levels in the embryo apoplast, were generally not correlated with the rate of dry matter accumulation. Thus, it appears that, in this set of diverse soybean genotypes, seed growth rate was not limited by endogenous concentrations of ABA or sucrose in reproductive tissues.  相似文献   
We have used DNA-mediated gene transfer to study homologous recombination in cultured mammalian cells. A family of plasmids with insertion and deletion mutations in the coding region of the herpes simplex type 1 thymidine kinase (tk) gene served as substrates for DNA-mediated gene transfer into mouse Ltk- cells by the calcium phosphate technique. Intermolecular recombination events were scored by the number of colonies in hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine selective medium. We used supercoiled plasmids containing tk gene fragments to demonstrate that an overlap of 62 base pairs (bp) of homologous DNA was sufficient for intermolecular recombination. Addition of 598 bp of flanking homology separated from the region of recombination by a double-strand gap, deletion, or insertion of heterologous DNA increased the frequency of recombination by 300-, 20-, or 40-fold, respectively. Linearizing one of the mutant plasmids in a pair before cotransfer by cutting in the area of homology flanking a deletion of 104 bp or an insertion of less than 24 bp increased the frequency of recombination relative to that with uncut plasmids. However, cutting an insertion mutant of greater than or equal to 24 bp in the same manner did not increase the frequency. We show how our data are consistent with models that postulate at least two phases in the recombination process: homologous pairing and heteroduplex formation.  相似文献   
Four saprophytic and pathogenic fungi were isolated from the leaf surface of Calliandra haematocephala, a tropical legume known to contain large amounts of rare nonprotein imino acids in its leaves and seeds. The fungi Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus sp., Curvularia sp., and Penicillium sp. were cultured in the laboratory and tested for susceptibility to leaf extracts of the host plant and to proline, pipecolic acid, cis-5-hydroxypipecolic acid, and 2,4-trans-4,5-cis-4,5-dihydroxypipecolic acid. Fungal spore germination and germ tube growth were measured. Aspergillus sp. was inhibited by plant extracts and by pipecolic acid and cis-5-hydroxypipecolic acid. Curvularia sp. growth was stimulated by plant extracts and by pipecolic acid. The other two fungi were unaffected by any of the treatments. The data indicate that imino acids may play a role in the specific resistance of Calliandra spp. to Aspergillus sp.  相似文献   
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