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Mutants of sperm whale myoglobin were constructed at position 29 (B10 in helix notation) to examine the effects of distal pocket size on the rates of ligand binding and autooxidation. Leu29 was replaced with Ala, Val, and Phe using the synthetic gene and Escherichia coli expression system of Springer and Sligar (Springer, B. A., and Sligar, S. G. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 84, 8961-8965). Structures of the ferric forms of Val29 and Phe29, and the oxy form of Phe29 myoglobin were determined to 1.7 A by x-ray crystallography. The ferric mutant proteins are remarkably isomorphous with the wild type protein except in the immediate vicinity of residue 29. Thus, the protein structure in the distal pocket of myoglobin can accommodate either a large "hole" (i.e. Ala or Val) or a large side chain (i.e. Phe) at position 29 without perturbation of tertiary structure. Phe29 oxymyoglobin is also identical to the native oxy protein in terms of overall structure and interactions between the bound O2 and His64, Val68, Phe43, and Ile107. The distance between the nearest side chain atom of residue 29 and the second atom of the bound oxygen molecule is 3.2 A in the Phe29 protein and 4.9 A in native myoglobin. The equilibrium constants for O2 binding to Ala29, Val29, and Leu29 (native) myoglobin are the same, approximately 1.0 x 10(6) M-1 at 20 degrees C, whereas that for the Phe29 protein is markedly greater, 15 x 10(6) M-1. This increase in affinity is due primarily to a 10-fold decrease in the O2 dissociation rate constant for the Phe29 mutant and appears to be the result of stabilizing interactions between the negative portion of the bound O2 dipole and the partially positive edge of the phenyl ring. Increasing the size of residue 29 causes large decreases in the rate of autooxidation of myoglobin: k(ox) = 0.24, 0.23, 0.055, and 0.005 h-1 for Ala29, Val29, Leu29 (native), and Phe29 myoglobin, respectively, in air at 37 degrees C. Thus, the Leu29----Phe mutation produces a reduced protein that is remarkably stable and is expressed in E. coli as 100% MbO2. The selective pressure to conserve Leu29 at the B10 position probably represents a compromise between reducing the rate of autooxidation and maintaining a large enough O2 dissociation rate constant to allow rapid oxygen release during respiration.  相似文献   
Although the primary care setting offers an innovative option for weight loss interventions, there is minimal research examining this type of intervention with low-income minority women. Further, there is a lack of research on the long-term effects of these programs. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the weight loss maintenance of low-income African-American women participating in a primary care weight management intervention. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with overweight and obese women (N = 144) enrolled at two primary care clinics. Women received a 6-month tailored weight loss intervention delivered by their primary care physician and completed follow-up assessments 9, 12, and 18 months following randomization. The weight loss maintenance of the tailored intervention was compared to a standard care comparison group. The weight loss of intervention participants (-1.52 +/- 3.72 kg) was significantly greater than that of standard care participants (0.61 +/- 3.37 kg) at month 9 (P = 0.01). However, there was no difference between the groups at the 12-month or 18-month follow-ups. Participants receiving a tailored weight loss intervention from their physician were able to maintain their modest weight loss up to 3-6 months following treatment. Women demonstrated weight regain at the 18-month follow-up assessment, suggesting that more intensive follow-up in the primary care setting may be needed to obtain successful long-term weight loss maintenance.  相似文献   

Background and methods

Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a recently discovered respiratory virus associated with bronchiolitis, pneumonia, croup and exacerbations of asthma. Since respiratory viruses are frequently detected in patients with acute exacerbations of COPD (AE-COPD) it was our aim to investigate the frequency of hMPV detection in a prospective cohort of hospitalized patients with AE-COPD compared to patients with stable COPD and to smokers without by means of quantitative real-time RT-PCR.


We analysed nasal lavage and induced sputum of 130 patients with AE-COPD, 65 patients with stable COPD and 34 smokers without COPD. HMPV was detected in 3/130 (2.3%) AE-COPD patients with a mean of 6.5 × 105 viral copies/ml in nasal lavage and 1.88 × 105 viral copies/ml in induced sputum. It was not found in patients with stable COPD or smokers without COPD.


HMPV is only found in a very small number of patients with AE-COPD. However it should be considered as a further possible viral trigger of AE-COPD because asymptomatic carriage is unlikely.  相似文献   
Barrier islands are complex and dynamic systems that provide critical ecosystem services to coastal populations. Stability of these systems is threatened by rising sea level and the potential for coastal storms to increase in frequency and intensity. Recovery of dune-building grasses following storms is an important process that promotes topographic heterogeneity and long-term stability of barrier islands, yet factors that drive dune recovery are poorly understood. We examined vegetation recovery in overwash zones on two geomorphically distinct (undisturbed vs. frequently overwashed) barrier islands on the Virginia coast, USA. We hypothesized that vegetation recovery in overwash zones would be driven primarily by environmental characteristics, especially elevation and beach width. We sampled species composition and environmental characteristics along a continuum of disturbance from active overwash zones to relict overwash zones and in adjacent undisturbed environments. We compared species assemblages along the disturbance chronosequence and between islands and we analyzed species composition data and environmental measurements with Canonical Correspondence Analysis to link community composition with environmental characteristics. Recovering and geomorphically stable dunes were dominated by Ammophila breviligulata Fernaud (Poaceae) on both islands while active overwash zones were dominated by Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl. (Poaceae) on the frequently disturbed island and bare sand on the less disturbed island. Species composition was associated with environmental characteristics only on the frequently disturbed island (p = 0.005) where A. breviligulata was associated with higher elevation and greater beach width. Spartina patens, the second most abundant species, was associated with larger sediment grain size and greater sediment size distribution. On the less frequently disturbed island, time since disturbance was the only factor that affected community composition. Thus, factors driving the abundance of dune-building grasses and subsequent recovery of dunes varied between the two geomorphically distinct islands.  相似文献   
CD5 activates casein kinase 2 (CK2), a serine/threonine kinase that constitutively associates with the CK2-binding domain at the end of its cytoplasmic tail. To determine the physiological significance of CD5-dependent CK2 activation in T cells, we generated a knock-in mouse that expresses a CD5 protein containing a microdeletion with selective inability to interact with CK2 (CD5ΔCK2BD). The levels of CD5 on developing and mature T cell populations from CD5ΔCK2BD mice and CD5 wild-type (WT) mice were similar. The thymus of CD5ΔCK2BD mice contained fewer double-positive thymocytes than did that of both CD5WT and CD5 knockout (KO) mice, although the numbers of all other immature and mature T cell populations were unaltered. CD5ΔCK2BD T cells hypoproliferated and exhibited enhanced activation-induced cell death when stimulated with anti-CD3 or cognate peptide in comparison with CD5WT T cells. We also found that functional CD5-dependent CK2 signaling was necessary for efficient differentiation of naive CD4(+) T cells into Th2 and Th17 cells, but not Th1 cells. We previously showed that experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in CD5KO mice was less severe and delayed in onset than in CD5WT mice. Remarkably, CD5ΔCK2BD mice recapitulated both EAE severity and disease onset of CD5KO mice. Increasing the immunization dose of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 peptide, a model that mimics high-dose tolerance, led to decreased severity of EAE in CD5WT mice but not in CD5KO or CD5ΔCK2BD mice. This property was recapitulated in in vitro restimulation assays. These results demonstrate that CD5-CK2 signaling sets the threshold for T cell responsiveness and is necessary for efficient generation of Th2 and Th17 cells.  相似文献   
The 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (hsp70) family of molecular chaperones, which contains both stress-inducible and normally abundant constitutive members, is highly conserved across distantly related taxa. Analysis of this protein family in individuals from an outbred population of tropical topminnows, Poeciliopsis gracilis, showed that while constitutive hsp70 family members showed no variation in protein isoforms, inducibly synthesized hsp70 was polymorphic. Several species of Poeciliopsis adapted to desert environments exhibited lower levels of inducible hsp70 polymorphism than the tropical species, but constitutive forms were identical to those in P. gracilis, as they were in the confamilial species Gambusia affinis. These differences suggest that inducible and constitutive members of this family are under different evolutionary constraints and may indicate differences in their function within the cell. Also, northern desert species of Poeciliopsis synthesize a subset of the inducible hsp70 isoforms seen in tropical species. This distribution supports the theory that ancestral tropical fish migrated northward and colonized desert streams; the subsequent decrease in variation of inducible hsp70 may have been due to genetic drift or a consequence of adaptation to the desert environment. Higher levels of variability were found when the 30- kilodalton heat shock protein (hsp30) family was analyzed within different strains of two desert species of Poeciliopsis and also in wild-caught individuals of Gambusia affinis. In both cases the distribution of hsp30 isoform diversity was similar to that seen previously with allozyme polymorphisms.   相似文献   
We have studied the role of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p27(Kip1) in postnatal mammary gland morphogenesis. Based on its ability to negatively regulate cyclin/Cdk function, loss of p27 may result in unrestrained cellular proliferation. However, recent evidence about the stabilizing effect of p27 on cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes suggests that p27 deficiency might recapitulate the hypoplastic mammary phenotype of cyclin D1-deficient animals. These hypotheses were investigated in postnatal p27-deficient (p27(-/-)), hemizygous (p27(+/)-), or wild-type (p27(+/+)) mammary glands. Mammary glands from p27(+/)- mice displayed increased ductal branching and proliferation with delayed postlactational involution. In contrast, p27(-/-) mammary glands or wild-type mammary fat pads reconstituted with p27(-/-) epithelium produced the opposite phenotype: hypoplasia, low proliferation, decreased ductal branching, impaired lobuloalveolar differentiation, and inability to lactate. The association of cyclin D1 with Cdk4, the kinase activity of Cdk4 against pRb in vitro, the nuclear localization of cyclin D1, and the stability of cyclin D1 were all severely impaired in p27(-/-) mammary epithelial cells compared with p27(+/+) and p27(+/-) mammary epithelial cells. Therefore, p27 is required for mammary gland development in a dose-dependent fashion and positively regulates cyclin D-Cdk4 function in the mammary gland.  相似文献   
Signaling through the IL-7 receptor (IL-7R) is necessary for the development of the earliest B- and T-lineage cells. IL-7R is first expressed on common lymphoid progenitor cells and is not detected on primitive common myeloid progenitors. In this study, we show that enforced expression of IL-7R on multipotential stem cells does not influence lymphoid versus myeloid cell fate. T cell development was compatible with sustained IL-7R expression; however, we observed a near complete block in B cell development at the onset of B-lineage commitment. Unlike pre-proB cells from control animals, developmentally-arrested IL-7R(+)B220(+)CD19(-)NK1.1(-)Ly-6C(-) cells failed to express EBF and Pax5. These results suggest that transient downregulation of IL-7R signaling is a necessary event for induction of EBF and Pax5 expression and B-lymphocyte commitment.  相似文献   
We measured the δ98Mo of cells and media from molybdenum (Mo) assimilation experiments with the freshwater cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis, grown with nitrate as a nitrogen (N) source or fixing atmospheric N2. This organism uses a Mo‐based nitrate reductase during nitrate utilization and a Mo‐based dinitrogenase during N2 fixation under culture conditions here. We also demonstrate that it has a high‐affinity Mo uptake system (ModABC) similar to other cyanobacteria, including marine N2‐fixing strains. Anabaena variabilis preferentially assimilated light isotopes of Mo in all experiments, resulting in fractionations of ?0.2‰ to ?1.0‰ ± 0.2‰ between cells and media (εcells–media), extending the range of biological Mo fractionations previously reported. The fractionations were internally consistent within experiments, but varied with the N source utilized and for different growth phases sampled. During growth on nitrate, A. variabilis consistently produced fractionations of ?0.3 ± 0.1‰ (mean ± standard deviation between experiments). When fixing N2, A. variabilis produced fractionations of ?0.9 ± 0.1‰ during exponential growth, and ?0.5 ± 0.1‰ during stationary phase. This pattern is inconsistent with a simple kinetic isotope effect associated with Mo transport, because Mo is likely transported through the ModABC uptake system under all conditions studied. We present a reaction network model for Mo isotope fractionation that demonstrates how Mo transport and storage, coordination changes during enzymatic incorporation, and the distribution of Mo inside the cell could all contribute to the total biological fractionations. Additionally, we discuss the potential importance of biologically incorporated Mo to organic matter‐bound Mo in marine sediments.  相似文献   
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