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Since the suggestion concerning the hypothesis of the existence of restorer cytoplasms for some of the known and currently available male sterile (ms) genes in maize, a relatively limited amount of research effort has been made in order to test the hypothesis. Considering the importance of such a phenomenon, we designed a large, two-part experiment to test the idea more seriously. In the first part, 50 randomly chosen, medium-late open-pollinated (OP) varieties of maize from the Zemun Polje (ZP) collection were tested for the presence of the restorer cytoplasm in some currently known ms-genes in maize (ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms7, ms8, ms9, ms11, ms12, ms13, ms17, ms22, ms23, and ms24). In the second part, the whole ZP collection of maize germplasm (more than 4,000 entries) was tested for the presence of the restorer cytoplasm for the gene ms10. After the first basic screening of OP varieties, more than 70 nonsegregating "candidates" were identified; however, after additional screening of the collection and the direct testing with respective homozygous ms-testers, all of them showed segregation, indicating that the restorer cytoplasm does not exist, especially the gene ms10. While performing this experiment, we discovered almost a hundred sources of male sterile cytoplasm, which were distinguished by their overwhelming frequency of male sterile plants in segregating test progenies.  相似文献   


HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy have shown elevated incidence of dyslipidemia, lipodystrophy, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Most studies, however, focus on cohorts from developed countries, with less data available for these co-morbidities in Ethiopia and sub-Saharan Africa.


Adult HIV-negative (n = 36), treatment naïve (n = 51), efavirenz (EFV)-treated (n = 91), nevirapine (NVP)-treated (n = 95), or ritonavir-boosted lopinavir (LPV/r)-treated (n=44) subjects were recruited from Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Aortic pressure, augmentation pressure, and pulse wave velocity (PWV) were measured via applanation tonometry and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and carotid arterial stiffness, and brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) were measured via non-invasive ultrasound. Body mass index, waist-to-hip circumference ratio (WHR), skinfold thickness, and self-reported fat redistribution were used to quantify lipodystrophy. CD4+ cell count, plasma HIV RNA levels, fasting glucose, total-, HDL-, and LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, hsCRP, sVCAM-1, sICAM-1, leptin and complete blood count were measured.


PWV and normalized cIMT were elevate and FMD impaired in EFV- and LPV/r-treated subjects compared to NVP-treated subjects; normalized cIMT was also elevated and FMD impaired in the EFV- and LPV/r-treated subjects compared to treatment-naïve subjects. cIMT was not statistically different across groups. Treated subjects exhibited elevated markers of dyslipidemia, inflammation, and lipodystrophy. PWV was associated with age, current EFV and LPV/r used, heart rate, blood pressure, triglycerides, LDL, and hsCRP, FMD with age, HIV duration, WHR, and glucose, and cIMT with age, current EFV use, skinfold thickness, and blood pressure.


Current EFV- or LPV/r-treatment, but not NVP-treatment, correlated with elevated markers of atherosclerosis, which may involve mechanisms distinct from traditional risk factors.  相似文献   
Despite their suitability for studying evolution, many conifer species have large and repetitive giga-genomes (16–31 Gbp) that create hurdles to producing high coverage SNP data sets that capture diversity from across the entirety of the genome. Due in part to multiple ancient whole genome duplication events, gene family expansion and subsequent evolution within Pinaceae, false diversity from the misalignment of paralog copies creates further challenges in accurately and reproducibly inferring evolutionary history from sequence data. Here, we leverage the cost-saving benefits of pool-seq and exome-capture to discover SNPs in two conifer species, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, Pinaceae) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb., Pinaceae). We show, using minimal baseline filtering, that allele frequencies estimated from pooled individuals show a strong, positive correlation with those estimated by sequencing the same population as individuals (r > .948), on par with such comparisons made in model organisms. Further, we highlight the utility of haploid megagametophyte tissue for identifying sites that are probably due to misaligned paralogs. Together with additional minor filtering, we show that it is possible to remove many of the loci with large frequency estimate discrepancies between individual and pooled sequencing approaches, improving the correlation further (r > .973). Our work addresses bioinformatic challenges in non-model organisms with large and complex genomes, highlights the use of megagametophyte tissue for the identification of paralogous artefacts, and suggests the combination of pool-seq and exome capture to be robust for further evolutionary hypothesis testing in these systems.  相似文献   


Models of biochemical systems are typically complex, which may complicate the discovery of cardinal biochemical principles. It is therefore important to single out the parts of a model that are essential for the function of the system, so that the remaining non-essential parts can be eliminated. However, each component of a mechanistic model has a clear biochemical interpretation, and it is desirable to conserve as much of this interpretability as possible in the reduction process. Furthermore, it is of great advantage if we can translate predictions from the reduced model to the original model.


In this paper we present a novel method for model reduction that generates reduced models with a clear biochemical interpretation. Unlike conventional methods for model reduction our method enables the mapping of predictions by the reduced model to the corresponding detailed predictions by the original model. The method is based on proper lumping of state variables interacting on short time scales and on the computation of fraction parameters, which serve as the link between the reduced model and the original model. We illustrate the advantages of the proposed method by applying it to two biochemical models. The first model is of modest size and is commonly occurring as a part of larger models. The second model describes glucose transport across the cell membrane in baker's yeast. Both models can be significantly reduced with the proposed method, at the same time as the interpretability is conserved.


We introduce a novel method for reduction of biochemical models that is compatible with the concept of zooming. Zooming allows the modeler to work on different levels of model granularity, and enables a direct interpretation of how modifications to the model on one level affect the model on other levels in the hierarchy. The method extends the applicability of the method that was previously developed for zooming of linear biochemical models to nonlinear models.  相似文献   
The virus replication capacity (determined by density gradient centrifugation and spectrophotometric virus assay) and severity of symptoms were compared in ten cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) cultivars infected by cucumber virus 4. Except the expected resistant susceptible and symptomless virus carrier plants a new paradoxial group of cultivars was found. This group is characterized by low virus reproduction rate but simultaneously associated with severe symptoms and is responsible for difficulties in the virus transmission and purification. It is concluded that the critical evaluation of the resistance against viruses of TMV-group must include symptomatic and quantitative virus assays, as there need not be a direct relationship between virus symptoms and the virus increase.  相似文献   
Complex mechanisms operate on mucosal tissues to regulate immune responsiveness and tolerance. When the lymphocyte subpopulations from murine nasal-associated lymphoid tissues (NALT) were characterized, we observed an accumulation of B220(low)CD3(low)CD4(-)CD8(-)CD19(-)c-Kit(+) cells. TCR transgenic mice and athymic mice were used for monitoring T cell lineage and the presence of extrathymic T cell precursors. The majority of cells from NALT exhibited a T cell precursor phenotype (CD4(-)CD8(-)CD19(-)c-Kit(+)). Fas-independent apoptosis was their main mechanism of cell death. We also demonstrated that B220(low)CD4(-)CD8(-)CD19(-) cells from NALT exhibited the potential to down-regulate the activation of mature T cells. However, the innate immunity receptor TLR2 was also highly expressed by this cell subpopulation. Moreover, nasal stimulation with a TLR2/6 agonist resulted in a partial activation of the double-negative cells. These results suggest that the immune responses in NALT may be in part modulated by a cell subpopulation that maintains a tolerogenic milieu by its proapoptotic status and suppressive activity, which can be reverted through stimulation of a TLR signaling cascade.  相似文献   
The concept of multifractality is currently used to describe self-similar and complex scaling properties observed in numerous biological signals. Fractals are geometric objects or dynamic variations which exhibit some degree of similarity (irregularity) to the original object in a wide range of scales. This approach determines irregularity of biologic signal as an indicator of adaptability, the capability to respond to unpredictable stress, and health. In the present work, we propose the application of multifractal analysis of wavelet-transformed proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectra of plasma to determine nutritional insufficiency. For validation of this method on 1H NMR signal of human plasma, standard deviation from classical statistical approach and Hurst exponent (H), left slope and partition function from multifractal analysis were extracted from 1H NMR spectra to test whether multifractal indices could discriminate healthy subjects from unhealthy, intensive care unit patients. After validation, the multifractal approach was applied to spectra of plasma from a modified crossover study of sulfur amino acid insufficiency and tested for associations with blood lipids. The results showed that standard deviation and H, but not left slope, were significantly different for sulfur amino acid sufficiency and insufficiency. Quadratic discriminant analysis of H, left slope and the partition function showed 78% overall classification accuracy according to sulfur amino acid status. Triglycerides and apolipoprotein C3 were significantly correlated with a multifractal model containing H, left slope, and standard deviation, and cholesterol and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein were significantly correlated to H. In conclusion, multifractal analysis of 1H NMR spectra provides a new approach to characterize nutritional status.  相似文献   
Microdamage density has been shown to increase with age in trabecular bone and is associated with decreased fracture toughness. Numerous studies of crack propagation in cortical bone have been conducted, but data in trabecular bone is lacking. In this study, propagation of severe, linear, and diffuse damage was examined in trabecular bone cores from the femoral head of younger (61.3±3.1 years) and older (75.0±3.9 years) men and women. Using a two-step mechanical testing protocol, damage was first initiated with static uniaxial compression to 0.8% strain then propagated at a normalized stress level of 0.005 to a strain endpoint of 0.8%. Coupling mechanical testing with a dual-fluorescent staining technique, the number and length/area of propagating cracks were quantified. It was found that the number of cycles to the test endpoint was substantially decreased in older compared to younger samples (younger: 77,372±15,984 cycles; older: 34,944±11,964 cycles, p=0.06). This corresponded with a greater number of severely damaged trabeculae expanding in area during the fatigue test in the older group. In the younger group, diffusely damaged trabeculae had a greater damage area, which illustrates an efficient energy dissipation mechanism. These results suggest that age-related differences in fatigue life of human trabecular bone may be due to differences in propagated microdamage morphology.  相似文献   
Accumulation of microdamage in aging and disease can cause skeletal fragility and is one of several factors contributing to osteoporotic fractures. To better understand the role of microdamage in fragility fracture, the mechanisms of bone failure must be elucidated on a tissue-level scale where interactions between bone matrix properties, the local biomechanical environment, and bone architecture are concurrently examined for their contributions to microdamage formation. A technique combining histological damage assessment of individual trabeculae with linear finite element solutions of trabecular von Mises and principal stress and strain was used to compare the damage initiation threshold between pre-menopausal (32-37 years, n=3 donors) and post-menopausal (71-80 years, n=3 donors) femoral cadaveric bone. Strong associations between damage morphology and stress and strain parameters were observed in both groups, and an age-related decrease in undamaged trabecular von Mises stress was detected. In trabeculae from younger donors, the 95% CI for von Mises stress on undamaged regions ranged from 50.7-67.9MPa, whereas in trabeculae from older donors, stresses were significantly lower (38.7-50.2, p<0.01). Local microarchitectural analysis indicated that thinner, rod-like trabeculae oriented along the loading axis are more susceptible to severe microdamage formation in older individuals, while only rod-like architecture was associated with severe damage in younger individuals. This study therefore provides insight into how damage initiation and morphology relate to local trabecular microstructure and the associated stresses and strains under loading. Furthermore, by comparison of samples from pre- and post-menopausal women, the results suggest that trabeculae from younger individuals can sustain higher stresses prior to microdamage initiation.  相似文献   
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