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Adipocyte conversion of cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes by bezafibrate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transient exposure of cultured 3T3-L1 preadipocytes to hypolipidemic fibrate drugs results in extensive adipocyte conversion. Adipocyte conversion in culture was characterized by an increase in neutral lipids content and in adipocyte marker enzymes like hormone-sensitive lipase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Adipocyte conversion in culture was also accompanied by induction of cyanide-insensitive peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA oxidation. The conversion pattern exerted by fibrate drugs in 3T3-L1 cells was similar to that reported previously for primary cultured epididymal preadipocytes (R. Brandes, R. Arad and J. Bar-Tana, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 877, 314-321 (1986)), and seems to refute clonal selection in the conversion sequel initiated by fibrate drugs in primary cultured preadipocytes.  相似文献   
N,N-Diethyl-2-[4-(phenylmethyl)phenoxy]ethanamine HCl (DPPE) binds with high affinity to the antioestrogen binding site (AEBS), but not to the oestrogen receptor. There is an association of AEBS with a novel intracellular histamine receptor (H1C) of micromolar affinity through which histamine acts as a second messenger. An optimal dose of 4 mg DPPE/kg antagonized the uterine growth-stimulating effects of oestradiol in immature oophorectomized rats. Unlike tamoxifen, DPPE alone was not a partial agonist, but decreased uterine size and weight below control values at concentrations between 0.1 and 75 mg/kg. DPPE also antagonized oestradiol-stimulated uterine growth at 72 h; the inhibition observed was not significantly different from that seen with tamoxifen. Oestradiol-treated animals receiving the combination of DPPE (4 mg/kg) + low dose tamoxifen (0.04 mg/kg) for 72 h had significantly smaller uteri than did those receiving the same dose of DPPE or tamoxifen alone. Histologically, either DPPE or tamoxifen antagonized oestradiol stimulation of eosinophil migration and glandular epithelial proliferation; the latter inhibition was significantly greater for DPPE + tamoxifen (0.04 mg/kg) than for the same dose of DPPE or tamoxifen alone. Unlike tamoxifen, DPPE did not antagonize oestradiol stimulation of luminal epithelial proliferation, but in the presence of oestradiol, DPPE significantly decreased tamoxifen (0.65 mg/kg)-induced hypertrophy of the luminal epithelium. Based on these findings, we suggest that binding to the AEBS/intracellular histamine receptor is important to the action of antioestrogens.  相似文献   
The centromeric region of a telocentric field bean chromosome that resulted from centric fission of the metacentric satellite chromosome was microdissected. The DNA of this region was amplified and biotinylated by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR)/linker-adapter PCR. After fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) the entire chromosome complement of Vicia faba was labelled by these probes except for the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) and the interstitial heterochromatin, the chromosomes of V. sativa and V. narbonensis were only slightly labelled by the same probes. Dense uniform labelling was also observed when a probe amplified from a clearly delimited microdissected centromeric region of a mutant of Tradescantia paludosa was hybridized to T. paludosa chromosomes. Even after six cycles of subtractive hybridization between DNA fragments amplified from centromeric and acentric regions no sequences specifically located at the field bean centromeres were found among the remaining DNA. A mouse antiserum was produced which detected nuclear proteins of 33 kDa and 68 kDa; these were predominantly located at V. faba kinetochores during mitotic metaphase. DNA amplified from the chromatin fraction adsorbed by this serum out of the sonicated total mitotic chromatin also did not cause specific labelling of primary constrictions. From these results we conclude: (1) either centromere-specific DNA sequences are not very conserved among higher plants and are — at least in species with large genomes — intermingled with complex dispersed repetitive sequences that prevent the purification of the former, or (2) (some of) the dispersed repeats themselves specify the primary constrictions by stereophysical parameters rather than by their base sequence.  相似文献   
SPA::EcoRI fusion protein was produced by Escherichia coli JM103 carrying the multicopy expression plasmid pMTC48, the multicopy repressor plasmid pRK248, and the multicopy protection plasmid pEcoR4 in a 60-L working volume airlift tower loop reactor on M9 minimal medium with glucose. Cell mass concentration, total cell count, number of colony-forming units, specific growth rate, yield coefficient, and metabolite (acetate, pyruvate, succinate, lactate, ethanol) concentrations were monitored during the growth phase and gene expression. Gene expression was induced by temperature shift or chemically by isopropyl-thiogalactosidase in the airlift tower loop reactor (ALTR) at constant cultivation time and in a small stirred tank reactor at different cultivation times. During induction, the cultivation medium was supplemented with concentrated Luria-Bertani (LB) medium. The intracellular enzyme activity was evaluated as a function of the time after the start of the induction. It was found that the reduction of the glucose concentration and increase of the dissolved oxygen concentration reduced the acetate produced and increased the intracellular enzyme activity. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A new para-diphenylmethyl derivative, N,N-diethyl-2-[(4-phenylmethyl)-phenoxy]-ethanamine·HCl (N,N-DPPE) has been synthesized which binds with high affinity to the anti-estrogen binding site found in male rat liver microsomes. However, no evidence of significant interaction with the estrogen receptor can be observed at or below 10 μM in rat uterine cytosols; 10 nM N,N-DPPE fails to significantly induce progesterone receptor in MCF-7 cells. Tamoxifen also binds to anti-estrogen binding site but, unlike N,N-DPPE, binds significantly to estrogen receptor at much loeer concentrations and induces MCF-7 progesterone receptor. This property of high affinity for anti-estrogen binding site but not for estrogen receptor may make N,N-DPPE an important probe for the study of anti-estrogen binding site and its biological relevance.  相似文献   
Taxol, a microtubule stabilizing agent, exhibits promise in the treatment of breast and ovarian tumors. Recently, this novel drug has been shown to activate murine macrophages to express TNF-alpha and to down-regulate TNF-alpha receptors, activities shared by bacterial LPS. Our study sought to determine if taxol could regulate gene expression in murine macrophages and to examine further the ability of taxol to generate an LPS-like signal. Toward this end, the ability of taxol to induce TNF-alpha mRNA and five other genes (IL-1 beta, IP-10, D3, D7, and D8) associated with LPS-activation of macrophages was examined by Northern blot analysis. Taxol alone (1-30 microM) induced murine C3H/OuJ macrophages to secrete bioactive TNF-alpha and express increased levels of each of the six genes under investigation. The magnitude and the kinetics of induction of each gene closely resembled that seen with Escherichia coli K235 LPS. Macrophages from LPS-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice, however, failed to induce detectably any of the genes in response to taxol, despite being sensitive to the microtubule stabilizing effects of taxol as determined by immunofluorescence microscopy. The gene induction activity of taxol was in marked contrast to an alternative macrophage activator, heat killed Staphylococcus aureus, which induced a distinct gene profile in C3H/OuJ macrophages and which was equally active in C3H/OuJ and C3H/HeJ macrophages. These data are consistent with an ability of taxol to generate an LPS-like signal, possibly through a common signaling intermediate. As a first step toward identifying signal responses shared by taxol and LPS, we have shown that taxol, as shown previously for LPS, rapidly induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 41- and 42-kDa protein.  相似文献   
Previously, we demonstrated that through binding a novel intracellular receptor of microM affinity (HIC), histamine mediates, and the HIC antagonist N,N-diethyl-2-[4-(phenylmethyl)phenoxy]ethanamine. HCl (DPPE) inhibits, platelet aggregation and serotonin granule secretion; the latter response is dependent upon the same processes that mediate histamine release from mast cell granules. We now show that, as for platelet serotonin release, DPPE blocks concanavalin A-stimulated mast cell histamine release with a potency (IC50 = 30 microM) greater than the H1-antagonist, pyrilamine (IC50 = 150 microM) or the H2-antagonist cimetidine (IC50 = 5 mM), correlating with rank order of potency to inhibit 3H-histamine binding in rat brain membranes and liver microsomes. We postulate that histamine release from mast cells is mediated at HIC by second messenger intracellular histamine. However, unlike platelets, mast cells do not appear to rely on newly synthesized histamine. Rather, as for calcium, histamine may be mobilized from bound stores to mediate histamine secretion.  相似文献   
As pathogenic bacteria become increasingly resistant to antibiotics, antimicrobials with mechanisms of action distinct from current clinical antibiotics are needed. Gram-negative bacteria pose a particular problem because they defend themselves against chemicals with a minimally permeable outer membrane and with efflux pumps. During infection, innate immune defense molecules increase bacterial vulnerability to chemicals by permeabilizing the outer membrane and occupying efflux pumps. Therefore, screens for compounds that reduce bacterial colonization of mammalian cells have the potential to reveal unexplored therapeutic avenues. Here we describe a new small molecule, D66, that prevents the survival of a human Gram-negative pathogen in macrophages. D66 inhibits bacterial growth under conditions wherein the bacterial outer membrane or efflux pumps are compromised, but not in standard microbiological media. The compound disrupts voltage across the bacterial inner membrane at concentrations that do not permeabilize the inner membrane or lyse cells. Selection for bacterial clones resistant to D66 activity suggested that outer membrane integrity and efflux are the two major bacterial defense mechanisms against this compound. Treatment of mammalian cells with D66 does not permeabilize the mammalian cell membrane but does cause stress, as revealed by hyperpolarization of mitochondrial membranes. Nevertheless, the compound is tolerated in mice and reduces bacterial tissue load. These data suggest that the inner membrane could be a viable target for anti-Gram-negative antimicrobials, and that disruption of bacterial membrane voltage without lysis is sufficient to enable clearance from the host.  相似文献   
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