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Correlative light, high-voltage electron and conventional electron microscopic methods were used to investigate digestion in two allogromiid foraminiferans, Allogromia sp., strain NF, and A. laticollaris Arnold. Microscopic observations showed that bacterial prey are phagocytosed by reticulopodia and are transported to the allogromiid cell body within blister-like phagosomes. Larger prey (algae, diatoms) are transported along the reticulopodial surface and are either stored extrathalamously or phagocytosed at the oral opening (peduncle). Studies of allogromiids optimally fixed and labeled with an extracellular-space label (colloidal thorium) showed that phagocytosed prey are completely enclosed by a plasma membrane envelope; this finding was corroborated by a serial-section three-dimensional reconstruction of the oral zone of one allogromiid. Cytochemical staining for acid phosphatase showed that lysosomes are absent from reticulopods but abundant in the cell body, particularly in the oral zone cytoplasm. We conclude that digestion in allogromiid foraminiferans is accomplished by a vacuole-based digestive apparatus and not by extracellular digestion within a lacunary system, as has been suggested in earlier studies.  相似文献   
Subconfluent bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells on rigid substrates were exposed to 1.5–15 cm H2O sustained hydrostatic pressure for up to 7 days and exhibited elongation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, increased cell proliferation, and bilayering. The role of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the mechanism(s) of these endothelial cell responses to sustained hydrostatic pressure was investigated. Evidence that bFGF was released from endothelial cells exposed to sustained hydrostatic pressure or compression was provided by the following experimental results: (1) Cells exposed to control (3 mm H2O) pressure displayed intense nuclear and cytoplasmic bFGF staining by immunocytochemical techniques; this staining was absent in cells exposed to 10 cm H2O for 7 days. (2) Conditioned medium from endothelial cells exposed to 10 cm H2O for 7 days contained at ansferable, growth-promoting activity exhibiting heparin-Sepharose affinity, lability to both heat and freeze/thawing, and neutralization by anti-bovine bFGF. (3) Suramin (0.1 mM), a growth-factor receptor inhibitor, abrogated the proliferative and morphological responses of endothelial cells exposed to sustained hydrostatic pressure. Endothelial cells exposed to elevated hydrostatic pressure demonstrated no detectable decrement in cell viability as assessed by Trypan blue exclusion. The results of the present study indicate that hydrostatic pressure or compression can induce bFGF release from endothelial cells independent of cell injury or death; bFGF is subsequently responsible for the morphological, proliferative, and bilayering responses of endothelial cells to hydrostatic pressure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The reticulopodial networks of the foraminiferan protozoans Allogromia sp., strain NF, and A. laticollaris display rapid (up to 11 microns/second) and bidirectional saltatory transport of membrane surface markers (polystyrene microspheres). Electron microscopy shows that microspheres adhere directly to the reticulopodial surface glycocalyx. A videomicroscopic analysis of this phenomenon reveals that microsphere movement is typically independent of pseudopod extension/withdrawal and that particles of different sizes and surface properties display similar motile characteristics. The motile properties of surface-associated microspheres appear identical to those of saltating intracellular organelles. Indeed, in some instances the surface-attached microspheres appear transiently linked in motion to these underlying organelles. Our observations suggest that, in reticulopodia, surface transport of microspheres and intracellular transport of organelles are driven by a common mechanism.  相似文献   
Foci, nodules of cellular overgrowth, that appear after confluence are an in vitro characteristic of malignant transformation. A well-studied in vitro model of estrogen-dependent tumors is the MCF-7 cell line, derived from a pleural metastasis of a human breast adenocarcinoma. We report that cultivation of MCF-7 cells, using routine methods, results in extensive estrogen-stimulated postconfluent cell accumulation characterized by discrete three-dimensional arrays. Side view Nomarski optical sections revealed these to be principally multicellular foci with occasional domes and pseudoacinar vacuoles. This effect on MCF-7 cell growth occurs in media containing fetal bovine serum but not with calf serum or charcoal-dextran-treated fetal bovine serum unless supplemented with estrogens. Foci formation starts 5-6 days after confluence, and the number of foci generated is a function of the concentration of added estrogens. Foci formation is suppressed by the antiestrogens Tamoxifen and LY 156758. Addition of progesterone, testosterone, or dexamethasone had little or no effect, while various estrogens (ethinyl estradiol, diethylstilbestrol, and moxestrol) induced foci development. Clones derived from single cells of the initial MCF-7 population revealed a wide variance in estrogen-induced foci formation, demonstrating heterogeneity of this tumor cell line. The postconfluent cell growth of the estrogen receptor-deficient cell line, MDA-MB-231, contrasted with MCF-7 by developing an extensive multilayer morphology devoid of discrete structures. The tumorigenic potential of the MCF-7 cells used in our experiments was confirmed by their estrogen-dependent growth in immunosuppressed male BDF1 mice. These data suggest an estrogen receptor-based mechanism for the development of multicellular foci during postconfluent growth of MCF-7 cells. After confluence, foci, in contrast to the quiescent surrounding monolayer, retain proliferating cells. Focus formation, therefore, reflects the heterogeneous responsiveness of these cells to estrogens and should provide a model permitting in vitro comparisons between the progenitor cells of multicellular foci and the monolayer population.  相似文献   
A vibrio-like bacterium, designated Vibrio sp. (BML 79-078), was isolated from moribund juvenile Amercan lobsters, Homarus americanus. This is the first report of a vibrio-like bacterium being associated with a disease of lobsters. Koch's postulates have been satisfied for this bacterium. In this study, Vibrio sp. (BML 79-078) and Vibrio anguillarum (ATCC 19264) were found to be pathogenic when injected into juvenile lobsters held at 20°C, while Enterobacter aerogenes was not. An endotoxin was found to be associated with the pathogenesis of the disease syndrome caused by Vibrio sp. (BML 79-087).  相似文献   
Individual plants of several Amelanchier taxa contain many polymorphic nucleotide sites in the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). This polymorphism is unusual because it is not recent in origin and thus has resisted homogenization by concerted evolution. Amelanchier ITS sequence polymorphism is hypothesized to be the result of gene flow between two major North American clades resolved by phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences. Western North American species plus A. humilis and A. sanguinea of eastern North America form one clade (A), and the remaining eastern North American Amelanchier make up clade B. Five eastern North American taxa are polymorphic at many of the nucleotide sites where clades A and B have diverged and are thought to be of hybrid origin, with A. humilis or A. sanguinea as one parent and various members of clade B as the other parent. Morphological evidence suggests that A. humilis is one of the parents of one of the polymorphic taxa, a microspecies that we refer to informally as A. "erecta." Sequences of 21 cloned copies of the ITS1- 5.8S gene-ITS2 region from one A. "erecta" individual are identical to A. humilis sequence or to the clade B consensus sequence, or they are apparent recombinants of A. humilis and clade B ITS repeats. Amelanchier "erecta" and another polymorphic taxon are suspected to be relatively old because both grow several hundred kilometers beyond the range of one of their parents. ITS sequence polymorphisms have apparently persisted in these two taxa perhaps because of polyploidy and/or agamospermy (asexual seed production), which are prevalent in the genus.   相似文献   
The Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) is a widely used tool to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among foraminiferal species. Recently, the highly variable regions of this gene have been proposed as DNA barcodes to identify foraminiferal species. However, the resolution of these barcodes has not been well established, yet. In this study, we evaluate four SSU rDNA hypervariable regions (37/f, 41/f, 43/e, and 45/e) as DNA barcodes to distinguish among species of the genus Bolivina, with particular emphasis on Bolivina quadrata for which ten new sequences ( KY468817 – KY468826 ) were obtained during this study. Our analyses show that a single SSU rDNA hypervariable sequence is insufficient to resolve all Bolivina species and that some regions (37/f and 41/f) are more useful than others (43/e and 45/e) to distinguish among closely related species. In addition, polymorphism analyses reveal a high degree of variability. In the context of barcoding studies, these results emphasize the need to assess the range of intraspecific variability of DNA barcodes prior to their application to identify foraminiferal species in environmental samples; our results also highlight the possibility that a longer SSU rDNA region might be required to distinguish among species belonging to the same taxonomic group (i.e. genus).  相似文献   
Monitoring changes in diets of fish is essential to understanding how food web dynamics respond to changes in native prey abundances. In the Great Lakes, Diporeia, a benthic macroinvertebrate and primary food of native benthivores, declined following the introduction of invasive Dreissena mussels and these changes were reflected in fish diets. We examined the diets of deepwater sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii collected in bottom trawls during 2010–2014 in the main basin of Lake Huron, and compared these results to an earlier diet study (2003–2005) to assess if their diets have continued to change after a prolonged period of Dreissena mussel invasion and declined Diporeia densities. Diporeia, Mysis, Bythotrephes, and Chironomidae were consumed regularly and other diet items included ostracods, copepods, sphaerid clams, and fish eggs. The prey-specific index of relative importance calculated for each prey group indicated that Mysis importance increased at shallow (≤55 m) and mid (64–73 m) depths, while Diporeia importance increased offshore (≥82 m). The average number of Diporeia consumed per fish increased by 10.0% and Mysis decreased by 7.5%, while the frequency of occurrence of Diporeia and Mysis remained comparable between time periods. The weight of adult deepwater sculpin (80 mm and 100 mm TL bins) increased between time periods; however, the change in weight was only significant for the 80 mm TL group (p?<?0.01). Given the historical importance of Diporeia in the Great Lakes, the examination of deepwater sculpin diets provides unique insight into the trophic dynamics of the benthic community in Lake Huron.  相似文献   
Schistosomiasis vector snails are subjected to extreme seasonal changes, particularly in ephemeral rivers and lentic waterbodies. In the tropics, aestivation is one of the adaptive strategies for survival and is used by snails in times of extremely high temperatures and desiccation. Aestivation therefore plays an important role in maintaining the transmission of schistosomiasis. This review assesses the possible impacts of climate change on the temporal and spatial distribution of schistosomiasis-transmitting snails with special emphasis on aestivation, and discusses the effect of schistosome infection on aestivation ability. The impacts of parasite development on snails, as well as physiological changes, are discussed with reference to schistosomiasis transmission. This review shows that schistosome-infected snails have lower survival rates during aestivation, and that those that survive manage to get rid of the infection. In general, snail aestivation ability is poor and survival chances diminish with time. Longer dry periods result in fewer, as well as uninfected, snails. However, the ability of the surviving snails to repopulate the habitats is high.  相似文献   
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