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Passive drag is still a good evaluator of swimming aptitude   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The passive drag (Dp) of 218 competitive swimmers was studied and related to their performance level. To study this relationship, specific attention was given to anthropometric and joint laxity (JL) variations. The Dp was measured at 1.40 m.s-1, using a mechanical winch and a strain gauge with a load cell connected to a strain bridge. Swimmers were towed in a prone position holding their breath after a maximal inspiration. Buoyancy was evaluated by the hydrostatic lift (HL), i.e., the maximal weight just necessary to maintain the swimmer in a balanced position under the water after a maximal inspiration. The JL was assessed by a standard scoring system. The Dp was related mainly to the surface area (SA) (r = 0.73 and 0.53; P less than 0.01, for males and females, respectively). For a given SA, Dp was inversely related to the performance level. The JL explained 7% of the variability of Dp. On average, Dp measured after a maximal expiration, increases of about 22% SD 3% (P less than 0.01). This increase was related to individual vital capacities (r = 0.86, P less than 0.01). As Dp was mainly related to SA and HL, it is suggested that the body exerts a large pressure effect on the water. The contribution to performance might be related to the gliding phase of swimming.  相似文献   
The subcutaneous implantation of an estradiol pellet (10 mg) into female rats induced a hypophyseal hyperplasia with hyperprolactinaemia. Examination of neurotransmitter receptors in the hippocampus, striatum and cerebral cortex one month after the implantation revealed that estrogenization was associated with: an increased density of 3H-domperidone binding sites (D2 receptors) in the striatum and reduced numbers of 3H-serotonin high affinity sites (5-HT1 receptors) in the hippocampus and of 3H-muscimol binding sites (GABA receptors) in the hippocampus, striatum and cerebral cortex. In contrast, the characteristics of 3H-spiperone binding to 5-HT2 receptors (in the cerebral cortex) and those of 3H-flunitrazepam binding to benzodiazepine sites (in the three brain regions examined) were not significantly different in estrogenized and in control female rats. However, the enhancing effect of GABA on 3H-flunitrazepam binding was markedly reduced in brain membranes from estrogenized animals. The respective roles of estradiol and prolactin in mediating these changes in neurotransmitter receptors are discussed notably with regard to the regional heterogeneity of estradiol binding capacity in the rat brain.  相似文献   
Possible interactions between Met-enkephalin and cholecystokinin (CCK)-containing neurons in the rat substantia nigra were investigated by looking for the effects of various opioid receptor ligands and inhibitors of enkephalin-degrading enzymes on the K(+)-evoked overflow of CCK-like material (CCKLM) from substantia nigra slices. The delta-opioid agonists D-Pen2, D-Pen5-enkephalin (50 microM) and Tyr-D-Thr-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr (DTLET; 3 microM) enhanced, whereas the mu-opioid agonists Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Gly-ol (DAGO; 10 microM) and MePhe3, D-Pro4-morphiceptin (PL 017; 10 microM) decreased, the K(+)-evoked release of CCKLM. By contrast, the kappa-opioid agonist U-50488 H (5 microM) was inactive. The stimulatory effect of DTLET could be prevented by the delta antagonist ICI-154129 (50 microM), but not by the mu antagonist naloxone (1 microM). Conversely, the latter drug, but not ICI-154129, prevented the inhibitory effect of DAGO and PL 017. A significant increase in CCKLM overflow was observed upon tissue superfusion with the peptidase inhibitors kelatorphan or bestatin plus thiorphan. This effect probably resulted from the stimulation of delta-opioid receptors by endogenous enkephalins protected from degradation, because it could be prevented by ICI-154129 (50 microM). Furthermore the peptidase inhibitors did not enhance CCKLM release further when delta-opioid receptors were stimulated directly by DTLET (3 microM). These data indicate that opioids acting on delta and mu receptors may exert an opposite influence, i.e., excitatory and inhibitory, respectively, on CCK-containing neurons in the rat substantia nigra.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Spatial distribution in mammals, and thereby home range size, is influenced by many different factors including body size, sex, age, reproductive status, season, availability of forage, availability of water, fragmentation of landscape, trophic level and intra- and inter-specific competition. Using linear mixed models, we looked for factors shaping the variation in size of spring-summer and winter home ranges for 51 radio-collared adult female roe deer at Trois Fontaines forest, Champagne–Ardenne, France (1996–2005). Home range size of females was larger in winter than in spring–summer, decreased with age, and decreased with increasing quality. Females in low quality areas adjusted the size of their home range to include more patches of habitat so that all female deer obtained similar amounts of food resources (total biomass of 6.73±2.34 tons (mean±SE) for each home range). Such adjustments of home range size in response to patchiness of resources led to marked between-female variation in home range size. Our results demonstrate that roe deer females have different tactics of habitat use according to spatial variations in habitat quality so that females get similar food resources in highly productive environments such as the Trois Fontaines forest.  相似文献   
Animal toxins are small proteins built on the basis of a few disulfide bonded frameworks. Because of their high variability in sequence and biologic function, these proteins are now used as templates for protein engineering. Here we report the extensive characterization of the structure and dynamics of two toxin folds, the "three-finger" fold and the short alpha/beta scorpion fold found in snake and scorpion venoms, respectively. These two folds have a very different architecture; the short alpha/beta scorpion fold is highly compact, whereas the "three-finger" fold is a beta structure presenting large flexible loops. First, the crystal structure of the snake toxin alpha was solved at 1.8-A resolution. Then, long molecular dynamics simulations (10 ns) in water boxes of the snake toxin alpha and the scorpion charybdotoxin were performed, starting either from the crystal or the solution structure. For both proteins, the crystal structure is stabilized by more hydrogen bonds than the solution structure, and the trajectory starting from the X-ray structure is more stable than the trajectory started from the NMR structure. The trajectories started from the X-ray structure are in agreement with the experimental NMR and X-ray data about the protein dynamics. Both proteins exhibit fast motions with an amplitude correlated to their secondary structure. In contrast, slower motions are essentially only observed in toxin alpha. The regions submitted to rare motions during the simulations are those that exhibit millisecond time-scale motions. Lastly, the structural variations within each fold family are described. The localization and the amplitude of these variations suggest that the regions presenting large-scale motions should be those tolerant to large insertions or deletions.  相似文献   
The role of GTPase-activating protein (GAP) that deactivates ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) during the formation of coat protein I (COPI) vesicles has been unclear. GAP is originally thought to antagonize vesicle formation by triggering uncoating, but later studies suggest that GAP promotes cargo sorting, a process that occurs during vesicle formation. Recent models have attempted to reconcile these seemingly contradictory roles by suggesting that cargo proteins suppress GAP activity during vesicle formation, but whether GAP truly antagonizes coat recruitment in this process has not been assessed directly. We have reconstituted the formation of COPI vesicles by incubating Golgi membrane with purified soluble components, and find that ARFGAP1 in the presence of GTP promotes vesicle formation and cargo sorting. Moreover, the presence of GTPgammaS not only blocks vesicle uncoating but also vesicle formation by preventing the proper recruitment of GAP to nascent vesicles. Elucidating how GAP functions in vesicle formation, we find that the level of GAP on the reconstituted vesicles is at least as abundant as COPI and that GAP binds directly to the dilysine motif of cargo proteins. Collectively, these findings suggest that ARFGAP1 promotes vesicle formation by functioning as a component of the COPI coat.  相似文献   
We present a consensus classification of life to embrace the more than 1.6 million species already provided by more than 3,000 taxonomists’ expert opinions in a unified and coherent, hierarchically ranked system known as the Catalogue of Life (CoL). The intent of this collaborative effort is to provide a hierarchical classification serving not only the needs of the CoL’s database providers but also the diverse public-domain user community, most of whom are familiar with the Linnaean conceptual system of ordering taxon relationships. This classification is neither phylogenetic nor evolutionary but instead represents a consensus view that accommodates taxonomic choices and practical compromises among diverse expert opinions, public usages, and conflicting evidence about the boundaries between taxa and the ranks of major taxa, including kingdoms. Certain key issues, some not fully resolved, are addressed in particular. Beyond its immediate use as a management tool for the CoL and ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System), it is immediately valuable as a reference for taxonomic and biodiversity research, as a tool for societal communication, and as a classificatory “backbone” for biodiversity databases, museum collections, libraries, and textbooks. Such a modern comprehensive hierarchy has not previously existed at this level of specificity.  相似文献   
Abstract: Under control conditions, superfused slices of the dorsal half of the lumbar enlargement from adult rats released Met-enkephalin-like material (MELM) that behaved as authentic Met-enkephalin under two different chromatographic procedures (Bio-gel filtration, HPLC). MELM release increased markedly on exposure of slices to batrachotoxin (0.5 μ M ) or to an excess of K+ (28 and 56 m M instead of 5.6 m M ). The K + -evoked release was totally dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the super-fusing fluid whereas the spontaneous efflux of MELM was only partially Ca2+-dependent. Further experiments performed with tissues of polyarthritic rats indicated that the increase in their MELM levels was associated with a lower fractional rate constant of MELM release, therefore suggesting that spinal Met-enkephalin turnover might be reduced in chronically suffering animals. Examination of the possible modulation of MELM release by various neuroactive compounds present within the dorsal horn revealed that cholecystokinin (10 μ M ), but not its desulphated derivative, substance P-sulphoxide (10 μ M ), and to a lesser extent substance P, enhanced the K+-evoked MELM release. In contrast, γ-aminobutyric acid (10 μ M ) and (–)-baclofen (1 μ M ) partially prevented the stimulatory effect of K+ on MELM release. Other compounds such as serotonin, somatostatin, and neurotensin altered neither the spontaneous nor the K+-evoked release of MELM.  相似文献   
We addressed the role of EFA6, exchange factor for ARF6, during the development of epithelial cell polarity in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. EFA6 is located primarily at the apical pole of polarized cells, including the plasma membrane. After calcium-triggered E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion, EFA6 is recruited to a Triton X-100-insoluble fraction and its protein level is increased concomitantly to the accelerated formation of a functional tight junction (TJ). The expression of EFA6 results in the selective retention at the cell surface of the TJ protein occludin. This effect is due to EFA6 capacities to promote selectively the stability of the apical actin ring onto which the TJ is anchored, resulting in the exclusion of TJ proteins from endocytosis. Finally, our data suggest that EFA6 effects are achieved by the coordinate action of both its exchange activity and its actin remodeling C-terminal domain. We conclude that EFA6 is a signaling molecule that responds to E-cadherin engagement and is involved in TJ formation and stability.  相似文献   
The neutrophil plays a central role in the innate host immune defense. Regulated exocytosis of its granules and release of antimicrobial and cytotoxic substances are key events to limit the spread of pathogens. However, the molecular mechanisms that control exocytosis of neutrophil granules are ill-defined. Recently, it was shown that Munc13-4 is essential for the priming of granules in several hematopoietic cells. In this study, we show that Munc13-4 is expressed in human neutrophils, and that its expression is increased during granulocytic differentiation of HL-60 and PLB-985 cells. Cell fractionation analysis reveals that Munc13-4 is mainly cytosolic and is recruited rapidly to membranes following stimulation with fMLF (N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine). Moreover, a pool of Munc13-4 associated with mobilizable secondary and tertiary granules is relocalized to the plasma membrane after stimulation with fMLF. The fMLF-induced translocation of Munc13-4 is strictly dependent on calcium in neutrophils. C2 domains of Munc13-4 are essential for binding to phospholipid vesicles in a Ca(2+)-independent manner. Finally, down-regulation of Munc13-4 using small interfering RNA decreases exocytosis of tertiary granules in PLB-985 cells, whereas overexpression of Munc13-4 enhances secretion of MMP-9 (matrix metalloproteinase-9) from tertiary granules. Our findings suggest a role for Munc13-4 as a component of the secretory machinery in neutrophils.  相似文献   
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