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Many forest soils in the Mediterranean basin areshallow and contain high amounts of gravel in theorganic layers. Recent studies on soil organic matteraccumulation have shown high amounts of organic matteroccurring mainly in soils with high levels ofstoniness at the soil surface. The gravel layer mayaffect the microclimatic conditions of the soilsurface and probably the distribution and activity ofsoil fauna.In order to quantify the combined effects soil fauna(epigeic macrofauna and earthworms) and stoniness onthe release of soil CO2, we performed a threefactor field experiment by using a series ofreconstructed soil profiles. Factors 1 and 2 consistedof the exclusion/presence of soil epigeic macrofaunaand earthworms, and factor 3 of the presence/absenceof a gravel layer intermingled with the H horizon. Weincubated 14C straw in the H horizon and carriedout three 40 mm rainfall simulations.Soil respiration primarily depended on the season. Theeffects of soil fauna were generally small and did notcoincide with periods of high faunal activity. Thelargest effects of both earthworms and soil epigeicfauna were found after wetting the soil in summer. Theeffects of the earthworms were concentrated in themineral soil while the effects of the epigeic faunawere concentrated in the H horizon and mainly arosetowards the end of the experiment. This suggests thatthe effects of epigeic fauna may have beenunderestimated due to the length of the experiment.The gravel layer increased the effect of faunaprobably by creating more favorable microclimaticconditions. The accumulation of organic matter insoils with high levels of stoniness cannot beexplained by the effect of gravel on soil microclimatenor by its effect on the activity of soil fauna.  相似文献   
Novel insertion sequence (IS)-like elements were isolated and characterized from phytoplasma strains in the aster yellows (AY) group (16SrI). The IS-like elements were cloned from phytoplasma strains AY1 and NJAY or PCR-amplified from 15 additional strains representing nine subgroups in the AY group using primers based on sequences of the putative transposases (Tpases). All IS-like elements contained sequences encoding similar Tpases of 321 amino acids (320 for strain CPh). Substantial amino acid sequence variability suggested multiple species of Tpases or IS-like elements exist in the AY phytoplasma group. These Tpases have an identical DDE motif that is most similar to the DDE consensus of Tpases in the IS3 family.  相似文献   
14C‐labelled straw was mixed with soils collected from seven coniferous forests located on a climatic gradient in Western Europe ranging from boreal to Mediterranean conditions. The soils were incubated in the laboratory at 4°, 10°, 16°, 23° and 30 °C with constant moisture over 550 days. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for straw carbon mineralization decreased with increasing incubation temperatures. This was a characteristic of all the soils with a difference of two Q10 units between the 4–10° and the 23? 30 °C temperature ranges. It was also found that the magnitude of the temperature response function was related to the period of soil incubation. Initial temperature responses of microbial communities were different to those shown after a long period of laboratory incubation and may have reflected shifts in microbial species composition in response to changes in the temperature regime. The rapid exhaustion of the labile fractions of the decomposing material at higher temperatures could also lead to underestimation of the temperature sensitivity of soils unless estimated for carbon pools of similar qualities. Finally, the thermal optima for the organic soil horizons (Of and Oh) were lower than 30 °C even after 550 days of incubation. It was concluded that these responses could not be attributed to microbial physiological adaptations, but rather to the rates at which recalcitrant microbial secondary products were formed at higher temperatures. The implication of these variable temperature responses of soil materials is discussed in relation to modelling potential effects of global warming.  相似文献   
We studied the seasonality of total soil CO2efflux and labeled C-CO2 released from 14Clabeled straw incubated in the H horizon of asemi-arid Mediterranean forest soil. Fieldmeasurements were carried out over 520 days in aseries of reconstructed soil profiles with and withouta gravel layer below the H horizon. We monitored soilclimate and related this to soil CO2 efflux.Seasonal variations in soil CO2 efflux in asemiarid Mediterranean forest were mainly related tochanges in soil temperature. In spite of drought, highrespiration rates were observed in mid summer. Highsoil CO2 efflux in hot and dry episodes wasattributed to increases in soil biological activity.The minimum soil CO2 efflux occurred in latesummer also under dry conditions, probably related toa decrease in soil biological activity in deephorizons. Biological activity in organic layers waslimited by water potential () in summer and bytemperature in winter. Rewetting a dry soil resultedin large increases in soil CO2 efflux only at hightemperatures. These large increases represented asignificant contribution to the decomposition oforganic matter in the uppermost horizons. Soilbiological activity in the uppermost horizons was moresensitive to changes in soil and hence tosummer rainstorms than the bulk soil microbialactivity. The presence of a layer of gravel improvedboth moisture and temperature conditions for thedecomposition of organic matter. As a result, soilCO2 efflux increased in soils containing rockfragments. These effects were especially large for theorganic layers.  相似文献   
Resume Du blé est marqué au14C sur sol dans des pots de culture depuis la germination jusqu’à la maturité dans une enceinte à teneur de CO2 et14CO2. La répartition du14C entre les parties aériennes, les racines et le sol est homogène pour l’ensemble des cultures (Tableau 1). Les parties aériennes sont coupées et les pots sont séchés sans perturber ni le sol, ni les racines. Les pots sont ensuite incubés à température et humidité contr?lées durant 62 jours. La moitié d’entre eux est soumise à une deuxième culture de blé en atmosphère normale sans14CO2.. Le but du travail est d’étudier l’effet du système racinaire vivant sur la décompositon de la litière racinaire marquée préexistante. Le CO2 et14CO2 se dégageant du sol est mesuré en continu aux jours 0,8, 33 et 62 de l’incubation et la radioactivité restante est recherchée dans la litière racinaire et dans les différentes fractions du sol obtenues par hydrolyse croissante (Fig. 1). La litière racinaire dispara?t plus rapidement en présence de racines vivantes qu’en absence de plantes (Fig. 2). Le rythme d’apparition et de disparition du matériel humifié dans le sol sous culture s’effectue suivant deux phases (Fig. 3). Durant la période de croissance des racines (jusqu’à l’épiaison), on constate une accumulation plus importante de matériel, hydrolysable en milieu fortement acide, que dans le sol nu. Après l’épiaison et durant la période de moindre activité racinaire, le matériel accumulé précédemment est partiellement minéralisé et on constate alors un dégagement plus important de14CO2 en présence de plantes qu’en leur absence (Fig. 4). Les variations de l’humification et de la minéralisation des composés de la litère racinaire sont en relation avec le stade phénologique de la plante vivante.
Living roots effect on14C-labelled root litter decomposition
Summary Wheat was14C-labelled by cultivation on soil in pots, from seedling to maturity, in a chamber with constant CO2 and14CO2 levels. The14C-distribution was constant amongst the aerial parts, the roots and the soil in the whole pots (Tabl. I). After cutting the plant tops, the pots were dried without disturbing the soil and root system. The pots were then incubated under controlled humidity and temperature conditions for 62 days. In the same time a second wheat cultivation was grown on one half of the pots in normal atmosphere without plant cultivation. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of living roots on decomposition of the former14C labelled roots litter. The CO2 and the14CO2 released from the soil were continuously measured. On incubation days 0, 18, 33 and 62, the remaining litter was separated from soil, and the organic matter was fractionated by repeated hydrolysis and NaOH extraction (Fig. 1). Root litter disappeared faster when living roots were present than in bare soil (Fig. 2). The accumulation and mineralization rates of humified components in soil followed two stages (Fig. 3). While the roots of second wheat cultivation grew actively (until earing), the strong acid hydrolysable components accumulated in larger amount than in the case of bare soil. After earing, while roots activity was depressed, theses components were partly mineralized and the14CO2 release was then higher with plants than with bare soil (Fig. 4). The humification and mineralization rate were related with living plant phenology stages.
Partitioning of 14C was assessed in sweet chestnut seedlings (Castanea sativa Mill.) grown in ambient and elevated atmospheric [CO2] environments during two vegetative cycles. The seedlings were exposed to 14CO2 atmosphere in both high and low [CO2] environments for a 6-day pulse period under controlled laboratory conditions. Six days after exposure to 14CO2, the plants were harvested, their dry mass and the radioactivity were evaluated. 14C concentration in plant tissues, root-soil system respiratory outputs and soil residues (rhizodeposition) were measured. Root production and rhizodeposition were increased in plants growing in elevated atmospheric [CO2]. When measuring total respiration, i.e. CO2 released from the root/soil system, it is difficult to separate CO2 originating from roots and that coming from the rhizospheric microflora. For this reason a model accounting for kinetics of exudate mineralization was used to estimate respiration of rhizospheric microflora and roots separately. Root activity (respiration and exudation) was increased at the higher atmospheric CO2 concentration. The proportion attributed to root respiration accounted for 70 to 90% of the total respiration. Microbial respiration was related to the amount of organic carbon available in the rhizosphere and showed a seasonal variation dependent upon the balance of root exudation and respiration. The increased carbon assimilated by plants grown under elevated atmospheric [CO2] stayed equally distributed between these increased root activities. ei]H Lambers  相似文献   
Characterization of spliceosomal complexes in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe revealed particles sedimenting in the range of 30–60S, exclusively containing U1 snRNA. Here, we report the tandem affinity purification (TAP) of U1-specific protein complexes. The components of the complexes were identified using (LC-MS/MS) mass spectrometry. The fission yeast U1 snRNP contains 16 proteins, including the 7 Sm snRNP core proteins. In both fission and budding yeast, the U1 snRNP contains 9 and 10 U1 specific proteins, respectively, whereas the U1 particle found in mammalian cells contains only 3. Among the U1-specific proteins in S. pombe, three are homolog to the mammalian and six to the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae U1-specific proteins, whereas three, called U1H, U1J and U1L, are proteins specific to S. pombe. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the homolog of U1-70K and the three proteins specific to S. pombe are essential for growth. We will discuss the differences between the U1 snRNPs with respect to the organism-specific proteins found in the two yeasts and the resulting effect it has on pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to examine the response of wheat plants to a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration on: (1) carbon and nitrogen partitioning in the plant; (2) carbon release by the roots; and (3) the subsequent N uptake by the plants. The experiment was performed in controlled laboratory conditions by exposing fast-growing spring wheat plants, during 28 days, to a 14CO2 concentration of 350 or 700 L L–1 at two levels of soil nitrogen fertilization. Doubling CO2 availability increased total plant production by 34% for both N treatment. In the N-fertilized soil, the CO2 enrichment resulted in an increase in dry mass production of 41% in the shoots and 23% in the roots; without N fertilization this figure was 33% and 37%, respectively. In the N-fertilized soil, the CO2 increase enhanced the total N uptake by 14% and lowered the N concentration in the shoots by 23%. The N concentration in the roots was unchanged. In the N-fertilized soil, doubling CO2 availability increased N uptake by 32% but did not change the N concentrations, in either shoots or roots. The CO2 enrichment increased total root-derived carbon by 12% with N fertilization, and by 24% without N fertilization. Between 85 and 90% of the total root derived-14C came from respiration, leaving only 10 to 15% in the soil as organic 14C. However, when total root-derived 14C was expressed as a function of root dry weight, these differences were only slightly significant. Thus, it appears that the enhanced carbon release from the living roots in response to increased atmospheric CO2, is not due to a modification of the activity of the roots, but is a result of the increased size of the root system. The increase of root dry mass also resulted in a stimulation of the soil N mineralization related to the doubling atmospheric CO2 concentration. The discussion is focused on the interactions between the carbon and nitrogen allocation, especially to the root system, and the implications for the acquisition of nutrients by plants in response to CO2 increase.Abbreviations N soil fertilization without nitrogen - N soil fertilization with nitrogen  相似文献   
Summary A rapid procedure is proposed for simultaneous measurement of total and radioactive carbon in soils, soil extracts and plant materials. The procedure involves dry or wet combustion of the sample, total carbon determination with an automatic analyser and C14O2 absorbtion in a liquid for scintillation measurement. The use of methyl-cellosolve plus mono-ethanolamine as a CO2 absorber allows measurements of weakly labelled materials. This method is suitable for fast routine analysis. re]19750929  相似文献   
Two-year-old sweet chestnut trees were grown outside in normal or double CO2 atmospheric concentration. In spring and in autumn of two growing seasons, a six day labelling pulse of14C labelled CO2 was used to follow the carbon assimilation and distribution in the plant-soil system. Doubling atmospheric CO2 had a significant effect on the tree net carbon uptake. A large proportion of the additional C uptake was lost through the root system. This suggests that increased C uptake under elevated CO2 conditions increases C cycling without necessarily increasing C storage in the plant. Total root derived material represented a significant amount of the extra-assimilated carbon due to the CO2 treatment and was strongly correlated with the phenological stage of the tree. Increasing root rhizodeposition led to a stimulation of microbial activity, particularly near the end of the growing season. When plant rhizodeposition was expressed as a function of the root dry weight, the effect of increasing CO2 resulted in a higher root activity. The C to N ratios were significantly higher for trees grown under elevated CO2 except for the fine root compartment. An evaluation of the plant-soil system nitrogen dynamics showed, during the second season of CO2 treatment, a decrease of soil N mineralization rate and total N uptake for trees grown at elevated CO2 levels.  相似文献   
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