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Many types of human cells cultured in vitro are generally semipermissive for simian virus 40 (SV40) replication. Consequently, subpopulations of stably transformed human cells often carry free viral DNA, which is presumed to arise via spontaneous excision from an integrated DNA template. Stably transformed human cell lines that do not have detectable free DNA are therefore likely to harbor harbor mutant viral genomes incapable of excision and replication, or these cells may synthesize variant cellular proteins necessary for viral replication. We examined four such cell lines and conclude that for the three lines SV80, GM638, and GM639, the cells did indeed harbor spontaneous T-antigen mutants. For the SV80 line, marker rescue (determined by a plaque assay) and DNA sequence analysis of cloned DNA showed that a single point mutation converting serine 147 to asparagine was the cause of the mutation. Similarly, a point mutation converting leucine 457 to methionine for the GM638 mutant T allele was found. Moreover, the SV80 line maintained its permissivity for SV40 DNA replication but did not complement the SV40 tsA209 mutant at its nonpermissive temperature. The cloned SV80 T-antigen allele, though replication incompetent, maintained its ability to transform rodent cells at wild-type efficiencies. A compilation of spontaneously occurring SV40 mutations which cannot replicate but can transform shows that these mutations tend to cluster in two regions of the T-antigen gene, one ascribed to the site-specific DNA-binding ability of the protein, and the other to the ATPase activity which is linked to its helicase activity.  相似文献   
We have constructed a recombinant simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA containing a copy of the Harvey murine sarcoma virus long terminal repeat (LTR). This recombinant viral DNA was converted into an infectious SV40 virus particle and subsequently infected into NIH 3T3 cells (either uninfected or previously infected with Moloney leukemia virus). We found that this hybrid virus, SVLTR1, transforms cells with 10 to 20 times the efficiency of SV40 wild type. Southern blot analysis of these transformed cell genomic DNAs revealed that simple integration of the viral DNA within the retrovirus LTR cannot account for the enhanced transformation of the recombinant virus. A restriction fragment derived from the SVLTR-1 virus which contains an intact LTR was readily identified in a majority of the transformed cell DNAs. These results suggest that the LTR fragment which contains the attachment sites and flanking sequences for the proviral DNA duplex may be insufficient by itself to facilitate correct retrovirus integration and that some other functional element of the LTR is responsible for the increased transformation potential of this virus. We have found that a complete copy of the Harvey murine sarcoma virus LTR linked to well-defined structural genes lacking their own promoters (SV40 early region, thymidine kinase, and G418 resistance) can be effectively used to promote marker gene expression. To determine which element of the LTR served to enhance the biological activity of the recombinant virus described above, we deleted DNA sequences essential for promoter activity within the LTR. SV40 virus stocks reconstructed with this mutated copy of the Harvey murine sarcoma virus LTR still transform mouse cells at an enhanced frequency. We speculate that when the LTR is placed more than 1.5 kilobases from the SV40 early promoter, the cis-acting enhancer element within the LTR can increase the ability of the SV40 promoter to effectively operate when integrated in a murine chromosome. These data are discussed in terms of the apparent cell specificity of viral enhancer elements.  相似文献   
The eukaryotic replicative helicase, the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex, is composed of six distinct, but related, subunits MCM(2–7). The relationship between the sequences of the subunits indicates that they are derived from a common ancestor and indeed, present-day archaea possess a homohexameric MCM. Recent progress in the biochemical and structural studies of both eukaryal and archaeal MCM complexes are beginning to shed light on the mechanisms of action of this key component of the replisome.The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex subunits are members of the AAA+ superfamily of ATPases and thus use energy derived from cycles of ATP binding and hydrolysis to move or reorganize bound substrates. In the case of the MCM complex, the energy is harnessed to effect DNA unwinding. The AAA+ proteins can be classified into seven distinct clades, based on the topography of their active sites. MCMs are members of clade 7, being characterized by the presence of an additional α-helix when compared with the classical AAA+ fold (Iyer et al. 2004; Erzberger and Berger 2006). In addition to the AAA+ domain, MCMs also have an amino-terminal domain (NTD) that plays a role in higher-order structure assembly. Finally, following the AAA+ domain is a degenerate winged helix (wH) structure (Fig. 1). Although the archaeal MCMs possess this simple NTD–AAA+–wH domain architecture, many of the eukaryal MCM(2–7) subunits are embellished with amino- or carboxy-terminal extensions that play roles in the regulation or recruitment of MCM(2–7). The eukaryal MCM complex is an important target for regulatory posttranslational modifications; the nature and consequences of these modifications are dealt with in Bell and Kaguni (2013), Tanaka and Araki (2013), and Siddiqui et al. (2013). Much of what we know regarding the inner workings of the MCM helicase has been learned from structural and mechanistic studies of the simple archaeal model (Sakakibara et al. 2009). Additionally, the crystal structures of distantly related superfamily three helicases, SV40 LTAg, and the E1 helicase of bovine papilloma virus, have provided important structural frameworks for understanding the mode of action of hexameric helicases (Gai et al. 2004; Enemark and Joshua-Tor 2006, 2008). In the following, we shall describe structural and mechanistic insights derived from studies of the simpler archaeal MCMs before extending our discussion to the eukaryotic assembly.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.(A) Linear representation of a monomer of the archaeal MCM. (Gray) The central AAA+ domain; (white) the flanking amino-terminal domains and winged helix (wH). The position of key secondary structural elements—(Zn) zinc-binding; (ACL) allosteric communication loop; (NBH) amino-terminal β-hairpin; (EXT-HP) external β-hairpin; (H2I) helix 2 insert; and (PS1BH) pre-sensor 1 β-hairpin—are indicated above the figure and shown by colored blocks, the colors corresponding to those used in panels B and C. Key residues involved in the ATPase active site are indicated below the figure. (Orange lines) A, B, and S1, shown as orange lines are the Walker A lysine (K346), Walker B glutamate (E404), and Sensor 1 asparagine (N448), respectively, and constitute “cis”-acting residues. (Black lines) “Trans”-acting residues T1 (R331), T2 (Q423), arginine finger (R473), and Sensor 2 (R560). Numbering is from SsoMCM.(B) Structure of a monomer of SsoMCM (lacking detail of the wH domain). Secondary structure elements are labeled and colored in cartoon format, using the color scheme in panel A. (Purple spheres) The atoms of the zinc-coordinating residues; (orange spheres) the cis-acting residues; (black spheres) the trans-residues.(C) Model of a symmetric hexamer of SsoMCM. (Left) View down the central cavity of SsoMCM, looking from the carboxy-terminal face. (Right) The same hexamer rotated 90° to show a side view. The two tiers corresponding to the amino-terminal and AAA+ domains are indicated. The color scheme is as in panels A and B. Panels B and C were generated from PDB entry 3F9V using PyMOL (http://www.pymol.org).  相似文献   

Background and Purpose

In acute ischemic stroke (AIS) management, CT-based thrombus density has been associated with treatment success. However, currently used thrombus measurements are prone to inter-observer variability and oversimplify the heterogeneous thrombus composition. Our aim was first to introduce an automated method to assess the entire thrombus density and then to compare the measured entire thrombus density with respect to current standard manual measurements.

Materials and Method

In 135 AIS patients, the density distribution of the entire thrombus was determined. Density distributions were described using medians, interquartile ranges (IQR), kurtosis, and skewedness. Differences between the median of entire thrombus measurements and commonly applied manual measurements using 3 regions of interest were determined using linear regression.


Density distributions varied considerably with medians ranging from 20.0 to 62.8 HU and IQRs ranging from 9.3 to 55.8 HU. The average median of the thrombus density distributions (43.5 ± 10.2 HU) was lower than the manual assessment (49.6 ± 8.0 HU) (p<0.05). The difference between manual measurements and median density of entire thrombus decreased with increasing density (r = 0.64; p<0.05), revealing relatively higher manual measurements for low density thrombi such that manual density measurement tend overestimates the real thrombus density.


Automatic measurements of the full thrombus expose a wide variety of thrombi density distribution, which is not grasped with currently used manual measurement. Furthermore, discrimination of low and high density thrombi is improved with the automated method.  相似文献   
M R Lentz  D Pak  I Mohr    M R Botchan 《Journal of virology》1993,67(3):1414-1423
Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) DNA replication occurs in the nucleus of infected cells. Most enzymatic activities are carried out by host cell proteins, with the viral E1 and E2 proteins required for the assembly of an initiation complex at the replication origin. In latently infected cells, viral DNA replication occurs in synchrony with the host cell chromosomes, maintaining a constant average copy number of BPV genomes per infected cell. By analyzing a series of mutants of the amino-terminal region of the E1 protein, we have identified the signal for transport of this protein to the cell nucleus. The E1 nuclear transport motif is highly conserved in the animal and human papillomaviruses and is encoded in a similar region in the related E1 genes. The signal is extended relative to the simple nuclear localization signals and contains two short amino acid sequences which contribute to nuclear transport, located between amino acids 85 and 108 of the BPV-1 E1 protein. Mutations in either basic region reduce nuclear transport of E1 protein and interfere with viral DNA replication. Mutations in both sequences simultaneously prevent any observable accumulation of the protein and reduce replication in transient assays to barely detectable levels. Surprisingly, these mutations had no effect on the ability of viral genomes to morphologically transform cells, although the plasmid DNA in the transformed cells was maintained at a very low copy number. Between these two basic amino acid blocks in the nuclear transport signal, at threonine 102, is a putative site for phosphorylation by the cell cycle regulated kinase p34cdc2. Utilizing an E1 protein purified from either a baculovirus vector system or Escherichia coli, we have shown that the E1 protein is a substrate for this kinase. An E1 gene mutant at threonine 102 encodes for a protein which is no longer a substrate for the p34cdc2 kinase. Mutation of this threonine to isoleucine had no observable effect on either nuclear localization of E1 or DNA replication of the intact viral genome.  相似文献   
L K Thorner  D A Lim    M R Botchan 《Journal of virology》1993,67(10):6000-6014
The E1 protein of bovine papillomavirus type 1 is a multifunctional enzyme required for papillomaviral DNA replication. It assists in the initiation of replication both as a site-specific DNA-binding protein and as a DNA helicase. Previous work has indicated that at limiting E1 concentrations, the E2 protein is required for efficient E1 binding to the replication origin. In this study, we have defined the domain of the E1 protein required for site-specific DNA binding. Experiments with a series of truncated proteins have shown that the first amino-terminal 299 amino acids contain the DNA-binding domain; however, the coterminal M protein, which is homologous to E1 for the first 129 amino acids, does not bind origin DNA. A series of small internal deletions and substitution mutations in the DNA-binding domain of E1 show that specific basic residues in this region of the protein, which are conserved in all E1 proteins of the papillomavirus family, likely play a direct role in binding DNA and that a flanking conserved hydrophobic subdomain is also important for DNA binding. A region of E1 that interacts with E2 for cooperative DNA binding is also retained in carboxy-terminal truncated proteins, and we show that the ability of full-length E1 to complex with E2 is sensitive to cold. The E1 substitution mutant proteins were expressed from mammalian expression vectors to ascertain whether site-specific DNA binding by E1 is required for transient DNA replication in the cell. These E1 proteins display a range of mutant phenotypes, consistent with the suggestion that site-specific binding by E1 is important. Interestingly, one E1 mutant which is defective for origin binding but can be rescued for such activity by E2 supports significant replication in the cell.  相似文献   
The current status of kinetoplastids phylogeny and evolution is discussed in view of the recent progresses on genomics. Some ideas on a potential framework for the evolutionary genomics of kinetoplastids are presented.  相似文献   
The distinct structural properties of heterochromatin accommodate a diverse group of vital chromosome functions, yet we have only rudimentary molecular details of its structure. A powerful tool in the analyses of its structure in Drosophila has been a group of mutations that reverse the repressive effect of heterochromatin on the expression of a gene placed next to it ectopically. Several genes from this group are known to encode proteins enriched in heterochromatin. The best characterized of these is the heterochromatin-associated protein, HP1. HP1 has no known DNA-binding activity, hence its incorporation into heterochromatin is likely to be dependent upon other proteins. To examine HP1 interacting proteins, we isolated three distinct oligomeric species of HP1 from the cytoplasm of early Drosophila embryos and analyzed their compositions. The two larger oligomers share two properties with the fraction of HP1 that is most tightly associated with the chromatin of interphase nuclei: an underphosphorylated HP1 isoform profile and an association with subunits of the origin recognition complex (ORC). We also found that HP1 localization into heterochromatin is disrupted in mutants for the ORC2 subunit. These findings support a role for the ORC-containing oligomers in localizing HP1 into Drosophila heterochromatin that is strikingly similar to the role of ORC in recruiting the Sir1 protein to silencing nucleation sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   
MR 《Biology & philosophy》1987,2(1):117-122
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