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The dynamic behavior of HIV-1 TAR and its complex with argininamide is investigated by means of molecular dynamics simulations starting from NMR structures, with explicit inclusion of water and periodic boundary conditions particle mesh Ewald representation of the electrostatic energy. During simulations of free and argininamide-bound TAR, local structural patterns, as determined by NMR experiments, were reproduced. An interdomain motion was observed in the simulations of free TAR, which is absent in the case of bound TAR, leading to the conclusion that the free conformation of TAR is intrinsically more flexible than the bound conformation. In particular, in the bound conformation the TAR–argininamide interface is very well ordered, as a result of the formation of a U·A·U base triple, which imposes structural constraints on the global conformation of the molecule. Free energy analysis, which includes solvation contributions, was used to evaluate the influence of van der Waals and electrostatic terms on formation of the complex and on the conformational rearrangement from free to bound TAR.  相似文献   
Yee  KK; Costanzo  RM 《Chemical senses》1998,23(5):513-519
Following recovery from olfactory nerve transection, animals regain their ability to discriminate between odors. Odor discrimination is restored after new neurons establish connections with the olfactory bulb. However, it is not known if the new connections alter odor quality perception. To address this question, 20 adult hamsters were first trained to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry odors. After reaching criterion (> or = 90% correct response), half of the animals received a bilateral nerve transection (BTX) and half a surgical sham procedure. Animals were not tested again until day 40, a point in recovery when connections are re-established with the bulb. When BTX animals were tested without food reinforcement, they could not perform the odor discrimination task. Sham animals, however, could discriminate, demonstrating that the behavioral response had not been extinguished during the 40 day period. When reinforcement was resumed, BTX animals were able to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry after four test sessions. In addition, their ability to discriminate between these two familiar odors was no different than that of BTX and sham animals tested with two novel odors, baby powder and coffee. These findings suggest that, after recovery from nerve transection, there are alterations in sensory perception and that restoration of odor quality discrimination requires that the animal must again learn to associate individual odor sensations with a behavioral response.   相似文献   
S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM), an important metabolic intermediate of mammals, is a well-known therapeutic agent. The molecule is chemically unstable, both in solution and in dry state, and forms different degradation products. Because the chemical instability represents a real problem during the preparation of therapeutic formulations, we investigated the capacity of some sugars to improve the SAM stability over time. In the present work, we demonstrated that the disaccharide trehalose exercises a protective effect towards the lyophilized SAM slackening its degradation (65% of SAM was detected after 50 days at 37 degrees C). A parallel study, performed to stabilize the SAM into lyophilized yeast cells enriched in the sulfonium compound, assessed the positive effect of trehalose also in whole cells, but in lesser measure.  相似文献   
In recent years, animal ethics issues have led researchers to explore nondestructive methods to access materials for genetic studies. Cicada exuviae are among those materials because they are cast skins that individuals left after molt and are easily collected. In this study, we aim to identify the most efficient extraction method to obtain high quantity and quality of DNA from cicada exuviae. We compared relative DNA yield and purity of six extraction protocols, including both manual protocols and available commercial kits, extracting from four different exoskeleton parts. Furthermore, amplification and sequencing of genomic DNA were evaluated in terms of availability of sequencing sequence at the expected genomic size. Both the choice of protocol and exuvia part significantly affected DNA yield and purity. Only samples that were extracted using the PowerSoil DNA Isolation kit generated gel bands of expected size as well as successful sequencing results. The failed attempts to extract DNA using other protocols could be partially explained by a low DNA yield from cicada exuviae and partly by contamination with humic acids that exist in the soil where cicada nymphs reside before emergence, as shown by spectroscopic measurements. Genomic DNA extracted from cicada exuviae could provide valuable information for species identification, allowing the investigation of genetic diversity across consecutive broods, or spatiotemporal variation among various populations. Consequently, we hope to provide a simple method to acquire pure genomic DNA applicable for multiple research purposes.  相似文献   


There have been many algorithms and software programs implemented for the inference of multiple sequence alignments of protein and DNA sequences. The "true" alignment is usually unknown due to the incomplete knowledge of the evolutionary history of the sequences, making it difficult to gauge the relative accuracy of the programs.  相似文献   
Increasing production of biofuels has led to concerns about indirect land‐use change (ILUC). So far, significant efforts have been made to assess potential ILUC effects. But limited attention has been paid to strategies for reducing the extent of ILUC and controlling the type of LUC. This case study assesses five key ILUC mitigation measures to quantify the low‐ILUC‐risk production potential of miscanthus‐based bioethanol in Lublin province (Poland) in 2020. In 2020, a total area of 196 to 818 thousand hectare of agricultural land could be made available for biomass production by realizing above‐baseline yield developments (95–413 thousand ha), increased food chain efficiencies (9–30 thousand ha) and biofuel feedstock production on underutilized lands (92–375 thousand ha). However, a maximum 203–269 thousand hectare is considered legally available (not protected) and biophysically suitable for miscanthus production. The resulting low‐ILUC‐risk bioethanol production potential ranges from 12 to 35 PJ per year. The potential from this region alone is higher than the national Polish target for second‐generation bioethanol consumption of 9 PJ in 2020. Although the sustainable implementation potential may be lower, the province of Lublin could play a key role in achieving this target. This study shows that the mitigation or prevention of ILUC from bioenergy is only possible when an integrated perspective is adopted on the agricultural and bioenergy sectors. Governance and policies on planning and implementing ILUC mitigation are considered vital for realizing a significant bioenergy potential with low ILUC risk. One important aspect in this regard is monitoring the risk of ILUC and the implementation of ILUC mitigation measures. Key parameters for monitoring are land use, land cover and crop yields.  相似文献   
Hydroxytyrosol (2-(3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol; HT), the most active ortho-diphenolic compound, present either in free or esterified form in extravirgin olive oil, is extensively metabolized in vivo mainly to O-methylated, O-sulfated and glucuronide metabolites. We investigated the capacity of three glucuronide metabolites of HT, 3′-O-β-d-glucuronide and 4′-O-β-d-glucuronide derivatives and 2-(3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol-1-O-β-d-glucuronide, in comparison with the parent compound, to inhibit H2O2 induced oxidative damage and cell death in LLC-PK1 cells, a porcine kidney epithelial cell line. H2O2 treatment exerted a toxic effect inducing cell death, interacting selectively within the pro-death extracellular-signal relate kinase (ERK 1/2) and the pro-survival Akt/PKB signaling pathways. It also produced direct oxidative damage initiating the membrane lipid peroxidation process. None of the tested glucuronides exhibited any protection against the loss in renal cell viability. They also failed to prevent the changes in the phosphorylation states of ERK and Akt, probably reflecting their inability to enter the cells, while HT was highly effective. Notably, pretreatment with glucuronides exerted a protective effect at the highest concentration tested against membrane oxidative damage, comparable to that of HT: the formation of malondialdehyde, fatty acid hydroperoxides and 7-ketocholesterol was significantly inhibited.  相似文献   
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