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Microtubule dynamics in vivo: a test of mechanisms of turnover   总被引:35,自引:27,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Clarification of the mechanism of microtubule dynamics requires an analysis of the microtubule pattern at two time points in the same cell with single fiber resolution. Single microtubule resolution was obtained by microinjection of haptenized tubulin (fluorescein-tubulin) and subsequent indirect immunofluorescence with an antifluorescein antibody. The two time points in a single cell were, first, the time of photobleaching fluorescein-tubulin, and second, the time of fixation. The pattern of fluorescence replacement in the bleached zone during this time interval revealed the relevant mechanisms. In fibroblasts, microtubule domains in the bleached zone are replaced microtubule by microtubule and not by mechanisms that affect all microtubules simultaneously. Of the models we consider, treadmilling and subunit exchange along the length do not account for this observation, but dynamic instability can since it suggests that growing and shrinking microtubules coexist. In addition, we show that the half-time for microtubule replacement is shortest at the leading edge. Dynamic instability accounts for this observation if in general microtubules do not catastrophically disassemble from the plus end, but instead have a significant probability of undergoing a transition to the growing phase before they depolymerize completely. This type of instability we call tempered rather than catastrophic because, through limited disassembly followed by regrowth, it will preferentially replace polymer domains at the ends of microtubules, thus accounting for the observation that the half-time of microtubule domain replacement is shorter with proximity to the leading edge.  相似文献   
A group of antigens related by their reactivity with monoclonal antibodies MPM-1 and MPM-2 appear as cells enter mitosis. These antibodies bind to a phosphorylated epitope on certain proteins, and therefore the antigens are presumed to be a group of phosphoproteins. A subset of these proteins has been shown previously to be components of mitotic microtubule organizing centers in PtK1 cells. We present here evidence that the mitosis-specific appearance of these phosphoproteins is a phenomenon common to all eukaryotic cells. The MPM reactive phosphoproteins were localized to mitotic spindle poles regardless of whether the spindle formed in the cytoplasm after nuclear envelope breakdown (open mitosis) or within the nucleus (closed mitosis). This reactivity was not dependent upon the presence of centrioles at the spindle poles. Proteins that contained the phosphorylated epitope were not, however, restricted to mitotic cells. Cells of neuronal derivation and flagellated cells showed specific localization of MPM antibody to the microtubule network and basal bodies respectively. On immunoblots, the MPM antibody reacted with brain MAP-1 among a number of other phosphoproteins. The identification of microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-1 correlates with the localization of the antibody to microtubules of neuroblastoma cells. These results suggest, that different phosphoprotein molecules detected by the MPM antibody may be specific for different mitotic microtubule organizing centers, basal bodies, and other specialized cytoskeletal structures; and the presence of a related phosphorylated domain on these proteins may be important for their proper function and/or interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   
The majority of the colchicine-3H bound by tissue culture cells (KB or Hela) was found to be present as a noncovalent complex with a macromolecule which appears in the soluble fraction after homogenization. Similar binding was demonstrated in vitro and was confined to a component of the soluble fraction. The binding-equilibrium constant and the kinetic constants were essentially the same in vivo and in vitro. Bound radioactivity was reisolated and shown to be present in a molecule with the same chromatographic behavior and specific antimitotic activity as colchicine. In vitro assay of binding activity of a variety of cells and tissues showed a correlation with the presence of microtubules. High binding activity was given by dividing cells, mitotic apparatus, cilia, sperm tails, and brain tissue. Binding to extracts of slime mold or to purified muscle proteins was very low or undetectable. The binding site had a sedimentation constant of 6S and it is suggested that the protein is a subunit of microtubules.  相似文献   
During early development, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization is not only essential for fertilization, but has also been implicated during other meiotic and mitotic events, such as germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). In this study, the roles of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ were examined during meiotic maturation and reinitiation at parthenogenetic activation and during first mitosis in a single species using the same methodologies. Cumulus-free metaphase II mouse oocytes immediately resumed anaphase upon the induction of a large, transient Ca2+ elevation. This resumption of meiosis and associated events, such as cortical granule discharge, were not sensitive to extracellular Ca2+ removal, but were blocked by intracellular Ca2+ chelators. In contrast, meiosis I was dependent on external Ca2+; in its absence, the formation and function of the first meiotic spindle was delayed, the first polar body did not form and an interphase-like state was induced. GVBD was not dependent on external Ca2+ and showed no associated Ca2+ changes. NEBD at first mitosis in fertilized eggs, on the other hand, was frequently, but not always associated with a brief Ca2+ transient and was dependent on Ca2+ mobilization. We conclude that GVBD is Ca2+ independent, but that the dependence of NEBD on Ca2+ suggests regulation by more than one pathway. As cells develop from Ca(2+)-independent germinal vesicle oocytes to internal Ca(2+)-dependent pronuclear eggs, internal Ca2+ pools increase by approximately fourfold.  相似文献   
Ena/VASP proteins play important roles in axon outgrowth and guidance. Ena/VASP activity regulates the assembly and geometry of actin networks within fibroblast lamellipodia. In growth cones, Ena/VASP proteins are concentrated at filopodia tips, yet their role in growth cone responses to guidance signals has not been established. We found that Ena/VASP proteins play a pivotal role in formation and elongation of filopodia along neurite shafts and growth cone. Netrin-1-induced filopodia formation was dependent upon Ena/VASP function and directly correlated with Ena/VASP phosphorylation at a regulatory PKA site. Accordingly, Ena/VASP function was required for filopodial formation from the growth cone in response to global PKA activation. We propose that Ena/VASP proteins control filopodial dynamics in neurons by remodeling the actin network in response to guidance cues.  相似文献   
The reconstitution of microbial rocketing motility in vitro with purified proteins has recently established definitively that no myosin motor is required for protrusion. Instead, actin polymerization, in conjunction with a small number of proteins, is sufficient. A dendritic pattern of nucleation controlled by the Arp2/3 complex provides an efficient pushing force for lamellipodial motility.  相似文献   
The behavior of microtubules in cultured cells in a cooled matrix after the microinjection of fluorescent tubulin was studied using a frame recording with a digital camcorder. In the cell lamella, the positive ends of individual microtubules extend and shorten at random. The histograms of rate distribution have an almost normal distribution with a mode close to 0. The maximum rate of lengthening and shortening reaches 30 and 50 m/min, respectively. The positive ends of microtubules in PtK cells were in an equilibrium state, while in murine embryonic fibroblasts and Vero cells, they were usually displaced to the cell edge. Free microtubules were present in the cells of all three cultures. In the epithelial cells, they were numerous and relatively stable, while in the fibroblasts, they occurred rarely and were depolymerized at the proximal end. Free microtubules in PtK cells appeared mostly due to spontaneous assembly in the cytoplasm (not in the relationship with the preexisting microtubules) and, more rarely, due to breakage of long microtubules. Separation of microtubules from the centrosome is a very rare event. Unlike positive ends that were characterized by dynamic instability, negative ends were stable and were sometimes depolymerized. When long microtubules were broken, new negative ends were formed that were, as a rule, stable, while in the lamella of fibroblasts (in murine embryonic fibroblasts and Vero cells), new negative ends were immediately depolymerized: free microtubules existed in these cells no more than 1–2 min. A diffusion model has been proposed where the behavior of microtubule ends is considered as unidimensional diffusion. The coefficient of diffusion of positive ends in the epithelial cells is several times less than in the fibroblasts, thus suggesting a higher rate of tubulin metabolism in the fibroblasts as compared to the epithelium. The results obtained indicate that for the exchange of long microtubules, the dynamic instability is not sufficient. In the fibroblasts, their exchange takes place mostly at the expense of depolymerization of the liberating negative ends, which agrees with the previously proposed conveyer hypothesis of microtubule assembly on the centrosome.  相似文献   
The behavior of microtubules in cultured cells in a cooled matrix after the microinjection of fluorescent tubulin was studied using a frame recording by a digital camcorder. In the cell lamella, thepositive ends of individual microtubules extend and shorten at random. The histograms of rate distribution have an almost normal distribution with a mode around 0. The maximum rate of lengthening and shortening reaches 30 and 50 microns/min, respectively. The positive ends of microtubules in PtK1 cells were in an equilibrium state, while in murine embryonic fibroblasts and Vero cells, they were displaced, usually, to the cell edge. Free microtubules were present in the cells of all three cultures. In the epithelial cells, they were numerous and relatively stable, while in the fibroblasts, they occurred rarely and were depolymerized at the proximal end. Free microtubules in PtK1 cells appeared, mostly due to spontaneous assembly in the cytoplasm, not in the relationship with the preexisting microtubules, and, more rarely, due to breakage of long microtubules. Separation of microtubules from the centrosome is a very rare event. Unlike positive ends that were characterized by dynamic instability, negative ends were stable and were sometimes depolymerized. When long microtubules were broken, new negative ends were formed that were, as a rule, stable, while in the lamella of fibroblasts (in murine embryonic fibroblasts and Vero cells), new negative ends were immediately depolymerized: free microtubules existed in these cells no more than 1-2 min. A diffusion model has been proposed where the behavior of microtubule ends is considered as unidimensional diffusion. The coefficient of diffusion of positive ends in the epithelial cells is several times less than in the fibroblasts, thus suggesting a higher rate of tubulin metabolism in the fibroblasts, as compared to the epithelium. The results obtained indicate that for the exchange of long microtubules, the dynamic instability is not sufficient. In the fibroblasts, their exchange takes place, mostly, at the expense of depolymerization of the liberating negative ends, which agrees with the previously proposed conveyer hypothesis of microtubule assembly on the centrosome.  相似文献   
The microtubule nucleating capacity of chromosomes was tested in vitro in lysates of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Colcemid-blocked mitotic cells were lysed with the detergent Triton X-100, incubated with exogenous porcine brain tubulin, attached to electron microscope grids and observed as whole-mounts. Under suitable conditions, greater than 98% of the chromosomes gave rise to microtubules at their kinetochore regions, thus unequivocally demonstrating that chromosomes are competent to initiate specifically microtubule formation. The average number of microtubules that polymerized onto a chromosome was 8 +/- 5, and greater than 36% of the chromosomes had between 10 and 19 microtubules per kinetochore region. We conclude that under the lysis conditions employed, virtually all the chromosomes retain their kinetochores, and that the kinetochores retain a substantial fraction of their microtubule nucleating capacity.  相似文献   
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