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In this work, a method for improved protein identification of low-abundance proteins using unstained gels, in combination with robotics and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization tandem mass spectrometry, has been developed and evaluated. Omitting the silver-staining process resulted in increased protein identification scores, an increase in the number of peptides observed in the MALDI mass spectrum, and improved quality of the tandem mass spectrometry data.  相似文献   


Remodeling of the extracellular matrix is one of the most striking features observed in the uterus during the estrous cycle and after hormone replacement. Versican (VER) is a hyaluronan-binding proteoglycan that undergoes RNA alternative splicing, generating four distinct isoforms. This study analyzed the synthesis and distribution of VER in mouse uterine tissues during the estrous cycle, in ovariectomized (OVX) animals and after 17beta-estradiol (E2) and medroxyprogesterone (MPA) treatments, either alone or in combination.  相似文献   
A strategy to deplete eosinophils from the lungs of ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized/challenged mice was developed using antibody-mediated depletion. Concurrent administration [viz. the peritoneal cavity (systemic) and as an aerosol to the lung (local)] of a rat anti-mouse CCR3 monoclonal antibody resulted in the abolition of eosinophils from the lung such that the airway lumen was essentially devoid of eosinophils. Moreover, perivascular/peribronchial eosinophil numbers were reduced to levels indistinguishable from saline-challenged animals. This antibody-mediated depletion was not accompanied by effects on any other leukocyte population, including, but not limited to, T cells and mast cells/basophils. In addition, no effects were observed on other underlying allergic inflammatory responses in OVA-treated mice, including OVA-specific immunoglobulin production as well as T cell-dependent elaboration of Th2 cytokines. The ablation of virtually all pulmonary eosinophils in OVA-treated mice (i.e., without concurrent effects on T cell activities) resulted in a significant decrease in mucus accumulation and abolished allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. These data demonstrate a direct causative relationship between allergen-mediated pulmonary pathologies and eosinophils.  相似文献   
The dried blood spot (DBS) methodology provides a minimally invasive approach to sample collection and enables room-temperature storage for most analytes. DBS samples have successfully been analyzed by liquid chromatography multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (LC/MRM-MS) to quantify a large range of small molecule biomarkers and drugs; however, this strategy has only recently been explored for MS-based proteomics applications. Here we report the development of a highly multiplexed MRM assay to quantify endogenous proteins in human DBS samples. This assay uses matching stable isotope-labeled standard peptides for precise, relative quantification, and standard curves to characterize the analytical performance. A total of 169 peptides, corresponding to 97 proteins, were quantified in the final assay with an average linear dynamic range of 207-fold and an average R2 value of 0.987. The total range of this assay spanned almost 5 orders of magnitude from serum albumin (P02768) at 18.0 mg/ml down to cholinesterase (P06276) at 190 ng/ml. The average intra-assay and inter-assay precision for 6 biological samples ranged from 6.1–7.5% CV and 9.5–11.0% CV, respectively. The majority of peptide targets were stable after 154 days at storage temperatures from −20 °C to 37 °C. Furthermore, protein concentration ratios between matching DBS and whole blood samples were largely constant (<20% CV) across six biological samples. This assay represents the highest multiplexing yet achieved for targeted protein quantification in DBS samples and is suitable for biomedical research applications.The dried blood spot (DBS)1 methodology provides several advantages over traditional plasma or serum samples throughout the entire pre-analytical workflow including sample collection, transportation, and storage (1, 2) These blood samples are typically generated using a small sterile lancet to prick the skin and then spotting a drop onto a collection card. Therefore, DBS sampling is less invasive than venipuncture and does not require a trained phlebotomist. This sampling approach also does not require time-sensitive centrifugation, which is crucial for plasma and serum samples to prevent degradation. Many analytes have been determined to be stable in the DBS format at room temperature, eliminating the cost associated with cold-chain logistics for sample transportation and storage. These considerations are also important for sample collection in remote locations that may be without reliable access to a centrifuge and/or a freezer designated for biohazardous materials. Quantitative bioanalytical methods using the DBS methodology have been developed for genomic, metabolomic, and proteomic applications including newborn screening (3, 4), therapeutic drug monitoring (5, 6), toxicology and drugs of abuse (7, 8), viral disease management (9, 10), and many others (2, 11).Targeted MS, in particular selected/multiple reaction monitoring (SRM/MRM) using internal standards, enables the rapid development of quantitative assays with high specificity, precision, and robustness (1215). The integration of DBS sampling with MRM is well-established for quantifying a wide range of small molecules (1618). This is now the standard analytical approach for population-wide screening of newborns for errors in metabolism by targeting amino acids, fatty acid acylcarnitines, and organic acid acylcarnitines (3, 4). DBS with MRM is also emerging as an important analytical tool throughout pre-clinical and clinical small-molecule drug development and monitoring (16, 17, 1921). Furthermore, Zukunft et al. recently demonstrated the high multiplexing capabilities of MRM by using 2 methods to quantify 188 metabolites in DBS samples, including acylcarnitines, amino acids, biogenic amines, free carnitine, glycerophospholipids, hexoses, lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylcholines, and sphingolipids (22).Although DBS with MRM is well-established in small molecule applications, there are only a handful of reports showing the use of this approach to quantify endogenous proteins (23). Daniel et al. measured the ratio between hemoglobin δ and β to screen for β-thalassemia (24). Boemer et al. measured the relative ratios of several hemoglobin variants (including HbS, HbC, HbE, and others) to help diagnose Sickle Cell disease and other clinically relevant hemoglobinopathies (25). The same group then screened >40,000 newborns in Belgium and successfully detected 16 patients with severe hemoglobin disorders (26). Moats et al. used a similar approach to screen >13,000 newborns in the UK for Sickle Cell disease and correctly identified all seven disease occurrences (27). Because hemoglobin is the most abundant protein in whole blood (∼150 mg/ml), these four studies achieved adequate sensitivity by simply infusing the trypsin digested samples into a triple-quadrupole MS. To move beyond hemoglobin, additional sensitivity can be provided by using liquid chromatography (LC) separations coupled online with MRM. deWilde et al. used LC/MRM-MS to quantify ceruloplasmin as a screen for Wilson''s disease (28). Recently, Cox et al. reported LC/MRM-MS methods for quantifying insulin-like growth facter-1 for the detection of human growth hormone abuse in sports (29, 30).Our group reported the first LC/MRM-MS assay to quantify multiple endogenous proteins in DBS samples (31). In that exploratory study, we selected a small test panel of 60 high-abundance proteins and were ultimately able to quantify 37 proteins using stable isotope-labeled standard (SIS) peptides and standard curves. In this work, we describe method refinement and further evaluation of LC/MRM-MS for quantifying endogenous proteins in human DBS samples. A more comprehensive approach has now been taken to evaluate sensitivity and suitability, as the initial target panel has been increased to 393 proteins. The protocol has also been modified so that all liquid handling steps in the sample preparation protocol are now automated in a 96-well format for improved sample throughput. Standard curves using SIS peptides were produced using a pooled patient sample, and assay precision was determined in biological samples from six different individuals. In addition, we have provided a detailed discussion of the quantification results from multiple peptides per protein, a comparison to measured protein concentrations in whole blood, an analyte stability assessment at various storage temperatures, and an evaluation of volumetric spotting devices. Ultimately, we have developed a multiplexed LC/MRM-MS assay to quantify 97 proteins in DBS samples that is suitable for biomedical research applications.  相似文献   
Internal ribosomal entry sites (IRESs) are structured cis‐acting RNAs that drive an alternative, cap‐independent translation initiation pathway. They are used by many viruses to hijack the translational machinery of the host cell. IRESs facilitate translation initiation by recruiting and actively manipulating the eukaryotic ribosome using only a subset of canonical initiation factor and IRES transacting factors. Here we present cryo‐EM reconstructions of the ribosome 80S‐ and 40S‐bound Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) IRES. The presence of four subpopulations for the 80S•HCV IRES complex reveals dynamic conformational modes of the complex. At a global resolution of 3.9 Å for the most stable complex, a derived atomic model reveals a complex fold of the IRES RNA and molecular details of its interaction with the ribosome. The comparison of obtained structures explains how a modular architecture facilitates mRNA loading and tRNA binding to the P‐site. This information provides the structural foundation for understanding the mechanism of HCV IRES RNA‐driven translation initiation.  相似文献   
Long-term exposure to cigarette smoke (CS) can have deleterious effects on lung epithelial cells including cell death and the initiation of inflammatory responses. CS-induced cell injury can elaborate cell surface signals and cellular byproducts that stimulate immune system surveillance. Our previous work has shown that the expression of ligands for the cytotoxic lymphocyte activating receptor NKG2D is enhanced in patients with COPD and that the induction of these ligands in a mouse model can replicate COPD pathologies. Here, we extend these findings to demonstrate a role for the NKG2D receptor in CS-induced pathophysiology and provide evidence linking nucleic acid-sensing endosomal toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling to COPD pathology through NKG2D activation. Specifically, we show that mice deficient in NKG2D exhibit attenuated pulmonary inflammation and airspace enlargement in a model of CS-induced emphysema. Additionally, we show that CS exposure induces the release of free nucleic acids in the bronchoalveolar lavage and that direct exposure of mouse lung epithelial cells to cigarette smoke extract similarly induces functional nucleic acids as assessed by TLR3, 7, and 9 reporter cell lines. We demonstrate that exposure of mouse lung epithelial cells to TLR ligands stimulates the surface expression of RAET1, a ligand for NKG2D, and that mice deficient in TLR3/7/9 receptor signaling do not exhibit CS-induced NK cell hyperresponsiveness and airspace enlargement. The findings indicate that CS-induced airway injury stimulates TLR signaling by endogenous nucleic acids leading to elevated NKG2D ligand expression. Activation of these pathways plays a major role in the altered NK cell function, pulmonary inflammation and remodeling related to long-term CS exposure.  相似文献   
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