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We calculated the potential H(2) and formate diffusion between microbes and found that at H(2) concentrations commonly found in nature, H(2) could not diffuse rapidly enough to dispersed methanogenic cells to account for the rate of methane synthesis but formate could. Our calculations were based on individual organisms dispersed in the medium, as supported by microscopic observations of butyrate-degrading cocultures. We isolated an axenic culture of Syntrophomonas wolfei and cultivated it on butyrate in syntrophic coculture with Methanobacterium formicicum; during growth the H(2) concentration was 63 nM (10.6 Pa). S. wolfei contained formate dehydrogenase activity (as does M. formicicum), which would allow interspecies formate transfer in that coculture. Thus, interspecies formate transfer may be the predominant mechanism of syntrophy. Our diffusion calculations also indicated that H(2) concentration at the cell surface of H(2)-consuming organisms was low but increased to approximately the bulk-fluid concentration at a distance of about 10 mum from the surface. Thus, routine estimation of kinetic parameters would greatly overestimate the K(m) for H(2) or formate.  相似文献   
Molecular characteristics and secondary structures of recombinant methionyl human granulocyte colony stimulating factor produced by genetically engineered Escherichia coli are described. Limited radiolabeling of the protein with tritiated iodoacetate and determination of the labeled residue revealed that this recombinant protein contains only one free cysteine at position 17 which is not essential for activity. The free cysteine is inaccessible to modification unless the molecule is unfolded under denaturing conditions. The molecule forms two disulfide bridges which were assigned as Cys(36)-Cys(42) and Cys(64)-Cys(74) based on the results of isolation and characterization of disulfide-containing peptides obtained from a subtilisin digest of the intact protein. CD analyses and secondary structure prediction suggest that the molecule is abundant in alpha-helical structures.  相似文献   
The effect of mouse anti-mosquito antibodies, present in the bloodmeal, on the infectivity of Plasmodium berghei Vincke to Anopheles farauti Laveran was investigated. Significantly fewer oocysts developed in mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with sugar-fed mosquito midgut antigens than in mosquitoes feeding on control mice. Mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with the midgut antigens derived from sugar-fed mosquitoes also showed reduced mortality and had lower infection rates than those fed on unimmunized mice. Blood-fed midgut antigen was less effective in producing these effects than sugar-fed midgut antigen.  相似文献   
The Microscreen assay was developed as a means of testing very small samples, as in complex mixture fractionation. It is a multi-endpoint assay which utilizes E. coli WP2s(lambda). Exposure takes place to serial dilutions of the test compound in microtitre wells (250 microliters) followed by sampling from wells in which growth has occurred ('non-toxic wells'). Although a number of different endpoints can be measured, only the prophage induction endpoint (the first one developed) has been extensively tested. Results with 133 compounds are presented. These include 111 compounds which have been tested in the S. typhimurium assay and 66 compounds for which both rodent bioassay and S. typhimurium assay data exists. The concordance for the Microscreen assay and the S. typhimurium assay was 71%. For this group of compounds, the sensitivity of the Microscreen assay in detecting carcinogens was 76% compared with 58% for the S. typhimurium assay. However, the S. typhimurium assay was somewhat more specific (69%) compared with the Microscreen (56%). The overall association between carcinogenicity and Microscreen results was statistically significant (p = 0.029), whereas for the S. typhimurium assay the association with carcinogenicity was non-significant (p = 0.086). The Microscreen assay was able to detect halogenated compounds better than the S. typhimurium assay. The Microscreen assay should prove useful in complex mixture fractionation, or in other situations where sample size is limiting.  相似文献   
The erythropoietin (EPO) molecule contains four carbohydrate chains. Three contain N-linkages to asparagines at positions 24, 38, and 83, and one contains an O-linkage to a serine at position 126. We constructed human EPO variants that eliminated the three N-glycosylation sites by replacing the asparagines with glutamines singly or in combination. The O-linked carbohydrate chain was removed by replacing the serine with glutamine, valine, histidine, or alanine. A variant with a double mutation (Gln38,83) and another with a triple mutation (Gln24,38,83) were secreted poorly from COS1 and CHO cells even though RNA encoding these variants was present. All other variants with mutations in N-linked glycosylation sites were secreted normally. Removal of any of the N-glycosylation sites reduced the in vivo but not the in vitro biological activity of the EPO molecule. All the mutations at Ser126, the O-glycosylation site, were secreted normally. In vitro activity was also unaffected except for Ala126 which had a 50-fold decrease. The Val126 variant was tested in vivo, and its specific activity was only slightly less than that of the native EPO, which indicates that the O-linked carbohydrate is not essential for activity.  相似文献   
Extensive diversity in features of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis and regulation has become recognized in eubacteria, but almost nothing is known about the extent to which such diversity exists within the archaebacteria. Methanohalophilus mahii, a methylotrophic halophilic methanogen, was found to synthesize l-phenylalanine and l-tyrosine via phenylpyruvate and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate, respectively. Enzymes capable of using l-arogenate as substrate were not found. Prephenate dehydrogenase was highly sensitive to feedback inhibition by l-tyrosine and could utilize either NADP+ (preferred) or NAD+ as cosubstrate. Tyrosine-pathway dehydrogenases having the combination of narrow specificity for a cyclohexadienyl substrate but broad specificity for pyridine nucleotide cofactor have not been described before. The chorismate mutase enzyme found is a member of a class which is insensitive to allosteric control. The most noteworthy character state was prephenate dehydratase which proved to be subject to multimetabolite control by feedback inhibitor (l-phenylalanine) and allosteric activators (l-tyrosine, l-tryptophan, l-leucine, l-methionine and l-isoleucine). This interlock type of prephenate dehydratase, also known to be broadly distributed among the gram-positive lineage of the eubacteria, was previously shown to exist in the extreme halophile, Halobacterium vallismortis. The results are consistent with the conclusion based upon 16S rRNA analyses that Methanomicrobiales and the extreme halophiles cluster together.Abbreviation DAHP 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate  相似文献   
Mixed-Culture Fermentor for Simulating Methanogenic Digestors   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Propionate degradation in an anaerobic digestor degrading animal waste (10-day retention time, 5.75 g liter−1 day−1 volatile solids loading rate, 40°C) was 0.304 mM h−1, measured with [2-14C]propionate; this value indicated that CH4 produced from propionate accounted for 14.8% of the CH4 produced in the digestor (34.5%, including acetate produced from propionate). The mean propionate concentration was 0.67 mM, giving a propionate turnover rate of 0.46 h−1. A continuous-, mixed-culture fermentor was developed to mimic the digestor. When degradation rates of methanogenic precursors (H2, CO2, and acetate) equalled those measured in the digestor, propionate degradation was inhibited. When the H2 turnover rate was lowered by decreasing addition of H2-generating substrates or by allowing a portion of the H2 degradation to occur in an isolated compartment, propionate degradation in the fermentor resumed. The possibility is discussed that in digestors, much of the H2 is produced and degraded within microenvironments associated with particles. Thus, the gross turnover rate of H2 measured in digestors is an average, and specific microenvironments within the digestor may have different rates of turnover.  相似文献   
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