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The response of Acinetobacter strain 210A to low phosphate concentrations was investigated in P- or C-limited chemostat cultures. The organism accumulated poly--hydroxybutyric acid under P-deprivation, at phosphate concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 mM. The amount of biomass was proportional to the phosphate concentration in the medium and no polyphosphate was formed. When shifting a culture from P- to C-limitation phosphate was accumulated as polyphosphate. No poly--hydroxybutyrate could be detected in these cells. The amount of polyphosphate in the cell showed a hysteresis. When cultures were shifted from low to high phosphate concentrations, polyphosphate reached a maximum of about 60 mg P per gram of dry weight at about 3 times excess phosphate (ca. 2.5 mM Pi). It decreased to 45 mg P per gram dry weight at approximately 5 times the phosphate needed for growth (ca. 3.5 mM Pi). In the reverse case (high to low) polyphosphate did never exceed 45 mg P per gram dry weight. The specific activities of alkaline phosphatase and the phosphate uptake system were induced at residual Pi concentrations below the detection limit (<10 M). The specific uptake rate followed also a hysteresis. The specific activities of polyphosphatase and polyphosphate: AMP phosphotransferase increased when polyphosphate formation was possible.Abbreviations HPP High polymeric polyphosphates - PHB Poly--hydroxybutyric acid - PPn Polyphosphate - PQQ Pyrrolo-quinoline quinone - U 1 mol product formed · min-1  相似文献   
The anaerobic metabolism of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (salicylic acid) was studied in a denitrifying bacterium. Cells grown with 2-hydroxybenzoate were simultaneously adapted to degrade benzoate. Extract of these cells formed benzoate or benzoyl-CoA when incubated under reducing conditions with salicylate, MgATP, and coenzyme A, suggesting a degradation of 2-hydroxybenzoate via benzoate or benzoyl-CoA. This suggestion was supported by enzyme activity measurements. In extracts of 2-hydroxybenzoate-grown cells, the following enzyme activities were detected: two CoA ligases, one specific for 2-hydroxybenzoate, the other for benzoate, and two different enzyme activities catalyzing the reductive transformation of 2-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA. These findings suggest a degradation of salicylic acid by two new enzymes, 2-hydroxybenzoate-CoA ligase (AMP-forming) and 2-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase (dehydroxylating), catalyzing (1) 2-hydroxybenzoate + MgATP + CoASH → 2-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA + MgAMP + PPi (2) 2-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA + 2[H] → benzoyl-CoA + H2O Benzoyl-CoA was dearomatized by reduction of the ring. This represents another case in which benzoyl-CoA is a central intermediate in anaerobic aromatic metabolism. Received: 1 February 1996 / Accepted: 24 February 1996  相似文献   
A survey is given of the life sciences research program sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA). This program rests on a number of facilities originated by ESA: Spacelab, Space sled, Biorack, Anthrorack, Eureca and its Botany — and Protein Crystallization facilities. They are all to be brough into space and returned by one of the NASA Space Shuttles. With these facilities a wide range of space biology research will be covered: cell biology, developmental biology, botany, human physiology, radio-biology, exobiology and biotechnology. Information is given on how to prepare, submit and execute an experiment proposal.  相似文献   
(1) Treatment of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase from rabbit kidney outer medulla with the γ-35S labeled thio-analogue of ATP in the presence of Na+ + Mg2+ and the absence of K+ leads to thiophosphorylation of the enzyme. The Km value for [γ-S]ATP is 2.2 μM and for Na+ 4.2 mM at 22°C. Thiophosphorylation is a sigmoidal function of the Na+ concentration, yielding a Hill coefficient nH = 2.6. (2) The thio-analogue (Km = 35 μM) can also support overall (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, but Vmax at 37°C is only 1.3 γmol · (mg protein)? · h?1 or 0.09% of the specific activity for ATP (Km = 0.43 mM). (3) The thiophosphoenzyme intermediate, like the natural phosphoenzyme, is sensitive to hydroxylamine, indicating that it also is an acylphosphate. However, the thiophosphoenzyme, unlike the phosphoenzyme, is acid labile at temperatures as low as 0°C. The acid-denatured thiophosphoenzyme has optimal stability at pH 5–6. (4) The thiophosphorylation capacity of the enzyme is equal to its phosphorylation capacity, indicating the same number of sites. Phosphorylation by ATP excludes thiophosphorylation, suggesting that the two substrates compete for the same phosphorylation site. (5) The (apparent) rate constants of thiophosphorylation (0.4 s?1 vs. 180 s?1), spontaneous dethiophosphorylation (0.04 s?1 vs. 0.5 s?1) and K+-stimulated dethiophosphorylation (0.54 s?1 vs. 230 s?1) are much lower than those for the corresponding reactions based on ATP. (6) In contrast to the phosphoenzyme, the thiophosphoenzyme is ADP-sensitive (with an apparent rate constant in ADP-induced dethiophosphorylation of 0.35 s?1, KmADP = 48 μM at 0.1 mM ATP) and is relatively K+-insensitve. The Km for K+ in dethiophosphorylation is 0.9 mM and in dephosphorylation 0.09 mM. The thiophosphoenzyme appears to be for 75–90% in the ADP-sensitive E1-conformation.  相似文献   
A study has been made to determine whether renal plasma membranes contain an HCO3? stimulated, ouabain insensitive Mg ATPase. Purified mitochondrial, microsomal and brush border membrane fractions have been isolated from rabbit kidney.The microsomal anion-sensitive ATPase activity appears to be entirely of mitochondrial origin on the basis of the effects of inhibitors of mitochondrial Mg ATPase.The brush border membrane fraction is contaminated with mitochondrial fragments and contains an Mg ATPase activity with low anion-sensitivity. Further purification of this fraction causes parallel decreases in anion-sensitivity of the Mg ATPase activity and in cytochrome c oxidase activity.These results indicate that conclusions previously reached by other investigators for a role of anion-sensitive Mg ATPase in the bicarbonate reabsorption of the proximal tubule may no longer be tenable.  相似文献   
A study has been made to determine whether renal plasma membranes contain an HCO3 stimulated, ouabain insensitive Mg ATPase. Purified mitochondrial, microsomal and brush border membrane fractions have been isolated from rabbit kidney. The microsomal anion-sensitive ATPase activity appears to be entirely of mitochondrial origin on the basis of the effects of inhibitors of mitochondrial Mg ATPase. The brush border membrane fraction is contaminated with mitochondrial fragments and contains an Mg ATPase activity with low anion-sensitivity. Further purification of this fraction causes parallel decreases in anion-sensitivity of the Mg ATPase activity and in cytochrome c oxidase activity. These results indicate that conclusions previously reached by other investigators for a role of anion-sensitive Mg ATPase in the bicarbonate reabsorption of the proximal tubule may no longer be tenable.  相似文献   
In a further study of the transbilayer distribution of phospholipids in rod disk membranes, the amino group reagent, trinitrobenzenesulfonate, and the phospholipid-hydrolyzing enzyme, phospholipase D, have been used alone and in combination.Under carefully defined conditions (1 mM trinitrobenzenesulfonate, pH 7.4, 20°C, darkness), trinitrobenzenesulfonate yields limited final levels of modification of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine, suggesting only minor reagent penetration and membrane disturbance under these conditions.Treatment of stacked disks with trinitrobenzenesulfonate under these conditions leads to a biphasic modification of the a aminophospholipids. Relatively fast (less than 1 h) modification of 50% phosphatidylethanolamine and 40% phosphatidylserine occurs, slowly rising (approx. 3 h) to 60 and 50%, respectively.Extensive treatment of stacked disks with phospholipase D leads to the hydrolysis of 55% phosphatidylcholine and 50% phosphatidylethanolamine, while phosphatidylserine is hardly attacked by this enzyme.Treatment of stacked disks with trinitrobenzenesulfonate after prior treatment with phospholipase D leads to no further modification than that maximally obtained with either reagent alone: about one-half of the three major phospholipid classes is accessible. Although both reagents differ greatly in molecular size, mode of action and other properties, they apparently see the same pool of phosphatidylethanolamine, their joint substrate. Considering that we start with the original right-side-out configuration, that all phospholipids can in principle be modified (no shielding) and that the membrane remains essentially intact, we conclude that the accessible lipid pool represents the outer face of the disk membranes.These results confirm our earlier conclusions from treatment with three phospholipases that the three major phospholipids are nearly symmetrically distributed over the two faces of the disk membrane.The divergence with the conclusions of other investigators is most likely explained by their use of disk membranes (disk vesicles) in which the original phospholipid distribution had not been maintained and/or of conditions under which trinitrobenzenesulfonate markedly penetrates the membrane.  相似文献   
The cytochemical localization of adenylate cyclase: fact or artifact?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a study of the location of adenylate cyclase activity in rat pancreas with the method of Reik et al. (Science 168:382, 1970), as modified by Howell and Whitfield (J Histochem Cytochem 20:873, 1972) it was found that (a) unspecific staining occurs in rat pancreatic tissue fragments incubated in the Reik-Howell medium in the absence of substrate; (b) addition of adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) as substrate, either alone or together with stimulants of rat pancreas adenylate cyclase (secretin. NaF), does not result in increased precipitation; (c) cytochemical incubation of isolated rat pancreatic acinar cells and of rat liver and kidney fragments does not lead to substrate-specific precipitation. In subsequent chemical studies we have found that cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) formation from [alpha32P]AMP-PNP in the presence of rat pancreatic particulate matter is very low in the Reik-Howell medium without lead ions, but is stimulated by addition of lead nitrate (4 mM). Whereas heat-treatment of the particulate matter abolishes all cyclic AMP formation in the absence of lead ions, it actually increases cyclic AMP production in the presence of 4 mM lead nitrate. This indicates that the cyclic AMP formation in the complet Reik-Howell medium occurs by a nonenzymatic mechanism. In addition, this medium shows a tendency to become turbid, particularly when calcium ions are added to the medium, suggesting a possible explanation for the apparently specific cytochemical detection observed by other authors. A revised cytochemical medium, with barium replacing lead and with a pH of 8.9 (optimal for adenylate cyclase with AMP-PNP substrate), leaves rat pancreatic adenylate cyclase activity intact and hormone sensitive, while it is still able to precipitate imidodiphosphate. However, cytochemical incubation of isolated rat pancreatic acinar cells in this revised medium in the presence of AMP-PNP and secretin does not yield an electron-dense precipitate, showing that the enzyme activity is to low to produce sufficient imidodiphosphate. These findings throw further doubt on the validity of the cytochemical detection of adenylate cyclase, reported by other investigators, notwithstanding the alleged positive results.  相似文献   
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