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The hallmark of fibrotic disorders is a highly cross-linked and dense collagen matrix, a property driven by the oxidative action of lysyl oxidase. Other fibrosis-associated proteins also contribute to the final collagen matrix properties, one of which is fibromodulin. Its interactions with collagen affect collagen cross-linking, packing, and fibril diameter. We investigated the possibility that a specific relationship exists between fibromodulin and lysyl oxidase, potentially imparting a specific collagen matrix phenotype. We mapped the fibromodulin-collagen interaction sites using the collagen II and III Toolkit peptide libraries. Fibromodulin interacted with the peptides containing the known collagen cross-linking sites and the MMP-1 cleavage site in collagens I and II. Interestingly, the interaction sites are closely aligned within the quarter-staggered collagen fibril, suggesting a multivalent interaction between fibromodulin and several collagen helices. Furthermore, we detected an interaction between fibromodulin and lysyl oxidase (a major collagen cross-linking enzyme) and mapped the interaction site to 12 N-terminal amino acids on fibromodulin. This interaction also increases the activity of lysyl oxidase. Together, the data suggest a fibromodulin-modulated collagen cross-linking mechanism where fibromodulin binds to a specific part of the collagen domain and also forms a complex with lysyl oxidase, targeting the enzyme toward specific cross-linking sites.  相似文献   
Nickel is harmful to humans, being both carcinogenic and allergenic. However, the mechanisms of this toxicity are still unresolved. We propose that Ni(II) ions disintegrate proteins by hydrolysis of peptide bonds preceding the Ser/Thr‐Xaa‐His sequences. Such sequences occur in nuclear localization signals (NLSs) of human phospholipid scramblase 1, Sam68‐like mammalian protein 2, and CLK3 kinase. We performed spectroscopic experiments showing that model nonapeptides derived from these NLSs bind Ni(II) at physiological pH. We also proved that these sequences are prone to Ni(II) hydrolysis. Thus, the aforementioned NLSs may be targets for nickel toxicity. This implies that Ni(II) ions disrupt the transport of some proteins from cytoplasm to cell nucleus.  相似文献   
Eighty-four staphylococcal isolates were obtained from milk samples from cows, sheep, goats, and buffalo with subclinical mastitis and from colonization samples from ostriches. The animals were hosted in 18 small dairy herds and an ostrich breeding located in 10 municipalities of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Thirty isolates were identified as Staphylococcus aureus by biochemical and molecular techniques and were comparatively characterized by phenotypic and genotypic methods. The molecular characterization by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), spa typing, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed five clonal types (PFGE A, spa type t359, sequence type 747 [ST747]; PFGE B, spa type t1180, ST750; PFGE C, spa type t605, ST126; PFGE D, spa type t127, ST751; and PFGE F, spa type t002, ST5). None of the isolates harbored the Panton-Valentine leukocidin or exfoliative toxin D gene. The detection of major clone A (in 63% of the isolates) in different herds, among all animal species studied, and in infection and colonization samples evidenced its geographical spread among Rio de Janeiro State and no host preference among the animal species. Comparison with S. aureus from a human origin suggested that all but one clone found in the present study might be animal specific.  相似文献   
Eighty-four staphylococcal isolates were obtained from milk samples from cows, sheep, goats, and buffalo with subclinical mastitis and from colonization samples from ostriches. The animals were hosted in 18 small dairy herds and an ostrich breeding located in 10 municipalities of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Thirty isolates were identified as Staphylococcus aureus by biochemical and molecular techniques and were comparatively characterized by phenotypic and genotypic methods. The molecular characterization by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), spa typing, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed five clonal types (PFGE A, spa type t359, sequence type 747 [ST747]; PFGE B, spa type t1180, ST750; PFGE C, spa type t605, ST126; PFGE D, spa type t127, ST751; and PFGE F, spa type t002, ST5). None of the isolates harbored the Panton-Valentine leukocidin or exfoliative toxin D gene. The detection of major clone A (in 63% of the isolates) in different herds, among all animal species studied, and in infection and colonization samples evidenced its geographical spread among Rio de Janeiro State and no host preference among the animal species. Comparison with S. aureus from a human origin suggested that all but one clone found in the present study might be animal specific.  相似文献   
The U2AF-homology motif (UHM) mediates protein-protein interactions between factors involved in constitutive RNA splicing. Here we report that the splicing factor SPF45 regulates alternative splicing of the apoptosis regulatory gene FAS (also called CD95). The SPF45 UHM is necessary for this activity and binds UHM-ligand motifs (ULMs) present in the 3' splice site-recognizing factors U2AF65, SF1 and SF3b155. We describe a 2.1-A crystal structure of SPF45-UHM in complex with a ULM peptide from SF3b155. Features distinct from those of previously described UHM-ULM structures allowed the design of mutations in the SPF45 UHM that selectively impair binding to individual ULMs. Splicing assays using the ULM-selective SPF45 variants demonstrate that individual UHM-ULM interactions are required for FAS splicing regulation by SPF45 in vivo. Our data suggest that networks of UHM-ULM interactions are involved in regulating alternative splicing.  相似文献   
Aortic carboxypeptidase-like protein (ACLP) was originally identified in vascular smooth muscle cells and contains discoidin and catalytically inactive metallocarboxypeptidase domains. ACLP is a secreted protein that associates with the extracellular matrix and is essential for abdominal wall development and contributes to dermal wound healing. Because of these developmental and adult phenotypes, we examined the expression of ACLP by immunohistochemistry throughout mouse embryonic development. ACLP was not detected in 7.5 days post-coitum (dpc) embryos, however at 9.5 dpc low levels of expression were detected in the somites and dorsal aorta. Expression was detected in both the yolk sac and embryonic vasculature at 10.5d pc. ACLP expression increased in both large and small blood vessels at 11.5 and 13.5 dpc and intense expression was detected within the vascular smooth muscle layer in 16.5 dpc embryos. At later developmental time points, discrete areas of ACLP expression were detected in the mesenchymal cells in the dermal layer, developing skeletal structures, connective tissue, and in the umbilical ring and vessels. The predominance of ACLP immunoreactivity localized with collagen-rich regions including tendons and basement membranes. Overall, the developmental expression pattern is consistent with a regulatory or structural role in the abdominal wall, vasculature, and dermis.  相似文献   
Recently, we described a sequence-specific R1-(Ser/Thr) peptide bond hydrolysis reaction in peptides of a general sequence R1-(Ser/Thr)-Xaa-His-Zaa-R, which occurs in the presence of Ni(II) ions [A. Kr??el, E. Kopera, A. M. Protas, A. Wys?ouch-Cieszyńska, J. Poznański, W. Bal, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 (2010) 3355-3366]. In this study we explored the possibility of substituting the Ser/Thr and the His residues, necessary for the reaction to occur according to the Ni(II)-assisted acyl shift reaction mechanism, with Cys residues. We tested this concept by synthesizing three homologous peptides: R1-Ser-Arg-Cys-Trp-R2, R1-Cys-Arg-His-Trp-R2, and R1-Cys-Arg-Cys-Trp-R2, and the R1-Ser-Arg-His-Trp-R2 peptide as comparator (R1 and R2 were CH3CO-Gly-Ala and Lys-Phe-Leu-NH2, respectively). We studied their hydrolysis in the presence of Ni(II) ions, under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of TCEP as a thiol group antioxidant. We measured hydrolysis rates using HPLC and identified products of reaction using electrospray mass spectrometry. Potentiometry and UV-vis spectroscopy were used to assess Ni(II) complexation. We demonstrated that Ni(II) is not compatible with the Cys substitution of the Ser/Thr acyl acceptor residue, but the substitution of the Ni(II) binding His residue with a Cys yields a peptide susceptible to Ni(II)-related hydrolysis. The relatively high activity of the R1-Ser-Arg-Cys-Trp-R2 peptide at pH 7.0 suggests that this peptide and its Cys-containing analogs might be useful in practical applications of Ni(II)-dependent peptide bond hydrolysis.  相似文献   
Histatins are a family of human salivary antimicrobial peptides. Histatin-5 (Hst-5, DSHAKRHHGYKRKFHEKHHSHRGY), a prominent member of this family contains an albumin-like, N-terminal Asp-Ser-His sequence, known to bind a Ni(II) ion in a square-planar geometry. Nickel is a strong allergen, and oral exposure to Ni(II) ions can elicit allergic reaction in sensitized persons. In contrast, prior oral exposure to nickel in non-sensitized persons can prevent sensitization. The fate of Ni(II) ions in saliva is obviously important for these processes, yet little is known about it. Using potentiometry, UV-visible titrations and circular dichroism, we determined stability constants for Ni(II) complexes of Hst-5 and two truncated analogs, 5Hst-5 (DSHAK) and 10Hst-5 (DSHAKRHHGY). The conditional binding constant at pH 7.4 for Hst-5 was 10(7.5±0.2), compared to the corresponding value for albumin, 10(6.8±0.3) (M. Soko?owska, A. Kr??el, M. Dyba, Z. Szewczuk, W. Bal, Eur. J. Biochem. 269 (2002) 1323-1331). These values indicate that Hst-5 binds Ni(II) five times stronger than HSA. The simulated competition for Ni(II) between Hst-5 and albumin shows that significant amounts of Ni(II) ions may be carried by Hst-5 in vivo. Therefore, Hst-5 and other histatins should be considered as factors in nickel allergy and other forms of nickel toxicity.  相似文献   
We have characterized potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants expressing a soybean leghemoglobin that is targeted to plastids. Transgenic plants displayed a dwarf phenotype caused by short internode length, and exhibited increased tuberization in vitro. Under in vivo conditions that do not promote tuberization, plants showed smaller parenchymal cells than control plants. Analysis of gibberellin (GA) concentrations indicated that the transgenic plants have a substantial reduction (approximately 10-fold) of bioactive GA1 concentration in shoots. Application of GA3 to the shoot apex of the transformed plants completely restored the wild type phenotype suggesting that GA-biosynthesis rather than signal transduction was limiting. Since the first stage of the GA-biosynthetic pathway is located in the plastid, these results suggest that an early step in the pathway may be affected by the presence of the leghemoglobin.  相似文献   
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