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Urban birds have broader environmental tolerance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbanization dramatically changes the composition and diversity of biotic communities. The characteristics distinguishing species that persist in urban environments, however, are poorly understood. Here we test the hypothesis that broadly adapted organisms are better able to tolerate urbanization, using a phylogenetically controlled, global comparison of birds. We compared elevational and latitudinal distributions of 217 urban birds found in 73 of the world's largest cities with distributions of 247 rural congeners to test the hypothesis that urban birds possess broader environmental tolerance. Urban birds had markedly broader environmental tolerance than rural congeners, as estimated by elevational and latitudinal distributions. Our results suggest that broad environmental tolerance may predispose some birds to thrive in urban habitats. The mechanisms mediating such environmental tolerance warrant further investigation, but probably include greater behavioural, physiological and ecological flexibility.  相似文献   
The increase in diversity towards the equator arises from latitudinal variation in rates of cladogenesis, extinction, immigration and/or emigration of taxa. We tested the relative contribution of all four processes to the latitudinal gradient in 26 marine invertebrate orders with extensive fossil records, examined previously by David Jablonski. Coupling Jablonski's estimates of latitudinal variation in cladogenesis with new data on patterns of extinction and current distributions, we show that the present-day gradient in diversity is caused by higher rates of cladogenesis and subsequent range expansion (immigration) at lower latitudes. In contrast, extinction and emigration were not important in the creation of the latitudinal gradient in ordinal richness. This work represents one of the first simultaneous tests of the role of all four processes in the creation of the latitudinal gradient in taxonomic richness, and suggests that low tropical extinction rates are not essential to the creation of latitudinal diversity gradients.  相似文献   
When fitness benefits of investment in sons and daughters differ,animals are predicted to manipulate the sex ratio of their offspring.Sex ratio manipulation occurs in many taxa, but the mechanismsunderlying the phenomenon in vertebrates remain largely unknown.Factors favoring skewed sex ratios, such as reduced maternalcondition or food availability, also induce elevated corticosteroids.Recent experimental studies support a causal relationship betweencorticosteroids and sex ratio. Evidence of a natural correlationbetween maternal corticosteroids and offspring sex ratio hasbeen lacking, however. Without such evidence, the importanceof corticosteroids in influencing sex ratios in natural populationswas unknown. We measured baseline corticosteroids in 19 free-rangingfemale white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) and thesex ratios of their offspring. Females with high corticosteroidsproduced more daughters than females with low hormone levels.We then conducted a controlled, field-based experiment investigatingthe effects of moderately increased maternal corticosteroidson offspring sex ratios to determine if the observed correlationreflects a causal relationship between maternal corticosteroidsand offspring sex ratio. Hormone-implanted females producedmore female embryos than control females. These findings providethe first evidence of a natural correlation between maternalcorticosteroids and offspring sex ratios in free-ranging birds,and the first experimental evidence of a causal link betweenmoderate increases in corticosteroids and biased primary sexratios.  相似文献   
Variation in baseline glucocorticoid (cort) levels can be attributed, at least in part, to differences in energetic demands confronting individuals. Elevated baseline cort levels are routinely interpreted as indicating individuals in poor condition, with low relative fitness. However, when greater reproductive effort increases energetic demands, individuals with high cort might paradoxically be those with the highest fitness. Here, we experimentally test the hypothesis that increased reproductive demand causes increases in baseline cort (the Cort-Adaptation hypothesis). We measured maternal baseline cort before and after experimentally enlarging and reducing brood sizes in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Females with experimentally enlarged broods had greater increases in baseline cort and fledged more offspring than females with reduced broods. Additionally, females with greater increases in baseline cort had higher offspring-provisioning rates than females with lower changes in cort. These findings demonstrate that increased reproductive demand can cause increased baseline cort. As yet, we do not know if these increases in cort cause increased allocation of resources towards reproduction, but the positive relationship between parental behaviour and cort suggests that increased cort does not always interfere with reproductive investment, and might instead facilitate it.  相似文献   
Hormones in the city: endocrine ecology of urban birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbanization dramatically changes the landscape, presenting organisms with novel challenges and often leading to reduced species diversity. Urban ecologists have documented numerous biotic and abiotic consequences of urbanization, such as altered climate, species interactions, and community composition, but we lack an understanding of the mechanisms underlying organisms' responses to urbanization. Here, I review findings from the nascent field of study of the endocrine ecology of urban birds. Thus far, no clear or consistent patterns have been revealed, but we do have evidence that urban habitat can shape endocrine traits, and that those traits might contribute to adaptation to the urban environment. I suggest strong approaches for future work addressing exciting questions about the role of endocrine traits in mediating responses to urbanization within species across the globe.  相似文献   
In addition to the observed high diversity of species in the tropics, divergence among populations of the same species exists over short geographic distances in both phenotypic traits and neutral genetic markers. Divergence among populations suggests great potential for the evolution of reproductive isolation and eventual speciation. In birds, song can evolve quickly through cultural transmission and result in regional dialects, which can be a critical component of reproductive isolation through variation in female preference. We examined female and male behavioral responses to local and nonlocal dialects in two allopatric populations of rufous-collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador. Here we show that female sparrows prefer their natal song dialect to the dialect of an allopatric population that is just 25 km away and separated by an unsuitable higher-elevation habitat (pass of 4,200 m), thus providing evidence of prezygotic reproductive isolation among populations. Males showed similar territorial responses to all conspecific dialects with no consistent difference with respect to distance, making male territoriality uninformative for estimating reproductive isolation. This study provides novel evidence for culturally based prezygotic isolation over very short distances in a tropical bird.  相似文献   
Increased perception of predation risk can cause changes in activity, feeding and reproductive behavior in a wide range of taxa. Many small mammals in the temperate zone exhibit fluctuations in body mass in response to changing photoperiod. Bank voles lose body mass in winter which they regain when photoperiod increases in the spring. To determine if predation risk affects seasonal changes in body mass (BM), bank voles were exposed to two concentrations (low: LC and high: HC) of weasel feces. Food intake (FI) and daily energy expenditure (DEE) were measured to establish if differences in body mass were due to adjustment in energy intake or expenditure. Fecal corticosterone (CORT) was measured to assess whether the voles had detected and responded to predator feces as a physiological stressor. Voles of both sexes had higher levels of fecal CORT in the groups exposed to weasel feces compared to controls. Voles responded to the predator feces in a sex- and concentration-dependent manner. Males responded to LC feces by gaining less mass following the change in photoperiod. This was mediated by reduced FI and higher DEE. Female voles also gained less BM in response to HC feces, but increased both FI and DEE. We hypothesize that males may gain a short-term advantage by lowering BM in response to predation risk, which may be regained without affecting reproductive success. The consequences of mass loss in females may be more significant as this may delay the onset of breeding or reduce the size or number of young, thereby negatively affecting breeding success.  相似文献   
Studies of animal behavior often rely on human observation, which introduces a number of limitations on sampling. Recent developments in automated logging of behaviors make it possible to circumvent some of these problems. Once verified for efficacy and accuracy, these automated systems can be used to determine optimal sampling regimes for behavioral studies. Here, we used a radio-frequency identification (RFID) system to quantify parental effort in a bi-parental songbird species: the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). We found that the accuracy of the RFID monitoring system was similar to that of video-recorded behavioral observations for quantifying parental visits. Using RFID monitoring, we also quantified the optimum duration of sampling periods for male and female parental effort by looking at the relationship between nest visit rates estimated from sampling periods with different durations and the total visit numbers for the day. The optimum sampling duration (the shortest observation time that explained the most variation in total daily visits per unit time) was 1h for both sexes. These results show that RFID and other automated technologies can be used to quantify behavior when human observation is constrained, and the information from these monitoring technologies can be useful for evaluating the efficacy of human observation methods.  相似文献   
Hormones play a central role in integrating internal and external cues to help mediate life-history decisions as well as changes in behavior and physiology of individuals. Describing the consistency of endocrine traits within and among individuals is an important step for understanding whether hormonal traits are dependable predictors of phenotypes that selection could act upon. However, few long-term field studies have investigated the individual consistency of hormonal traits. Glucocorticoid hormones mediate homeostatic responses to environmental variation as well as stress responses to acute, unpredictable disturbances. We characterized the repeatability of plasma corticosterone concentrations in two species of free-living passerines across multiple years. We found repeatability in baseline corticosterone concentrations in both sexes of great tits (Parus major) and in female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) within the breeding season but no repeatability of this trait among seasons or across years. Stress-induced levels of corticosterone were only assessed in great tits and were not repeatable in either sex. Our data suggest that in line with their function in mediating responses of individuals to longer-term and acute demands, both baseline and stress-induced plasma corticosterone concentrations are rather plastic traits. However, individuals may differ in their degree of trait plasticity and hence in behavioral and physiological responses to a variety of organismal challenges.  相似文献   
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