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Primary culture rat astrocytes exposed to the long acting nitric oxide donor (Z)-1-[2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (DETA-NO) for 24 h approximately double their concentration of glutathione (GSH) and show no sign of cell death. In contrast, GSH was depleted by 48%, and significant loss of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex activity and cell death were observed in primary culture rat neurones subjected to DETA-NO for 18 h. Northern blot analysis suggested that mRNA amounts of both subunits of glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme in GSH synthesis, were elevated in astrocytes following nitric oxide (NO) exposure. This correlated with an increase in astrocytic GCL activity. Neurones on the other hand did not exhibit increased GCL activity when exposed to NO. In addition, the rate of GSH efflux was doubled and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (gamma-GT) activity was increased by 42% in astrocytes treated with NO for 24 h. These results suggest that astrocytes, but not neurones, up-regulate GSH synthesis as a defence mechanism against excess NO. It is possible that the increased rate of GSH release and activity of gamma-GT in astrocytes may have important implications for neuroprotection in vivo by optimizing the supply of GSH precursors to neurones in close proximity.  相似文献   
Background aimsLimited cell dose has hampered the use of cord blood transplantation (CBT) in adults. One method of minimizing nucleated cell loss in cord blood (CB) processing is to deplete or reduce plasma but not red blood cells - plasma depletion/reduction (PDR).MethodsThe nucleated cell loss of PDR was studied, and determined to be less than 0.1% in the discarded supernatant plasma fraction in validation experiments. After testing and archival sampling, the median nucleated cell recovery for PDR processing was 90%, and median CD34+ cell recovery 88%. In a CB bank inventory of 12 339 products with both pre- and post-processing total nucleated cells (TNC), PDR processing resulted in median post-processing TNC recoveries of 90.0% after testing and archival samples removal. Using the same 10 CB units divided into two halves, we compared directly the recovery of PDR against hydroxyethyl starch red cell reduction (RCR) for TNC, CD34+ cells and colony-forming units (CFU-GM, CFU-E, CFU-GEMM and total CFU) after parallel processing. We also compared the loss of very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSEL).ResultsWe demonstrated significantly higher recoveries using PDR for TNC (124%), CD34+ cells (121%), CFU-GM (225%), CFU-GEMM (201%), total CFU (186%) and VSEL (187%). The proportion of high TNC products was compared between 10 912 PDR and 38 819 RCR CB products and found to be 200% higher for products that had TNC ≥150 × 107 (P = 0.0001) for the PDR inventory.ConclusionsOur data indicate that PDR processing of CB provides a significantly more efficient usage of this valuable and scarce resource.  相似文献   
Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for the development of nitrogen-fixing root nodules in pea (Pisum sativum). By using monoclonal antibodies that recognize specific glycoconjugate components implicated in legume root-nodule development, we investigated the effects of low B on the formation of infection threads and the colonization of pea nodules by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae. In B-deficient nodules the proportion of infected host cells was much lower than in nodules from plants supplied with normal quantities of B. Moreover, the host cells often developed enlarged and abnormally shaped infection threads that frequently burst, releasing bacteria into damaged host cells. There was also an over-production of plant matrix material in which the rhizobial cells were embedded during their progression through the infection thread. Furthermore, in a series of in vitro binding studies, we demonstrated that the presence of B can change the affinity with which the bacterial cell surface interacts with the peribacteroid membrane glycocalyx relative to its interaction with intercellular plant matrix glycoprotein. From these observations we suggest that B plays an important role in mediating cell-surface interactions that lead to endocytosis of rhizobia by host cells and hence to the correct establishment of the symbiosis between pea and Rhizobium.  相似文献   
The whole-genome shotgun (WGS) assembly technique has been remarkably successful in efforts to determine the sequence of bases that make up a genome. WGS assembly begins with a large collection of short fragments that have been selected at random from a genome. The sequence of bases at each end of the fragment is determined, albeit imprecisely, resulting in a sequence of letters called a "read." Each letter in a read is assigned a quality value, which estimates the probability that a sequencing error occurred in determining that letter. Reads are typically cut off after about 500 letters, where sequencing errors become endemic. We report on a set of procedures that (1) corrects most of the sequencing errors, (2) changes quality values accordingly, and (3) produces a list of "overlaps," i.e., pairs of reads that plausibly come from overlapping parts of the genome. Our procedures, which we call collectively the "UMD Overlapper," can be run iteratively and as a preprocessor for other assemblers. We tested the UMD Overlapper on Celera's Drosophila reads. When we replaced Celera's overlap procedures in the front end of their assembler, it was able to produce a significantly improved genome.  相似文献   
Skeletal growth and homeostasis require the finely orchestrated secretion of mineralized tissue matrices by highly specialized cells, balanced with their degradation by osteoclasts. Time‐ and site‐specific expression of Dlx and Msx homeobox genes in the cells secreting these matrices have been identified as important elements in the regulation of skeletal morphology. Such specific expression patterns have also been reported in osteoclasts for Msx genes. The aim of the present study was to establish the expression patterns of Dlx genes in osteoclasts and identify their function in regulating skeletal morphology. The expression patterns of all Dlx genes were examined during the whole osteoclastogenesis using different in vitro models. The results revealed that Dlx1 and Dlx2 are the only Dlx family members with a possible function in osteoclastogenesis as well as in mature osteoclasts. Dlx5 and Dlx6 were detected in the cultures but appear to be markers of monocytes and their derivatives. In vivo, Dlx2 expression in osteoclasts was examined using a Dlx2/LacZ transgenic mouse. Dlx2 is expressed in a subpopulation of osteoclasts in association with tooth, brain, nerve, and bone marrow volumetric growths. Altogether the present data suggest a role for Dlx2 in regulation of skeletal morphogenesis via functions within osteoclasts. J. Cell. Physiol. 223:779–787, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Larvae of Mithrax caribbaeus were reared in the laboratoryin a factorial experiment employing three temperatures (22,25 and 28°C) and three salinities (32, 35 and 38). Survivaland duration of larval stages were recorded. Ovigerous femalesof M.caribbaeus were collected from the south-eastern coastof Margarita Island, Venezuela, and maintained in individualaquaria until hatching. Eggs from three of the females hatchedin the laboratory. Larvae from each hatching were subdividedinto groups of 10 and reared in plastic bowls containing 200ml filtered and UV-irradiated sea water at different temperature–salinitycombinations. Larvae were transferred daily to clean bowls withnewly hatched Artemia nauplii, and the number of molts and mortalitywithin each bowl was recorded. Complete larval development ofM.caribbaeus occurred under all experimental conditions. Salinityhad the greatest effect on percentage survival of each larvalstage and complete development up to the first crab stage. Thefirst zoeal stage exhibited the highest survival rate. Maximumsurvival for this stage occurred at 25°C, 32–35. Survivalin the second zoeal stage and the megalopa was affected onlyby salinity. Effects of temperature and salinity on survivaldecreased with advance in development. The duration of the twozoeal stages, the megalopa, and development to the first crabstage showed a gradual reduction with increasing temperature.Salinity showed an effect on the duration of zoeal stages butnot on the megalopal stage. Development from hatching to thefirst crab stage required 8–18 days, depending on thetemperature–salinity combination, and was inversely relatedto temperature, averaging 14.3 days at 22°C, 11.8 days at25°C and 9.2 days at 28°C.  相似文献   
Properties of the sliding disintegration response of demembranated tetrahymena cilia have been studied by measuring the spectrophotomeric response or turbidity of cilia suspensions at a wavelength of 350 nm relative to changes in the dynein substrate (MgATP(2-)) concentration. The maximum decrease in turbidity occurs in 20 muM ATP, and 90 percent of the decrease occurs in approximately 5.9 s. At lower ATP concentrations (1-20 muM), both the velocity and magnitude of the turbidity decreases are proportional to ATP concentration. The velocity data for 20 muM ATP permit construction of a reaction velocity curve suggesting that changes in turbidity are directly proportional to the extent and velocity of disintegration. At ATP concentrations more than 20 muM (50muM to 5mM), both velocity and magnitude of the turbidimetric response are reduced by approximately 50 percent. This apparent inhibition results in a biphasic response curve that may be related to activation of residual shear resistance or regulatory components at the higher ATP concentrations. The inhibitory effects of elevated ATP can be eliminated by mild trypsin proteolysis, whereupon the reaction goes to completion at any ATP concentration. The turbidimetric responses of the axoneme-substrate suspensions are consistent with the extent and type of axoneme disintegration revealed by electron microscope examination of the various suspensions, suggesting that the turbidimetric assay may prove to be a reliable means for assessing the state of axoneme integrity.  相似文献   
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