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alpha-Glucuronidases are key components of the ensemble of enzymes that degrade the plant cell wall. They hydrolyze the alpha1,2-glycosidic bond between 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid (4-O-MeGlcA) and the xylan or xylooligosaccharide backbone. Here we report the crystal structure of an inactive mutant (E292A) of the alpha-glucuronidase, GlcA67A, from Cellvibrio japonicus in complex with its substrate. The data show that the 4-O-methyl group of the substrate is accommodated within a hydrophobic sheath flanked by Val-210 and Trp-160, whereas the carboxylate moiety is located within a positively charged region of the substrate-binding pocket. The carboxylate side chains of Glu-393 and Asp-365, on the "beta-face" of 4-O-MeGlcA, form hydrogen bonds with a water molecule that is perfectly positioned to mount a nucleophilic attack at the anomeric carbon of the target glycosidic bond, providing further support for the view that, singly or together, these amino acids function as the catalytic base. The capacity of reaction products and product analogues to inhibit GlcA67A shows that the 4-O-methyl group, the carboxylate, and the xylose sugar of aldobiouronic acid all play an important role in substrate binding. Site-directed mutagenesis informed by the crystal structure of enzyme-ligand complexes was used to probe the importance of highly conserved residues at the active site of GlcA67A. The biochemical properties of K288A, R325A, and K360A show that a constellation of three basic amino acids (Lys-288, Arg-325, and Lys-360) plays a critical role in binding the carboxylate moiety of 4-O-MeGlcA. Disruption of the apolar nature of the pocket created by Val-210 (V210N and V210S) has a detrimental effect on substrate binding, although the reduction in affinity is not reflected by an inability to accommodate the 4-O-methyl group. Replacing the two tryptophan residues that stack against the sugar rings of the substrate with alanine (W160A and W543A) greatly reduced activity.  相似文献   
NMR studies of the internal family 2b carbohydrate binding module (CBM2b-1) of Cellulomonas fimi xylanase 11A have identified six polar residues and two aromatic residues that interact with its target ligand, xylan. To investigate the importance of the various interactions, free energy and enthalpy changes have been measured for the binding of xylan to native and mutant forms of CBM2b-1. The data show that the two aromatic residues, Trp 259 and Trp 291, play a critical role in the binding, and similarly that mutants N264A and T316A have no affinity for the xylose polymer. Interestingly, mutations E257A, Q288A, N292A, E257A/Q288A, E257A/N292A, and E257A/N292A/Q288A do not significantly diminish the affinity of CBM2b-1 for the xylose polymers, but do influence the thermodynamics driving the protein-carbohydrate interactions. These thermodynamic parameters have been interpreted in light of a fresh understanding of enthalpy-entropy compensation and show the following. (1) For proteins whose ligands are bound on an exposed surface, hydrogen bonding confers little specificity or affinity. It also displays little cooperativity. Most specificity and affinity derive from binding between the face of sugar rings and aromatic rings. (2) Loss of hydrogen bonding interactions leads to a redistribution of the remaining bonding interactions such that the entropic mobility of the ligand is maximized, at the expense (if necessary) of enthalpically favorable bonds. (3) Changes in entropy and enthalpy in the binding between polysaccharide and a range of mutants can be interpreted by considering changes in binding and flexibility, without any need to consider solvent reorganization.  相似文献   
All basal ganglia subnuclei have recently been identified in lampreys, the phylogenetically oldest group of vertebrates. Furthermore, the interconnectivity of these nuclei is similar to mammals and tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (dopaminergic) fibers have been detected within the input layer, the striatum. Striatal processing is critically dependent on the interplay with the dopamine system, and we explore here whether D2 receptors are expressed in the lamprey striatum and their potential role. We have identified a cDNA encoding the dopamine D2 receptor from the lamprey brain and the deduced protein sequence showed close phylogenetic relationship with other vertebrate D2 receptors, and an almost 100% identity within the transmembrane domains containing the amino acids essential for dopamine binding. There was a strong and distinct expression of D2 receptor mRNA in a subpopulation of striatal neurons, and in the same region tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive synaptic terminals were identified at the ultrastructural level. The synaptic incidence of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive boutons was highest in a region ventrolateral to the compact layer of striatal neurons, a region where most striatal dendrites arborise. Application of a D2 receptor agonist modulates striatal neurons by causing a reduced spike discharge and a diminished post-inhibitory rebound. We conclude that the D2 receptor gene had already evolved in the earliest group of vertebrates, cyclostomes, when they diverged from the main vertebrate line of evolution (560 mya), and that it is expressed in striatum where it exerts similar cellular effects to that in other vertebrates. These results together with our previous published data (Stephenson-Jones et al. 2011, 2012) further emphasize the high degree of conservation of the basal ganglia, also with regard to the indirect loop, and its role as a basic mechanism for action selection in all vertebrates.  相似文献   
Novel molecular probes have been developed for the analysis and detection of polysaccharides in plant cell walls using carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) derived from modular glycoside hydrolases belonging to families 2a, 6, and 29. Recombinant forms of these proteins containing his-tags, in conjunction with anti-his-tag detection, provide a flexible system that utilizes CBMs as molecular probes in a range of applications. Assays for the rapid analysis of the binding of CBMs to polysaccharides and oligosaccharides using nitrocellulose-based CBM macroarrays and microtiter plate-based CBM capture and competitive-inhibition assays are described. We also demonstrate the use of CBMs with his-tags for the localization of their target ligands in planta. The generation of molecular probes from other families of CBMs will dramatically increase the repertoire of molecular probes available to determine the developmental and functional aspects of plant cell walls.  相似文献   
Different striatal projection neurons are the origin of?a?dual organization essential for basal ganglia function. We have defined an analogous division of labor in the external globus pallidus (GPe) of Parkinsonian rats, showing that the distinct temporal activities of two populations of GPe neuron in?vivo are?underpinned by distinct molecular profiles and axonal connectivities. A first population of prototypic GABAergic GPe neurons fire antiphase to subthalamic nucleus (STN) neurons, often express parvalbumin, and target downstream basal ganglia nuclei, including STN. In contrast, a second population (arkypallidal neurons) fire in-phase with STN neurons, express preproenkephalin, and only innervate the striatum. This novel cell type provides the largest extrinsic GABAergic innervation of striatum, targeting both projection neurons and interneurons. We conclude that GPe exhibits several core components of?a dichotomous organization as fundamental as?that in striatum. Thus, two populations of GPe neuron?together orchestrate activities across all basal ganglia nuclei in a cell-type-specific manner.  相似文献   
Protein interacting with C Kinase 1 (PICK1), a PDZ domain-containing scaffolding protein, interacts with multiple different proteins in the mammalian nervous system and is believed to play important roles in diverse physiological and pathological conditions. In this study, we report that PICK1 is expressed in neurons of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and spinal cord dorsal horn, two major pain-related regions. PICK1 was present in approximately 29.7% of DRG neurons, most of which were small-less than 750 μm2 in cross-sectional area. Some of these PICK1-positive cells co-labeled with isolectin B4 or calcitonin-gene-related peptide. In the dorsal horn, PICK1 immunoreactivity was concentrated in the superficial dorsal horn, where it was prominent in the postsynaptic density, axons, and dendrites. Targeted disruption of PICK1 gene did not affect basal paw withdrawal responses to acute noxious thermal and mechanical stimuli or locomotor reflex activity, but it completely blocked the induction of peripheral nerve injury-induced mechanical and thermal pain hypersensitivities. PICK1 appears to be required for peripheral nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain development and to be a potential biochemical target for treating this disorder.  相似文献   
Summary A monoclonal antibody that recognises the C-terminal part of substance P was used to study immunoreactive structures in the substantia nigra by the unlabeled antibody, peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure. Immunoreactivity was present in nerve fibres in all parts of the substantia nigra, particularly in the pars reticulata and pars lateralis. Electron microscopically two types of bouton immunoreactive for substance P were found: Type 1 contained large electron-lucent vesicles, occasional large granulated vesicles and formed symmetrical synapses with dendrites. Type 2 boutons contained smaller, round electron-lucent vesicles, many large granular vesicles and formed asymmetrical synapses (having prominent postjunctional dense bodies) with dendrites and perikarya.Immunoreactive fibres with varicosities that had been identified light microscopically were studied in serial sections in the electron microscope. Each identified varicosity contained synaptic vesicles and formed a single synapse. An individual fibre formed boutons of only one kind (type 1 or type 2) and could form multiple synapses with the same neuron. Thus, an identified fibre in the pars compacta had eight varicosities, each of which was in synaptic contacts (type 2) with the dendrites or soma of the same neuron.The results are consistent with the concept that substance P is a synaptic transmitter in the substantia nigra and indicate that neurons in this region may receive a significant input from substance P-containing afferents, and that there are at least two types of such afferent fibres.  相似文献   
Nakjang S  Ndeh DA  Wipat A  Bolam DN  Hirt RP 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30287
The mucosal microbiota is recognised as an important factor for our health, with many disease states linked to imbalances in the normal community structure. Hence, there is considerable interest in identifying the molecular basis of human-microbe interactions. In this work we investigated the capacity of microbes to thrive on mucosal surfaces, either as mutualists, commensals or pathogens, using comparative genomics to identify co-occurring molecular traits. We identified a novel domain we named M60-like/PF13402 (new Pfam entry PF13402), which was detected mainly among proteins from animal host mucosa-associated prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes ranging from mutualists to pathogens. Lateral gene transfers between distantly related microbes explained their shared M60-like/PF13402 domain. The novel domain is characterised by a zinc-metallopeptidase-like motif and is distantly related to known viral enhancin zinc-metallopeptidases. Signal peptides and/or cell surface anchoring features were detected in most microbial M60-like/PF13402 domain-containing proteins, indicating that these proteins target an extracellular substrate. A significant subset of these putative peptidases was further characterised by the presence of associated domains belonging to carbohydrate-binding module family 5/12, 32 and 51 and other glycan-binding domains, suggesting that these novel proteases are targeted to complex glycoproteins such as mucins. An in vitro mucinase assay demonstrated degradation of mammalian mucins by a recombinant form of an M60-like/PF13402-containing protein from the gut mutualist Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. This study reveals that M60-like domains are peptidases targeting host glycoproteins. These peptidases likely play an important role in successful colonisation of both vertebrate mucosal surfaces and the invertebrate digestive tract by both mutualistic and pathogenic microbes. Moreover, 141 entries across various peptidase families described in the MEROPS database were also identified with carbohydrate-binding modules defining a new functional context for these glycan-binding domains and providing opportunities to engineer proteases targeting specific glycoproteins for both biomedical and industrial applications.  相似文献   
The enzymatic transfer of activated mannose yields mannosides in glycoconjugates and oligo- and polysaccharides. Yet, despite its biological necessity, the mechanism by which glycosyltransferases recognize mannose and catalyze its transfer to acceptor molecules is poorly understood. Here, we report broad high-throughput screening and kinetic analyses of both natural and synthetic substrates of Rhodothermus marinus mannosylglycerate synthase (MGS), which catalyzes the formation of the stress protectant 2-O-alpha-D-mannosyl glycerate. The sequence of MGS indicates that it is at the cusp of inverting and retaining transferases. The structures of apo MGS and complexes with donor and acceptor molecules, including GDP-mannose, combined with mutagenesis of the binding and catalytic sites, unveil the mannosyl transfer center. Nucleotide specificity is as important in GDP-D-mannose recognition as the nature of the donor sugar.  相似文献   
Protein-protein interactions play a pivotal role in a large number of biological processes exemplified by the assembly of the cellulosome. Integration of cellulosomal components occurs through the binding of type I cohesin modules located in a non-catalytic molecular scaffold to type I dockerin modules located at the C terminus of cellulosomal enzymes. The majority of type I dockerins display internal symmetry reflected by the presence of two essentially identical cohesin-binding surfaces. Here we report the crystal structures of two novel Clostridium thermocellum type I cohesin-dockerin complexes (CohOlpC-Doc124A and CohOlpA-Doc918). The data revealed that the two dockerins, Doc918 and Doc124A, are unusual because they lack the structural symmetry required to support a dual binding mode. Thus, in both cases, cohesin recognition is dominated by residues located at positions 11, 12, and 19 of one of the dockerin binding surfaces. The alternative binding mode is not possible (Doc918) or highly limited (Doc124A) because residues that assume the critical interacting positions, when dockerins are reoriented by 180°, make steric clashes with the cohesin. In common with a third dockerin (Doc258) that also presents a single binding mode, Doc124A directs the appended cellulase, Cel124A, to the surface of C. thermocellum and not to cellulosomes because it binds preferentially to type I cohesins located at the cell envelope. Although there are a few exceptions, such as Doc918 described here, these data suggest that there is considerable selective pressure for the evolution of a dual binding mode in type I dockerins that direct enzymes into cellulosomes.  相似文献   
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