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Striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis sensu lato) represent a complex of chromosomally distinct allopatric lineages/taxa of either species or subspecies rank. They are widely distributed across the steppes of eastern and central Palearctic. Phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome b gene sequences based on 496 specimens from 112 localities revealed five well‐supported lineages divergent at 2%–4%. Two of them correspond to “griseus” (2n = 22) and “pseudogriseus” (2n = 24) karyomorphs and are placed as sister taxa. The “barabensis” (2n = 20) karyomorph is represented by three other branches and appears non‐monophyletic. All mtDNA lineages are distributed allopatrically or parapatrically; no indications of gene flow between populations of different chromosomal races were found. The results of the molecular clock analysis suggest that the main lineages diverged in the late Middle Pleistocene. The inferred evolutionary scenario implies that the common ancestor of the recent lineages belonged to the 2n = 20 karyomorph and originated in the eastern part of the contemporary range.  相似文献   
Genetic demographic characteristics and immunogenetic markers (blood groups ABO, Rhesus, MNSs, P, Duffy, Kidd, and Kell) have been studied in a group of 132 Russian cosmonauts and test subjects (CTSG). Analysis of pedigrees has shown a high exogamy in the preceding generations: almost half of the subjects have mixed ethnic background. According to the results of genetic demographic analysis, a sample from the Moscow population was used as control group (CG). Comparison between the CTSG and CG has demonstrated significant differences in genotype frequencies for several blood group systems. The CTSG is characterized by a decreased proportion of rare interlocus genotypic combinations and an increased man heterozygosity. Analysis of the distributions of individual heterozygosity for loci with codominant expression of alleles has shown that highly heterozygous loci are more frequent in the CTSG. Taking into account that the CTSG has been thoroughly selected from the general population, it is concluded that heterozygosity is related to successful adaptation to a space flight.  相似文献   
The methods used to investigate the body functional state in sleep under the conditions of a long-duration space flight are of great scientific and practical interest. The Sonocard experiment is based on the method of seismocardiography. The goal of this experiment is to validate and improve the procedure of non-contact recording the in-sleep physiological data for monitoring the crew state. The very first results have demonstrated that, as on Earth, sleep is crucial for recovery of the functional reserves expended during the daytime under the conditions of microgravity. Using the new technology, the recovery processes, as well as individual adaptation to a long-term space flight, can be studied. This method makes it possible to evaluate the sleep quality, mechanisms of recreation, and body functionality. These data may enrich substantially the information used by medical operators of space missions in the control centers.  相似文献   
TLRs, including TLR4, play a crucial role in inflammatory-based diseases, and TLR4 has been identified as a therapeutic target for pharmacological intervention. In previous studies, we investigated the potential of FP7, a novel synthetic glycolipid active as a TLR4 antagonist, to inhibit haematopoietic and non-haematopoietic MyD88-dependent TLR4 pro-inflammatory signalling. The main aim of this study was to investigate the action of FP7 and its derivative FP12 on MyD88-independent TLR4 signalling in THP-1 derived macrophages. Western blotting, Ab array and ELISA approaches were used to explore the effect of FP7 and FP12 on TRIF-dependent TLR4 functional activity in response to LPS and other endogenous TLR4 ligands in THP-1 macrophages. A different kinetic in the inhibition of endotoxin-driven TBK1, IRF3 and STAT1 phosphorylation was observed using different LPS chemotypes. Following activation of TLR4 by LPS, data revealed that FP7 and FP12 inhibited TBK1, IRF3 and STAT1 phosphorylation which was associated with down-regulation IFN-β and IP-10. Specific blockage of the IFN type one receptor showed that these novel molecules inhibited TRIF-dependent TLR4 signalling via IFN-β pathways. These results add novel information on the mechanism of action of monosaccharide FP derivatives. The inhibition of the TRIF-dependent pathway in human macrophages suggests potential therapeutic uses for these novel TLR4 antagonists in pharmacological interventions on inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
New phosphor crystals, on the basis of zeolit, activated by tin (Sn), appeared to be a very suitable permanent fluorescent test-object for setting up microscopes, intructing new users and for calibrating microfluorimeters. Their properties provide the control of conditions of various fluorescent experiments in both visible and ultraviolet regions. The crystal size may vary from 1 to 100 micron along the facet. Spectral, polarization and fading fluorescence characteristics of the new crystals are described.  相似文献   
The results of long-term investigations of the bone system of humans during space flights (SFs) on board the Mir orbital station (OS) and international space station (ISS) using osteodensitometry are summarized. Comparative analysis of the results showed the absence of significant differences in changes in the bone mass (BM) in the crew members of both OSs. Theoretically, the expected bone mass losses in the trabecular bone structures of the lower part of the body in the process of a SF (five to seven months) are interpreted in some cases as quickly developing, but reversible, osteopenia and generally interpreted as the evidence of bone functional adaptation to altering mechanical loads on the skeleton. The high individual variability of changes and the stability of the individual character of the BM alteration ratio in different skeletal segments irrespective of the OS type are shown. Owing to the aforementioned individual features, it is not possible to establish a strict relationship between BM changes and the duration of space missions, and, therefore, there is no good reason for calculating the probability of achieving the critical demineralization level when the duration of an SF increases to 1.5–2 years. The probability of prediction of changes in the bone quality (structure) is still less, which, together with BM losses, determines the risk of fractures, and osteodensitometry for such an analysis is insufficient. The main directions of the studies, which could optimize the development of the interplanetary expedition project from the point of view of maintenance of the mechanical function of the skeleton, are considered.  相似文献   
Multicellular organization and tissue construction has evolved along essentially different lines in plants and animals. Since plants do not run away, but are anchored in the soil, their tissues are more or less firm and stiff. This strength stems  相似文献   
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