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We have shown earlier that analysis of DNA sequences using atwo-dimensional graphical representation provides considerableinformation on new global sequence patterns and homologies,repeated structures, relative base abundances, probable evolutionarypaths and evolutionary divergence. We have also reported thatat a more micro level the graphical representation reveals distinctdifferences in the features of intron and exon segments of eukaryoticsequences. In this paper, the distinguishing features of theintron and exon segments are exploited to show, through severalexamples of different gene structures, that an averaging procedureover the slopes of the representative maps provides an easytechnique to differentiate between probable in Iron and exonregions. We thus expect that this method will enable a rapidsearch and preliminary indication of possible locations of proteincoding regions in long eukaryotic sequences.  相似文献   
Bacillus cereus is a spore-forming, Gram-positive bacterium commonly associated with outbreaks of food poisoning. It is also known as an opportunistic pathogen causing clinical infections such as bacteremia, meningitis, pneumonia, and gas gangrene-like cutaneous infections, mostly in immunocompromised patients. B. cereus secretes a plethora of toxins of which four are associated with the symptoms of food poisoning. Two of these, the non-hemolytic enterotoxin Nhe and the hemolysin BL (Hbl) toxin, are predicted to be structurally similar and are unique in that they require the combined action of three toxin proteins to induce cell lysis. Despite their dominant role in disease, the molecular mechanism of their toxic function is still poorly understood. We report here that B. cereus strain ATCC 10876 harbors not only genes encoding Nhe, but also two copies of the hbl genes. We identified Hbl as the major secreted toxin responsible for inducing rapid cell lysis both in cultured cells and in an intraperitoneal mouse toxicity model. Antibody neutralization and deletion of Hbl-encoding genes resulted in significant reductions of cytotoxic activity. Microscopy studies with Chinese Hamster Ovary cells furthermore showed that pore formation by both Hbl and Nhe occurs through a stepwise, sequential binding of toxin components to the cell surface and to each other. This begins with binding of Hbl-B or NheC to the eukaryotic membrane, and is followed by the recruitment of Hbl-L1 or NheB, respectively, followed by the corresponding third protein. Lastly, toxin component complementation studies indicate that although Hbl and Nhe can be expressed simultaneously and are predicted to be structurally similar, they are incompatible and cannot complement each other.  相似文献   
Cystatins are extensively studied cysteine protease inhibitors, found in wide range of organisms with highly conserved structural folds. S-type of cystatins is well known for their abundance in saliva, high selectivity and poorer activity towards host cysteine proteases in comparison to their immediate ancestor cystatin C. Despite more than 90% sequence similarity, the members of this group show highly dissimilar binding affinity towards papain. Cystatin M/E is a potent inhibitor of legumain and papain like cysteine proteases and recognized for its involvement in skin barrier formation and potential role as a tumor suppressor gene. However, the structures of these proteins and their complexes with papain or legumain are still unknown. In the present study, we have employed computational methods to get insight into the interactions between papain and cystatins. Three-dimensional structures of the cystatins are generated by homology modelling, refined with molecular dynamics simulation, validated through numerous web servers and finally complexed with papain using ZDOCK algorithm in Discovery Studio. A high degree of shape complementarity is observed within the complexes, stabilized by numerous hydrogen bonds (HB) and hydrophobic interactions. Using interaction energy, HB and solvent accessible surface area analyses, we have identified a series of key residues that may be involved in papain–cystatin interaction. Differential approaches of cystatins towards papain are also noticed which are possibly responsible for diverse inhibitory activity within the group. These findings will improve our understanding of fundamental inhibitory mechanisms of cystatin and provide clues for further research.  相似文献   
The methanotrophic bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus is capable of assimilating methane and oxygen into protein-rich biomass, however, the diverse metabolism of the microorganism also allows for several undesired cometabolic side-reactions to occur. In this study, the ammonia cometabolism in Methylococcus capsulatus is investigated using pulse experiments. Surprisingly Methylococcus capsulatus oxidizes ammonia to nitrate through a yet unknown mechanism and fixes molecular nitrogen even at a high dissolved oxygen tension. The observed phenomena can be modeled using 14 ordinary differential equations and 18 kinetic parameters, of which 6 were revealed by Morris screening to be identifiable from the experimental data. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the model was robust and accurate even with uncertainty in the parameter values as confirmed by statistical error analysis.  相似文献   
The inflammatory cytokine IL-1β is critical for host responses against many human pathogens. Here, we define Group B Streptococcus (GBS)-mediated activation of the Nod-like receptor-P3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in macrophages. NLRP3 activation requires GBS expression of the cytolytic toxin, β-hemolysin, lysosomal acidification, and leakage. These processes allow the interaction of GBS RNA with cytosolic NLRP3. The present study supports a model in which GBS RNA, along with lysosomal components including cathepsins, leaks out of lysosomes and interacts with NLRP3 to induce IL-1β production.  相似文献   
Transgene integration mediated by heterologous site-specific recombination (SSR) systems into the dedicated genomic sites has been demonstrated in a few different plant species. This approach of plant transformation generates a precise site-specific integration (SSI) structure consisting of a single copy of the transgene construct. As a result, stable transgene expression correlated with promoter strength and gene copy number is observed among independent transgenic lines and faithfully transmitted through subsequent generations. Site-specific integration approaches use selectable marker genes, removal of which is necessary for the implementation of this approach as a biotechnology application. As SSR systems are also excellent tools for excising marker genes from transgene locus, a molecular strategy involving gene integration followed by marker excision, each mediated by a distinct recombination system, was earlier proposed. Experimental validation of this approach is the focus of this work. Using FLPe-FRT system for site-specific gene integration and heat-inducible Cre-lox for marker gene excision, marker-free SSI lines were developed in the first generation itself. More importantly, progeny derived from these lines inherited the marker-free locus, indicating efficient germinal transmission. Finally, as the transgene expression from SSI locus was not altered upon marker excision, this method is suitable for streamlining the production of marker-free SSI lines.  相似文献   
The second-most common cause of death resulting from genetic mutations in DNA sequences is cancer. The difficulty in the field of anticancer research is the application of the traditional methods, which also affects normal cells. Mutations, genetic replication alterations, and chromosomal abnormalities have a direct impact on the effectiveness of anticancer drugs at different stages. Presently, therapeutic techniques utilize nanotechnology, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), and robotics. TMDCs are being increasingly employed in tumor therapy and biosensing applications due to their biocompatibility, adjustable bandgap, versatile functionality, exceptional photoelectric properties, and wide range of applications. This study reports the advancement of nanoplatforms based on TMDCs that are specifically engineered for responsive and intelligent cancer therapy. This article offers a thorough examination of the current challenges, future possibilities for theranostic applications using TMDCs, and recent progress in employing TMDCs for cancer therapy. Currently, there is significant interest in two-dimensional (2D) TMDCs nanomaterials as ultrathin unique physicochemical properties. These materials have attracted attention in various fields, including biomedicine. Due to their inherent ability to absorb near-infrared light and their exceptionally large surface area, significant efforts are being made to prepare multifunctional nanoplatforms based on 2D TMDCs.  相似文献   
The electrical conductivity of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) of oxidized cholesterol has been measured separately in bathing solutions of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium bromide, sodium iodide and also in bathing solutions of iodine and iodine containing these salts. An attempt has been made to explain the conduction of electric current across the membranes.  相似文献   
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