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Summary Several types of receptor endings were identified with scanning electron microscopy and silver-impregnation techniques in the skin of the tentacles, lips, dorsal surface of the head and mouth region of the pond snails Lymnaea stagnalis and Vivipara viviparus. Sensory endings at the tips of dendrites of primary receptor neurones, scattered below the epithelium, differ in structure, i.e., the endings exposed to the surface of the skin possess different proportions of cilia and microvilli, which vary in number, length, and packing. Type-I endings have microvilli and a few (1–5) cilia, 5–12 m in length. Type-2 endings have abundant (20–40), interwoven long (9–12 m) cilia and random microvilli. Type-3 endings show typical packing of 10–25 cilia in the form of bundles or brushes. They may be composed either of long (9–18 m) or short (2–7 m) cilia, or of both long and short ones. Microvilli here are absent. Type-4 endings have only microvilli. Two other types of skin receptors do not extend their sensory endings to the surface and can be indentified only in silver-stained preparations. Type-5 endings are branching dendrites of skin receptors cells that terminate among epithelial cells. In type-6, the sensory endings also terminate among epithelial cells but their cell bodies are located outside of the skin. In both species all skin regions examined possess the receptors of all six types differing only in their relative proportion. Possible functional roles of different receptors are discussed.  相似文献   
One of the phenotypic effects of mutation in the Hr gene in mice is disintegration of hair follicles and their degeneration into open funnel-shaped structures (utricles) opened on skin surface and cysts located in the depth of the dermis. The aim of the current study consists in analysis of the process of reparative regeneration of skin in homozygotous mice with one of the mutant alleles of the Hr gene—Hr hr . It is shown that epithelial cells that constitute the inner pavement of cysts take part in the process of epithelization of deep skin wounds. This indicates that the competence of ectodermal cells in relation to inductive signals from injured skin remains in Hr hr homozygote mice, in spite of the significant anatomic abnormalities of the hair follicles.  相似文献   
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) play an important role in intercellular signal transduction through the plasma membrane. RTKs are integral membrane proteins activated upon lateral homo- or heterodimerization involving their transmembrane domain. The polymorphism and mutations in RTK transmembrane (TM) domains are directly associated with a number of human diseases. The family of epidermal growth factor receptors, ErbB, is an important class of RTKs participating in human cell growth, development, and differentiation. In order to investigate the influence of pathogenic mutations in ErbB TM domains on the structural and dynamic properties of these receptors and on specific interactions of their TM domains, we have developed highly effective systems of bacterial expression and purification of recombinant transmembrane fragments ErbB2641–684 with pro-oncogenic substitution of Val659 by Glu or Gln. Transmembrane fragments were obtained in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS as a fusion protein with thioredoxin A. The purification protocol includes immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and cation-exchange chromatography. The application of the protease Thrombin for hybrid protein hydrolysis considerably reduces financial expenditure as compared to the analogous protocols. The described techniques allow obtaining the milligram quantities of ErbB2 transmembrane fragments and its 15N-/[15N, 13C]-isotope-labeled derivatives for the analysis of their spatial structure using high-resolution heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy in a membrane-mimicking milieu.  相似文献   
Despite the ability of most proteins to form amyloid, very little is know about amyloid fibril structures and the factors that govern their stability. Using amyloid fibrils produced from full-length prion protein (PrP), we describe a reliable approach for determining both site-specific and global conformational stability of the fibrillar form. To measure site-specific stability, we produced six variants of PrP by replacing the residues at positions 88, 98, 127, 144, 196, and 230 with cysteine, labeled the new cysteines with the fluorescent dye acrylodan, and investigated their conformational status within the amyloid form in guanidine hydrochloride-induced denaturation experiments. We found that the fibrils labeled at positions 127, 144, 196, and 230 displayed cooperative unfolding and showed a very high C1/2 value similar to that observed for the global unfolding of the amyloid structure. The unfolding at residue 98 was also cooperative; however, it showed a C1/2 value substantially lower than that of global unfolding, whereas the unfolding of fibrils labeled at residue 88 was non-cooperative. These data illustrate that there are at least two independent cooperative folding domains within the amyloid structure of the full-length PrP. In addition, kinetic experiments revealed only a partial overlap between the region that constituted the fibrillar cross-beta core and the regions that were involved in nucleation. This result illustrates that separate PrP regions accounted for the nucleation and for the formation of the conformationally most stable fibrillar core.  相似文献   
The present study investigated a joint contribution of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) genes to ischemic stroke (IS) development and analyzed interactions between MMP genes and genome-wide associated loci for IS. A total of 1288 unrelated Russians (600 IS patients and 688 healthy individuals) from Central Russia were recruited for the study. Genotyping of seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of MMP genes (rs1799750, rs243865, rs3025058, rs11225395, rs17576, rs486055, and rs2276109) and eight genome-wide associated loci for IS were done using Taq-Man–based assays and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry iPLEX platform, respectively. Allele − 799T at rs11225395 of the MMP8 gene was significantly associated with a decreased risk of IS after adjustment for sex and age (OR = 0.82; 95%CI, 0.70-0.96; P = 0.016). The model-based multifactor dimensionality reduction method has revealed 21 two-order, 124 three-order, and 474 four-order gene-gene (G×G) interactions models meaningfully (Pperm < 0.05) associated with the IS risk. The bioinformatic analysis enabled establishing the studied MMP gene polymorphisms possess a clear regulatory potential and may be targeted by gene regulatory networks driving molecular and cellular pathways related to the pathogenesis of IS. In conclusion, the present study was the first to identify an association between polymorphism rs11225395 of the MMP8 gene and IS risk. The study findings also indicate that MMPs deserve special attention as a potential class of genes influencing the multistep mechanisms of cerebrovascular disease including atherosclerosis in cerebral arteries, acute cerebral artery occlusion as well as the ischemic injury of the brain and its recovery.  相似文献   
In recent studies, the amyloid form of recombinant prion protein (PrP) encompassing residues 89-230 (rPrP 89-230) produced in vitro induced transmissible prion disease in mice. These studies showed that unlike "classical" PrP(Sc) produced in vivo, the amyloid fibrils generated in vitro were more proteinase-K sensitive. Here we demonstrate that the amyloid form contains a proteinase K-resistant core composed only of residues 152/153-230 and 162-230. The PK-resistant fragments of the amyloid form are similar to those observed upon PK digestion of a minor subpopulation of PrP(Sc) recently identified in patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Remarkably, this core is sufficient for self-propagating activity in vitro and preserves a beta-sheet-rich fibrillar structure. Full-length recombinant PrP 23-230, however, generates two subpopulations of amyloid in vitro: One is similar to the minor subpopulation of PrP(Sc), and the other to classical PrP(Sc). Since no cellular factors or templates were used for generation of the amyloid fibrils in vitro, we speculate that formation of the subpopulation of PrP(Sc) with a short PK-resistant C-terminal region reflects an intrinsic property of PrP rather than the influence of cellular environments and/or cofactors. Our work significantly increases our understanding of the biochemical nature of prion infectious agents and provides a fundamental insight into the mechanisms of prions biogenesis.  相似文献   
Transmissible spongiform encephalitis (TSE) is a lethal illness with no known treatment. Conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) into the infectious isoform (PrP(Sc)) is believed to be the central event in the development of this disease. Recombinant PrP (rPrP) protein folded into the amyloid conformation was shown to cause the transmissible form of prion disease in transgenic mice and can be used as a surrogate model for PrP(Sc). Here, we introduced a semiautomated assay of in vitro conversion of rPrP protein to the amyloid conformation. We have examined the effect of known inhibitors of prion propagation on this conversion and found good correlation between their activity in this assay and that in other in vitro assays. We thus propose that the conversion of rPrP to the amyloid isoform can serve as a high-throughput screen for possible inhibitors of PrP(Sc) formation and potential anti-TSE drugs.  相似文献   
A study was made of the humoral immune response of BALB/c mice to various doses of artificial proteins that contained biologically active fragments of human interferon 2 (IFN-2) and insulin. The insulin fragment had no effect on the response to any protein construct. The IFN-2 fragment increased the titer of antibodies against the construct. Mapping of continuous B epitopes with immune sera revealed several antigenic determinants, the C end of the IFN-2 fragment with the adjacent de novo protein region being immunodominant. The more effective binding of serum antibodies with the constructs containing the IFN-2 fragment was attributed to antibody interaction with the fragment and to better recognition of the entire protein construct by the immune system.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity of native populations of North Eurasia is investigated using a panel of genetic markers of candidate genes for cold climate adaptation. A high level of within- and between-population variability is detected. Comparative analysis of data on North Eurasian populations combined with data on worldwide populations from the 1000 Genomes and HDGP projects reveals correlations of genetic diversity in candidate genes for cold climate adaptation with key climate parameters, as well as the increase of genetic diversity in markers of this group of genes with the increase of latitude, that is, as modern humans migrated out of Africa. Using the method of searching for extreme empirical values of the coefficient of genetic diversity, signals of directional selection for markers of six genes adaptive to cold (MYOF, LONP2, IFNL4, MKL1, SLC2A12, and CPT1A) are found. The data are discussed in framework of the hypothesis of decanalization of genome–phenome relationships under the pressure of natural selection during human settlement throughout the world.  相似文献   
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