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Plants ofChrysanthemum cv. Lillian Hoek were treated with a paclobutrazol (PBZ) soil drench and histologically examined after 3 months. PBZ application resulted in thicker leaves, reduced stem diameter, and roots with an increased diameter and an unusual segmented appearance. Increased leaf thickness was partly due to an additional layer of palisade mesophyll, although individual palisade cells were shorter, of smaller diameter, and more tightly packed. Spongy mesophyll depth was also greater and the individual cells were more rounded and the volume of intercellular space was reduced. The narrower stems had an increased development of secondary xylem, but had a marked reduction in the number of sclerenchyma bundle caps. Increased root diameter was due to an increase in the number of rows and diameter of cortical cells. In PBZ-treated plants, root cortical cell length was 50–70% less than in untreated plants, and this reduction appeared to be associated with the segmentation of the roots. PBZ inhibited secondary vascular development in the roots. This study is similar to other relevant studies in recording thicker leaves and roots with PBZ application; however, many of the underlying anatomical changes described above have not been previously reported.  相似文献   
Summary Helicotylenchus scoticus n. sp. is described. It was found at an altitude of 660 m on the north-west slope of Sgurr Cos na Breachd-laoidh, Scotland, in a rough grassland consisting predominantly of tufted hair grass (Deschampsia caespitosa). This species is characterized by a relatively long spear and an oesophagus which superficially appears to abut on to the intestine with virtually no overlap. The number of nominal species in the genus Helicotylenchus has increased considerably over recent years and stands now at 154 species. The task of identifying species in this genus using dichotomous keys has become increasingly more difficult. As a practical alternative a compendium is given which uses nine of the most diagnostic characters.  相似文献   
The light activation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (EC and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (EC was inhibited in isolated intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts exposed to reduced osmotic potentials. Decreases in the velocity and magnitude of light activation correlated with the overall reduction in CO2 fixation rates. Responses of osmotically stressed chloroplasts to both varying pH and exogeous dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) or 3-phosphoglycerete (PGA) were examined. In the presence of DHAP, the absolute rate of CO2 fixation was increased and this increase was most pronounced at alkaline pH. Enhanced light activation of these enzymes was also observed under these conditions. However, in the presence of PGA, similar increases in photosynthetic rate and enzyme activation were not evident. Light-dependent stromal alkalization was unaffected by the stress treatments. Inhibition of light activation under hypertonic conditions is discussed in terms of substrate availability, possible alterations of the redox state of ferredoxin and associated electron carriers, and inhibited enzyme-enzyme or enzyme-substrate interactions involved in the light activation process.Abbreviations and symbols DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - s osmotic potential  相似文献   
Urbanisation and agriculture dramatically modify the landscapes available for use by wildlife, affecting key aspects of their ecology such as survival, foraging, predation, competition and reproductive success. Relatively little is known about the effects of urbanisation and agriculture on the genetic structure, gene flow and genetic diversity of wild species. Here, landscape genetic techniques were applied to compare local genetic diversity and gene flow between wood mouse populations in urban and arable landscapes. Using nine microsatellite markers, individuals were genotyped from six arable and seven urban sample sites. Inter‐population genetic differentiation was significantly greater in urban than arable habitat, while allele richness, private allele richness and heterozygosity were higher for arable sample sites, with varying degrees of significance. These suggest that urban habitat was sufficiently fragmented to limit gene flow. To test the effect of landscape features on gene flow, several cost‐distance measures were generated. Overland distance and Euclidean distance correlated best with inter‐population genetic differentiation in arable habitat, whereas distances that accommodated differences in habitat quality better explained differentiation in urban habitat. There was no evidence that margins adjacent to roads, rivers or railways facilitated gene flow. Together, the results indicate that urban landscapes expose wood mice to greater fragmentation in habitat quality than arable areas, leading to greater population isolation that is not mitigated by the presence of dispersal corridors.  相似文献   
Molecular genetic studies have suggested that apparently nonbreeding males ('floaters') may account for a significant proportion of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in avian populations. Attempts to determine the influence of breeding density on EPP are therefore confounded by the presence of a subpopulation of floaters whose numbers are difficult to estimate. To study EPP in a tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) population with few floaters, we chose a nestbox grid on an island with an excess of available breeding sites and very few floaters. We obtained DNA samples from 13 complete families and performed DNA profiling on them using four microsatellite loci. For comparison, we also obtained a sample of 58 extra-pair young (EPY) from a mainland population typed at five microsatellite loci. Paternity assignments among resident males in both populations were made using the microsatellite profiles and a likelihood-based statistical method. Of the 67 island nestlings typed, we found 37 (55%) nestlings from 11 (85%) different nests that were EPY. The proportion of nestlings that were EPY and the proportion of broods containing EPY did not differ significantly between island and mainland populations studied previously. There was no significant difference between island and mainland populations in the proportion of extra-pair paternities assigned among neighbouring resident males. Male breeding density does not appear to affect the ability of female tree swallows to obtain extra-pair fertilizations, at least over the range of densities studied so far. The rate of EPP has remained remarkably consistent over many years, studies and populations implying an important role of active female choice in determining EPP.  相似文献   
North American women have a one in eight lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, and approximately one in three women with breast cancer will die of metastases. We, and others, have recently shown that high levels of expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor Met are associated with invasive human breast cancer and may be causally linked to metastasis. This high level of HGF and Met expression has been considered as a possible indicator of earlier recurrence and shortened survival in breast cancer patients. In contrast, HGF expression (but not Met) is strongly suppressed in normal breast epithelial cells. HGF and Met are therefore candidate targets for therapeutic intervention in the treatment of breast cancer. We have recently demonstrated that sustained activation or hyper-activation of c-Src and Stat3, which occurs in invasive breast cancer, can stimulate strong expression of HGF in carcinoma cells. In contrast, transient induction of Stat3 occurs in normal epithelium and promotes mammary tubulogenesis. We hypothesize that increased autocrine HGF-Met signaling is a critical downstream function of c-Src-Stat3 activation in mammary tumorigenesis. Future studies will identify novel Stat3 consensus sites that regulate HGF promoter activity and HGF expression preferentially in carcinoma cells and could lead to novel therapeutic drugs that specifically block HGF expression in mammary carcinoma cells, and which could be used in combined treatments to abrogate metastasis.  相似文献   
The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) is believed to have been a primary herpetological invader of eastern North America following the most recent period of glacial retreat. We examined the phylogeographic pattern and population structure of P. crucifer to determine whether the distribution of haplotypic variants reflect post-Pleistocene recolonization dynamics. A number of geographically isolated evolutionary lineages were supported by both maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses, and by coalescence approaches applied to mtDNA. South-western Ontario represents a high level of genotypic diversity (pi) due to the presence of two divergent lineages. The geographic distribution of these lineages are interpreted as reflecting post-glacial recolonization dynamics from separate, isolated refugia during the late Pleistocene that have come into secondary contact in SW Ontario. The phylogenetic placement of haplotypes from the range of P. crucifer bartramiana (Florida and South Carolina) does not allow for monophyly of P. crucifer crucifer, and therefore the bartramiana subspecies designation does not reflect a separate evolutionary lineage.  相似文献   
Soil nematode biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A review of the literature on nematode diversity (=number of species identified) of soil inhabiting nematodes was undertaken and analysed with regard to distance from the equator, vegetation type and sampling effort. After applying a correction factor for sampling effort the results indicated that species richness was greatest in temperate broadleaf forest (61.7 species per sample) followed by cultivated soil, grassland, tropical rainforest, temperate coniferous forests and polar vegetation. The maintenance of high biodiversity in cultivated soils is unexpected but may reflect the impact of dominance in calculating many indices. Species richness was greatest between latitudes 30–40° (93.9 species per sample) and least above 70°, the mean richness near the equator (i.e. 0–10°) was 80.6 species per sample. While these data would suggest that nematode diversity is not necessarily greatest at the equator, and evidence to support a 'humped back' theory of species richness is not conclusive, they contradict the suggestion that nematode diversity increases with increased latitude.  相似文献   
Traditional healers in Sarawak, Malaysia, use plants such as Picria fel-terrae, Linariantha bicolor and Lansium domesticum to treat gastrointestinal infections. This study aimed to test whether their nematocidal activities could be confirmed in vitro using highly standardised Caenorhabditis elegans models. We applied eight different ethanol solubilised plant extracts and two commercial anthelmintic drugs to larval and adult stages of C. elegans in vitro. Seven C. elegans strains were evaluated, one wild type and six strains with GFP-tagged stress response pathways to help characterise and compare the pathways affected by plant extracts. Our in vitro screen confirmed that both of the commercial anthelmintic drugs and five of the eight traditionally used plant extracts had significant nematocidal activity against both larval and adult C. elegans. The most effective extracts were from P. fel-terrae. The plant extracts triggered different stress response pathways from the commercial anthelmintic drugs. This study showed that using traditional knowledge of plant medicinal properties in combination with a C. elegans in vitro screen provided a rapid and economical test with a high hit rate compared with the random screening of plants for nematocidal activities. The use of transgenic C. elegans strains may allow this approach to be refined further to investigate the mode of action of active extracts.  相似文献   
The Chitty hypothesis proposes that the demographic changes occurring in microtine cycles are mediated by natural selection operating on the genetic composition of the population. Implicit in this hypothesis is the assumption that a suite of life-history traits is simultaneously undergoing selection and that these traits are strongly heritable. We tested this in two ways: first, by determining whether the year-to-year differences in phenotypes in fluctuating meadow vole populations in the field are maintained in samples of young animals raised in the laboratory, and second, whether the variation seen in the field has a heritable basis as determined by half-sib analysis. Parents were obtained in the springs of successive years from a fluctuating meadow vole population. These animals were bred in small field enclosures, and their progeny were raised in the laboratory. Animals raised in the laboratory differed significantly from those in the natural field population. In the field, young from the year when population size was increasing grew more rapidly than those from the peak year; in the laboratory, the opposite occurred. The ages at sexual maturity showed similar differences. Heritability analysis was performed on body weight, growth rate, and age and weight at sexual maturity. Virtually all these traits showed significant dam effects, but small or nonexistant sire effects. Thus, most of the variation was nongenetic in origin; maternal and other environmental effects were of overriding importance. We conclude that the heritabilities of these traits in nature are usually lower than necessary for natural selection to operate in the time frames characteristic of microtine cycles.  相似文献   
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