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Efforts to increase affinity in the design of new therapeutic molecules have tended to lead to greater lipophilicity, a factor that is generally agreed to be contributing to the low success rate of new drug candidates. Our aim is to provide a structural perspective to the study of lipophilic efficiency and to compare molecular interactions created over evolutionary time with those designed by humans. We show that natural complexes typically engage in more polar contacts than synthetic molecules bound to proteins. The synthetic molecules also have a higher proportion of unmatched heteroatoms at the interface than the natural sets. These observations suggest that there are lessons to be learnt from Nature, which could help us to improve the characteristics of man-made molecules. In particular, it is possible to increase the density of polar contacts without increasing lipophilicity and this is best achieved early in discovery while molecules remain relatively small.  相似文献   
Alignment of the sequences, the identification of conserved residue patterns and secondary structure predictions indicate that the extra-cellular regions of the human and Drosophila epidermal growth factor (EGF), c-erb-B2 and human insulin receptors each contain two large, homologous domains (L) which are probably comprised of at least four short alpha-helices followed by turns of conserved length and beta-strands. In the human and Drosophila EGF and c-erb-B2 receptors these homologous domains are each followed by a series of smaller cystine-rich domains (S) to give a gene-duplicated structure of L1S11S12S13L2S21S22S23. In the human insulin receptor, the second series of cystine domains is replaced by a different sequence. These duplicated structures are probably organised as a pseudo-symmetrical dimer. There are two 'hyper-variable' regions, one at the end of the large domains and one in the cystine-rich sequences, which are candidates for hormone or growth-factor binding.  相似文献   
Structure and evolution of insulins: implications for receptor binding.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Insulin is a member of a family of hormones, growth factors and neuropeptides which are found in both vertebrates and invertebrates. A common 'insulin fold' is probably adopted by all family members. Although the specificities of receptor binding are different, there is a possibility of co-evolution of polypeptides and their receptors.  相似文献   
We report the X-ray analysis at 2.0 A resolution for crystals of the aspartic proteinase endothiapepsin (EC complexed with a potent difluorostatone-containing tripeptide renin inhibitor (CP-81,282). The scissile bond surrogate, an electrophilic ketone, is hydrated in the complex. The pro-(R) (statine-like) hydroxyl of the tetrahedral carbonyl hydrate is hydrogen-bonded to both active-site aspartates 32 and 215 in the position occupied by a water in the native enzyme. The second hydroxyl oxygen of the hydrate is hydrogen-bonded only to the outer oxygen of Asp 32. These experimental data provide a basis for a model of the tetrahedral intermediate in aspartic proteinase-mediated cleavage of the amide bond. This indicates a mechanism in which Asp 32 is the proton donor and Asp 215 carboxylate polarizes a bound water for nucleophilic attack. The mechanism involves a carboxylate (Asp 32) that is stabilized by extensive hydrogen bonding, rather than an oxyanion derivative of the peptide as in serine proteinase catalysis.  相似文献   
Inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli M.R.E. 600 by six different metal salts was accompanied by a greater decrease in the synthesis of RNA than in that of protein. The action of cobalt chloride was exceptional; inhibited cells made an excess of RNA to an extent depending on the concentration of Co(2+), the time of incubation and the concentration of Mg(2+) in the medium. Preferential synthesis of RNA in the presence of cobalt chloride was not confined to E. coli but occurred to various extents in some, but not all, of the other micro-organisms that were tested. Possible reasons for the special effect of Co(2+) are discussed.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of endothiapepsin, a fungal aspartic proteinase (EC, cocrystallized with two oligopeptide renin inhibitors, PD125967 and PD125754, have been determined at 2.0-A resolution and refined to R-factors of 0.143 and 0.153, respectively. These inhibitors, which are of the hydroxyethylene and statine types, respectively, possess a cyclohexylalanine side chain at P1 and have interesting functionalities at the P3 position which, until now, have not been subjected to crystallographic analysis. PD125967 has a bis(1-naphthylmethyl)acetyl residue at P3, and PD125754 possesses a hydroxyethylene analogue of the P3-P2 peptide bond for proteolytic stability. The structures reveal that the S3 pocket accommodates one naphthyl ring with conformational changes of the Asp 77 and Asp 114 side chains, the other naphthyl group residing in the S4 region. The P3-P2 hydroxyethylene analogue of PD125754 forms a hydrogen bond with the NH of Thr 219, thereby making the same interaction with the enzyme as the equivalent peptide groups of all inhibitors studied so far. The absence of side chains at the P2 and P1' positions of this inhibitor allows water molecules to occupy the respective pockets in the complex. The relative potencies of PD125967 and PD125754 for endothiapepsin are consistent with the changes in solvent-accessible area which take place on inhibitor binding.  相似文献   
Porphobilinogen deaminase, the polymerase that catalyses the synthesis of preuroporphyrinogen, the linear tetrapyrrole precursor of uroporphyrinogen III, has been crystallized from sodium acetate buffer with polyethylene glycol 6000 as precipitant. The crystals are orthorhombic and the space group is P2(1)2(1)2, with unit cell dimensions a = 88.01 A, b = 75.86 A, c = 50.53 A and alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees, indicating a single molecule of 34 kDa in the asymmetric unit. The crystals grow to dimensions of 1 mm x 2 mm x 0.5 mm within two weeks in the dark and are stable in the X-ray beam for at least 40 hours. Diffraction data beyond 1.7 A resolution, observed with a synchrotron radiation source, indicate that a high resolution structure analysis is feasible.  相似文献   
Inhibitor-complexed crystals of mouse and human renins suitable for X-ray analysis have been prepared. The mouse renin is complexed with a non-hydrolysable decapeptide analogue of rat angiotensinogen containing a hydroxyethylene isostere in place of the scissile bond. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P2(1) with cell dimensions a = 78.3 A, b = 117.8 A, c = 85.9 A, beta = 101.18 degrees containing four molecules per asymmetric unit. The human renin is fully glycosylated and complexed with a tetrapeptide containing norstatine. The complex crystallises in the cubic space group P2(1)3 with a = 143.1 A and has two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The rotation function of the mouse renin complex indicates pseudo 222 symmetry while that of human renin indicates a pseudo 2-fold axis. Full structural analyses of the two complexes are underway.  相似文献   
Nerve growth factor (NGF), like many other growth factors and hormones, binds to two different receptor molecules on responsive cells. The product of the proto-oncogene trk, p140trk, is a tyrosine kinase receptor that has been identified as a signal-transducing receptor for NGF, while the role of the low affinity NGF receptor, p75NGFR, in signal transduction is less clear. The crystal structure of NGF has recently been determined, although structures involved in receptor binding and biological activity are unknown. Here we show that Lys-32, Lys-34, and Lys-95 form a positively charged interface involved in binding to p75NGFR. Simultaneous modification of Lys-32 with either of the two other lysines resulted in loss of binding to p75NGFR. Despite the lack of binding to p75NGFR, these mutants retained binding to p140trk and biological activity, demonstrating a functional dissociation between the two NGF receptors.  相似文献   
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