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The dominant cecal bacteria in the high-arctic Svalbard reindeer were characterized, their population densities were estimated, and cecal pH was determined in summer, when food quality and availability is good, and in winter, when it is very poor. In summer the total culturable viable bacterial population was (8.9 +/- 5.3) X 10(8) cells ml-1, whereas in winter it was (1.5 +/- 0.7) X 10(8) cells ml-1, representing a decrease to 17% of the summer population density. Of the dominant species of cultured bacteria, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens represented 23% in summer and 18% in winter. Streptococcus bovis represented 17% in summer and 5% in winter. Bacteroides ruminicola represented 10% in summer and 26% in winter. In summer and winter, respectively, the proportion of the viable population showing the following activities was as follows: fiber digestion, 36 and 48%; cellulolysis, 10 and 6%; xylanolysis, 33 and 48%; and starch utilization, 77 and 71%. The most abundant cellulolytic species in summer was Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, representing 62% of the total cellulolytic population, and in winter it was Ruminococcus albus, representing 80% of the total cellulolytic population. The most abundant xylanolytic species in summer was Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and in winter it was Bacteroides ruminicola, representing 59 and 54% of the xylanolytic isolates in summer and winter, respectively. The cecal bacterial of the Svalbard reindeer have the ability to digest starch and the major structural carbohydrates of the diet that are not digested in the rumen. The cecum in these animals has the potential to contribute very substantially to the digestion of the available plant material in both summer and winter.  相似文献   
The dominant rumen bacteria in high-arctic Svalbard reindeer were characterized, their population densities were estimated, and ruminal pH was determined in summer, when food quality and availability are good, and in winter, when they are poor. In summer the total cultured viable population density was (2.09 +/- 1.26) X 10(10) cells ml-1, whereas in winter it was (0.36 +/- 0.29) X 10(10) cells ml-1, representing a decrease to 17% of the summer population density. On culture, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens represented 22% of the bacterial population in summer and 30% in winter. Streptococcus bovis represented 17% of the bacterial population in summer but only 4% in winter. Methanogenic bacteria were present at 10(4) cells ml-1 in summer and 10(7) cells ml-1 in winter. In summer and winter, respectively, the proportions of the viable population showing the following activities were as follows: starch utilization, 68 and 63%; fiber digestion, 31 and 74%; cellulolysis, 15 and 35%; xylanolysis, 30 and 58%; proteolysis, 51 and 28%; ureolysis, 40 and 54%; and lactate utilization, 13 and 4%. The principal cellulolytic bacterium was B. fibrisolvens, which represented 66 and 52% of the cellulolytic population in summer and winter, respectively. The results indicate that the microflora of the rumen of Svalbard reindeer is highly effective in fiber digestion and nitrogen metabolism, allowing the animals to survive under the austere nutritional conditions typical of their high-arctic habitat.  相似文献   
Forearm glucose uptake (FGU) was studied during 100 g oral glucose tolerance tests (GTT) in nonobese, nondiabetic men who had suffered a myocardial infarction (MI) at or before the age of 40, and the results compared with the response in age-matched normal men. In the MI group the rise in both glucose and insulin concentrations after glucose loading was similar to that in normal subjects, although in the former, peak levels tended to be slightly higher. Concomitant FGU, however, was significantly greater in the MI group than in control subjects in the period 0-90 min and in the test as a whole (0-180 min). The results show that at least in some nondiabetics suffering MI at an early age hyperinsulinism is not a feature and peripheral tissue sensitivity is increased.  相似文献   
The mammalian response to hypothermia is increased metabolic heat production, usually by way of muscular activity, such as shivering. Seals, however, have been reported to respond to diving with hypothermia, which in other mammals under other circumstances would have elicited vigorous shivering. In the diving situation, shivering could be counterproductive, because it obviously would increase oxygen consumption and therefore reduce diving capacity. We have measured the electromyographic (EMG) activity of three different muscles and the rectal and brain temperature of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) while they were exposed to low ambient temperatures in a climatic chamber and while they performed a series of experimental dives in cold water. In air, the seals had a normal mammalian shivering response to cold. Muscles were recruited in a sequential manner until body temperature stopped dropping. Shivering was initiated when rectal temperature fell below 35.3 +/- 0.6 degrees C (n = 6). In the hypothermic diving seal, however, the EMG activity in all of the muscles that had been shivering vigorously before submergence was much reduced, or stopped altogether, whereas it increased again upon emergence but was again reduced if diving was repeated. We conclude that shivering is inhibited during diving to allow a decrease in body temperature whereby oxygen consumption is decreased and diving capacity is extended.  相似文献   
B. Gruber  L. Cohen  P.M. Blix 《Steroids》1982,39(5):479-495
Rat skeletal muscle cytosol proteins bound 3H-diethylstilbestrol (3H-DES). More than 90% of this binding was high capacity and low affinity. Serum albumin accounted for roughly 50–60% of the binding, as evidenced by its precipitation with anti-rat albumin IgG. About half of the binding was distinguishable from albumin and other serum proteins by its precipitation in 40% saturated ammonium sulfate. This material sedimented at 4–5S in high-salt sucrose gradients, and resolved into two components (8S and 4–5S) in low-salt. Following incubation at 23–27°C for one hour, 2% of the bound 3H-DES in whole cytosol (approximately 2 fmole/mg cytosol protein) was retained by DNA-cellulose, and was eluted with 0.6 M KCl. This small fraction of the total binding was inhibited by estrogens and DES analogues: estradiol-17β, DES, dienestrol, and hexestrol were strong inhibitors; isodienestrol, dimethylstilbestrol, estradiol-17α, estrone, tamoxifen, MER-25, CI-628, and nafoxidine were weak inhibitors; dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, and prednisone did not compete. These observations indicate that specific estrogen-binding sites exist in rat skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Isotopic analyses of the incrementally growing baleen in Mysticeti have been used to learn about their feeding and movement patterns. Using methods previously applied to Pacific minke whales, stable δ15N and δ13C isotope values were measured along the baleen plates of male and female minke whales from two locations in the Northeast Atlantic. The sample sizes used in this study are comparable to those previously used in the literature, and, although limited in size, the evidence suggests differences in isotopic signatures between whales caught at different locations. Both the δ15N and δ13C data suggest whales at the higher latitude site of Svalbard have a narrower diet than the whales from Lofoten/Vesterålen in Norway. Across all whales, the δ15N data indicate the whales primarily prey on fish for much of the year, only switching to zooplankton during the spring bloom. The δ13C data fail to confirm whether the whales migrate over long distances.  相似文献   
Eight adult female harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) of the White Sea–Barents Sea stock were tagged with satellite-linked dive recorders during the nursing period and followed from breeding in late February 1995 until moulting in late April 1995. Another ten adult harp seals of both sexes were tagged and followed from moult in early May 1996 until breeding in late February the following year. Between breeding and moult the seals were distributed along the coasts of Kola of Russia and eastern Finnmark of Norway, coinciding in time and space with the spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus). Between moulting and breeding they encircled the entire Barents Sea, mostly in open water, using the water column from 20 to 300 m, and in so doing by and large reflecting the annual migrations of the capelin. Capelin is therefore assumed to be the main source of prey for the White Sea–Barents Sea stock of harp seals, to be substituted, in part, by amphipods (e.g. Themisto libellula) in mid-summer and polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and herring (Clupea pallasii) in late autumn and winter. These data provide a baseline for the evaluation of the effects of future climatic change in the rich Barents Sea ecosystem.  相似文献   
Pinnipeds rely on muscle oxygen stores to help support aerobic diving, therefore muscle maturation may influence the behavioral ecology of young pinnipeds. To investigate the pattern of muscle development, myoglobin concentration ([Mb]) and acid buffering ability (β) was measured in ten muscles from 23 harp and 40 hooded seals of various ages. Adult [Mb] ranged from 28–97 to 35–104 mg g tissue−1 in harp and hooded seals, respectively, with values increasing from the cervical, non-swimming muscles to the main swimming muscles of the lumbar region. Neonatal and weaned pup muscles exhibited lower (~30% adult values) and less variable [Mb] across the body than adults. In contrast, adult β showed little regional variation (60–90 slykes), while high pup values (~75% adult values) indicate significant in utero development. These findings suggest that intra-uterine conditions are sufficiently hypoxic to stimulate prenatal β development, but that [Mb] development requires additional postnatal signal such as exercise, and/or growth factors. However, because of limited development in both β and [Mb] during the nursing period, pups are weaned with muscles with lower aerobic and anaerobic capacities than those of adults.  相似文献   
Satellite-linked dive recorders were used to collect data on depths and durations of ∼120,000 dives by 16 hooded seals (Cystophora cristata). Following tagging after moult (four males, eight females) and breeding (four females) off east Greenland, seals dispersed widely in the northeast Atlantic during 172 ± 97 days (mean satellite-linked dive recorder lifetime ± SD). Meso/bathypelagic dives of 5- to 25-min duration to 100–600 m dominated (75%), but some very deep (≥1016 m) and long (>52 min) dives occurred. Diving in open ocean was continuous, with an estimated 90.7±0.8% (mean±SE) of time spent submerged. The proportion of time spent submerged was similar during night and day, but dives during the day were generally deeper and longer (P < 0.05) than during the night. Also, dives in winter were deeper and longer than in summer. Published data on the distribution of likely prey suggest that Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), redfish (Sebastes spp.), polar cod (Boreogadus saida), herring (Clupea harengus), squid (Gonatus fabricii) and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) are important prey of hooded seals. Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   
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