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Progesterone is essential for maintaining pregnancy, and several authors have suggested that low peripheral concentrations of progesterone may be responsible for high rates of embryonic loss. The primary organ involved in the catabolism of progesterone is the liver, and cytochrome P450 2C and 3A sub-families account for a large proportion of this catabolism. Elucidating a mechanism to decrease progesterone catabolism, thereby increasing embryonic and uterine exposure to progesterone, seems a logical approach to ameliorate high rates of embryonic loss. The objectives of the current experiment were to determine the pattern of insulin secretion after supplementing feed with either sodium acetate or sodium propionate and to determine any association between the differential patterns of insulin secretion with the hepatic activity of cytochrome P450 2C and 3A and progesterone clearance. Sixteen ovariectomized ewes were fed 3 kg/day for 10 days of a diet consisting of 50% corn silage, 38% triticale haylage, 12% soybean meal and 600 ml of 3.5 M sodium acetate (energy control; n = 8) or 2.0 M sodium propionate (gluconeogenic substrate; n = 8). Equal portions of the ration (1 kg as-fed basis along with 200 ml of 3.5 M sodium acetate or 2.0 M sodium propionate) were offered three times daily at 0600, 1400 and 2200 h. Concentrations of insulin in plasma were determined immediately before feeding and at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 min after feeding. Progesterone clearance from peripheral circulation (ng/ml per min) was measured by giving a 5 mg injection of progesterone into the left jugular vein and collecting blood via the right jugular vein at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 and 30 min afterwards. Liver biopsies were taken 1 h after feeding to determine cytochrome P450 2C and 3A activities. Insulin concentrations in ewes supplemented with sodium propionate were elevated at 15, 30 and 60 min after feeding compared to the sodium acetate group. Cytochrome P450 2C and 3A activities were decreased 1 h after feeding in the sodium propionate-treated ewes relative to sodium acetate. Insulin appears to down-regulate cytochrome P450 activity, which could be used to decrease the catabolism of progesterone during early gestation, thereby increasing peripheral concentrations of progesterone and, consequently, embryonic exposure to progesterone.  相似文献   
Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs), the cytosolic proteins involved in the maintenance of cellular iron homeostasis, bind to stem loop structures found in the mRNA of key proteins involved iron uptake, storage, and metabolism and regulate the expression of these proteins in response to changes in cellular iron needs. We have shown previously that HFE-expressing fWTHFE/tTA HeLa cells have slightly increased transferrin receptor levels and dramatically reduced ferritin levels when compared to the same clonal cell line without HFE (Gross et al., 1998, J Biol Chem 273:22068-22074). While HFE does not alter transferrin receptor trafficking or non-transferrin mediated iron uptake, it does specifically reduce (55)Fe uptake from transferrin (Roy et al., 1999, J Biol Chem 274:9022-9028). In this report, we show that IRP RNA binding activity is increased by up to 5-fold in HFE-expressing cells through the activation of both IRP isoforms. Calcein measurements show a 45% decrease in the intracellular labile iron pool in HFE-expressing cells, which is in keeping with the IRP activation. These results all point to the direct effect of the interaction of HFE with transferrin receptor in lowering the intracellular labile iron pool and establishing a new set point for iron regulation within the cell.  相似文献   
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus is one among the major zoonosis viral diseases that use the Hyalomma ticks as their transmission vector to cause viral infection to the human and mammalian community. The fatality of infectious is high across the world especially in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Europe. This study regarding codon usage bias of S, M, and L segments of the CCHF virus pertaining to the host Homo sapiens, reveals in-depth information about the evolutionary characteristics of CCHFV. Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU), Effective number of codons (ENC) were calculated, to determine the codon usage pattern in each segment. Correlation analysis between Codon adaptation index (CAI), GRAVY (Hydrophobicity), AROMO (Aromaticity), and nucleotide composition revealed bias in the codon usage pattern. There was no strong codon bias found among any segments of the CCHF virus, indicating both the factors i.e., natural selection and mutational pressure shapes the codon usage bias.  相似文献   
Urate oxidase is not present in birds yet allantoin, a product of this enzyme, has been measured in birds. Studies were designed to compare the concentrations of plasma purine derivatives in chickens and turkeys fed inosine-supplemented diets. The first study consisted of 12 male chicks that were fed diets supplemented with 0.6 mol inosine or hypoxanthine per kilogram diet from 3- to 6-week-old. Study 2 consisted of 12 turkey poults (toms) fed inosine-supplemented diets (0.7 mol/kg) from 6- to 8-week-old. Plasma allantoin and oxypurines concentrations were measured weekly using high performance liquid chromatography. Plasma uric acid (PUA) in chickens fed inosine-supplemented diets increased from 0.31 to 1.34 mM (P<0.05) at the end of week 2. In turkeys, those fed control diet had 0.17 mM PUA concentration compared to 0.3 mM in those fed the inosine diet at week 2 (P<0.05). Allantoin concentration increased in chickens from week 1 to 2 while a decrease was observed in turkeys (P<0.005) for both treatments. These data show that allantoin is present in turkey and chicken plasma. The presence of allantoin in avian plasma is consistent with uric acid acting as an antioxidant in these species.  相似文献   


The main problem of tremor is the damage caused to the quality of the life of patients, especially those at more advanced ages. There is not a consensus yet about the origins of this disorder, but it can be examined in the correlations between the biological signs of aging and the tremor characteristics.  相似文献   
Melioidosis is an emerging, potentially fatal disease caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, which requires prolonged antibiotic treatment to prevent disease relapse. However, difficulties in laboratory diagnosis of melioidosis may delay treatment and affect disease outcomes. Isolation of B. pseudomallei from clinical specimens has been improved with the use of selective media. However, even with positive cultures, identification of B. pseudomallei can be difficult in clinical microbiology laboratories, especially in non-endemic areas where clinical suspicion is low. Commercial identification systems may fail to distinguish between B. pseudomallei and closely related species such as Burkholderia thailandensis. Genotypic identification of suspected isolates can be achieved by sequencing of gene targets such as groEL which offer higher discriminative power than 16S rRNA. Specific PCR-based identification of B. pseudomallei has also been developed using B. pseudomallei-specific gene targets such as Type III secretion system and Tat-domain protein. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, a revolutionary technique for pathogen identification, has been shown to be potentially useful for rapid identification of B. pseudomallei, although existing databases require optimization by adding reference spectra for B. pseudomallei. Despite these advances in bacterial identification, diagnostic problems encountered in culture-negative cases remain largely unresolved. Although various serological tests have been developed, they are generally unstandardized “in house” assays and have low sensitivities and specificities. Although specific PCR assays have been applied to direct clinical and environmental specimens, the sensitivities for diagnosis remain to be evaluated. Metabolomics is an uprising tool for studying infectious diseases and may offer a novel approach for exploring potential diagnostic biomarkers. The metabolomics profiles of B. pseudomallei culture supernatants can be potentially distinguished from those of related bacterial species including B. thailandensis. Further studies using bacterial cultures and direct patient samples are required to evaluate the potential of metabolomics for improving diagnosis of melioidosis.  相似文献   
In wetlands the effects of fire on vegetation dynamics are somewhat uncertain. A change detection analysis in the herbaceous wetlands of KwaMbonambi, South Africa, which were subject to frequent fires, revealed that in 1937 the study area comprised grassland (69%), herbaceous wetland (25%), indigenous swamp forest (4%) and tree plantations (1%). However, by 1970, tree plantations occupied 78% of the landscape and grasslands and herbaceous wetlands had declined to 9% and 6%, respectively, whereas indigenous swamp forest had increased to 6%. By 2009 tree plantations had been removed from the wetland areas. Despite this opportunity for herbaceous wetlands to recover their historical extent, they decreased to only 2%, mostly changing to indigenous swamp forest or to an herbaceous/fern (Stenochlaena tenuifolia)/woodland mosaic. Fire records showed suppression of fire to be an important contributing factor, particularly in wetlands that had been disturbed by tree plantations, although subsequently removed. A pilot burning experiment revealed that S. tenuifolia did not inhibit fire. It is therefore practicable to increase fire frequency to prevent the mosaic developing into forest. A conceptual model of the influence of fire regime on wetland vegetation type is presented and priorities for further research on wetlands and fire are recommended.  相似文献   


Thalidomide is an immunomodulatory agent, which arrests angiogenesis. The mechanism of anti-angiogenic activity of thalidomide is not fully understood. As nitric oxide is involved in angiogenesis, we speculate a cross-talk between thalidomide and nitric oxide signaling pathway to define angiogenesis. The aim of present study is to understand the mechanistic aspects of thalidomide-mediated attenuation of angiogenesis induced by nitric oxide at the cellular level.  相似文献   
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, innately avoids even low levels of CO2. CO2 is part of the so-called Drosophila stress odor produced by stressed flies, but also a byproduct of fermenting fruit, a main food source, making the strong avoidance behavior somewhat surprising. Therefore, we addressed whether feeding states might influence the fly’s behavior and processing of CO2. In a recent report, we showed that this innate behavior is differentially processed and modified according to the feeding state of the fly. Interestingly, we found that hungry flies require the function of the mushroom body, a higher brain center required for olfactory learning and memory, but thought to be dispensable for innate olfactory behaviors. In addition, we anatomically and functionally characterized a novel bilateral projection neuron connecting the CO2 sensory input to the mushroom body. This neuron was essential for processing of CO2 in the starved fly but not in the fed fly. In this Extra View article, we provide evidence for the potential involvement of the neuromodulator dopamine in state-dependent CO2 avoidance behavior. Taken together, our work demonstrates that CO2 avoidance behavior is mediated by alternative neural pathways in a context-dependent manner. Furthermore, it shows that the mushroom body is not only involved in processing of learned olfactory behavior, as previously suggested, but also in context-dependent innate olfaction.  相似文献   
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