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Generation of a transmembrane gradient of Na+ in Methanosarcina barkeri   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A transmembrane Na+ gradient was generated by Methanosarcina barkeri during methanogenesis. The intracellular Na+ concentration amounted to approximately one fifth of the extracellular one. A secondary Na+/H+ antiport system was shown to be responsible for Na+ extrusion. This system could be inhibited by amiloride. In the presence of amiloride the delta pH across the cytoplasmic membrane increased and a transmembrane Na+ gradient could neither be generated nor maintained. The possible role of Na+ in the oxidation of methanol to the level of formaldehyde is discussed.  相似文献   
Methanogenesis from methyl-CoM and H2, as catalyzed by inside-out vesicle preparations of the methanogenenic bacterium strain G?1, was associated with ATP synthesis. That this ATP synthesis proceeded via an uncoupler-sensitive transmembrane proton gradient was concluded from the following results: 1. Various inhibitors that affected methane formation (e.g. 2-bromomethanesulfonate) also prevented ATP synthesis. 2. The protonophore 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzylidenemalononitrile, in combination with the K+ ionophore valinomycin, inhibited ATP synthesis completely without affecting methanogenesis. 3. The ATP synthase inhibitor diethylstilbestrol inhibited ATP synthesis. 4. Addition of the detergent sulfobetaine inhibited both methane formation and ATP synthesis; the former but not the latter could be restored by adding titanium(III) citrate as electron donor. In addition it was shown that ATP synthesis could also be driven by transmembrane proton gradients artificially imposed on the vesicles. Furthermore net methanogenesis-dependent ATP formation was shown by measuring [32P]phosphate incorporation.  相似文献   
The distribution of the F420-reactive and F420-nonreactive hydrogenases from the methylotrophic Methanosarcina strain Gö1 indicated a membrane association of the F420-nonreactive enzyme. The membrane-bound F420-nonreactive hydrogenase was purified 42-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity with a yield of 26.7%. The enzyme had a specific activity of 359 mol H2 oxidized · min-1 · mg protein-1. The purification procedure involved dispersion of the membrane fraction with the detergent Chaps followed by anion exchange, hydrophobic and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The aerobically prepared enzyme had to be reactivated anaerobically. Maximal activity was observed at 80°C. The molecular mass as determined by native gel electrophoresis and gel filtration was 77000 and 79000, respectively. SDS gel electrophoresis revealed two polypeptides with molecular masses of 60000 and 40000 indicating a 1:1 stoichiometry. The purified enzyme contained 13.3 mol S2-, 15.1 mol Fe and 0.8 mol Ni/mol enzyme. Flavins were not detected. The amino acid sequence of the N-termini of the subunits showed a higher degree of homology to cubacterial uptake-hydrogenases than to F420-dependent hydrogenases from other methanogenic bacteria. The physiological function of the F420-nonreactive hydrogenase from Methanosarcina strain Gö1 is discussed.Abbreviations transmembrane electrochemical gradient of H- - CoM-SH 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate - F420 (N-l-lactyl--l-glutamyl)-l-glutamic acid phospodiester of 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin-5-phosphate - F420H2 reduced F420 - HTP-SH 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate - Mb. Methanobacterium - PMSF phenylmethyl-sulfonylfluoride - Cl3AcOH trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   
The human fecal anaerobe Eubacterium ramulus is capable of degrading various flavonoids, including the flavone naringenin. The first step in the proposed degradation pathway is the isomerization of naringenin to the corresponding chalcone. Cell-free extracts of E. ramulus displayed chalcone isomerase activity. The enzyme from E. ramulus was purified to homogeneity. Its apparent molecular mass was estimated to be 136 and 129 kDa according to gel filtration and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Chalcone isomerase is composed of one type of subunit of 30 kDa. The purified enzyme catalyzed the isomerization of naringenin chalcone, isoliquiritigenin, and butein, three chalcones that differ in their hydroxylation pattern. N-bromosuccinimide, but also naringenin and phloretin, inhibited the purified enzyme considerably. This is the first report on a bacterial chalcone isomerase. The physiological function of the purified enzyme is unclear, but an involvement in the conversion of the flavanone naringenin to the chalcone is proposed.  相似文献   
Methanogenesis from methanol by cell suspensions of Methanosarcina barkeri was inhibited by the uncoupler tetrachlorosalicylanilide. This inhibition was reversed by the addition of formaldehyde. 14C labeling experiments revealed that methanol served exclusively as the electron acceptor, whereas formaldehyde was mainly oxidized to CO2 under these conditions. These data support the hypothesis (M. Blaut and G. Gottschalk, Eur. J. Biochem. 141: 217-222, 1984) that the first step in methanol oxidation depends on the proton motive force or a product thereof. Cell extracts of M. barkeri converted methanol and formaldehyde to methane under an H2 atmosphere. Under an N2 atmosphere, however, formaldehyde was disproportionated to CH4 and CO2, whereas methanol was metabolized to a very small extent only, irrespective of the presence of ATP. It was concluded that cell extracts of M. barkeri are not able to oxidize methanol. In further experiments, the sodium dependence of methanogenesis and ATP formation by whole cells was investigated. Methane formation from methanol alone and the corresponding increase in the intracellular ATP content were strictly dependent on Na+. If, in contrast, methanol was utilized together with H2, methane and ATP were synthesized in the absence of Na+. The same is true for the disproportionation of formaldehyde to methane and carbon dioxide. From these experiments, it is concluded that in M. barkeri, Na+ is involved not in the process of ATP synthesis but in the first step of methanol oxidation.  相似文献   
16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were designed for butyrate-producing bacteria from human feces. Three new cluster-specific probes detected bacteria related to Roseburia intestinalis, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, and Eubacterium hallii at mean populations of 2.3, 3.8, and 0.6%, respectively, in samples from 10 individuals. Additional species-level probes accounted for no more than 1%, with a mean of 7.7%, of the total human fecal microbiota identified as butyrate producers in this study. Bacteria related to E. hallii and the genera Roseburia and Faecalibacterium are therefore among the most abundant known butyrate-producing bacteria in human feces.  相似文献   
A plasmid marker rescue system based on restoration of the nptII gene was established in Streptococcus gordonii to study the transfer of bacterial and transgenic plant DNA by transformation. In vitro studies revealed that the marker rescue efficiency depends on the type of donor DNA. Plasmid and chromosomal DNA of bacteria as well as DNA of transgenic potatoes were transferred with efficiencies ranging from 8.1 x 10(-6) to 5.8 x 10(-7) transformants per nptII gene. Using a 792-bp amplification product of nptII the efficiency was strongly decreased (9.8 x 10(-9)). In blood sausage, marker rescue using plasmid DNA was detectable (7.9 x 10(-10)), whereas in milk heat-inactivated horse serum (HHS) had to be added to obtain an efficiency of 2.7 x 10(-11). No marker rescue was detected in extracts of transgenic potatoes despite addition of HHS. In vivo transformation of S. gordonii LTH 5597 was studied in monoassociated rats by using plasmid DNA. No marker rescue could be detected in vivo, although transformation was detected in the presence of saliva and fecal samples supplemented with HHS. It was also shown that plasmid DNA persists in rat saliva permitting transformation for up to 6 h of incubation. It is suggested that the lack of marker rescue is due to the absence of competence-stimulating factors such as serum proteins in rat saliva.  相似文献   
Eubacterium cellulosolvens cleaved the flavone C-glucosides homoorientin and isovitexin to their aglycones luteolin and apigenin, respectively. The corresponding isomers, orientin and vitexin, or other polyphenolic C-glucosides were not deglycosylated. E. cellulosolvens also cleaved several O-coupled glucosides of flavones and isoflavones to their corresponding aglycones.  相似文献   
16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were designed for butyrate-producing bacteria from human feces. Three new cluster-specific probes detected bacteria related to Roseburia intestinalis, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, and Eubacterium hallii at mean populations of 2.3, 3.8, and 0.6%, respectively, in samples from 10 individuals. Additional species-level probes accounted for no more than 1%, with a mean of 7.7%, of the total human fecal microbiota identified as butyrate producers in this study. Bacteria related to E. hallii and the genera Roseburia and Faecalibacterium are therefore among the most abundant known butyrate-producing bacteria in human feces.  相似文献   
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