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The three-dimensional crystal structure of the DNA/RNA nonspecific endonuclease from Serratia marcescens was refined at the resolution of 1.07 A to R factor of 12.4% and Rfree factor of 15.3% using the anisotropic approximation. The structure includes 3924 non-hydrogen atoms, 715 protein-bound water molecules, and a Mg2+ ion in each binding site of each subunit of the nuclease homodimeric globular molecule. The 3D topological model of the enzyme was revealed, the inner symmetry of the monomers in its N- and C-termini was found, and the local environment of the magnesium cofactor in the nuclease active site was defined. Mg2+ ion was found to be bound to the Asn119 residue and surrounded by five associated water molecules that form an octahedral configuration. The coordination distances for the water molecules and the O delta 1 atom of Asn119 were shown to be within a range of 2.01-2.11 A. The thermal factors for the magnesium ion in subunits are 7.08 and 4.60 A2, and the average thermal factors for the surrounding water molecules are 11.14 and 10.30 A2, respectively. The region of the nuclease subunit interactions was localized, and the alternative side chain conformations were defined for 51 amino acid residues of the nuclease dimer.  相似文献   
The oligopeptide permease (Opp) of Escherichia coli is an ATP-binding cassette transporter that uses the substrate-binding protein (SBP) OppA to bind peptides and deliver them to the membrane components (OppBCDF) for transport. OppA binds conventional peptides 2-5 residues in length regardless of their sequence, but does not facilitate transport of the cell wall component murein tripeptide (Mtp, L-Ala-γ-D-Glu-meso-Dap), which contains a D-amino acid and a γ-peptide linkage. Instead, MppA, a homologous substrate-binding protein, forms a functional transporter with OppBCDF for uptake of this unusual tripeptide. Here we have purified MppA and demonstrated biochemically that it binds Mtp with high affinity (K(D) ~ 250 nM). The crystal structure of MppA in complex with Mtp has revealed that Mtp is bound in a relatively extended conformation with its three carboxylates projecting from one side of the molecule and its two amino groups projecting from the opposite face. Specificity for Mtp is conferred by charge-charge and dipole-charge interactions with ionic and polar residues of MppA. Comparison of the structure of MppA-Mtp with structures of conventional tripeptides bound to OppA, reveals that the peptide ligands superimpose remarkably closely given the profound differences in their structures. Strikingly, the effect of the D-stereochemistry, which projects the side chain of the D-Glu residue at position 2 in the direction of the main chain in a conventional tripeptide, is compensated by the formation of a γ-linkage to the amino group of diaminopimelic acid, mimicking the peptide bond between residues 2 and 3 of a conventional tripeptide.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional crystal structure of the DNA/RNA nonspecific endonuclease from Serratia marcescenswas refined at the resolution of 1.07 Å to Rfactor of 12.4% and R freefactor of 15.3% using the anisotropic approximation. The structure includes 3924 non-hydrogen atoms, 715 protein-bound water molecules, and a Mg2+ion in each binding site of each subunit of the nuclease homodimeric globular molecule. The 3D topological model of the enzyme was revealed, the inner symmetry of the monomers in its N-and C-termini was found, and the local environment of the magnesium cofactor in the nuclease active site was defined. Mg2+ion was found to be bound to the Asn119 residue and surrounded by five associated water molecules that form an octahedral configuration. The coordination distances for the water molecules and the O1atom of Asn119 were shown to be within the range of 2.01–2.11 Å. The thermal factors for the magnesium ion in subunits are 7.08 and 4.60 Å2, and the average thermal factors for the surrounding water molecules are 11.14 and 10.30 Å2, respectively. The region of the nuclease subunit interactions was localized, and the alternative side chain conformations were defined for 51 amino acid residues of the nuclease dimer.  相似文献   
Structural and functional characteristics were compared for wild-type nuclease from Serratia marcescens, which belongs to the family of DNA/RNA nonspecific endonucleases, its mutational forms, and the nuclease I-PpoI from Physarum polycephalum, which is a representative of the Cys-His box-containing subgroup of the superfamily of extremely specific intron-encoded homing DNases. Despite the lack of sequence homology and the overall different topology of the Serratia marcescens and I-PpoI nucleases, their active sites have a remarkable structural similarity. Both of them have a unique magnesium atom in the active site, which is a part of the coordinatively bonded water–magnesium complex involved in their catalytic acts. In the enzyme–substrate complexes, the Mg2+ ion is chelated by an Asp residue, coordinates two oxygen atoms of DNA, and stabilizes the transition state of the phosphate anion and 3"-OH group of the leaving nucleotide. A new mechanism of the phosphodiester bond cleavage, which is common for the Serratia marcescens and I-PpoI nucleases and differs from the known functioning mechanism of the restriction and homing endonucleases, was proposed. It presumes a His residue as a general base for the activation of a non-cluster water molecule at the nucleophilic in line displacement of the 3"-leaving group. A strained metalloenzyme–substrate complex is formed during hydrolysis and relaxes to the initial state after the reaction.  相似文献   
ATP‐dependent proteases are crucial for cellular homeostasis. By degrading short‐lived regulatory proteins, they play an important role in the control of many cellular pathways and, through the degradation of abnormally misfolded proteins, protect the cell from a buildup of aggregates. Disruption or disregulation of mammalian mitochondrial Lon protease leads to severe changes in the cell, linked with carcinogenesis, apoptosis, and necrosis. Here we present the structure of the proteolytic domain of human mitochondrial Lon at 2 Å resolution. The fold resembles those of the three previously determined Lon proteolytic domains from Escherichia coli, Methanococcus jannaschii, and Archaeoglobus fulgidus. There are six protomers in the asymmetric unit, four arranged as two dimers. The intersubunit interactions within the two dimers are similar to those between adjacent subunits of the hexameric ring of E. coli Lon, suggesting that the human Lon proteolytic domain also forms hexamers. The active site contains a 310 helix attached to the N‐terminal end of α‐helix 2, which leads to the insertion of Asp852 into the active site, as seen in M. jannaschii. Structural considerations make it likely that this conformation is proteolytically inactive. When comparing the intersubunit interactions of human with those of E. coli Lon taken with biochemical data leads us to propose a mechanism relating the formation of Lon oligomers with a conformational shift in the active site region coupled to a movement of a loop in the oligomer interface, converting the proteolytically inactive form seen here to the active one in the E. coli hexamer.  相似文献   
"Barbate roots" in tobacco and colza transgenic on lectin gene were obtained with the use of a wild strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834 transformed with pCAMBIA1305.1 plasmid containing the full-size lectin gene (psl) from the Pisum sativum. Influence of expression oflectin gene on colonization oftransgenic roots with symbiont of pea (Rhizobium leguminosarum) was investigated. The number of adhered bacteria onto the roots transformed with lectin gene was 14-fold and 37-fold higher in comparison with the control; this confirms the interaction of R. leguminosarum with pea lectin at the surface of the transformed roots of tobacco and colza. The developed experimental approach, based on the simulation of recognition processes and early symbiotic interactions with lectins of pea plants, may, in perspective, be used for obtaining stable associations of economically valuable, nonsymbiotrophic plant species with rhizobia.  相似文献   
In this review, the data on endophytic bacteria with protective properties are covered, and their characteristics and species composition are discussed. The mechanisms of fungicidal and insecticidal activities, including the synthesis of lipopeptides, siderophores, and hydrolases, systemic resistance induction, and the production of insecto-toxic compounds, are analyzed. Possible methods for the production of complex biological preparations are considered; the preparations are based on endophytic microorganisms and would protect plants from both pathogens and pests. The means of extending their activity spectrum via the combination of different strains or the construction of new recombinant endophytic strains by genetic engineering techniques are also considered.  相似文献   
Phytophagous insects and host plants have a complex of microsymbionts and make up a united co-evolving system with them. Microsymbiotic complexes are actively involved in stress responses of macrosymbionts. We established that a treatment of potato plants with endophytic bacterial strains Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis-5689, B. th. var. kurstaki-5351, and Bacillus subtilis 26D decreased the survival rate of the plant feeder, Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. The B. th. strains suppressed phenoloxidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in the beetle hemolymph. An antagonistic relationship was found between endophytic bacteria B. subtilis 26D and beetle symbiotic bacteria from the genera Acinetobacter and Enterobacter, with the former being able to suppress the growth of endophytic colonies. The recombinant B. subtilis strain 26D Cry, containing the B. th. var. kurstaki δ-endotoxin cry1Ia gene, combined the ability of the original B. subtilis 26D strain to suppress the development of beetle symbionts and immune responses with a production of the Cry toxin, thus leading to a high mortality of the phytophage.  相似文献   
Campylobacter jejuni is a Gram-negative food-borne pathogen associated with gastroenteritis in humans as well as cases of the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barré syndrome. C. jejuni is asaccharolytic because it lacks an active glycolytic pathway for the use of sugars as a carbon source. This suggests an increased reliance on amino acids as nutrients and indeed the genome sequence of this organism indicates the presence of a number of amino acid uptake systems. Cj0982, also known as CjaA, is a putative extracytoplasmic solute receptor for one such uptake system as well as a major surface antigen and vaccine candidate. The crystal structure of Cj0982 reveals a two-domain protein with density in the enclosed cavity between the domains that clearly defines the presence of a bound cysteine ligand. Fluorescence titration experiments were used to demonstrate that Cj0982 binds cysteine tightly and specifically with a K(d) of approximately 10(-7) M consistent with a role as a receptor for a high-affinity transporter. These data imply that Cj0982 is the binding protein component of an ABC-type cysteine transporter system and that cysteine uptake is important in the physiology of C. jejuni.  相似文献   
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