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The cytogenetic effects of restriction endonucleases (RE) and X-rays were examined in the radiosensitive mutant Chinese hamster cell line xrs 5 and its normal parental line CHO K1. Cells were permeabilized with Sendai virus and exposed to Pvu II and Eco RV which induce blunt-ended double-strand breaks (dsb) in the DNA of cells, or Bam H1 and Eco R1 which induce cohesive-ended dsb with a four-base overlap. Treated cells were then assayed for the presence of metaphase chromosomal aberrations by sampling at multiple fixation times and in experiments where cells were exposed to graded series of RE concentrations. Exposure to X-rays or RE causing blunt-ended dsb was found to be between two and three times more effective in xrs 5 than in CHO K1 cells. We interpret this higher chromosomal sensitivity of xrs 5 cells as reflecting the reported defect in dsb repair in xrs 5. Both xrs 5 and CHO K1 cells yielded less aberrations after exposure to Bam H1 or Eco R1 than after exposure to Pvu II or Eco RV, confirming our previous results and demonstrating that cohesive-ended dsb are less damaging than blunt-ended dsb. Multiple fixation time experiments showed that the higher sensitivity of xrs 5 was evident at several different sampling times after treatment. Similarly the low yield of aberrations after exposure of cells to Bam H1 was evident at all sampling times. Overdispersion of chromosomal aberrations was observed in samples exposed to RE. This is thought to be due to a non-uniform permeabilization of the cell population to RE. Our results indicate that RE-induced dsb are handled by cells in a similar way to those arising during X-ray exposure.  相似文献   
The National Biotherapy Study Group (NBSG) conducted a broad phase II trial using interleukin-2 (IL-2) by continuous infusion and alpha interferon (IFN) subcutaneously in 267 patients with a variety of advanced cancers, including 29 with breast cancer, 89 with renal cancer, and 69 with melanoma. IL-2 [18 million international units (MIU)/m2] was given by continuous infusion for 108 hours with 3 mu/m2 subcutaneous IFN every other day during the IL-2 infusion. The patients were treated for 1 week followed by a 2-week rest. After two cycles of treatment, patients were evaluated for response. Of the 237 patients evaluable for response, 20 (8%) had a complete or partial response and 128 (54%) were stable. Therefore, 62% of the evaluable patients were nonprogressive during the first 90 days of IL-2/IFN therapy. The objective response rate was 11% in melanoma, 7% in renal cancer, 14% in breast cancer, and 3% in patients with a variety of malignancies for an overall response rate of 7% in these patients with advanced cancer. The patients were treated on a general medical ward and tolerated treatment well with fatigue and fever being nearly universal. Dyspnea, pruritus, chills, and elevated creatinines were frequent but less common. This combination biotherapy regimen has minimal activity in a variety of advanced cancers and must be compared with the best existing chemotherapy for each cancer type in randomized, prospective trials.  相似文献   
Albicidin blocked DNA synthesis in intact cells of a PolA- EndA- Escherichia coli strain, and in permeabilized cells supplied with all necessary precursor nucleotides, indicating a direct effect on prokaryote DNA replication. Replication of phages T4 and T7 was also blocked by albicidin in albicidin-sensitive (Albs) but not in albicidin-resistant (Albr) E. coli host-cells. All stable spontaneous Albr mutants of E. coli simultaneously became resistant to phage T6. The locus determining albicidin sensitivity mapped at tsx, the structural gene for an outer-membrane protein used as a receptor by phage T6 and involved in transport through the outer membrane of nucleosides present at submicromolar extracellular concentrations. Albicidin does not closely resemble a nucleoside in structure. However, Albs E. coli strains rapidly accumulated both nucleosides and albicidin from the surrounding medium whereas the Albr mutants were defective in uptake of nucleosides and albicidin at low extracellular concentrations. An insertion mutation blocking Tsx protein production also blocked albicidin uptake and conveyed albicidin resistance. Albicidin supplied at approximately 0.1 microM blocked DNA replication within seconds in intact Albs E. coli cells, but a 100-fold higher albicidin concentration was necessary for a rapid inhibition of DNA replication in permeabilized cells. We conclude that albicidin is effective at very low concentrations against E. coli because it is rapidly concentrated within cells by illicit transport through the tsx-encoded outer-membrane channel normally involved in nucleoside uptake. Albicidin resistance results from loss of the mechanism of albicidin transport through the outer membrane.  相似文献   
This study investigates the behavioural and neural mechanisms involved in the oviposition behaviour of the turnip root fly,Delia floralis (Fallen). Behavioural studies showed that glucosinolates modulated the oviposition behaviour of the flies on artificial leaves as well as the number of eggs laid in the soil at the base of these leaves. Electrophysiological responses to glucosinolates were obtained from type A and type D sensilla on the prothoracic and mesothoracic tarsi, as well as from the long contact sensilla on the labellum. The neural responses from these sensilla were positively correlated with the oviposition behaviour of the flies and with the number of eggs laid. Of the eleven glucosinolates tested in the behavioural and electrophysiological tests, the flies were most responsive to glucobrassicanapin, gluconapin and glucobrassicin. The type D tarsal sensilla were more responsive to the glucosinolates than either the type A tarsal sensilla or the labellar sensilla. The structure-activity investigations showed that slight modifications to the chemical composition of the glucosinolates resulted in changes in neural activity.  相似文献   
Various chimaeric promoter regions coupled to the uidA -glucuronidase gene were evaluated for transient expression strength following electroporation into sugar-cane (monocot) and carrot (dicot) protoplasts. Multiple enhancer elements increased expression in sugar-cane, by up to 400-fold for the artificial Emu promoter relative to the CaMV 35S promoter. The relative expression strengths of promoters varied substantially between the species. Sugar-cane also differed in some respects from previously tested species in the family Poaceae. For example, in sugar-cane the nopaline synthase and CaMV 35S promoters were of equivalent strength, and insertion of Adh1 intron 1 into the 5 transcribed region decreased expression strength.  相似文献   
A report to the National Advisory Committee on Core Health and Disability Support Services, New Zealand, on the management of raised blood pressure recommends that decisions to treat raised blood pressure should be based primarily on the estimated absolute risk of cardiovascular disease rather than on blood pressure alone. In general, patients with a blood pressure of 150-170 mm Hg systolic or 90-100 mm Hg diastolic, or both, should be given treatment to lower blood pressure if the risk of a major cardiovascular disease event in 10 years is more than about 20%. The results of clinical trials indicate that, at this level of absolute risk, 150 people would require treatment to reduce the annual number of cardiovascular events by about one. Implementation of these recommendations may result in a smaller proportion of people aged under 60, particularly women, receiving treatment but an increased proportion of older people treated. In the absence of specific contraindications, low dose diuretics and low dose beta blockers should be considered for first line treatment, since for only these drug groups is there direct evidence of reduced risk of stroke and coronary disease in people with raised blood pressure.  相似文献   
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 10-mer oligonucleotide primers efficiently differentiated sugarcane cultivars and proved suitable for detecting gross genetic change such as that which can occur in sugarcane subjected to prolonged tissue culture, for example in protoplast-derived callus. However, RAPD analysis was not sufficiently sensitive to detect smaller genetic changes that occur during sugarcane genetic transformation. The length of DNA scored for polymorphism per primer averaged 13.2 kb, or 0.0001% of the typical sugarcane genome size of 1.2 × 107 kb (2C). RAPD analysis of sugarcane plants regenerated from embryogenic callus revealed very few polymorphisms, indicating that gross genetic change is infrequent during this tissue culture procedure, although epigenetic effects result in transient morphological changes in regenerated plants. More sensitive variations on the RAPD technique may increase the practicality of DNA-based screening of regenerated plant lines to reveal somaclonal variants.  相似文献   
The molecular weights of a number of 125I-labeled plasma proteins have been determined from an analysis of their sedimentation equilibrium behavior in an air-driven ultracentrifuge. The values obtained agree well with results obtained by other methods. Molecular weights obtained for 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin and the rat serum proteins albumin, α1-acid glycoprotein, and major acute-phase α1-protein were unaffected by the addition of 7% rat plasma. Direct evidence for protein-protein interactions was obtained for mixtures of 125I-labeled rat α1-acid glycoprotein and the plant lectin concanavalin A and for mixtures of 125I-labeled protein A from Staphylococcus aureus and 7% rat plasma. Interactions of a different type were observed when the sedimentation equilibrium profiles of 125I-labeled proteins were determined in concentrated solutions of other proteins. Under these conditions the effects of molecular exclusion or nonideality became significant and low estimates were obtained for the molecular weights of the labeled proteins. Analysis of the data obtained for 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin in concentrated solutions of bovine serum albumin (20–80 mg/ ml) yielded nonideality coefficients in good agreement with literature values. Analysis of the behavior of 125I-labeled rat serum albumin, transferrin, and α1-acid glycoprotein yielded nonideality coefficients and hence activities of these proteins in undiluted rat plasma.  相似文献   
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