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With the existing knowledge of ATM''s role in therapeutic resistance, the present study aimed at identifying the molecular mechanisms that influence ATM to oscillate between chemoresistance and chemosensitivity. We observed that the redox status of tumors functions as a major determinant of ATM-dependent ‘resistance-to-apoptosis'' molecular switch. At a low reactive oxygen species (ROS) condition during genotoxic insult, the ATM/sumoylated-IKKγ interaction induced NFκB activation that resisted JNK-mediated apoptosis, whereas increasing cellular ROS restored ATM/JNK apoptotic signaling. A search for the upstream missing link revealed that high ROS induces oxidation and ubiquitin-mediated degradation of PIASγ, thereby disrupting PIASγ-IKKγ cross talk, a pre-requisite for IKKγ sumoylation and subsequent NFκB activation. Interruption in the PIASγ-mediated resistance pathway channels ATM signaling toward ATM/JNK pro-death circuitry. These in vitro results also translated to sensitive and resistant tumor allograft mouse models in which low ROS-induced resistance was over-ruled in PIASγ knockout tumors, while its overexpression inhibited high ROS-dependent apoptotic cues. Cumulatively, our findings identified an unappreciated yet critical combinatorial function of cellular ROS and PIASγ in regulating ATM-mediated chemosensitization of resistant tumors. Thus, therapeutic strategies employing ROS upregulation to inhibit PIASγ during genotoxic therapy may, in future, help to eliminate the problems of NFκB-mediated tumor drug resistance.  相似文献   
Intracellular nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (iNampt) is an essential enzyme in the NAD biosynthetic pathway. An extracellular form of this protein (eNampt) has been reported to act as a cytokine named PBEF or an insulin-mimetic hormone named visfatin, but its physiological relevance remains controversial. Here we show that eNampt does not exert insulin-mimetic effects in vitro or in vivo but rather exhibits robust NAD biosynthetic activity. Haplodeficiency and chemical inhibition of Nampt cause defects in NAD biosynthesis and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic islets in vivo and in vitro. These defects are corrected by administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a product of the Nampt reaction. A high concentration of NMN is present in mouse plasma, and plasma eNampt and NMN levels are reduced in Nampt heterozygous females. Our results demonstrate that Nampt-mediated systemic NAD biosynthesis is critical for beta cell function, suggesting a vital framework for the regulation of glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   
Mutations in REarranged during Transfection (RET) receptor tyrosine, followed by the oncogenic activation of RET kinase is responsible for the development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) that responds poorly to conventional chemotherapy. Targeting RET, therefore, might be useful in tailoring surveillance of MTC patients. Here we showed that theaflavins, the bioactive components of black tea, successfully induced apoptosis in human MTC cell line, TT, by inversely modulating two molecular pathways: (i) stalling PI3K/Akt/Bad pathway that resulted in mitochondrial transmembrane potential (MTP) loss, cytochrome-c release and activation of the executioner caspases-9 and -3, and (ii) upholding p38MAPK/caspase-8/caspase-3 pathway via inhibition of Ras/Raf/ERK. Over-expression of either constitutively active myristoylated-Akt-cDNA (Myr-Akt-cDNA) or dominant-negative-caspase-8-cDNA (Dn-caspase-8-cDNA) partially blocked theaflavin-induced apoptosis, while co-transfection of Myr-Akt-cDNA and Dn-caspase-8-cDNA completely eradicated the effect of theaflavins thereby negating the possibility of existence of other pathways. A search for the upstream signaling revealed that theaflavin-induced disruption of lipid raft caused interference in anchorage of RET in lipid raft that in turn stalled phosphorylation of Ras and PI3Kinase. In such anti-survival cellular micro-environment, pro-apoptotic signals were triggered to culminate into programmed death of MTC cell. These findings not only unveil a hitherto unexplained mechanism underlying theaflavin-induced MTC death, but also validate RET as a promising and potential target for MTC therapy.  相似文献   
Two filamentous cyanobacteria of the genera Scytonema and Tolypothrix were reported to be effective for stabilizing soil in arid areas due to the production of significant amounts of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS). These EPS may also have applications in the biotechnology industry. Therefore, two cyanobacterial species, Scytonema tolypothrichoides and Tolypothrix bouteillei were examined using crossed gradients of temperature (8–40°C) and irradiance (3–21 W m?2) to identify their temperature and irradiance optima for maximum biomass and EPS production. According to their reported temperature requirements, both strains were considered mesophilic. The optimum growth range of temperature in S. tolypothrichoides (27 to 34°C) was higher than T. bouteillei (22–32°C). The optimum irradiance range for growth of S. tolypothrichoides (9–13 W m?2) was slightly lower than T. bouteillei (7–18 W m?2). Maximum EPS production by S. tolypothrichoides occurred at similar temperatures (28–34°C) as T. bouteillei (27–34°C), both slightly higher than for maximum growth. The optimum irradiance range for EPS production was comparable to that for growth in S. tolypotrichoides (8–13 W m?2), and slightly lower in T. bouteillei (7–17 W m?2). The Redundancy Analysis confirmed that temperature was the most important controlling factor and protocols for field applications or for mass cultivation can now be developed.  相似文献   
M24B peptidases cleaving Xaa-Pro bond in dipeptides are prolidases whereas those cleaving this bond in longer peptides are aminopeptidases-P. Bacteria have small aminopeptidases-P (36-39 kDa), which are diverged from canonical aminopeptidase-P of Escherichia coli (50 kDa). Structure-function studies of small aminopeptidases-P are lacking. We report crystal structures of small aminopeptidases-P from E. coli and Deinococcus radiodurans, and report substrate-specificities of these proteins and their ortholog from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These are aminopeptidases-P, structurally close to small prolidases except for absence of dipeptide-selectivity loop. We noticed absence of this loop and conserved arginine in canonical archaeal prolidase (Maher et al., Biochemistry. 43, 2004, 2771-2783) and questioned its classification. Our enzymatic assays show that this enzyme is an aminopeptidase-P. Further, our mutagenesis studies illuminate importance of DXRY sequence motif in bacterial small aminopeptidases-P and suggest common evolutionary origin with human XPNPEP1/XPNPEP2. Our analyses reveal sequence/structural features distinguishing small aminopeptidases-P from other M24B peptidases.  相似文献   
The present study demonstrates that theaflavins exploit p53 to impede metastasis in human breast cancer cells. Our data suggest that p53-dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) induce p53-phosphorylation via p38MAPK in a feedback loop to inhibit IκBα-phosphorylation and NF-κB/p65 nuclear translocation, thereby down-regulating the metastatic proteins metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9. When wild-type p53-expressing MCF-7 cells are transfected with p53 short-interfering RNA, or treated with a pharmacological inhibitor of ROS, theaflavins fail to inhibit NF-κB-mediated cell migration. On the other hand, NF-κB over-expression bestows MCF-7 cells with resistance to the anti-migratory effect of theaflavins. These results indicate that inhibition of NF-κB via p53-ROS crosstalk is a pre-requisite for theaflavins to accomplish the anti-migratory effect in breast cancer cells.

Structured summary

MINT-7295816: p53 (uniprotkb:P04637) physically interacts (MI:0915) with IKK beta (uniprotkb:O14920) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)  相似文献   
Tumor-suppressive miR-34a, a direct target of p53, has been shown to target several molecules of cell survival pathways. Here, we show that capsaicin-induced oxidative DNA damage culminates in p53 activation to up-regulate expression of miR-34a in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) cells. Functional analyses further indicate that restoration of miR-34a inhibits B cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) protein expression to withdraw the survival advantage of these resistant NSCLC cells. In such a proapoptotic cellular milieu, where drug resistance proteins are also down-regulated, p53-transactivated Bcl-2 associated X protein (Bax) induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial death cascade. Our results suggest that p53/miR-34a regulatory axis might be critical in sensitizing drug-resistant NSCLC cells.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - On the background of the epidemiological link between diabetes and oral cancer, the present study aimed to analyze the potential involvement of selected glucose...  相似文献   
Group-wise diversity of sediment methylotrophs of Chilika lake (Lat. 19°28′–19°54′N; Long. 85°06′–85°35′E) Odisha, India at various identified sites was studied. Both the culturable and unculturable (metagenome) methylotrophs were investigated in the lake sediments employing both mxaF and 16S rRNA genes as markers. ARDRA profiling, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, PAGE profiling of HaeIII, EcoRI restricted mxaF gene and the mxaF gene sequences using culture-dependent approach revealed the relatedness of α-proteobacteria and Methylobacterium, Hyphomicrobium and Ancyclobacter sp. The total viable counts of the culturable aerobic methylotrophs were relatively higher in sediments near the sea mouth (S3; Panaspada), also demonstrated relatively high salinity (0.1 M NaCl) tolerance. Metagenomic DNA from the sediments, amplified using GC clamp mxaF primers and resolved through DGGE, revealed the diversity within the unculturable methylotrophic bacterium Methylobacterium organophilum, Ancyclobacter aquaticus, Burkholderiales and Hyphomicrobium sp. Culture-independent analyses revealed that up to 90 % of the methylotrophs were unculturable. The study enhances the general understandings of the metagenomic methylotrophs from such a special ecological niche.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12088-015-0510-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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