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Octopuses have large brains and exhibit complex behaviors, but relatively little is known about their cognitive abilities. Here we present data from a five-level learning and problem-solving experiment. Seven octopuses (Octopus vulgaris) were first trained to open an L shaped container to retrieve food (level 0). After learning the initial task all animals followed the same experimental protocol, first they had to retrieve this L shaped container, presented at the same orientation, through a tight fitting hole in a clear Perspex partition (level 1). This required the octopuses to perform both pull and release or push actions. After reaching criterion the animals advanced to the next stage of the test, which would be a different consistent orientation of the object (level 2) at the start of the trial, an opaque barrier (level 3) or a random orientation of the object (level 4). All octopuses were successful in reaching criterion in all levels of the task. At the onset of each new level the performance of the animals dropped, shown as an increase in working times. However, they adapted quickly so that overall working times were not significantly different between levels. Our findings indicate that octopuses show behavioral flexibility by quickly adapting to a change in a task. This can be compared to tests in other species where subjects had to conduct actions comprised of a set of motor actions that cannot be understood by a simple learning rule alone.  相似文献   
The octopus is amazingly flexible and shows exceptional control and coordination in all its movements. It seems remarkable to us skeletal creatures that the octopus achieves all this without a single bone.  相似文献   
Musca domestica Linnaeus (house fly, Diptera: Muscidae) is a major veterinary and medical important pest all over the world. These flies have ability to develop resistance to insecticides. The present trial was performed to discover the inheritance mode (autosomal, dominance, number of genes involved) and preliminary mechanism of methoxyfenozide resistance in order to provide basic information necessary to develop resistance management strategy for this pest. A strain of M. domestica (MXY-SEL) was exposed to methoxyfenozide for 44 generations which developed a 5253.90-fold level of resistance to methoxyfenozide. The overlapping fiducial limits of LC50 values of the reciprocal crosses, F1 (MXY-SEL ♂?×?Susceptible ♀) and F1? (MXY-SEL ♀?×?Susceptible ♂), suggest that inheritance of methoxyfenozide resistance was an autosomal and likely completely dominant trait (DLC?=?0.93 and 0.94 for F1 and F1?, respectively). Backcrosses of the F1 with the parental MXY-SEL or Susceptible population predict a polygenic mode of inheritance. Piperonyl butoxide significantly altered the LC50 values, suggesting enhanced detoxification by cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases is a major mechanism of resistance to methoxyfenozide in the MXY-SEL strain. The estimated realized heritability was 0.07 for methoxyfenozide. These results would be helpful for the better management of M. domestica.  相似文献   
Urdbean (Vigna mungo) is an important pulse crop grown worldwide. Urdbean leaf crinkle virus (ULCV) is a pathogen of urdbean found in Pakistan that causes huge losses in yield. Forty urdbean varieties/lines were screened against the virus under field conditions during spring season 2009. None of the lines appeared to be highly resistant or resistant. On the basis of a 0-5 disease rating scale and disease severity index, genotypes varied significantly in their reaction to ULCV. Four lines (M-6206, IAM-382-15, IAM-133, and Mash-1) were moderately resistant, eight were rated as moderately susceptible, and 21 as susceptible; the remaining seven lines were highly susceptible. RAPD analyses revealed an extensive amount of variation, which could be used for cultivar identification. Genetic differentiation among urdbean genotypes was similar to the field screening data. The varieties 6065-3 and 6206 were highly susceptible and moderately resistant, respectively, to ULCV under field conditions, confirmed by the RAPD analysis. These varieties were the most diverse varieties in the similarity matrix (67.2%), while the varieties IAM-382-9 and 07M003 were the most similar (98.4%). This information will help in the recognition of available resistant germplasms that can resist this disease and will be utilized for urdbean improvement in Pakistan.  相似文献   
Hyperredundant limbs with a virtually unlimited number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) pose a challenge for both biological and computational systems of motor control. In the flexible arms of the octopus, simplification strategies have evolved to reduce the number of controlled DOFs [1], [2] and [3]. Motor control in the octopus nervous system is hierarchically organized [4] and [5]. A relatively small central brain integrates a huge amount of visual and tactile information from the large optic lobes and the peripheral nervous system of the arms [6], [7], [8] and [9] and issues commands to lower motor centers controlling the elaborated neuromuscular system of the arms. This unique organization raises new questions on the organization of the octopus brain and whether and how it represents the rich movement repertoire. We developed a method of brain microstimulation in freely behaving animals and stimulated the higher motor centers—the basal lobes—thus inducing discrete and complex sets of movements. As stimulation strength increased, complex movements were recruited from basic components shared by different types of movement. We found no stimulation site where movements of a single arm or body part could be elicited. Discrete and complex components have no central topographical organization but are distributed over wide regions.  相似文献   
Objective: Salivary gland secretions play an important role in promotion of wound healing. The healing of intra- or extra-oral wounds is delayed in desalivated rats. However, the specific role of each salivary gland in promoting wound healing is unknown. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of crude extracts of rat salivary glands on a simplified in vitro wound healing model. Design/methods: Cultured human keratinocytes (HaCat) and murine fibroblasts (3T3) were subjected to 48 h serum starvation, and were later activated by extracts of rat salivary glands, 1–10 μg protein/ml of each gland. The resultant cellular metabolic activity of the activated cells was determined 24 h later, measuring reduction of XTT by mitochondrial enzymes, and calculated relatively to positive controls [optimal supplementation of 10% fetal calf serum (FCS)], and negative controls (starved non-supplemented cells). Results: The relative stimulatory effect of parotid (P) extract on the cells was significantly lower than either submandibular (SM) or sublingual (SL) extracts. Under the assumption that physiologically, the cells are exposed to the combined effect of saliva secreted from all the glands, different combinations of the extracts were presented to the cells. The relative stimulation was maximal following treatment with the three glands extracts (P + SM + SL) and exceeded the effect of 10% FCS. Conclusion: The results suggest that each salivary gland has a specific effect on wound healing and the combination of the three extracts has an additive effect but no the sum of all individual glands. This model might be useful to study the wound healing effect of salivary glands. In partial fulfillment of the requirement for MD thesis, The Joyce and Irving Goldman School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.  相似文献   
The extremely flexible octopus arm provides a unique opportunity for studying movement control in a highly redundant motor system. We describe a novel preparation that allows analysis of the peripheral nervous system of the octopus arm and its interaction with the muscular and mechanosensory elements of the arm's intrinsic muscular system. First we examined the synaptic responses in muscle fibers to identify the motor pathways from the axial nerve cord of the arm to the surrounding musculature. We show that the motor axons project to the muscles via nerve roots originating laterally from the arm nerve cord. The motor field of each nerve is limited to the region where the nerve enters the arm musculature. The same roots also carry afferent mechanosensory information from the intrinsic muscle to the axial nerve cord. Next, we characterized the pattern of activity generated in the dorsal roots by electrically stimulating the axial nerve cord. The evoked activity, although far reaching and long lasting, cannot alone account for the arm extension movements generated by similar electrical stimulation. The mismatch between patterns of activity in the isolated cord and in an intact arm may stem from the involvement of mechanosensory feedback in natural arm extension.  相似文献   
The functions of long RNAs, including mRNAs and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), critically depend on their subcellular localization. The identity of the sequences that dictate subcellular localization and their high‐resolution anatomy remain largely unknown. We used a suite of massively parallel RNA assays and libraries containing thousands of sequence variants to pinpoint the functional features within the SIRLOIN element, which dictates nuclear enrichment through hnRNPK recruitment. In addition, we profiled the endogenous SIRLOIN RNA‐nucleoprotein complex and identified the nuclear RNA‐binding proteins SLTM and SNRNP70 as novel SIRLOIN binders. Taken together, using massively parallel assays, we identified the features that dictate binding of hnRNPK, SLTM, and SNRNP70 to SIRLOIN and found that these factors are jointly required for SIRLOIN activity. Our study thus provides a roadmap for high‐throughput dissection of functional sequence elements in long RNAs.  相似文献   
Mice homozygous for a mutation (Brdt?BD1/?BD1) lacking the first bromodomain of Brdt, a testis-specific member of the BET family of double-bromodomain containing proteins, are sterile and exhibit profound defects in chromatin remodeling during spermiogenesis. We have now observed that a prominent feature of the aberrant spermatid nuclei is a fragmented chromocenter, a structure comprised of peri-centromeric heterochromatin. There was a concomitant increase in the levels of heterochromatin protein 1 alpha (Hp1α), suggesting that the presence of multiple chromocenters was correlated with a spread of heterochromatin beyond the normal centromeric region. Brdt protein was normally present throughout the nucleus but was excluded from the chromocenter. A more densely staining region of Brdt protein appeared to separate sirtuin 1 (Sirt1) protein from contact with the chromocenter. Although still nuclear, this unique localization of Brdt protein was lost in Brdt?BD1/?BD1 mutant spermatids and Brdt and Sirt1 overlapped around the chromocenters. There was also ectopic localization of the H1 histone family, member N, testis-specific (H1fnt) protein in Brdt?BD1/?BD1 round spermatids, which may be linked to the previously reported loss of polarized localization of peri-nuclear heterochromatin foci. The extent of chromocenter fragmentation was more severe and penetrant in mutant testes on a pure 129Sv/Ev as compared to a pure C57Bl/6 background. Indeed, all aspects of the mutant phenotype were more severe on the 129 Sv/Ev background. Contrary to previous studies in genetic models where fragmented chromocenters were observed in spermatids, the Brdt?BD1/?BD1 mutant spermatids do not undergo apoptosis (on either background). These observations suggest that the first bromodomain of Brdt is critical in the formation and/or maintenance of an intact chromocenter and implicate this structure in proper remodeling of the chromatin architecture of the sperm head.  相似文献   
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