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Zusammenfassung Die Fortpflanzungsperiode der Palmtaube (Streptopelia s. senegalensis L.) fängt in Diyarbakir/Türkei (37°55N/40°12E) schon Anfang Februar an und kann bis Mitte November dauern. In diesem Zeitraum kann ein Paar bis zu sieben Bruten beginnen (Tab. 1). Nach der Paarbildung fangen die Kopulationen an, die vor allem in der Woche vor der Eiablage stark zunehmen. Während des Brütens und der ersten Woche der Jungenaufzucht sind sie dagegen nicht zu beobachten. Sie werden vom im allgemeinen mit sog. Flügeltippen bzw. Scheinputzen eingeleitet. Nach der Begattung paradiert das um das , das auf der Stelle verharrt. Vor dem Tretakt fällt das dagegen in infantiles Verhalten und bettelt unter Flügelzittern den Partner um Futter an. Es bekommt auch tatsächlich Futter. Die Palmtauben sind zumindest für eine Fortpflanzungssaison monogam. U. a. spielen wechselseitige Gefiederpflege und Anschlußbruten sowie die Fütterung des durch das eine wichtige Rolle für das Zusammenleben und -bleiben der Partner. Der Nistplatz wird vom gezeigt, aber vom gewählt. Das Nistmaterial wird vom eingetragen und im allgemeinen vom alleine in das Nest eingefügt. Nur während des Brutwechsels bringt auch das hin und wieder Nistmaterial, das aber wahrscheinlich nur für den Partner, nicht für das Nest dient. In den späteren Phasen des Brütens gilt dies wahrscheinlich auch für das . 1–4 Tage nach dem Nestbaubeginn wird gegen Abend das erste Ei gelegt, womit auch das Brüten anfängt. Das zweite Ei folgt dann rund 38 Stunden später.
On the reproductive behaviour of the Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis): pair-formation to egg-laying
Summary In Diyarbakr/Turkey, the reproductive season of the Laughing Dove begins in early February and lasts til mid November. One pair may start with breeding up to seven times a year. The frequency of copulations which could be observed only after pair formation increased considerably in the week before incubation starts. During incubation and during the first week of the nestling period no copulations could be observed. Usually copulations are initiated by the male pecking behind its folded wings (displacement-preening). Before mating, the female turns into infantile behaviour begging food from its partner by wing-twitching. Food is then delivered by the male. After mating the female parades around the male which stays motionless. Paired birds stay together at least during one reproductive season. Reinforcement of the pair bond will be achieved by mutual preening, courtship feeding of the female by the male, and successive broods. The male indicates the nest site which is successively chosen by the female. The nest material is brought by the male and usually placed by the female at the nest site. Only during change-overs the female sometimes brings nesting material, too. However, this material probably is for the partner, not actually for the nest. The same may be true for similar behaviour of the male in late stages of incubation. One to four days after nest building has started the first egg is laid, mostly in late afternoon. Incubation starts with the first egg; the second egg is laid about 38 hours later.
The interactive effect of low P supply (0, 10, 20 and 40 M) and plant age on nodule number, mass and functioning (ureide analysis technique), vegetative growth and pod production were investigated in glasshouse-grown nodulated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.cv. Kausband) in sand culture. Compared with 40 M P, P stress (0 M P) or very low (10 M P) supply markedly impaired nodulation, allantoin and amino-N concentrations and weight of N solutes in xylem exudates. Consequently, P stress reduced top growth and pod yields by 48 and 90%, respectively. N solutes in xylem exudates and total plant N assayed by Kjeldahl technique (as estimates of N2 fixation) responded similarly to P supply. However, the relative ureide index [(ureide-N/ureide N+amino-N)×100] remained constant (99%), irrespective of P supply, indicating the plants' complete dependency on symbiosis for growth, without implying that growth was markedly increased by N2 fixation. Although P concentrations in plant tops, roots and nodules increased with P supply, N concentrations in these plant tissues were unaffected by P supply. The concentrations of N and P in the nodules were 2–2 1/2 times higher than in plant tops. P application interacted strongly with plant age, with the largest P effect evidently achieved at the early podding stage. The significance and implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Drei Jahre lang wurde das Balzverhalten von 20 in Volieren gehaltenen Mikado-Fasanen (Syrmaticus mikado) beobachtet. Die Hauptbalzzeit war bei den ganzjährig im Freien gehaltenen Fasanen in Mainz (50° N.) März-April. Die Balz der bestand nicht wie bisher angegeben im wesentlichen aus einer Lateralpräsentation. Zwar wurde eine solche auch im Rahmen des Balzverhaltens gezeigt, doch stellte sie keine eigentliche Balzleistung dar. Sie trat vielmehr während des ganzen Jahres hindurch mehr oder weniger auf, und zwar bei beiden Geschlechtern. Ein wesentliches Element der Balz war dagegen die Frontalpräsentation, die hier erstmals beschrieben wird. Sie trat nur während der Balz auf und wurde nur von gezeigt. Die beantworteten sie nie mit Flucht. Die ins Balzverhalten eingeschaltete Futtervermittlung durch das wurde bisher nur in echter, nie in symbolischer Form beobachtet. Dabei hielten die das Futter nie im Schnabel, um es den gezielt anzubieten.
The courtship behaviour of the Mikado Pheasant (Syrmaticus mikado) in captivity
Summary The courtship behaviour of 20 Mikado pheasants (Syrmaticus mikado) was observed over a period of three years. The birds were kept in aviaries in the open the whole year round. In Mainz (50° N), the main mating period occurred in March and April. The courtship of the cocks did not consist essentially in lateral display, as has been previously reported for species of the genusSyrmaticus. Although lateral display did take place during courtship, it was not really part of the cock's courtship behaviour. It was rather the case that lateral display occurs more or less during the whole year and in both sexes. Frontal display was, however, an essential element in the Mikado pheasant's courtship and is described here for the first time. It occurred only during the mating period and was performed exclusively by the cocks. The hens never responded to frontal display by fleeing. The provision of food, which the cocks interpolate into courtship, has been observed so far only in the genuine and never in the symbolic form. It could never be observed that the cocks held the food in their beaks in order to offer it to the hens directly.
Since the exact mechanism of manganese (Mn)-induced learning disability is not known, we investigated the role of elevated cholesterol in rats exposed daily to 357 and 714 μg Mn/kg for 30 d. Significant Mn accumulation was accompanied by increased cholesterol content in the hippocampal region of Mn-treated rats. The learning, which is based on the time needed to reach food placed at the exit of a T-maze after a 1-d training period, was significantly slower in exposed rats than in unexposed rats. The rats receiving 357 and 714 μg Mn/kg reached the food in 104.5±13.8 and 113.3±25.7 s, respectively, on d 30, whereas their untreated counterparts reached the food in 28.7±11.4 s. This delay was completely corrected to 29.3±7.8 and 30.7±6.0 s in rats with coadministration of an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis with 357 and 714 μg/kg of Mn. The correction of impaired learning was associated with the normalization of hippocampal cholesterol, but the Mn level in this region of the brain was not influenced in rats treated with a drug that inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis. These results suggested that Mn-induced hypercholesterolemia is involved in Mn-dependent learning disability.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the protective effects of arbutin (ARB) against brain injury induced in rats with potassium bromate (KBrO3). The rats were divided into four groups as Group 1: Control (0.9% NaCl ml/kg/day p.), Group 2: KBrO3 (100 mg/kg (gavage), Group 3: ARB (50 mg/kg/day p.), and Group 4: KBrO3 + ARB (100 mg/kg (gavage) + 50 mg/kg/day p.). At the end of the fifth day of the study, the rats in all groups were killed, and their brain tissues were collected. In the collected brain tissues, malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) levels were measured, and routine histopathological examinations were made. The MDA levels in the group that was exposed to KBrO3 were significantly higher than those in the control group (p ˂ 0.001). In comparison to the KBrO3 group, the MDA levels in the KBrO3 + ARB group were significantly lower (p ˂ 0.001). It was observed that SOD and CAT enzyme activity levels were significantly lower in the KBrO3 group compared to the control group (p ˂ 0.001), while these levels were significantly higher in the KBrO3 + ARB group than in the KBrO3 group (p ˂ 0.001). Additionally, the group that was subjected to KBrO3 toxicity, as well as ARB administration, had much lower levels of histopathologic signs than the group that was subjected to KBrO3 toxicity only. Consequently, it was found that KBrO3 exposure led to injury in the brain tissues of the rats, and using ARB was effective in preventing this injury.  相似文献   
Since the kidney is a main target for cadmium, its accumulation in the kidney tissue by increasing peroxidative damage make the kidney functions vulnerable to stress. For this reason, the effect of cadmium-induced peroxidative damage to kidney responses to stress was investigated in this study. Two-month-old albino rats receiving 15 Μg/mL containing Cd drinking water for 30 d were exposed to restraint and cold stress for 6 h, and their responses were compared with those of unstressed counterparts. Lipid peroxidation was found to be significantly higher in the cortical portion of kidney in cadmium-exposed rats than that of unexposed animals. The mean thiobarbutyric acid reactive substance (TBARS) level rose from 211.6 ± 64.2 to 303.4 ± 46.4 nmol/g protein (p < 0.01). Six hours of cold and restraint stress caused an elevation in the cortical TBARS level in control animals without affecting its level in cadmium-exposed rats. Despite unaltered cortical TBARS, its medullar levels increased significantly in cadmiumexposed rats because of stress. These results suggested that cadmium accumulation in the kidney increases the susceptibility of medulla against peroxidative damage. However, further functional studies are necessary to explain the role of cadmium in the stress-induced deterioration of medullar functions.  相似文献   
Summary In this paper genetic, clinical, and epidemiological studies on a muscular dystrophy which originated and is concentrated in the village of Çullar, Nevehir of inland Turkey, are reported. A pedigree chart has been constructed by careful and repeated inquiries, and both clinical and laboratory examinations have generally been carried out in the field. The consideration, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy of Landouzy-Déjérine, has been found to have affected at least 53 individuals, 9 of whom are deceased. Both sexes in six generations are involved as would be expected from a dominant mendelian gene freshly mutated at least 100 years ago. Additionally, some 19 individuals have been described as having the disease or some of its stigmata, but have not been examined by us. Initial signs and symptoms seem to appear early in infancy, though variable, and because of complete dominance, some 75 individuals are at risk. The disease progresses slowly without interfering significantly with survival and reproduction. For prevention the so-called Çullar example measures have been taken to improve the area culturally and socioeconomically.  相似文献   
Engineering enzymes with improved catalytic properties in non-natural environments have been concerned with their diverse industrial and biotechnological applications. Immobilization represents a promising but straightforward route, and immobilized biocatalysts often display higher activities and stabilities compared to free enzymes. Owing to their unique physicochemical characteristics, including the high-specific surface area, exceptional chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties, efficient enzyme loading, and multivalent functionalization, nano-based materials are postulated as suitable carriers for biomolecules or enzyme immobilization. Enzymes immobilized on nanomaterial-based supports are more robust, stable, and recoverable than their pristine counterparts, and are even used for continuous catalytic processes. Furthermore, the unique intrinsic properties of nanomaterials, particularly nanoparticles, also confer the immobilized enzymes to be used for their broader applications. Herein, an effort has been made to present novel potentialities of multi-point enzyme immobilization in the current biotechnological sector. Various nano-based platforms for enzyme/biomolecule immobilization are discussed in the second part of the review. In summary, recent developments in the use of nanomaterials as new carriers to construct robust nano-biocatalytic systems are reviewed, and future trends are pointed out in this article.  相似文献   
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