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A variety of data support the existence of an opioid receptor complex composed of distinct but interacting mu cx and delta cx binding sites, where "cx" indicates "in the complex." The ability of subantinociceptive doses of [Leu5]enkephalin and [Met5]enkephalin to potentiate and attenuate morphine-induced antinociception, respectively, is thought to be mediated via their binding to the delta cx binding site. [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]Enkephalin also modulates morphine-induced antinociception, but has very low affinity for the delta cx binding site in vitro. In the present study, membranes were depleted of their delta ncx binding sites by pretreatment with the site-directed acylating agent, (3S,4S)-(+)-trans-N-[1-[2-(4-isothiocyanato)phenyl)-ethyl]-3-methy l-4- piperidyl]-N-phenylpropaneamide hydrochloride, which permits selective labeling of the delta cx binding site with [3H][D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin. The major findings of this study are that with this preparation of rat brain membranes: a) there are striking differences between the delta cx and mu binding sites; and b) both [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin and [D-Pen2,L-Pen5]enkephalin exhibit high affinity for the delta cx binding site.  相似文献   
An analysis of geometrical models for computing the tertiary structure of globular proteins from the primary structure is presented. The roles of initial configuration, input information on inter-residue distances and the errors in this information are delineated. It is shown that for local information like that on secondary structure, the calculated structure is very sensitive to errors and to the initial configuration. Thus, such information is far from adequate for predicting the tertiary structure. On the other hand, global information on all the inter-residue distances is quite insensitive to errors. A semi-empirical method is presented to estimate these distances and the calculated structures are given for two proteins—pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and parvalbumin. These structures have good resemblances to those determined by X-ray diffraction. A strategy for further refinement of the method is indicated.  相似文献   
Nucleoli and cytoplasmic stress granules (SGs) are subcellular compartments that modulate the response to endogenous and environmental signals to control cell survival. In our opinion, nucleoli and SGs are functionally linked; they are distant relatives that combine forces when cellular homeostasis is threatened. Several lines of evidence support this idea; nucleoli and SGs share molecular building blocks, are regulated by common signaling pathways and communicate when vital cellular functions become compromised. Together, nucleoli and SGs orchestrate physiological responses that are directly relevant to stress and human health. As both compartments have established roles in neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and virus infections, we propose that these conditions will benefit from therapeutic interventions that target simultaneously nucleoli and SGs.   相似文献   
Alpha thalassemia is the most prevalent monogenic gene disorder in the world, especially in Mediterranean countries. In the current hematological phenotype of patients with different genotypes, the effects of missense mutations on the protein function and also stability were evaluated in a large cohort study. A total of 1,560 subjects were enrolled in the study and divided into two groups: 259 normal subjects; and 1301 alpha-thalassemia carriers. Genomic DNA was extracted and analyzed using ARMS PCR, Multiplex Gap, and direct sequencing. The effects of single nucleotide change on the protein function and stability were predicted by freely available databases of human polymorphisms. Sixty-three different genotypes were seen in the patients. The more prevalent was heterozygote form of ?α3.7 (41.4%) followed by ?α3.7 homozygote (11.6%) and ?MED (3.8%). The significant differences were seen in mean hemoglobin level [F?=?20.5, p?<?0.001] between the Alpha-globin genotypes, when adjusted for gender. Moreover, 28 different mutations were found in our study. A significant relationship was seen between ethnicity and the alpha-globin mutation frequency χ2 (df;8)?=?38.36, p?<?0.0001). Different genotypes could display as different phenotypes. The mutation frequency distributions in our region are different from those of other parts of Iran. Significant differences are seen in the spectrum of mutation frequency among various ethnicities. Finally, some missense mutations might not have considerable effect on the proteins, and they could be neutral mutations.  相似文献   
It is the common feature of α-amylases that calcium ion is required for their structural integrity and thermal stability. All amylases have at least one Ca2+ per molecule; therefore amino acids involved in calcium binding are specific and conserved. In this study, sequence analysis revealed the presence of EF-hand-like motif in calcium-binding loop of Bacillus megaterium WHO (BMW)-amylase that was previously isolated from BMW. The EF-hand motif and its variants (EF-hand-like motif) are the most common calcium-binding motifs found in a large number of protein families. To investigate the effect of calcium ion on the thermal stability and activity of BMW-amylase, we used site-directed mutagenesis to replace histidine 58 with Asp (D), Ile (I), Tyr (Y), Phe (F), and Arg (R) at the seventh position of EF-hand-like motif. Upon the addition of an extra DX unit to the calcium-binding loop in H58D variant, thermal stability, catalytic activity, and chelating power of the enzyme improved due to higher affinity toward calcium. H58D variant demonstrated calcium independency compared to the wild type and other created mutants. Conformational changes in the presence and absence of Ca2+ were monitored using fluorescence technique.  相似文献   
In vivo passage of a simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV-89.6) generated a virus, SHIV-89.6P, that exhibited increased resistance to some neutralizing antibodies (G. B. Karlsson et al., J. Exp. Med. 188:1159-1171, 1998). Here we examine the range of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) neutralizing antibodies to which the passaged virus became resistant and identify envelope glycoprotein determinants of antibody resistance. Compared with the envelope glycoproteins derived from the parental SHIV-89.6, the envelope glycoproteins of the passaged virus were resistant to antibodies directed against the gp120 V3 variable loop and the CD4 binding site. By contrast, both viral envelope glycoproteins were equally sensitive to neutralization by two antibodies, 2G12 and 2F5, that recognize poorly immunogenic structures on gp120 and gp41, respectively. Changes in the V2 and V3 variable loops of gp120 were necessary and sufficient for full resistance to the IgG1b12 antibody, which is directed against the CD4 binding site. Changes in the V3 loop specified complete resistance to a V3 loop-directed antibody, while changes in the V1/V2 loops conferred partial resistance to this antibody. The epitopes of the neutralizing antibodies were not disrupted by the resistance-associated changes. These results indicate that in vivo selection occurs for HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins with variable loop conformations that restrict the access of antibodies to immunogenic neutralization epitopes.  相似文献   
The industrial utilization of savinase is mainly constrained by its stability limitations. In the present study, the irreversible thermoinactivation of savinase has been evaluated at 70 degrees C, and various possible mechanisms for irreversible thermoinactivation of savinase were examined. The main process seemed to be autodigestion of savinase at higher temperatures. To improve the thermal stability of the enzyme, the effect of two co-solvents (sorbitol and trehalose) on the enzyme's activity and stability was investigated. Both osmolytes prevented the autolysis of savinase at 70 degrees C without inactivating the enzyme; furthermore, the structural and kinetic stabilities of the enzyme increased in the presence of additives.  相似文献   
The activity of a lipase from a newly isolated Pseudomonas sp. was investigated in the presence of organic solvents and imidazolium chloride‐based ionic liquids (IL) such as BMIM[Cl] and HMIM[Cl]. The lipase activity in the presence of IL was higher compared to that in common organic solvents such as methanol and 2‐propanol. A possible explanation for the enzyme activation might be the structural changes induced in the protein in organic systems. Since IL quench the intensity of fluorescence emission, it was not possible to investigate the major factor that influences the enzyme behavior in these new organic salts. Furthermore, the enzyme exhibited excellent activity in buffer mixtures containing both organic solvent and IL. The stability of the lipase at 50°C was considerably increased in the presence of 20% BMIM[Cl] compared with the untreated lipase in aqueous medium. The light scattering method clearly showed that prevention of aggregation could be the reason for thermal stabilization at 50°C in reactions containing IL. Kinetic analysis of the enzyme in the presence of different concentrations of IL showed that the Km value increased from 0.45 mM in aqueous buffer to 2.4 mM in 50% v/v BMIM[Cl]/buffer. The increase in Km indicates that IL can significantly reduce the binding affinity of the substrate to the enzyme. Also, a linear correlation was observed between the BMIM[Cl] concentration and Vmax of the enzyme. As the concentration of BMIM[Cl] increased from 10 to 50% v/v, the Vmax value increased from 1.8 to 46 μM/min.  相似文献   
We have determined a 2.1 A crystal structure for human mitochondrial ClpP (hClpP), the proteolytic component of the ATP-dependent ClpXP protease. HClpP has a structure similar to that of the bacterial enzyme, with the proteolytic active sites sequestered within an aqueous chamber formed by face-to-face assembly of the two heptameric rings. The hydrophobic N-terminal peptides of the subunits are bound within the narrow (12 A) axial channel, positioned to interact with unfolded substrates translocated there by the associated ClpX chaperone. Mutation or deletion of these residues causes a drastic decrease in ClpX-mediated protein and peptide degradation. Residues 8-16 form a mobile loop that extends above the ring surface and is also required for activity. The 28 amino acid C-terminal domain, a unique feature of mammalian ClpP proteins, lies on the periphery of the ring, with its proximal portion forming a loop that extends out from the ring surface. Residues at the start of the C-terminal domain impinge on subunit interfaces within the ring and affect heptamer assembly and stability. We propose that the N-terminal peptide of ClpP is a structural component of the substrate translocation channel and may play an important functional role as well.  相似文献   
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