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The dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus was exposed to ballast water from a trans-oceanic vessel, and maintained at a variety of temperatures in the dark to determine if viability would be maintained. Logarithmically growing Gambierdiscus inocula were admixed (1:6, vol:vol) with ballast water, maintained in the dark at 22.6 °C, 24.6 °C, 26.8 °C and 29.0 °C and assessed for numerical abundance over six days. Calculated growth rates from the biomass time series showed no indication that ballast water negatively impacted Gambierdiscus viability; accompanying microscopic inspections supported this conclusion. Filtration of large volumes of collected ballast water failed to show the presence of any Gambierdiscus cells contained therein. Recovery and microscopic examination of the experimental inocula after 10 weeks in the dark, failed to show cyst development at any temperature regime. This examination of ballast water showed no evidence of cytotoxicity to Gambierdiscus spp.  相似文献   
The relationship between steady‐state growth rate and phosphate concentration was studied for the marine prymnesiophyte Pavlova lutheri (Droop) J. C. Green grown in a chemostat at 22°C under continuous irradiance. A bioassay procedure involving short‐term uptake of 10 picomolar spikes of 33P‐labeled phosphate was used to estimate the concentration of phosphate in the growth chamber. The relationship between growth rate and phosphate was well described by a simple rectangular hyperbola with a half‐saturation constant of 2.6 nM. The cells were able to take up micromolar spikes of phosphate at rates two to three orders of magnitude higher than steady‐state uptake rates. The kinetics of short‐term uptake displayed Holling type III behavior, suggesting that P. lutheri may have multiple uptake systems with different half‐saturation constants. Chl a:C ratios were linearly related to growth rate and similar to values previously reported for P. lutheri under nitrate‐limited conditions. C:N ratios, also linearly related to growth rate, were consistently lower than values reported for P. lutheri under nitrate‐limited conditions, a result presumably reflecting luxury assimilation of nitrogen under phosphate‐limited conditions. C:P ratios were linearly related to growth rate in a manner consistent with the Droop equation for growth rate versus cellular P:C ratio.  相似文献   
The marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. A. Fryxell & Hasle was grown in a chemostat over a series of phosphate‐limited growth rates. Ambient substrate concentrations were determined from bioassays involving picomolar spikes of 33P‐labeled phosphate, and maximum uptake rates were determined from analogous bioassays that included the addition of micromolar concentrations of unlabeled phosphate and tracer concentrations of 33P. The relationship between cell phosphorus quotas and growth rates was well described by the Droop equation. Maximum uptake rates of phosphate spikes were several orders of magnitude higher than steady state uptake rates. Despite the large size of the T. weissflogii cells, diffusion of phosphate through the boundary layer around the cells had little effect on growth kinetics, in part because the cellular N:P ratios exceeded the Redfield ratio at all growth rates. Fitting the Monod equation to the experimental data produced an estimate of the nutrient‐saturated growth rate that was ~50% greater than the maximum growth rate observed in batch culture. A modified hyperbolic equation with a curvature that is a maximum in magnitude at positive growth rates gave a better fit to the data and an estimate of the maximum growth rate that was consistent with observations. The failure of the Monod equation to describe the data may reflect a transition from substrate to co‐substrate limitation and/or the presence of an inducible uptake system.  相似文献   
An analysis of technical and theoretical problems associated with the measurement of phytoplankton sinking rates by several commonly used methods indicates that these methods are both inaccurate and imprecise. Sinking rates estimated by the discrete sample layer (DSL) method tend systematically to over-estimate the mean sinking rate of the population due to the effect of inefficient detection of cells on the bottom of the settling chamber. Sinking rates estimated using the homogeneous sample (HS) method and so-called t0–5 technique systematically under-estimate the mean sinking rate if any cells in the population sink faster than twice the estimated average sinking rate.

A rigorous mathematical framework is developed which, in conjunction with certain modifications in settling chamber design, allows calculation of the mean sinking rate (assuming that no cells are positively buoyant) for both the DSL and HS methods. These theoretical and technical modifications permit mean sinking rates to be estimated more rapidly and with greater accuracy and precision than has been possible by previous methods.  相似文献   

Sinking rates of heterogeneous, temperate phytoplankton populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Throughout the summer of 1978, the sinking rates of phytoplanktonwithin the Controlled Experimental Ecosystems (CEE's) were monitoredusing a technique based upon measurement of the transit timeof radioactively (14C) labeled cells. The experimental frameworkof FOODWEB 1 offered an unprecedented opportunity to documentthe sinking rates of heterogeneous phytoplankton of diversetaxonomic composition, growing under a variety of nutrient regimes;the absence of advective exchange in the CEE's provided knowledgeof the preconditioning history of the phytoplankton sampledat any given time. Sinking rates of whole phytoplankton assemblages (not size-fractioned)ranged from 0.32 – 1.69 m·day–1; the averagerate (± s.d.) observed was 0.64 ± 0.31 m·day–1.The most notable deviations from the mean value occurred whenthe population size distribution and taxonomic composition shifteddue to blooms. The relationship between phytoplankton sinkingand ambient nutrient levels was studied by following the ratesof a given size fraction (8–53 µm) for ten daysfollowing nutrient enrichment of a CEE. Over this time sinkingrates ranged from 1.08– 1.53 m·day–1; decreasedrates occurred after nutrification, yet over the course of theentire trial sinking rates were not significantly (p >0.05)correlated to the ambient levels of any single nutrient species. The sinking rate implications of spore formation were also studied,and showed that sinking rates of Chaetoceros constrictus andC. socialis spores (2.75 ± 0.61 m·day–1)were ca 5-fold greater than rates measured when the vegetativestages of these species dominated the population, reflectingthe influence of physiological mechanisms in controlling phytoplanktonbuoyancy. An example of the potential influence of colony formation uponbuoyancy was noted in observations of C. socialis which occasionallywas found to exist in large spherical configurations made ofcoiled cell chains and having low (0.40 m·day–1)sinking rates. A hydrodynamic rationale is presented to showhow such a colony together with enveloped water may behave asa unit particle having lower excess density, and therefore lowobserved sinking rate, despite its conspicuously large size. Overall, sinking rates were not significantly correlated withany of the measured nutrient or photic parameters. There were,however, trials and comparisons which showed evidence for: (1)higher sinking rates in populations dominated by large cells,(2) decreased sinking rates after nutrient enrichment, and (3)buoyancy response to light levels. It is suggested that correlationof sinking rates with synoptic environmental measurements atany given time is not explicit because the associations mayinvoke lag times of physiological response. The interpretationmade from these findings is that the preconditioning historyof the population, rather than the prevailing conditions atthe time of a given measurement, is most closely associatedwith population buoyancy modifications.  相似文献   
Data describing sinking rates and size structure of microparticulatematerial were collected from Resurrection Bay, Alaska duringthe summer. Spring conditions were inferred from similar dataobtained from a large outdoor pond supplied with nutrient-richdeep water. Size structure of chlorophyll and photosynthesiswere clearly different in the two assemblages. In the summerassemblage, the majority of particulate chlorophyll, carbon,phosphorus, nitrogen, silica, and photosynthesis occurred inthe <5 µm fraction. Average sinking rates of the variousconstituents of the total suspended material differed substantiallyand ranged from 0.07 to 0.63 m d–1. The total downwardflux of carbon was l3% of daily primary production and the sinkingof material greater than 20 µm accounted for nearly allof the downward flux. Sinking rates of actively growing springassemblages differed from the smaller summer assemblages byonly a few tenths of a meter per day.  相似文献   
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